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Monday, July 24, 2017

Monday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Monday!! Today is the Veto Ceremony, where veto winner (and HOH) Jessica is expected to *not* use it, blindly trusting that the house will vote out Josh..although the house is lying to her and they will be voting Ramses out instead.

Since we're on the topic of delusional thinking, I'll add in that Cody thinks they can pull Christmas to 'their' side. (1) She's Paul's ride or die and (2) she's injured and can't even walk. Either way you slice it, I can't see this amounting to anything good for them (Cody/Jessica).

In other news, Kevin/Mark/Paul are on slop this week. (Josh is still on slop this week.) Mark tried his luck on the Have Not lockboxes to see if he could win a pass, and instead he recieved 2 week penalty. Ouch! lol Mark said he hopes to win HOH (so he can eat real food lol) because he's not 'sure if he's gonna make it' 3 weeks.

At 4:15pm BBT, Jess/Cody talked in the hammock and for a second, it seemed like Jessica started to come around to the idea that maybe..just maybe..the house isn't going to evict Josh like she wants this week.

Cody, however, is (wrongly) confident that Josh is leaving for sure. Cody told Jessica that if Josh stays and Ramses go, he's going to win HOH and hulk out on the house. He confessed he already wanted to hit Josh a few times and how he never wants to see him again after the show. Jessica thinks he's a sociopath (*Oh hunny no, Sociopaths aren't weak nor are they cry babies, very far from it. Opposite of Josh. Josh is textbook Victim Narcissist. Manchild. I'm a huge psychology nerd and it sticks in my craw to hear this convo. lol)

**And that's it for The Overnighter! Today is the Veto Ceremony & unless Jessica bypasses Cody's assurance of Josh getting evicted Thursday, I don't see her using the veto. This will be a big mistake and her/Cody are in for a big blindside on Thursday night unless Josh spills the beans between now and Thursday (which is definitely a possibility because he's..well..Josh.)

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

Kevin is slowing becoming my favorite, he is laying low and makes me laugh all the time.

Razldazlrr said...

I'm still not getting why they want Ramses out - he could be pulled to either side at any time. cody and jessica could have used him for numbers.

Kevin - yep he is funny. How about when he wrapped himself in saran wrap before going to bed? you might lose weight just from sweating!

Joe said...

Kevin is definetly a cool cat.

Josh reminds me of Rachel (except he doesnt do nearly as well in competitions)

The veto comp was great, cody and jess both showed their maturity and focus and props to jess on winning on dad's anniversary date, was happy for her, thought that was really cool.

Joe said...

Oops i meant the hoh comp, havent seen veto yet

Lea said...

Loved you analysis of Josh!

sissy92101 said...

I think Jessica and Cody want to keep Ramese it the other side that will get rid of Ramese but I think they are making a mistake for keeping Josh he is a ticking bomb. I love Kevin he is so funny the things he says and does is a hoot.

Anonymous said...

Big Brother 101 - When you are in the Minority, the Pawns ALWAYS go home. I know you want mend fences, but if you want to ensure that Josh goes home, you put him up against someone everyone wants to keep (Raven/Elena). Even if Josh doesn't go home, you create division amongst those that voted out Elena/Raven.

M Jamaar Davis said...

With the house already showing weakness, the potential for a Josh explosion is the only thing to look forward too. Especially since Cody let us all down and came back to be Cody again.

djone said...

After watching the HOH competition on Sunday's aired show, I cannot understand this blind faith Jessica and Cody have with this week's vote. When the eliminated houseguests had to dole out punishments EVERY SINGLE ONE set their sights on "Jody". That speaks volumes. If they can't see the other side is going to use Josh to come after them (as well as who wouldn't want to sit next to Josh in a final?), then Jessica and Cody deserve to be blindsided. If I have to hear "meatball" one more time...this guy thinks he is Zach Rance but I am probably giving him too much credit!

Nicole Chenault said...

hahaha! Jess thinks Josh is the sociopath??! That's cute. She'd be closer to the truth if she suspected her boyfriend was one. lol

Jamie said...

Oh I definitely think codys a sociopath lol I didn't wanna play armchair psychologist too much in one post though ;) Definitely agree with you.

Steve Robbins Art said...

Does the rest of the house want Ramses out just to spite Jessica? What on earth do they actually get out of Josh other than headaches, insecurity, and subtle ripples of mommy-flavored misogyny?

Anonymous said...

@Steve Robbins - As long as Josh is in the house, he's target number 1 of Cody/Jess. They can continue to goad him into harassing Cody/Jess to "get in their head." Josh thinks he's a valued member of the team because he's getting Cody/Jess off their game so they don't win challenges, but in reality it keeps the target painted on him and not on the people Jess/Cody should be targeting (Matt, Mark, Raven, Elena, Paul, Christmas).

Unknown said...

I do like him as well.

Obsidiandog. said...

I do believe Elena has been kept in the dark about the plan to evict Josh because of her proximity to Mark. She didn't lie to Jess, the rest of the house lied to Elena.

Mikomama said...

I think Christmas is wayyyyy to "touchy-feely" with Kevin. If I were his wife, I would not be happy. She needs to back off and respect his marriage (yes, I see it as dis-respect), and he needs to do his part by telling her to back off. Other than that, Kevin is my favorite simply because he is so dang hilarious!

Unknown said...

Paul wants Ramses out because he almost beat him in that POV comp, as such, the rest of the house agrees for some reason

Unknown said...

Paul wants Ramses out because he almost beat him in that POV comp as such the rest of the house bows to his commands unfortunately

Dnev said...

I'm just curious. If J/C get wind that Ramses is going, do you think she would be dumb enough to use the hex to same him? My thinking is it would show they are truly alone, and saving Ramses would at least, in theory, give them an ally.

Jamie said...

Noted & corrected, thanks.

UnionGrl said...

Try as a might I just can't like J/C. They play a shallow, stupid game and their constant kissy face and huggy bod is getting very old. Jess wants them to have an after life like Jeff/Jordan or Rachel/Brendon but they just aren't that interesting. He's a sour faced bully and she's a vulgar little princess. ICK!

Anonymous said...

I'd like some input here this game has to ge rigged! Come on jess and cody cant be this dumb, why didnt jess use the veto and take ramsees off and pu a big target up (paul) so the meatball (annoying cry baby josh) could go back to mommies??? In my opinion this whole show is orchestrated. I came to this conclusion about 3 years ago! Please give some creative input here??,

Anonymous said...

I've come to the conclusion the whole show is rigged! I believe maybe the 1st 5 years were real but it has to be orchestrated! Jess and cody are not as dumb as they are being portrayed. Why they didnt use the veto to secure josh's exit is beyond me! And why in the world would jess tell anyone she got that power its rigged!

Anonymous said...

Is there one house guest besides paul that actually knows how to play big brother? Ameature hour!

Anonymous said...

Wow Uniongirl id say the only one playing the game is paul he is the puppet master. I cant believe the way everyone follows him around. He could lead them off a cliff with absolutely no objections! Talk about floaters they are all floating!!!

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