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Friday, July 21, 2017

Battle Back Comp (Special Episode)

Good evening, BB fans! Tonight at 8pm ET/7pm we will see a special episode of Big Brother 19. It's the Battle Back Showdown comp!! I'm soooo excited to see who will win it!

Playing in the Battle Back Showdown are:

Julie said that ONE PERSON FROM THE HOUSE will battle in the Battle Back! Woah!! And that someone might not even win the Battle Back.

Winner of Round 1 Results:

Round 2 up next!!

Winner of Round 2 is:
(This is Cody being happy, btw. lol)

Next up, Cody will battle a HG that the houseguests pick to go against him in the Final Round! If Cody wins, he goes in the house. If not, he goes home. Cody got to pick the comp he wants to battle in with the HG. He picked the maze comp.

Battling Cody will be:

(HG's did a secret vote.)

Winner of the Battle Back is:
Sunday is the HOH Comp and Nominations episode, but we will know who won HOH as soon as the Live Feeds turn back on tonight!! :D


Stay tuned...
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BBfantasticfan said...

Best tv of the week! Come on your thing and bring the house down

Anonymous said...

I think whoever they pick to play against Cody should have to beat in order to stay in the h house also. That would sure make a difference on who they want to play against Cody. After all, expect the unexpected. If Paul got to come in the house with immunity the first night, he should also have to win to play against Cody if he wants to stay in the house.

Rese said...

So excited for Cody to get back in the house!

Unknown said...

do we know aout when the feeds will come back on tonight??

BBWatcher said...

I hate to see Cody come back into the house.

Kelly said...

Not sure I really think the final comp was fair. It didn't matter who won the first two, they were set up to win since they had already played the game and knew how. It should have been a completely different comp.

Unknown said...

Other than the drama he will create, he played a crappy game to start and guessing he didn't learn anything. He's kinda of a douch

Kelly said...
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Angelface said...

Do you think the fact Cody got the chance to figure out the board for the Maze made a huge difference? I do!

Austin said...

Hope Cody wins hoh

Unknown said...

Cody was the perfect one to come back. Paul will get paranoid now. I love it!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BBfantasticfan said...

As a BB vet, Paul has had every advantage. Fair is fair.

Anonymous said...

Julie said it was a different maze so I believe all was fair.

shhhhhh... said...

Woohoo....I've been waiting for this and on top of it Jessica has the hex temptation. Omg....bb19 is gonna get good again!! That battle back was GREAT!!!! I hope Cody wins the whole thing!!! I know people love to hate him. I'm gonna say it again....people are gonna be rooting for Cody more and more as this season progresses!!! Can't wait til Sundays episode and ur update tomorrow morning Jamie :)

Gr8teful1957 said...

I'd rather see Josh win HOH. That would make for one interesting week.

QueenBee said...

While I am slightly excited that Cody will create some drama for Paul, I am not looking forward to Jessica and Cody reuniting. I am also dreading the awkwardness he creates. Once a bully, always a bully.

Anthony said...

you did hear Julie say that the maze was changed from the previous challenge with all 4 battle back members. his only advantage was kind of knowing the controls. I'm not sure why dom,Gillian & Cameron were looking up when Julie was explaining the rules & not looking at the maze to figure out the best route. sometimes being a HUGE DIE HARD FAN isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Anthony said...

did you not hear Julie say the maze is different than the first challenge? the only advantage cody had was knowing the controls better. it's not his fault that when Julie is explaining the rules all the other houseguests are looking "up at Julie" instead of studying the maze to know the best route to go. and on top of that the most annoying HG ever is Josh, I've never hated any houseguest until this season and that dimwit

Rachel said...

Jess won hoh! I hate her but love Cody❤️💕

MikMat said...

Ugh complete agree!!! Josh is the WORST!! And doesn't even realize all his faults

MikMat said...

Ugh complete agree!!! Josh is the WORST!! And doesn't even realize all his faults

MikMat said...

I completely AGREE!!! Josh is the WORST!!! HE makes the show hard to watch when he is on. He doesn't even realize all the personality faults he has......a real douche!!

Connie said...

Yassss!!! And did I say... YEEESSSS! I didn't like Cody at first but now I'm Team Cody!! I was a die hard Paul fan but after what he did to Dom... no bueno! He's got to go! Like yesterday!

Connie said...

And also.. I hope Cody & Jessica keep their head in the game! No time for that "showmance" crap!

Unknown said...

Jessica wins HOH btw

Stevie said...

Yaaaay!!! So excited that Cody is back! He has grown on me for sure

Nmeerleveld said...

Jessica is HOH! Didn't see that coming!

Angelface said...

Me to QueenBee,

The key to the Maze was not the board, it was the maneuvering, had Paul done a test run like Cody did, I'd bet Paul would have won or it would have been a closer finish.
BB lost a player they needed it repaired to keep their schedule, had they not made sure they had a return player, which they always do! There would be no double eviction night, or it would early end to the season, well we have seen long drawn out ends also.
After all these years, don't we all know their game!
It would be nice to see a clean season, or a 100% past player year.
I can't believe they are hard up for players or players with brains.

Cody learned nothing being evicted once, he's going to go as hard as he can, to bad he is a boring individual.
Really can't believe anyone chose to watch a fairytale romance again, Jessica is not entertaining ether, can not believe she got the last temptation.
Has Big Brother become about the best showmance or game play?
Said it before and I'll say it again, Cody had no idea Megan would bolt, he had no idea Paul had safety, what makes him good in this game? He is no Victor, and Paul is still all about himself. No surprise there, but at least he is entertaining, Cody is not, nor is his blow up doll.

Clair20 said...

My bad is on who is HOH, I'm dying to find out!!!

Nmeerleveld said...

Jessica is HOH! Didn't see that coming!

Angelface said...

Pretty sure I said the BOARD for the Maze, Not the Maze!

Anonymous said...

Cody is the last person I thought I'd ever like cause at first I thought he was just a bully but very quickly I realized he wasn't & Yes I realized this b4 he was evicted & everyone jumped on the Cody bandwagon. I saw that Cody couldn't be "fake" & put on a "performance" & suck up to people like many of the other house guests. Good BB gameplay? Maybe not, but when he called them out he was just honest & to the point not like the rants & petty arguments others in the house have which seem so childish. So he's got my respect. Go Cody!

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see some of this on "Big Brother- the saga" Go Wil!!!

Fred said...

Looks like Cody or Jessica won HOH.

Unknown said...

I thought they said it was a different maze . Still Cody had an advantage as he knew how to hold the cords and move the board back-and-forth .

Unknown said...

Angel face agree agree agree !!

Anonymous said...

Go Wil! Ain't nobody got time for two L's!

QueenBee said...

I agree completely. And I am guessing that this week will show that we are right. Cody and Jessica will let all the power go right to their head and show that they haven't learned from their mistakes. I'm just hoping the others hold their ground and don't try to come "running back"

Unknown said...

Why are people rooting for Cody and Jessica? They are pretty awful people

Anonymous said...

I guess I don't see the Cody dislike. I don't think he is bullying women as people said in the past. He is that way with both women and men. Look at Paul who is telling everyone what he "wants" them to do. He is pushy and it is so hard to watch him strutting back and forth like he is so important. I am so hoping that at least some of the people will see that he is not their faithful ally and now that he no longer has safety, it would be nice to see some smaller alliances. We shall see but some people just plain feel safe with someone who has played before.

I see Cody as being very intense. I think he is so focused that he doesn't take the time to smile or soften his words. You can just see his mind thinking ahead when people are talking to him. I hope that he realizes that he needs to be more diplomatic or he will continue to be #1 enemy. He already has a huge target because he is going to be a huge comp threat.

WiscoFirefigher said...

Although this was an exciting special episode it is pretty clear it was a well thought out ratings booster for CBS. It's pretty obvious with Jessica just winning the hex temptation Cody was coming back. Cameron and Jillian were non factors as far as ratings. Given the past history it wasn't a shocker that it would be Paul and Cody in the final battle. With Megan quitting they needed another house guest to balance time and double eviction. It was a brilliant rating booster yet predictable episode set up by CBS. Well played big brother well played.

Poppy said...

I'm with Angelface's analysis. 100%.

Razldazlrr said...

I just thought it would shake up the game to see Cody come back in and watch people scramble. If Jessica won HOH then it should be really interesting!

Kingboo985 said...

No he won't

mandapanda04 said...

When will any of these muscle heads see that Paul is playing puppet master. Like come on I thought they were here to play, not play some cautious scared game.

mandapanda04 said...

I would love to see Cody and Paul work together

mandapanda04 said...

Everyone needs to stop handing Paul the game , that's so not fair. Please get out Mark, Josh, Alex, Elena , and Raven. Any order but they need to go like asap

Unknown said...

I agree! Cody is playing like a real person not some fake made up persona of past players. Just like in the "old" days before everyone just wanted to make jury to promote their budding entertainment careers

Angelface said...

Paul is very much the same as he was last year, was not my favorite then and he's not now, I do give him credit for basically running the other house guest, most likely will cost him the game, I'll be amazed if it doesn't.

Kevin is the only other person that is at all entertaining,

Here's hoping for showmance destruction next week.

Gina Barcourt said...

me too☹

Gina Barcourt said...

definitely agree

Gina Barcourt said...


bbfansinceday- said...

Not surprised. Insert production to keep things going. If neither one won it was to risky for Cody to be out like right away Kaysar style

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