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Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sunday: The Overnighter

Good morning and Happy Sunday, BB addicts!! :D If this is your first time on the blog in a few days, let me get you caught up really fast:

Paul is HOH, he nominated Cody/Jess even though Jess warned him that his HOH would be a waste if he did that, Cody/Jess then told Paul his HOH is now indeed a waste. Paul doesn't believe it and is "calling Jessica's bluff", but he's going to be sadly mistaken on Thursday when he sees his HOH was indeed a waste. Adding even more salt to his wound, is that Paul can't play in HOH on Thursday, so he'll be vulnerable if Cody/Jess win HOH.

So, how is Paul handling all of this? Well, he started off by saying he doubts Cody served in the military (though Cody has served this country proudly & did 2 tours-Thank you for your service, to Cody and to all that have served!), called Cody names like an "emotional p*ssy" and is planning on getting Cody to "break on Monday" for no reason other than because he wants him to. In addition, he's now pulling pranks on him (as I'll cover in the Overnighter today) and with the help of Jason.

Moving on...
Yesterday, the Veto Comp was played and Paul won the veto. As of last night, he plans on using the veto to take Jason off the block, leaving only Cody/Jess on the block. Sidenote: Since Jason was only the 3rd nom because of Temptation Comp, there is no replacement nom.

Let's dive right into the Overnighter!!

**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $5.99/month all access pass!! Steaming of every live BB19 episode is included!!

8:08pm BBT:
Study Bedroom
Paul is planning on threatening Jessica into not using the halting hex and making Cody "crack" on Monday.

Paul: "If it's a dud week, that means that nobody is (going to) jury.."
Xmas: "..and there's still a spot for 1 person (to not make jury) and go home.."
Paul: "..and it will be (Jessica). Because if (she) uses that hex.."
Xmas: "I have a feeling Cody will win HOH.."
Paul: "Based off of what track record? Besides him winning the 1st HOH."
Xmas: "We'll just take shifts (*she makes hand gestures of banging pans together*)"
Paul: "I will say 'I will make you miserable to the point where (Cody) cannot compete'".
Xmas: "Yesterday (with Josh banging pans), was an appetizer."
Paul: "Oh just wait until after the veto (ceremony on Monday), I'm gonna make him flip. I'm gonna push homies buttons. I'm gonna make him crack. So you (Jess) choose the cards, because I will make him crack. I'm a game player, and don't make me start playing."

Meanwhile, across the house...

8:10pm BBT:
Have Nots Room

Elena has broken up with Mark for the millionth time in the game. Elena said she "needs space" in the house from him (per Paul's suggestion). I'm not even gonna bother covering this. I'm exhausted with these two. lol

8:35pm BBT:
HOH Room
Mark thinks he's cracking.
Paul: "Wait until day 70, homie. It gets worse." (*#PaulsAvet)

Paul tells Mark to distance himself from Cody/Jessica (after he broke them apart by getting to Elena). He tells Mark to just lay low.

9:09pm BBT:
HOH Room
Paul said that there's no way that the "Jody" showmance is gonna last. Kevin says that only 4.1% of showmances work out. (*lol Love his math.)

Paul, again, complains about how Cody said that Paul is "just a character on a TV show". (This comment has realllyyy gotten under his skin and he hasn't been able to let go of it.)

Paul: "He hasn't been in f*cking war. If (Cody) did all that gunfire and fought the Taliban yadyada, none of his platoon mates died? Not one casualty? And you're gonna still want war when "your brother gets shot in the f*ckin head" That's what war solves? Get the f*ck outta here."

9:27pm BBT:

Paul is complaining that Cody won't even look at him (ignores him) and how much that pisses him off, so he's gonna make him "crack" at the Veto Ceremony to provoke a reaction. He wants Cody to go off.

Paul: "When I pass him, he looks down. Because he's a f*cking p*ssy." (*I highly doubt Cody is scared of you, Paul.)

Paul confirms that he's taking Jason off the block with the veto and that he doesn't plan on taking Christmas far, just wants her to get to jury and then let her rest for the season. He says he can't depend on her to win stuff (due to her injury). He also thinks (wrongly) that if this week is a wasted HOH, then he should be able to play in the next HOH.

Raven enters to gather some of her stuff and then leaves a minute later.
Kevin: "That's a strange f*ckin' kid." (*lol)

10:13pm BBT:
Elena tried her luck at getting off of slop...

..but instead, got 2 weeks on slop. Eek!

11:37pm BBT:
Paul and Jason switched out the regular coffee for decaf coffee (and also put vaseline on the coffee pot handle) to mess with Cody in the morning (since Cody is always first up and has a cup of joe in the morning.) I think they might have hidden the coffee filters as well because this morning, Cody had to use paper towels for a filter.

**And that's it for The Overnighter! Paul is in denial that (1) his week was for nothing (2) that he can't play in the next HOH (3) that Cody and Jess are staying in the house despite his efforts. He's trying to provoke a reaction out of Cody, and so far has failed. A person can only take so much, and I can see Paul pushing "homies buttons" (as he said) until Cody snaps, and then will try to make Cody look like a loose cannon and Paul plans on doing this tomorrow during the Veto Ceremony. One thing is for sure; Paul is going to be pissed come Thursday when he learns his week as HOH was for nothing and he can't play in the HOH. He's going to really flip sh*t if Cody or Jess end up winning HOH in addition.

Today is Sunday, my day off, so I'm going to go enjoy my summer afternoon. Y'all enjoy the live feeds and don't forget about tonight's BB19 episode at 8pm ET/7pm! Have a great Sunday!! :D
Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

Maybe... Use the veto on Jessica. Put Josh up and if she uses the hex... She saves Josh too! LOL! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Unknown said...

Screw Paul. I can't stand what a hypocrite baby and bully he is. Have to cheat now and act like an ahole to try to win.

cyn said...

Paul is getting into disgusting territory with the comments he's making re: Cody and his service :( Marines call each other brothers so Paul isn't referencing Cody's biological brother there FYI.

Mergatroid#1 said...

Forget Big Brother,this has become the Big Bully Show. Constantly agitating 2 guys who don't have the votes to stay, while the rest of the house cheers them on is so middle school. Paul you are the little man child and emotional (well you know). Thanks for your service Cody.

Olivia said...

I'm done with Paul and therefore done with BB19 until he's gone. He's getting personal about Cody's service and I have zero tolerance for that. My son serves and I'll always back our men/women who serve.

See ya here and on Twitter, Jamie.

Jamie said...

cyn...yes i agree. I did some digging and found his real brother did in fact die, but not in war. motorcycle accident it seems.

Unknown said...

Stacie O is right...use the veto on Jess, then let's see if she uses it. :-)

Razldazlrr said...

Paul and Jason putting vaseline on the coffee container and switching to decaf? That's just obnxious and ridiculous and childish. Come on guys - get a grip!

Paul may just feel like an idiot when he finds out Cody did two tours as a marine - can you imagine him in the military? I don't like the way Paul is playing now at all and if production is helping him, that makes me mad. At this point I'm hoping Cody or Jessica win HOH this week.

I love that Kevin is catching on to the shadiness of Raven!

Unknown said...

I'm glad that the wasted hoh is Paul's. He really thinks he's untouchable and that all of America loves him. He's just another Jozea thinking he's the messiah. #paulsavet �� Hilarious he's going way below the belt with cody. Codys not my favorite but don't be a dick and question his service and stuff.

furhead said...

Right?! I had the same thought. Oh the irony...πŸ˜‚

Unknown said...

Paul strikes me as a rich, trust fund baby who's never had to work for anything in his life and has annoying, enabling parents who have helped create his massive ego. The dude is 24 and has a clothing line, nuff said. Well, I've been inspired to start my own t-shirt line, each featuring an uncanny likeness to Paul crying with the word 'Enmity' under it.

Unknown said...

I would seriously pay money to see Cody take down Paul with the Rock Bottom, followed by the People's Elbow. I'm cracking myself up just thinking about it.

Unknown said...

I liked Paul. But some of this is disappointing to hear. Cody may be different, but I thank him for his service. I don't like the way Paul is playing. However, keep in mind he is playing. And these people do not have to listen to him. He was thrown into a tough spot, so I thought 3 weeks of safety was fair. But too many things make it all seem fixed by production.

I cant think of anyone to root for because I like their game. So Paul is by default. Maybe because I don't watch feeds, I just watch episodes and read this blog.btw thanx Jamie.

Unknown said...

Also, game theory would suggest this isn't a waste of a HOH. They had to use their power. No one else gets votes out, so besides the extra week, they did not get farther in the game. Keeping mind they are still big targets and have no loyal alliances.

Jamie said...

Welcome, Brian! :)

r's mommy said...

I have never been a fan of Cody's. However, I REALLY don't like Paul! How dare him say anything to Cody about his military service! Cody put his life on the line for Paul's freedom! Paul is a dick! It's too bad there isn't another aspect of the halting hex that sends Paul home this week instead! It appears like BB is helping him. If Paul makes it too much further in this game, I will never watch the show again and I have been a fan of the show since the onset.

Olivia said...


Olivia said...

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Yes!

jimandreb said...

Ya he better be careful. Thanks Cody for your service. You game sucks but, Paul is always sayingb don't take things personal in the game and things like that but he's pushing Cody's buttons to get a reaction he wants Cody to put his hands on them that's a cop out.

Steve Robbins Art said...

Paul has put himself into actual danger with his comments. I won't be surprised if he receives rhreats of physical harm in some form after the show.
His parents should be ashamed. Any way of finding out how they think he's playing?

Unknown said...

I agree, I didn't like him last year and I like him even less this year - he needs to go and I hope he goes without going to jury!

Dianne said...

Between the loss of his brother and serving on the battlefield, Cody has a lot of baggage. He seems to exist in fight or flight mode much of the time.

I don't care for Cody's personality, but Paul is starting to act like a bully, Josh's behavior is idiotic, and most of the rest are sherp.

Jessica could turn her game around like the "infamous" Rachel Reilly if given half a chance.

michelle said...

I agree Paul shouldn't say anything bad about our service men and women. But don't forget they don't know if they are are really telling the truth about there lives if you have watch BB there has been some big lies

Angelface said...

When it comes to people opinions of the Military I don't care what he or anyone else thinks, my family has a deep long history of service am proud of them all, being a military wife was a job in itself.
Almost all military members are proud of their service, being proud is great! Bragging is not! The best don't brag, they have integrity, honor and self respect!
Just because he is mocking Cody, who is and has been bragging, does not mean he hates the military he just dislikes Cody and What he has said.
They all complained about every person that repeats the same stuff over and over, not going to go straight to scolding just because Paul is mocking Cody, or just because the subject is the military.
This is BB they act nuts every year, they prank every year, and many people have been pushed to cracking, it's a game they say stupid things all the time, they also say and do things they would not do or say in the real world. It is a game!
Hate is a strong feeling and is no better the mocking.

Dancingqueen said...

Game or not, it is never okay to be intentionally cruel to someone. Paul is in the wrong along with anyone egging him on.

Dancingqueen said...

Much like Cody's going hard week 1 came back to haunt him, Paul keeping Josh this week may just be his downfall. Josh is a loose cannon and not particularly good at comps, so Paul didn't gain much by keeping him, other than getting under Jody's skin and that only gets you so far.

By blindsiding Mark and Elena, he lost 2 alliance members. Regardless of what Paul thinks, Mark and Elena no longer trust him or Matt and Raven, so they are not coming back. The one thing Jess and Cody did not have was numbers and Paul just gave them 2 more. Paul's over inflated ego may believe that he can convince Jess to vote out Cody or lull her into a false sense of security, but Jess will likely use the hex this week, keeping her numbers in tact. Paul will have gotten no one out and he won't be able to play HOH. Jess, Cody, Mark, and Elena have a good shot at winning and could send Paul out the door. If they put Paul up against Alex, they pull Jason to their side to vote Paul out. And if Matt, Raven, Christmas, Kevin or Josh end up the third nominee, HOH would break the tie and send Paul packing.

Also, what was with Alex saying she would love to come in second to Paul. What are you even doing there if you are playing for 2nd. I use to love her, but now she just sounds stupid.

Dianne said...


Jeff - Louisville, KY said...

Kudos to Paul in ridding the house of Cody. The guy is an A-1 bully and knuckle head. Paul is having to carry the water for the house. They all want Cody gone but none will step up but Paul.


Mandy said...

In regards to Paul "wasting" his HOH. I honestly think it was a very smart move as now Jess would be forced to use it. She keeps saying they are safe for 3 weeks. So keep them for three weeks? Or force them to use it this week and then send one of their asses home next week. Makes perfect sense if you think about it.

Unknown said...

I predict they won't even air Paul's comments about the military on TV this week, the same way they didn't air Dominique's allegation of racism when she realized she was getting evicted. I appreciate this blog so much b/c it reveals the truth, instead of the sanitized, heavily edited version on TV. Thanks Jamie!

Unknown said...

By the way, can I get a "welcome", please? My first day posting on here. Been reading the blog since season 8, but posted for the first time today. Best BB blog out there!

Jeff said...

I really hope Paul goes next week. And when he complains he should remember he would have been out week 1 if he didn't have protection so he's lucky to be here to have his hoh wasted

Jamie said...

I didn't start until bb9 but nonetheless, welcome! :)

Unknown said...

I don't like Cody but it is deplorable that Paul would question his service. He put his life on the line to keep him and everyone in this country safe. He should be thanking him for his service. Paul will not win this game if he continues to piss people off and act like he is all knowing just because he is a vet. People are starting to catch on and will soon start taking shots at him. The reason he did not win last season was because so many people hated him. Mama Dae said it best. There is Paul the player and Paul the person. Too many people hated Paul the person so much they gave Nicole the money. That will happen again this year if he someone makes it to final two again. I hope Cody or Jessica wins HOH on Thursday and sends Paul home.

Unknown said...

My apologies. Season 8 must have been the first one I watched, and got hooked, and then season 9 is when I started searching for blogs. I always recommend your site to anyone I meet who watches the show. It's got a good layout, and is neat and easy to follow. Other blogs are just floaters! Haha.

Unknown said...

I think it is a good idea to have people contact CBS and express their opinions in regards to Paul's comments about Cody's military service. I sent an email to CBS asking them to remove Paul from the game. I understand that BB is a game but those types of comments are immoral and despicable. Cody has served our country and Paul has done nothing but sit on his couch. Paul's actions are disgraceful and he should have to face some consequences. Questioning someone's military service is really unconscionable. I'm done with this season. He's a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Cody, for your service. Those are tough things to overcome and there are many mental disadvantages to overcome after seeing such awful things.

Paul telling people to do all his dirty work and tormenting Cody is disgusting. He calls Cody names, little man, and on and on. Who is really the little man?

I like how low key and level headed Kevin is. He is my fave at this point. I love that he told Jason that so far they've only gotten easy targets out and that they need to get Paul out. YES! Someone is seeing things. He sees thru both Paul and Raven. I love that Jason agrees about Paul and basically calling him a dictator.

I hope that Jess uses the hex, Cody wins HOH, and Paul is put up, stays up, and Jess, Elena, Mark, Kevin, & Jason vote his butt out. Who knows if Jason will go against what Alex wants to vote though. Then we can start seeing if there is any game play in these HG's at all because so far they can't do anything but what Paul says. They are too afraid to even say what they'd really like to do. Who even knows what they're thinking?

Don't want Jess to win HOH because it would be wasted. She should have taken Ramses off.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Paul believes that Josh is America's Favorite? I sure hope not because he is plain childish and loves it when the HG's are enjoying his meanness. He doesn't even make sense when he is ranting. I have to mute when either Paul or Josh are on.

CarKay said...

I just found this today and I'm thrilled!
Thanks for your hard work with doing this & I look forward to visiting every day!

Mergatroid#1 said...

Cody is the only true vet in the house. Paul is a returning player that lost.

Unknown said...

Pleeeeeaaase all of you BB19 houseguests quit worshipping at the feet of Paul the idiot and start playing the game! Y'all act like a ridiculous bunch of groupies! I'm disgusted!

Steph said...

I love everything Paul is doing. You have to realize it's a game. He knows what he is doing and how to get there and it's working. Why people like Cody and Jess is completely beyond my understanding. She thinks she is better than everybody and so does he. Did anyone hear what they said about everyone on the feeds the first week locked in the Hoh when they thought they knew how everything was going to go. And people think she is deserving of more than anyone else.... I think not

Unknown said...

Hello everyone!! First of all, I love this blog and the comment section so thank you to Jamie and all of the other big brother fans that post. This might seem like a silly question so I apologize if it is. I understand that being a part of jury is great because you get to cast your vote to choose the winner. However, I have read and heard so much discussion on the desire to make it there or get other players there and I'm curious... is there money or other perks involved that create all of this jury hype or is it simply just voting for the winner? Again, sorry if this seems stupid. Thanks in advance to anyone who might answer!


Unknown said...

Amen Angelface

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure they did get paid in jury? I know they all get paid during the season not much though. And I don't get why some players just give up and are okay with just going to jury. I'd be trying to win that money not go sit in a different house lol

Jamie said...

You get roughly around $1,000 per week that you're inside the Big Brother house however if you leave before jury you don't get any more money and you're done but if you go to the jury house you continue to get your weekly thousand dollars so that's why people try to make it to jury because then they have essentially 3 months of $1,000 a week you do the math lol

Unknown said...

This season would be garbage without Paul. He should have taken down Jessica with the POV and then put josh up as the renom and tried to convince her to not use the halting hex because they want to get rid of josh but vote to get Cody out instead. But she wouldn't fall for that so she would end up using the hex and ends up saving josh from eviction too. That would have been funny. "YOU SAVED ME MEATBALLS" as he bangs pots and pans around lol. He's like a poor mans evel dick

r's mommy said...

Agreed! If BB isn't helping Paul, this would be great!

r's mommy said...

Funny I do the same, mute with Paul or Josh! Josh really is very immature and childish it's hard to watch a grown man act like that. Paul is just very disappointing. He needs to get over himself.

Unknown said...

Paul is an ass

maur said...

Love it!

maur said...

Love it!

Unknown said...

Thank you Jamie!! I was wondering. Like Dalton said, I noticed some people basically saying or seeming like they were just satisfied with making it to jury and giving up (which is crazy!) I didn't even know they got $1,000 a week in the BB house!!! Jamie, just curious, why haven't you ever tried to get on Big Brother?

And Dalton, I agree that Paul brings a lot of fire to the game but I'm still not fully on board with him. For some reason I find myself getting excited inside when *Jody* does well. I felt bad for Josh in the beginning, but with obvious reason, that's all gone away. I think we are going to see some things blow up with Raven down the line!!

Atlanta said...

She's so right!

Tim said...

I am very sad to see this hatful and completely terrible side of the house attacking a mans military service.....I will not post what I originally wrote cause it probably won't make it to publishing but as a veteran I am appalled.....beyond the game!

BB Bopper said...


BB Bopper said...


BB Bopper said...

A lot of people do not like Paul or Raven or Josh or Cody or Jessica xcetera... Nor do they like some of the behavior, pranks, flour throwing or running around the house being silly or even the banging of the pans and especially the way they sometimes talk badly about each other and I understand all of this. But think about this... If there wasn't any of that going on, if there wasn't anybody being evil, anybody backstabbing anybody, anybody lying, anybody playing pranks, anybody plotting and planning, or anybody doing stupid stuff what would there be for us to watch?? Then they may as well shoot the whole show of people sitting in the library or during a church service. We complain about the stupid stuff they're doing but at least they're doing something. It would be extremely boring if nobody was acting dumb or starting fights or doing any of the silly or even nasty and mean things they do... but at least to me I'd rather watch that than the alternative. Don't get me wrong I don't like a lot of things that they may do or say but I try to envision myself in a house locked up with a bunch of strangers with no contact to the outside world, no TVs, no movies, no music, no books to read (except the Bible), no entertainment whatsoever! I think it would tend to warp our way of thinking and make us act out in ways we wouldn't ordinarily do. I for one have seen and heard much more deplorable behavior in past seasons. I have watched since season one and will continue to look forward to and watch every season to come. Just my humble opinion for what it's worth.

Big Brother Fan said...

That's exactly why Paul was brought back. Because he's a villain.

Big Brother Fan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Brother Fan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Brother Fan said...

There's a method behind his madness. As I don't agree with bringing the military into this. That's just not right.But in the end, it's about ratings people. They want you to hate him.

Big Brother Fan said...

Well said Stephanie..

Big Brother Fan said...

There are no stupid questions & besides getting the chance to vote for a winner, I'm not sure? I think it's a good question sweetie..

Big Brother Fan said...

Thank you

Big Brother Fan said...

Lol.. Agreed Dalton..

Big Brother Fan said...

BB.. As a fan from episode 1. July 5th 2000, like you, I agree 100%. Thank you for your post!

Big Brother Fan said...

Like BB Bopper. I've have watched since season one. July 5th 2000. Many of you were probably not even born then. Which makes me feel old as hell lol. But I agree, you need villians, tormoil, favorites, etc. Why do you think Big Brother has lasted 19 seasons? Its awesome that Jamie created this blog for all of us fans to voice our opinions on a reality show/game show that we all love! Thank you Jamie!

Big Brother Fan said...

Welcome Toby!! It's my first time posting here as well. I've been a fan ever since the first episode which aired July 5th 2000. Thank you Jamie for this blog. It's fun to put our two cents in & hear what everyone else is thinking!

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