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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

BB19 Feeds Blackout (Battle Back Comp)

Earlier today, CBS released a tweet-statement stating that there will be a feeds blackout in a couple days due to the Battle Back Comp.

("The #BBLF will be down for longer than usual later this week, but it will be worth it! Tune in Friday at 8/7c for a special #BattleBack ep.")

Even though CBS never officially gave the days, I suspect they'll go down Thursday during the day as usual pre-live show and then will turn back on after the airing of Friday's special BB episode. 

So, who do you guys & gals want to see win the Battle Back? Well, according to the poll I put up a few days ago, most of y'all wanna see Cody win the Battle Back. If you haven't yet voted, go do so! :) (right-side of the blog).

I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter. Until then, enjoy the live feeds  (espeically since they'll be down from Thurs-Friday night post special BB episode.)

Stay tuned...
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Blue eyes said...

Someone needs tell Matt that the same outfit every day isn't a good look.. Matt do ur Laundry or have have that red headed chick do it. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Blue eyes said...

Y is Christmas still in this Game!!Good going BB keeping her around and screwing someone's HOH up

SDfan said...

My vote is for Cody. I hope he and Jessica can take over the house and get those non couples onto their side

Jeff - Louisville, KY said...

My guess is Cameron gets back into the game. Everyone has decided it's Cody's but I'm guessing he'll screw up. Having virtually a new player in the game will be really interesting!

Anonymous said...

Supposedly, he brought clothes with logos, so they were confiscated by BB. Either he's stupid or he's so cocky he doesn't think the rules apply to him. I'm leaning toward the first choice after seeing his game playπŸ™‚. Maybe the upcoming comps will have outfits so he can have more than 2 sets of clothes.

Susan said...

Agreed Jeff, can't stomach Cody, would like to see Cameron back

Blue eyes said...

Please bring Cody back and get rid of Paul and Christmas and Matt and Raven and Mark and Elana and Rasmey and Josh and two faced Alex.

Blue eyes said...

I want Cody back

Blue eyes said...

Bring Cody back

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