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Saturday, July 29, 2017

Saturday: The Overnighter

Happy Weekend, everybody!! If you haven't yet heard about last night on the live feeds , then you're in for a fun treat this morning! They were ahhh-mazing last night!!!

First we had Paul VS Cody in the HOH room (finally), then we had Mark nearly attack Josh (who was provoking him by banging pans together in his face), then Josh got in trouble for that and for jumping on BB's living room furniture, Jessica/Cody had a falling out (and then made-up), Jessica blew up Raven/Matt's game to Elena by painting a target on them. Oh, and in the middle of all this, Jessica told Christmas about her hex and what it all entails (she told the truth), as Paul/Christmas tried to get Jessica to distance herself from Cody. Pheww!!

I think that about sums up last night in a nutshell.

Since there was soooo much to watch unfold last night, the Overnighter is going to be more of a guide for timestamps, rather than in-depth coverage (I'd be here for the whole day trying to cover everything lol).

Let's get to it!!

**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $5.99/month all access pass!! Steaming of every live BB19 episode is included!!

7:21pm BBT:
HOH Room

Paul said he believes Jessica has a power and he had "2 noms ready" (that weren't them) and "9 people" wanted them two up. Jessica said his HOH this week is now a waste because of her Temptation power (Halting Hex). Jessica wanted to fight this battle with Paul on her own, but Cody interjected and fought with Paul for treating the houseguests "like dogs" and he's sick of hearing how he's a vet and that he's played this game before, and knows more than anybody.

Jessica: "You should have not have done that." (re: nom'ing them)
Paul: "9 people..the whole house.."
Cody: "And you do what 9 people tell you to do??!"

Jessica: "Paul, your HOH means nothing."

Cody & Paul start getting into it. Jessica tells them to stop and continues to talk to Paul, which doesn't get anywhere because Cody/Paul are still going at it. Jessica remains Paul that the power she has, has never been used in the game before.

Paul tells Jessica to lower her voice, Cody tells him he can't tell Jessica to lower her voice. Paul kicks them out of the room..

Paul: "Leave this room."
Cody: "F*ck you, Paul."
Paul: "Leave this room."
Cody: "What are you gonna do about it?!"
Paul: "Nothing. Leave this room. I'm an adult."

Cody leaves, as Paul calls him a "kid".

It takes off from there. Paul then calls Cody an "emotional p*ssy" and then chases after Cody as he left the HOH room. Paul yells to Cody that he (C) gets in peoples faces and then walks away (*Huh!??) and tells him to continue to keep walking down the stairs.

Cody: "You're a f*ckin' showman, right? You're just a f*ckin' character on a show."

That remark of being a character on a show, left Paul shook all night as he went and retold the story over and over again.

7:29pm BBT:
Rose Bedroom
Jessica said that Cody shouldn't have taken it personal, been a hot-head and she didn't want him to be "the villian" on the show.

Cody: "How am I the villian?"
Jessica: "I don't wanna f*cking go through this again, God damnitt!"

Jessica: "Am I gonna have to deal with this in the real world, too? You being a hot-head and getting into fights with everyone? Over what..literally, over what?"

Jessica says she needs to be alone and leaves the bedroom, as Cody tells her she can stay in there and he'll leave. As Jessica walks out, she stops in the living room...
 ...and is listening to Josh go off on Mark because Mark was defending Cody (that happened as Jess/Cody were talking).

Josh starts calling Mark a "follower" and  how he "needs to hide behind a man to protect him", telling Mark he's "a joke", etc.

Mark: "Josh, you're talkin' sh*t and he's three rooms away." (*exactly.)

As Josh/Mark continue to fight, Jessica is laying in the bathroom sad by her "breakup" with Cody. Paul sees the opportunity to talk to Jessica, as Josh is in the background banging pans....

..and then the feeds cut.

And if you're wondering what Evel Dick's take on all this is, since he was the 1st BB houseguest to do the pans banging (BB8), here's your answer:

 For those of you wondering why Mark wasn't ejected from the game, it's because he never laid a finger on Josh. If y'all remember back in BB11, Jordan's chest-bump with Russell had more contact and she wasn't ejected either.
8:36pm BBT:
Alex, who says she "loves chaos", is dancing around with Paul as they wear tutu's, and Josh is again banging pans and screaming to Cody in another room (where he can't hear him) and he's going home.
Josh: "MEATBALLS! YOU'RE GOIN' HOOOOME!" (*No they're noooooot. lol)

8:57pm BBT:
Lounge Room
Paul says that if Jess really does have the hex, why are they freaking out then.
Paul: "Cody's an emotional p*ssy. Checkmate." (*He's gonna be pissed on Thursday. lol)

9:00pm BBT:
Josh said production told him to stop provoking houseguests and stop banging the pans.

9:30pm BBT:
Rose Bedroom
Jessica tells Christmas about the stops the eviction from taking place, making the HOH's week a waste, and then HOH cannot play next week. Christmas tries to get Jessica to see that her game would be better without Cody.

Christmas: "There's lots of ways you can play this."
Jessica: "I honestly didn't think Paul was gonna nominate us."
Christmas: "If you felt safe, would you keep (the noms the same)?"
Jessica: "I dunno. Cody's the only one in this game that I can count on to not come after me, regardless of how he's feeling. I shouldn't have to work for anyones trust anymore. And I'm not doing it anymore."
Christmas: "Keeping Cody by your side, ensures nobody trust you..."
Jessica: "I don't trust anybody!"

Christmas says she doesn't either. She tells Jessica that she's not at the top of anyone's target list, nor the bottom of it.

9:44pm BBT:
Paul tells Mark to "start playing for the right side".

9:48pm BBT:
Have Nots Room

Elena is telling Cody about Mark vs Josh earlier. Cody's laughing. Elena said she can't believe she quit her job for this. (*lol) Cody said he'll tell Jess to not use the hex, somehow get her off the block and get him voted out. Elena tells him Jess would never do that.

Elena: "She's crazy about you. She won't do it. I promise."
Cody: "She asked me if I'm a hot-head in real life, and I was like sh*t..I kinda am."

10:14pm BBT:
Rose Bedroom
Jess tells Elean about the hex and how she told Paul and still he nom'ed them both. Elena tells her what Cody said, about not wanting to be there anymore and that he's bad for her game. Jessica then talks about how Matt/Raven do jack-sh*t in the house and how they're not targeted. They both agree they love Matt (on a personal level) but they both don't like Raven. Jess comments about how Raven has different accents and is fake. She's tired of them doing nothing in the game and not being on anyone's radar.

10:44pm BBT:
Have Nots Room
Jessica said she doesn't need to date a hot-head, she needs someone to balance her out: to calm her down when she's being a hot-head, and vice versa. She appreciates him defending her to Paul, but it was "too much". Jessica wants them to be a team.

Cody: "I don't think I can balance you out, the way you need someone to balance you out."
Jessica: "You don't want to? Or you can't?"
Cody: "I can't."

Fast-forward to...

11:34pm BBT:
Have Nots Room

Cody is telling her that how he was in the HOH room with Paul, is how he is. He won't change it. He doesn't want to change it. That's him.

Cody: "There's nothing I can do about it."
Cody said he doesn't have many friends and he's still single, and doesn't talk to family much.

Cody: "It's the life I live. I know it's not a good one, but.."
Jessica hugs him right away.

Cody: "And you telling me not to be myself, doesn't make me happy either."
He said he's not social like she is.

Jessica: "Does that make you happy, being dissociated?"
Cody: "Yes. It does."
Jessica: "Disassociated from me?"
Cody: "No."

Cody said he cant' meet her standards and make her happy. He goes on to say that he does walk away every time because he doesn't want his daughter to see him like that.

By 11:45pm BBT:
Cody: "I can't change who I am. This is who I am."

Jessica says f*ck another comp (veto), plow through the game together.
Jessica: "That's what I want."
Cody: "Same."
Cody asks Jessica if he can go back to not talking/being social.

Cody: "Because that worked the first half of the game..just winning comps.." (*lol)
Jessica: "I just can't not use the hex on you...I can't." (*meaning, she will use it this week for sure.)

They go into the Rose Bedroom to cuddle.
 They kissed and eventually fell asleep. All is well with "Jody" again.

12:41am BBT:

BB: "This is a BB Storm Watch!" (veto comp related)
All HG's: "What?!"
Paul: "This is the best f*cking comp, ever!"

The HG's gather in the living room. Feeds cut.
Paul thinks there's no way this week is going to be voided out by the halting hex. (*Ummm..)

The HG's stayed up and studied for todays Veto Comp. (Players have not been picked, so everyone has to study for now.)

At 1:24am BBT, Jessica tells Cody how 'the whole house' wants him (Cody) gone.

**And that's it for The Overnighter!! Geez, that was a long one! I started this at breakfast time and it's lunch time now. lol Today is the Veto Comp, so we'll see players get picked and then the feeds will be down for a few hours as the Veto Comp is played. I'll be back with the veto comp winner spoiler later on. If you wanna watch anything I posted above, and watch the feeds this weekend, you can get them for $6/month (yep..that cheap!) by live feeds !! :D Thank you for signing up through the blog, your signups and donations support me being able to blog for y'all, so thank you!!!


Veto Players Picked:

Stay tuned...
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Meagan said...

I think josh adds an element to the show that was missing, crazy

Meagan said...

Last nights feeds were great. Boring people make for a boring show, these guys were funny last night.

Razldazlrr said...

well finally - someone is calling out Raven!!! thank god! jessica is sure right about her being fake!

UnionGrl said...

Poor Josh. He just throws tantrums and acts the fool every time he opens his mouth. His actions make for interesting watching but how long can anybody take that noise? I see him making jury because he is a hoot, but there is no way in God's green earth he could win.

If Jess is smart she will take off her love glasses and see Cody for the a$$hole he is. Nothing good can come of that relationship. Imagine him at one of her events, scowling at everybody and being he usual sour, indifferent a$$hole self. Disaster!

Kingboo985 said...

You're not calling someone out if you're not talking to the person you're trying to "call" out.

Unknown said...

Can you imagine how boring last night would've been if Ramses stayed? lol

Jon said...

That was quite the post! Thanks, Jamie!

Unknown said...

Birthday wishes to Bella!

Jamie said...

You're welcome, Jon!! :D

Jamie said...

Omgosh, that is so sweet!! Thank you for remembering, wow! She turns 9 today, can ya believe it?!

Clair20 said...

Did Paul recently yell at Raven he is sick of her and her fake illness, I thought I heard him yell that to her.

Unknown said...

When does jury start?

Savvy55 said...

I love the blog.... thanks so much for the updates!!! My two-bits worth . Does anybody in that flippin house see Paul for who he really is??!!!! Did anybody watch last season??!!!!! Yes Cody has some communication issues, he just poured his heart out to Jess! I could see that a mile away! Yes his emotional and communication skills suck for his game but he bumped fists with Paul the first time he was up and it was all about"respect" right? He is misunderstood a lot ... he wants people to be fair foremost. But unfortunately that isn't how the BB house works. He fought for his country and he is a marine for god sake! He deals with humans in a different way. At least he is not a sceaming backstabbing, manipulative ...know it all, over the top human. I could say more ...but I hope maybe Paul is different outside the house. Never liked his game play ... never will. Kevin cracks me up !!!! Hope he wins and manipulates Paul right up until the end!!! Where Paul get blindsided and takes second again!! Would love it! Go Boston!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jamie! That was so fun! I've been reading your blog for years and just recently figured out how to comment. Lol.

Poppy said...

I'm not a fan of Jody, but that exchange between the two of them last night was compelling. Kudos to both of them for knowing who/what they are, what they need, and what they can give. I thought it was very adult of both of them to lay all of that out there. The real question is, did either of them listen to the other?

Angelface said...

Natasha, should start after the next person is evicted if it's a 9 person Jury.

Jamie said...

I fully concur! Said the same thing. Kudos to them!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry, I'm probably the only one who loves Cody, first and foremost he fought for our country, I think he's misunderstood alot, the only reason Paul is out to get him is because he drew first blood, Paul has a way of manipulation that's unreal, and the sad part is half of these idiots believe him hook line and sinker....why would you not do EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER TO GET HIM OUT OF THE HOUSE, I certainly hope he's not like this out of the house. ....I'm certainly not a fan of Paul, nor of Josh. ..he's a spoiled self-centered brat who thinks he's right about everything. ....if I hear MEATBALL out of his mouth one more time I think I will hang myself. ..if anyone thinks that his badgering certain houseguests in situations to push them to their limits is okay , well they're just as sick as he is...
That kid has alot of growing up to do, and I am one BB FAN who doesn't think he makes good TV...he lookslike a fool

Savvy55 said...

Thanks unknown .... and you're not the only Cody fan out there . I think you are absolutely right , I also think that Cody has been misunderstood from the beginning!!! Listen ... I know there is a lot of production and Paul is part of that I get it. But I would like to see Paul tsuit up to be a marine! He would last 5 min ... he woukdn't be able to take any kind of criticism!!! When do you recall anytime this season that Paul has been criticized from anyone other than Jody?!!! Grow up Paul!!! Never mind Josh!! And he is a whole other story! LOL! . Yes Cody lost his cool...but I I think Cody is frustrated because Paul is everywhere all the time making sure everybody listens to him!!!! I would be beyond frustrated too!! Yes.... some of the choices Cody has either said or done are not the best but Paul calling him an emotional pussy!!! "Come on man", as they say in Football.... it's a game and Paul I think you are in for a rude awakening. Going on about this " I am going to break Cody down", before he leaves the house ...really Paul? Would that make you feeel better because he hit a nerve calling you out in your massive manipulation in the beginning and throughout this season. Everyone is too scared to say anything and just agree with evry word he says. Come on man..... somebody other than Jody shake this house up!!!!! LOL!

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