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Friday, July 28, 2017

Friday: The Overnighter

Happy TGI-Friday, y'all!! :D Yesterday, we saw Ramses leave the BB19 house and then Paul winning HOH this week. Immediately following the show, Paul talked to Cody/Jessica (and then Mark joined) and did damage control, saying that it wasn't anything personal against them (getting the votes to flip to getting Ramses out, instead of Jessica's target, Josh). He kept saying that he thinks Ramses has the $25k (as we know, it was Kevin that got that and Paul is aware of that, actually lol) It was a crock of sh*t that Paul was feeding them. If you wanna watch that, go to 7:03pm BBT.

So, now what can we expect from HOH Paul this week? Well, despite Jessica laying down this awesome nugget of info (that was slightly exaggerated lol) it seems that Paul wants to test Jessica's powers out and put them up on the block. Now, don't forget that we have a new twist (...I'm not sure why we have yet another twist, but okay..) called "Temptation Comp"..not to be easily confused with the Den of Temptation. No, no. This is totally different: it's a competition PRIOR to nominations for 3 weeks (this week + 2 more weeks). The winner = gets safety from the block that week. The last place loser = gets automatically nominated as that weeks 3rd nominee. So this could throw a wrench in the plans for Paul.

I can see either Mark or Elena going home this week for sure, while Cody/Jessica will be safe no matter what. If Jessica/Cody are nominated and the Halting Hex is used (which would cancel the eviction), then Paul's HOH will be a total waste of time, and he'll be left vulnerable next week (as Jessica/Cody/Mark and/or Elena will be playing in the HOH). Either way, we're in for some interesting things headed our way!

Okay, let me go gather up the Overnighter and I'll post the highlights from last night.

**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $5.99/month all access pass!! Steaming of every live BB19 episode is included!!

8:27pm BBT:
Lounge Room
Paul/Jason (then Alex joins a minute later)
Paul: "I'm gonna put Jess and Cody up to see, because I think she's bluffing.."

Alex says there's no way that Jessica has a 3 week temptation.
Alex: "..maybe 1 week."

Sidenote: Jessica can use the Halting Hex one time only, and she has this week and next week only to use it. So, Alex is correct.

8:39pm BBT:
Rose Bedroom

Cody solidifies that it's them 4 (Cody/Jess/Mark/Elena) together in the game. Jess hopes that Paul will go after Josh because nobody wants Josh in the jury house and just be done with this week. (*Not gonna happen.)

12:01am BBT:
HOH Room
Paul brings up the idea of "stripping Elena away from Mark" (..which he's been planting seeds with Elena to get rid of Mark because he's hurting her game). He toys with the idea of getting Elena to go up as a pawn, get Mark out. Paul brings up how he told Elena to separate herself from Mark, and implies that this might be a good move/good timing to do it.

Matt: "You're in a powerful position.."
Paul: "And I'm not gonna make a p*ssy move."

They go over more options. Paul, for the millionth time last night, says there's no way that Jessica has 3 weeks of safety and there's no way that her Temptation was better than his.

12:43am BBT:
HOH Room

Paul warns her that she could be a pawn this week but he's not sure what he's doing just yet. (This would be Paul's backup plan, to put Mark/Elena up with Mark being the target and then snag up Elena for his side).

2:26am BBT:
HOH Room

Alone in his HOH room, Paul did a friendship chat with feedsters to catch us up to speed on where his mind is. He goes over from Day 1 and how he's been planting seeds, how he "flawlessly" got out Cody, and how he's putting Jessica/Cody up during nominations today (Friday).

**And that's it for The Overnighter! So today, the HG's will have their first Temptation Comp, and then Paul will have to do nominations. Since this is the 1st time for the Temp Comp, we'll have to see how it all plays out. Gotta love new twists!

What do you guys & gals think of Paul as HOH this week? Let me know in the comment section! I'll be putting up new polls on the right side of the blog today as well, so check back for that in a little bit (if they're not up yet). I'll also update the banner later on post-noms. :)

Stay tuned...
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Dianne said...

I don't get the Temptation comp due to its voluntary status. Why would anyone voluntarily compete when their chance of winning & getting safety is no better than their chance of losing & winding up on the block. What an I missing?

Unknown said...

If you think you are already going up on the block...why not take the chance to win n prevent that from happening. It's like a pre-veto competition

Unknown said...

And do they secretly decide if they are competing? It can be a bluff situation.. Who is or isn't going to compete..let's say just Cody n Jessica compete. Then one is guaranteed safety n one on the block automatically

Razldazlrr said...

I'm not really getting the temptation either.

OK - I needed to vote twice - I do think they skipped the psych tests with this crowd AND I don't like them bringing back a vet. Either have all new players OR all vet players. I really think it gives you an advantage when you have been in the house before and know what to expect, especially in beginning.

I really wish they would evict Raven - it appears she is a con artist and her voice drives me crazy!

Unknown said...

if you think you're going up, it's worth it. But also, if you think the target is playing in it, someone has to play vs them so they don't get an easy win/safety.

Paul HAS to put up Jess/Cody. From his point of view it either 1)calls their bluff or 2)makes them use it.

I keep going back and forth, who is the better player to get out, Jess or Cody. Cody can win comps, but has zero social game and worse game play. Jess is ok at comps, not much better at social, but is better at gameplay (not that it's great)

Mark seems like a nice guy, but a tumbleweed. He'll go where the wind takes him. Not much of a threat it seems. And Elana could be an ally. So to me, it's Jess and Cody OTB this week.

Angelface said...

As we know, Paul is using Josh as a shield, and a chit stirrer and will not be putting him up.

Why are they adding in this Temptation at this point?
Beer & Wine spice up the house, hey have been holding that back for a few years now,

Even if the Hex is used and restarts the week, it is the right move to put up Jesé & Cody, gets the Hex out of the way.

What does this Temptation do for those on the block? Can someone on the block get safety, plus the veto.

Like you know, it should be like intresting. Like some like great like drama!

dappledog said...

I'm with you. I thought the same thing. Why participate when there's a chance you could be on the block.

umm-hmmm... said...

I don't get Jessica's halting hex can she save BOTH her and Cody? If they are both on the block and neither wins veto, how can she save both of them? I can see her being able to 'halt' one nomination but not two.

Jamie said...

It halts the eviction.

Anonymous said...

LOL - too many twists! It's getting so confusing! Didn't Christmas also have something she could have used? Did she use it? I don't even remember! And Jess has this Hex thing and now there's a temptation comp. Arrrrggghhh! Just get on with game play - maybe bring back Pandora's Box - that was always pretty funny! These new twists/temptations last too long and are getting too complicated.

Unknown said...

I detest Paul. He is a vile person. Somebody please wake up and quit kissing his butt.

furhead said...

I think it would be kind of genius for Paul to have Cody and Mark on the block. Not only would it potentially flush the halting hex out, but if she didn't use it, Mark could end up out the door. So it would kind of be a win-win either way for Paul I would think.

Amy said...

I don't like Cody and Jessica, so the sooner they go the better, I don't care how just get out of the house for good Cody.

TXGal99 said...

Since Paul is putting Jody up if I were them I'd play in the temptation comp. If one wins that one is safe and they can still play for veto and pull one down. Worst case they have to use the hex to halt the eviction.

BBWatcher said...

I hope Paul nominates Cody and Mark. Jessica would definitely use the Halting Hex to save Cody if they didn't have the veto.

Razldazlrr said...

I agree - all these temptations are getting confusing. Well, I'm not a huge Paul fan but at least he's playing the game. Remember last year? Nicole did a lot of nothing until the end and won.

Yep, booze definitely made things interesting. I think it got cut way back when that guy put the knife to the woman's neck? remember that?

Unknown said...

Most of those maroons couldn't win an ass kicking contest against a one legged man!!!! These temptation competitions will be interesting. Love it how some many of these people talk about about "when I win HOH".......ermmmm.......don't hold your breath anyone!!

LoriGB said...

I'm over production guiding the game. Let them play and be done with the "twists and temptations and other nonsense" already!

Elpheba said...

Yes.. she used it.

Elpheba said...

Agree.. 100%

Elpheba said...

Paul wants Cody out. The truth is that Paul is afraid of Cody.

Elpheba said...

Meaning what? No eviction this week?

Elpheba said...

It is not a temptation. It is the result of Jessica taking the temptation. That's how they set up the game. I think they were hoping the HGs would be angry at a person who took a temptation because they end up with consequences. But that didn't happen.

Elpheba said...

Do they say'" you are not allowed to talk about production" because they don't want us to know this is all scripted?
It seems like they tell Paul what to say and do. It seems like they give him info.

JChism said...

Here’s how CBS describes the Hex: “Whether on the block or not, [the holder] can halt any one of the next four evictions during the live show, making it a non-eviction night.”

Unknown said...

I hate seeing these people be so stupid. They are following Paul like a fiddle. I didn't like him last season. He rude and disrespectful to Cody a Military Veteran. Paul is the one with the little man problem. People start playing your own game. Please I really like Jessica. Only one who stands up to little man Paul. Go Jessica.

Unknown said...

Think about it Mark needed it. Paul was going after him just for being friends with Cody.

Unknown said...

She really crazy.

Unknown said...

If you watched last night BB After Dark Paul slept. Jessica and Cody had a great social game last night. Paul is the one unless you follow him he goes after you like he is crazy. He does nothing but talk about getting Cody to go after him and hit him so he thrown out of the BB House.

Unknown said...

The first two weeks Jody bullied josh. I thought they (jody) were terrible and Jody started all this week1. This is a game for $500,000! There are going to be fights, disagreements, betrayal every week. Just wait until they have to start evicting each other. I like Paul.

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