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Monday, July 17, 2017

Monday: The Overnighter (lite edition)

Good morning & Happy Monday!! (Kind of an oxymoron, isnt' it?..Happy/Monday. lol) Sunday's in the Big Brother house have always been lazy days. Yesterday was no exception. Not to mention that the only one playing the game is pretty much Paul. Alex might be HOH but who's really running her HOH; her or Paul? For the sake of entertainment, I'm hoping to see either Cody come back in, Paul leave, or the houseguests wake up to Paul running the house. I'll take either option at this point. lol Otherwise, this season is going to be as dreadful as the past 4.

Speaking of Cody, this week is the Battle Back comp, so we'll see what happens with that. Let's just hope Jillian (who?!!) doesn't' win her way back in. It'd be a real snoozefest then. lol

Veto holder, Jason, did a little bit of flip flopping yesterday on if he was going to use the veto today or not. As it stands, I have no idea if he will or not. He told Mark that he wouldn't use it so this way Mark doesn't go as the replacement nom (as planned). However, at 2:23am BBT, Jason told HOH Alex that he isn't going to use the veto, which upset her a little bit.

After they talked and counted the votes together to evict Dom, he said he would use the veto like Alex requested him to.

So, will he or won't he? That's the question. Today is the Veto Ceremony, so we will have that answer today. What do you guys think? Should he use or shouldn't he?

I'll be back later on with the Veto Ceremony results!! Until then, enjoy the live feeds !!

Stay tuned...
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Joe said...

He should use it if alex wants him to, she is hoh and he is her ally. No brainer, the blood would be on her hands anyway.

Getting tired of seeing paul's masterful gameplay portrayed boring, you have to respect the skill he is using. It will liven up once his safety is over for sure!

Jamie said...

Paul is actually playing a terrible game. If you don't believe me, go on Twitter and look at former BB winners who are saying the same thing. He's playing too aggressive and he will be caught soon. It'd take a BB miracle for him to stay and win at this point...even after having a 1 month free pass of safety. lol

A lot of people hated Derrick because he was boring, but his game play was more brilliant than Paul's game. Apples to oranges between them, for sure.

Unless the house is placating him until his safety is over and then he'll become a target. lol

Razldazlrr said...

It will be interesting to see who will stand up to Paul and put him on the block after his safety is gone. I'm getting pretty tired of his constant big mouth. I think people have been fine being manipulated by him, as long as it isn't them on the block.

Wouldn't it be weird if it's Cameron that wins the battle back? He doesn't know anyone and would be at a big disadvantage.

Watched last night and I didn't realize Kevin was so tall - I think he said 6'3".

Christmas looks pretty pale - I hope she can make it to jury and then leave the game and relax. I still can't believe such a horrible injury from such a small incident - it's crazy!

Dianne said...

So why does Alex want Jason to use the POV if she (Paul) is intent on sending Dom home???

Krissy said...

This week I'm hating!! Alex is a spitfire wanting to do what she wants and then she lets Paul run her HOH. I was happy Paul was back in the house but now I'm ready for him to leave. Cody said he would align with Paul if he comes back so that's not exciting as far as gameplay it would be nice to see the others faces though minus Jessica. The veto doesn't need to be used if they want Dominique out. Why play nominee switch a roo if they don't have to? After the HOH makes nominations they're no longer really in power unless they win veto or an alliance member wins veto. Why hasn't anyone realized this yet? These characters make me wonder every year!!

FEMily! said...

I agree with you, Jamie. For someone who was safe for three straight weeks, Paul is way too aggressive and pushy. Hopefully once his safety is up, someone will play the hero and take him out. I don't care who that person is. I can't say that I wouldn't be working with Paul if I were in the house, especially since he's safe and popular among the other houseguests, but I definitely wouldn't take him to the end. I'd take him to jury so he could be a vote for me, but that's it.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Because they don't want the house to keep Do and send Jessica home. If they pull Jess off and replace her with someone with someone more popular, Dom would then have less votes to stay. Plus they can make sure Jess votes to evict Dom.

Anonymous said...

Alex was afraid she wouldn't have the votes to evict Dom - putting Mark on the block with Dom ensures he can't vote for her stay.

Susan said...

Tired of his big mouth too! Can't believe he is or was ever america's favorite ugh

Dianne said...

Thx for answering my question, I was having a duh moment.

SDfan said...

I can't believe no one with side deals with Paul believe they are his chosen ride/die with...Alex, Kevin, Josh, Xmas. Are they dumb? I thought Alex was smarter than that.

I hope Cody returns and takes out Paul...but then someone will save Paul with this Hex Temptation and Cody will get screwed again. I'm calling that

Unknown said...

I was pulling for Alex, but if she is with Paul, that totally changes my mind about her. Thought maybe she was stringing him along until her comment in diary room.

Unknown said...

When most of the houseguests in the last few seasons have only watched a few episodes or 1 season, and it wasn't a great season at that, no wonder they don't know how to play this game. Will, Dan, Derek, Evel Dick, etc etc. That's how you play Big Brother.

Dawn said...

I would use paul for info and he played the game before he knows what to expect that's great. Once he is safe you can listen to his game play he tells you what he wants to do he puts little ideas and peoples head makes him think their theirs and he minute be late so I think he's manipulating everyone in the house they just don't realize it yet eventually though compare notes and catch on I think Jessica might actually not want him there more even if Cody comes back so that would be interesting if they're both there at the same time I think Dom is a stronger Player that is why she's going out again when Paul has no safety he's planted all the seats we will see if any of them take root and grow and all the craziness happens with each other which each player attacking the other thing they won't look at him he'll just quietly sit in a corner and watch his seeds grow and expand and each other out

Unknown said...

I read Paul is planning to dress in "Black Face" to make fun of Dom being a Black Snake. The internet is going CRAZY over it.

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