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Sunday, July 16, 2017

Sunday: The Overnighter

Happy Summer Sunday, BB addicts!! Today is my "day off", so I'm just gonna do a quick Overnigher summary and then log off. Last night was pretty tame, and it appears that Dom is still slated to go. She dug her grave and then with the house meeting (where it was Dom vs Paul mostly), she dug her BB game grave even more. She still thinks it's a "personal attack", however. Talks of next weeks plans are already starting to take shape; Mark told Alex that the plan next week is for Ramses & Jessica to be on the block and then backdoor Christmas. (As much as I love Christmas and hope to see her back on another season to actually play, I wouldn't be sad to see her go home and heal her foot.)

Around 3pm BBT, Alex tells Jason (veto winner) that she wants the noms to stay the same and leave Dom/Jessica up on the block. As they talk, Alex tells Jason that she 'knows' Kevin was the one who made one of the votes for Ramses on Thursday and wants him out of the house, but not this week.

But then later on, Paul pitched his suggestion to Alex to pull Jessica down and put Mark up. Alex agrees and then tells Paul to go tell Jason to use the veto and they'll put Mark up. A few minutes later, Alex tells Mark he will be the replacement nom. Of course, Mark isn't happy to hear this. Mark tries to push for Raven to go up instead.  
In other news...
At 4:55pm BBT, Josh tried his luck at opening a box with a key to see if he could get out of being a Have Not, but instead he pulled out a 2 week Have Not card. (*lol This kid is gonna go nuts.)

At 10:56pm BBT, Alex tells Paul she still wants Jason to use the veto so she can put Mark up. She also filled him in on Josh wanting to take Matt out next. Paul is in agreement with that. 

**And that's it for The Overnighter! It was a pretty calm night in the house. Matt/Raven were caught kissing under the blankets (1:59am BBT), if anyone cares. lol Tonight at 8pm ET is a new BB19 episode! We'll see the Nominations Ceremony and everything leading up to them.

Also, I want to thank the most recent donators & those of you who signed up for the feeds through me for all your support!! Your donations and signups is what allows me to be here blogging for y'all, and I appreciate every single one of you!! Thank you!!!

Thank you to this weeks donators:
Heather C., Melissa H., Jean White, Charles B., Emilie F., Laura M-M., J. Scott M., Allison Mc., Susan L., Dorothy S., Doreen L., Marie N., Constance B., Victoria C., Emma S., Kim's C.C., Katie G., Meighan W., Kristin J., Judith M., Cindy W., Kim W., Verlene D., Robert M., Jeannie L.!!

Have a happy & relaxing Sunday!! :D Don't forget about the show tonight at 8pm ET!!

Stay tuned...
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Anonymous said...

I don't get all this concern one a replacement nominee. If Dom is the target, just leave the nominations the need to use the veto at all.

Jamie said...

yea, i agree. i wouldn't be surprised if Alex decides to not put Mark up as a renom afterall and just leaves the noms the same.

Drea said...

i want to see the craziness if Cody comes back? But omg something in his "eyes" frightens me? Maybe it's just me and I'm the crazy one but ugh!

Angelface said...

I'd rather not see Cody again, I'm not a fan of a male that thinks he needs to control any woman. When he said in his DR session that he put Xmas up because he could not control her! Huge red flags went off for me.
And him and Jessica are annoying to watch..

I'd like to see Matt, Mark, & Elana do something.

Unknown said...

I really thought this season was going to be exciting with all the first week drama. Now...Paul is in control and everyone is voting the way their told. Ho hum...

Jen said...

They are kinda dumb to keep Jessica this week. At least with the battle back, they wouldn't BOTH be in the house together.

Joe said...

They dont know if there is going to be a battle back yet. Also i am glad to see her play her own game a bit.

On the cody control thing...i dont think it was sexist, he couldnt control alex either and she wasnt his target. This game is about being able to know who is going to do whay so you can plan. Alex is predictably uncontrolled and christmas isnt (unless your name is paul) from cody's perspective.

Unknown said...

IT's weird, but if Cody came back, I'd bet he want to work with Paul. When Paul nominated him, he should have went Rambo on him "You drew first blood! Not ME!"

I haven't gotten to really like or not like anyone yet, besides Cody. He strikes me as someone capable of dark things. Josh is like a 5 year old in a football players body. Has anyone told Ramses the game has started?

Jessica is not really playing, so why bother voting her off? They do not know about the battle back. She has zero social game. It seems a shomance was her goal.

Also I don't think Alex should replace nom with Mark. Why make more people in the house mad at you than you have to?

Did Elena think she could demand safety for everyone in her alliance? That was funny.

Joe said...

I think alex truly wanted to put up mark and elena, dom blew up her own game at the wrong time. Also alex got herself into a spot with the elena deal. I didnt expect elena to last so long and i doubt the rest if them did either. Competitors respect that. I was hoping alex would do matt/raven or elena/mark but am glad she is playing a smart game

Jamie said...

@Brian...even if Cody/Paul worked together, they are 2 alphas that have zero trust in each other. That plan wouldn't work for too long and it'd blow up sooner rather than later. Paul would want to control Cody, Cody would see through it (as he always does) and go against Paul, which would piss Paul off, and boom...they have a falling out. I'd give it 3 days. lol

Geneva said...

As much as I love Matt. I don't want Josh to get Hoh and put Matt up. Wait. Who am I kidding, josh can't win anything.

Unknown said...

@Jamie agreed. I didn't say it would work. lol Or that it would happen, just that Cody seemed to respect Paul even if he didn't like him.

The last few years, on Survivor too, the alliances have been very fluid and dynamic. More like voting blocks. I don't get to see the live feeds, but it's interesting to see comments here compared to the TV edit. I can't keep up with who is with who. lol

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