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Sunday, July 23, 2017

Sunday: The Overnighter

Happy Sunday, y'all!! As we already know, Cody has returned to the BB19 house, Jessica won HOH and then she also won this weeks Veto Comp (yesterday). So, with all this power, what does Jessica do? Well..she puts up Josh and Ramses. Womp, womp. I'm not sure why she thinks getting either of them out is such a dire need, espeically when there's bigger fish to fry in the house (..pretty much anyone else, to be honest lol). It's a wasted HOH, in my opinion. What do you guys & gals think? Leave me your thoughts in the comment section!!

Okay, so like I said, Jessica put up Ramses/Josh and Jessica's target is Josh, but Paul has other plans for her HOH this week: Paul wants Ramses out. And so it will be done (as long as Matt/Raven stick with the plan).

I would say it's genius of Paul to take the reigns away from the HOH & do whatever he wants (Flashbacks of Derrick's gameplay flash across my mind), but (1) it's going to come back to haunt him at some point and even Matt can see that coming & over a non-threatening HG on the block this week (2) it's easy to run over newbies that do nothing but follow the I wonder when the other 90% of the house will actually start playing the game. Someone on Twitter this morning mentioned how interesting it is that Paul's gameplay last season was good and this season it's terrible. I couldn't agree more. He's playing very sloppy, but the good news for him, is that this cast of newbies (minus a few of them) are so oblivious to him running their games that Paul can actually play as sloppy as he wants and he'll still come out smelling like roses. lol

Speaking of Paul, he made a comment that others on Twitter said he implied production is helping him win this season (as if having a month of safety wasn't obvious enough. lol)

9:22pm BBT:
Rose Bedroom
Matt is telling Paul that he's still going to vote Ramses out as played, but he's scared that him/Raven/Paul will be evicted next week.

Paul: "It'll probably be me and I'm willing to take that heat.."
Matt: "Paul, I don't want you to go home!"
Paul: "I'm not gonna go home!  Because I can beat Cody in a competition and for other reasons I cannot disclose. I know I can beat Cody in a competition." (*Then why haven't you? lol)

Paul said the odds are against Cody next week because Jessica can't compete.

In other news, the houseguests had their 1st booze delivery of the season (finally) last night.
Jess and Cody went back up to the HOH room to drink their beers and talk to Mark, as the HG's downstairs made Sangria's and played games. (*Nice to see "Jody" back to isolating themselves and not having a social game. lol Not much has changed there.)

**And that's it for The Overnighter! Paul is making sure it stays a secret from Jess/Cody that they're getting Ramses out this week instead of Josh. He doesn't want her to know and then put up a renom. Kevin thinks if anyone is gonna spill the beans, it's going to be Josh. (*lol) Speaking of Josh, he cam-talked yesterday about how excited he is to do a blindside by having Ramses get voted out.

Paul is already done with this week and looking ahead, as he stated that wants to get Mark out next. Josh/Xmas are on board with this plan, too.

And I agree with Kevin, by the Josh asked Paul if he's allowed to go off after the veto ceremony, to which Paul said "No! Shut the f*ck up." (8:18pm BBT Cam 2).

Josh: "Should I wait (to go off) until Thursday?"
Paul: "Yes!..go."

If Paul is already getting frustrated with trying to keep Josh under control, I can only imagine how the rest of the week is going to go as I can imagine Josh getting more and more paranoid as Thursday gets closer.

It's Sunday, my day off, so you guys & gals go outside and get some sunshine and have a great day!! :D If you're indoors and bored, go snag up the live feeds  and enjoy watching the houseguests! Don't forget, tonight is a brand new episode of BB19. It'll show the HOH Comp that Jessica won and then Jessica making her nominations. Enjoy!!

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

I know production runs things but it has become more and more obvious (and boring) each year. I had such high hopes after the first week and now back to the same old "no blood on my hands/voting with the house" crap. So sad

Razldazlrr said...

I don't get it - why do jessica and cody want ramses or josh out? what happened to going after paul or a bigger player?

Unknown said...

I think Josh is her target to keep Cody from blowing up their game again. One less person for Cody to lose it over.

SDfan said...

I wish they would have put Alex next to Josh. It's easy for Jessica to say she put her up bc Alex put up Jessica. And then the house would definitely get Josh out.

Dianne said...

Apparently Jess found out the house is bent on sending Ramses home, this could shake things up.

Unknown said...

Cody likes Alex. So I don't see that in the tell of possibilities anytime soon. I absolutely hate that cody and Jess are together again. It's obnoxious, like watching a soap opera. Cody looks like a sociopath.
Josh needs to go. He is obnoxious and wore out the pitty party. Talked all that shit to cody and Jess the goes in the DR and

Joe said...

Cody and jess never believed that ramses voted to evict christmas so eben though he did vote xmas, they think he flipped with the house (which he didnt)

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