Before I dive into the Overnighter, I will say that Kevin ended up telling Jessica that the votes are for Ramses to go home tonight during the live eviction, not Josh as she had planned. So there won't be a blindside after all.
In other news, we have a new handy dandy alliance chart for this week, courtesy of @89RazorSkate20 on Twitter:
Let's get down to it, shall we?!
**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $5.99/month all access pass!! Steaming of every live BB19 episode is included!!
4:50pm BBT:
Kevin and Jessica slipped into the bathroom stall for a few seconds..
Kevin: "The little kid with the glasses is goin'." (Ramses)
Jessica: "You think Ramses?"
They exit, as Kevin nods yes.
Kevin tells her to not say anything that he hopes her/Cody can help him out, as he just helped them out.
Kevin: "Only reason I told you, is because we're pals, we're from Boston. Just be cool. Don't freak out. Don't say I said nothin'."
Jessica: "Mhmm."
Kevin: "You (and Cody) are good players, I'm gonna need you too." (*So old school, I love it!)
4:53pm BBT:
Lounge Room
Jessica asks the girls who they're voting for. Elena said she's voting Josh out, as Christmas plays dumb and lies to Jessica saying she's voting Josh out, too. They asked why she thinks that. Jessica doesn't tell them how she found out.
Jessica: "I've walked in on 3 different conversations, and now I'm concerned."
Jessica warns them that the votes are going to be closer than what they think.
By 5:14pm BBT, Jessica plans on being in every convo in the house. She knows this is her mistake; she knows she should've put up Paul/Alex next to Josh to ensure he would get voted out. She sees that now, though it's too little too late. By 5:25pm BBT, she's blaming Cody for having a part in talking her out of using the veto this week.
At 5:50pm BBT, Cody asked Alex if anything changed with the votes, Alex lies and says no. By 5:54pm BBT, Jason is asked by Cody is he heard anything and Jason also lies by saying no.
9:27pm BBT:
Have Nots Bedroom
Mark/Kevin (Paul/Josh at times)
Mark is pissed because someone messed up his covers and pillows (that is strategically placed to make his bed-of-spikes comfortable). Kevin said it wasn't him and he just got out of the shower. Josh denies it too. Paul walks in and asks who did it, Mark doesn't know but he's pissed. Kevin thinks it's messed up that anyone would touch other peoples things in the house and how that's not part of playing the game.
10:22pm BBT:
Rose Bedroom
Paul is warning Elena that being tied to Mark could be bad for her game and to think about pulling away from him because Mark's game is getting blown up. She asked how to start pulling away from Mark, Paul said he doesn't know. (Note: During this convo, Elena tells Paul that she'd rather him, Paul, win HOH tonight).
12:17am BBT
Lounge Room
Paul tells Matt that Elena mentioned that she wants him (P) to win HOH. He says that Elena doesn't wanna make waves because she's good with both sides of the house. He says if Elena did win HOH, she'd probably put up Jason/Alex and even though it sucks, he implies that at least it's not him going up and out.
2:20am BBT:
Lounge Room
Elena seems to be pushing Mark away in an effort to get out of the showmance with Mark (per Paul's advice earlier). She sets him up by saying that if he keeps saying they're "a thing anymore", she will take it seriously (and not be a thing anymore). They ended up kissing and hugging before bed.
**And that's it for the Overnighter! Cody was mixed into a lo of conversatuions throughotu the night to see what's going on and prevent anymore potential vote talks. So Ramses will be going home tonight as planned, Cody/Jessica won't be shocked now that Kevin told Jessica about the blindside, and we'll have to wait and see who wins HOH tonight. It's going to be an amazing show and I can't wait!! :D While some are mad at Kevin for spilling the beans to Jessica, I'm happy because it got the feeds going again. Soon enough, the house will be utter chaos and I can see that happening starting tonight. Oooo I'm so excited!! :D
I'll be back tonight to live-blog the show and then to watch the aftermath on the live feeds !!!
Stay tuned...
I can't believe Kevin told Jessica the plan. Wow! He has a lot of people on his side....why did he think he needed Jody? Can she use the Hex and stop it tonight?
she can use it yes, but it'd be dumb of her to use because her/Cody are such huge targets, i'd be a waste.
Josh is a dumpster fire in there. But it was a mistake to go after him. They could have put up bigger targets. Which could divide the house, and maybe give them an opening.
They have the hex, but unless they get in with someone, too many people are against them. They are not playing smart at all. At least Jessica knew something was up before it was confirmed to her. Cody is clueless. If he wasn't good at comps, he'd be worthless.
I'm still a fan of Paul, but it sure seems like he is over-playing. But at least he is playing.
Someone suggested on the Facebook page that Kevin was maybe trying to get her to use her power tonight - hence why he told her. I guess hopefully he will explain his thought process in a diary room session for our viewing! Thanks, Ja MIE!
Paul & Kevin have been talking about Jessica having the Hex, it is possible Paul asked Kevin to tell her in hopes of her using it. Other then that I can't believe Kevin would bust that on his own, he seams to do everything Paul asks of him! I don't get it, I can't rewind my feeds when I use iPad so I couldn't check. Sigh!
I don't recall Paul being so in everything last year, or was he? Thinking the only reason he was not, was Paulie.
Anyway he's good at manipulating these puppets! And he uses the same words every time he's pushing his ideas, Ahhh! I just can't believe these so smart people are fallowing so much, it's BB people only 2 go to finals.
I have no out right favorite, which is not fun! I had really liked Xmas til she broke the foot, I still like her, I just don't see her making it to final.
No Way she can run the track when they do the fill the bowl comp, I'm sure she can do hanging on something ok, maybe even crawling through stuff, but she can't run yet, it would blow our minds if she made it, LOL! Right?
im not opposed to a few comps where they all are on one leg only, or those little trikes. That be funny to watch. Special BB! Haahaahaa!
I like Kevin's sense of humor, but dunno what he is doing game wise, if he does show some skills soon then he'd be my pick. Telling Jess tho, is confusing, no way he choose her over all the others or was it for Ram?
Ok week 4 & Jury will be stating soon, hope it gets real in the house! Usually does once Jury is locked in.
Oops Sorry, I just respected you Jamie, I didn't see you post there.
It looks to me like Kevin is trying to set himself up where he can make an alliance with Cody and Jessica, if need be. He knows that Jessica has the hex and if she can save both herself and Cody until the other side of the house starts forming smaller alliances, he would want to be safe with them as well. Anyone can see who is the biggest threat as far as comps and he would want to be on their side if they can squeak by long enough. After all, who did Jess put up? Certainly not the threats in the house, which Kevin is not either.
So far he is liked by everyone and he pretty much told Josh how you play it safe and don't cause waves in the beginning. He is saying he will turn it up soon (or at least he will try as hard as he can soon)?
He just made some points with Jessica and he isn't a mean person and didn't want to see her crushed during the eviction.
Paul is way too pushy with everyone. He is certainly no Derrick, who had a certain charisma. He made people think what he put into their thoughts was their own idea. Paul comes right out and tells people what to do and they are so enamored with the vet that so far they just can't seem to make a move without being told what to do. Unlike Derrick's victims, they don't believe it was their decision, these people KNOW it was Paul's decision. I thought Alex was great at first but she is doing whatever Paul tells her to do also.
Josh needs to go, hes a trouble maker
So "Big Brother" decided that they wanted to bring a vet back...again...and have them win the money again!! I wonder if BB told the new contestants that they have no chance at all to win this game. That Paul is under contract with CBS. And that he's the winner. I've watched this from the very beginning when people all started playing this game from the beginning. I guess Big Brother is afraid of themselves. Not giving "the game" a chance.
Exactly lol drama is needed in the house. Cody gets hoh and goes nuts with power sgain
But with no trouble makers, there is nothing to watch. It would be one boring summer. I didn't like Cody either but I'm glad he's back because it's fun to watch. Big Brother with no "bullies" is so full.
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