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Friday, June 30, 2017

Overnighter (Lite Edition): Megan Self-Evicts

Good morning & welcome to the first Overnighter of the BB19 season!! :D When I woke up and saw that Megan had self-evicted, I thought I was still sleeping. lol But alas, it is true. Here's what we know..

Around 10:30pm BBT, fans noticed that Megan's picture was grayed out. A few minutes later (10:36pm BBT), a convo between Raven/Christmas confirmed that Megan self-evicted, making Alex the replacement nom, alongside Jillian on the block. Raven said that Megan got caught in her own web of lies and was confronted by Alex. Around 12:04am BBT, Alex said that Megan told her a lie, saying that Jessica said a racial slur involving Alex, which then made Alex/Jessica fight and then Megan self-evicted. What a mess!! Well, it was nice knowing ya, Megan. lol *waves goodbye*

I'm looking forward to Sunday's Big Brother episode for all the juicy details.

Moving on...

Since the feeds turned on at 1am ET, this Overnighter is going to be a lite edition. Let's get to it...

**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $5.99/month all access pass!!

(I will be doing the HG banner tomorrow, or tonight if I have the time. I'll have the names on the banner as always, so it'll be easier to put names to the faces.)

*Jessica/Cody showmance (10:09pm BBT), though Mark/Dominque think Cody is playing her.
*Jillian thinks Josh is too emotional to play BB (I agree lol)
*Paul said that Josh being emotional is driving him crazy. Kevin later stated the same.
*Kevin/Christmas are good buddies in the house
*Jillian warned Josh that he could be the target, and how Kevin/Alex are targets too.
*Jillian thinks Jessica is a "fake bitch".
*Josh is this seasons Vanessa (paranoid, crying and always complaining.)
*There was a nip-slip with Christmas around 12:18am BBT.
*"Superfan" Alex said she's only watched Seasons 1,2, 16, 17 and 18. (No wonder why she didn't know who was Jeff was during her interview. lol)
*Josh got mad with Dominique for saying something to him about talking to his family through the feeds. Josh said he wanted to let his mom know why he was crying. (*Omg. lol)
*The house still doesn't know which HG took the $25k (Kevin) and which one got the Temptation this week.
*Paul is back to his playful ways (social game) by being fun and pulling pranks. He hid under Kevin's bed and scared him (12:06am BBT).
*Josh/Jillian/Ramses are Have Not's

11:10pm BBT:
Paul pulled Raven onto his lap.

11:28pm BBT:
Paul was being flirty with Christmas.

11:32pm BBT:
Alex said she can tell (from her Diary Room session questions) that Jessica has been talking badly about her, so she wants to call Jessica out for it. (**Ooooo drammaaa!!! DO IT! haha) Alex also knows she's the target this week and that if she doesn't win veto, she's probably a goner.

So that's it for the Overnighter (Lite Edition)!! I will be back this afternoon with the Morning/Early Afternoon post.

If you still need the feeds, you can get them by clicking here. Also, I will be drawing the names tonight of the BB Contest Winners! I will notify all winners via email (and on Twitter). Good luck to all of those who entered!! :D

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

I watched the feeds(CBS All Access on Amazon Firestick) but totally missed Megan leaving! Crazy... Christmas is definitely my fav so far...

Razldazlrr said...

OK - well, that's crazy! I thought Cody's comment to her at the nomination ceremony was so mean. What were we missing? I liked her from what I saw - what was she doing? (and Josh? crazy doesn't count - he had a feeling coz he's a smart guy - he's a strange one, crying coz he misses mommy after 2 days - not sure production checked his meds schedule)

Unknown said...

Kevin: "All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine."

K-9 Kompanion said...

Well, so much for being this hotshot "interrogation officer", etc! Something isn't right though. Based on what we (the public) have seen of Megan so far, I didn't see anything that should have made her self-evict. If she served in the military, etc, you would think she was made of tougher stuff than having to put up with a bunch of crazy, over-the-top emotional (Josh!) people. Sorry to see her go. She should have gone alot further.

Unknown said...

Bye Megan, bring back Cameron! Poor fella was "heart broken" after he was evicted. Betcha he wouldnt self-evict

Unknown said...

Buh-bye Megan, bring back Cameron! Poor fella was "heart broken" after he was evicted. Betcha he wouldn't self-evict

Greg said...

Josh blew Megan's game up and made her a target the minute he blew up on her. I think Mark is my favorite, and even though I'm not a fan of the vet twist with Paul, I'd rather keep him than Cody the Robot.

Jon said...

I thought it was messed up that CBS evicts someone on night 1. You should have at least a week in the house to have somewhat of a fair chance. It was the perfect storm and everything went against him. He was very unlucky. I felt bad for him for sure. I think he could have been someone that would have made it far. I hope CBS rights their wrong and brings him back to replace Megan.

Unknown said...

Btw...watching BBAD. If you haven't learned by now, Josh is a human being and has a heart.*eyeroll.

Love Austin said...

According to this article it is possible Megan did not self evict

Sunday will be interesting.

Love Austin said...

According to this article it is possible Megan did not self evict

Sunday will be interesting.

P.S. sorry if this posted multiple times.

Unknown said...

My first thoughts are

Josh needs to pull it together. He is too emotional for this game.

Cody is very unlikable as a player. His inability to pretend he is a friend to the people he doesn't like, will get him evicted. For ex, when Paul was fooling around, he couldn't hide his feelings. OR when Megan tried to talk to him. That act won't last. Then he made another comment to Josh (called him a loser) Even if it's true, why be a (jerk)? I'd love to play poker with him, though. lol

Xmas may be wound too tight to play this too. Just a feeling I got.

I feel badly about Megan, but surprised she left. Unless there was something egregious, you hate to see someone quit.

Me and my 9 year old daughter were so pumped to see Paul back! That's friendship.

cyn said...

That's too bad about Megan - I was rooting for her... this seems like a great cast so far! Every person has evoked some kind of opinion already. And Josh lol. I wish that Cody would've put your boy on the block straight away. Jillian will probably be this season's person sitting on the block every week as a pawn.

So happy to be reading your overnighters again, Jamie :)

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