Watch BB19!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Thursday Live Eviction

It's time for Biiig Brotherrrr!! :D Tonight, we will see Ramses get evicted, and then the HG's (minus current HOH, Jessica) will battle it out for the title of HOH. I'm expecting tonights comp to be a mental comp, which I'd place both Josh and Cody as contenders in that type of comp. Who are you guys & gals hoping wins HOH tonight? Let me know in the comment section!

In other news..
I always get asked "Where can I stream the live show online?"..and the answer is, with your live feeds pass!! When you signup for the feeds, you're getting an All Access Pass ($6/m), which includes every BB episode (recorded & live). For example, I watched last nights episode live as it aired on my local CBS station while in my car (we got caught in a really bad rainstorm & had to pull over). Saved the day! :D
(click the pic to get the live feeds & watch BB tonight!)

The show starts at 9pm ET/8pm, so grab your snackies and drink(s) of choice and watch tonights live eviction togther!!

9:00pm ET:
Show begins...

9:16pm ET:
Julie announces that the consequence for the house (for Jess taking the DoT) will be revealed tonight!

9:27pm ET:
Time for the votes!

Cody votes to evict...JOSH
Jason votes to evict...RAMSES
Alex votes to evict...RAMSES
Mark votes to evict..JOSH
Elena votes to evict...JOSH
Kevin votes to evict...RAMSES
Matt votes to evict..RAMSES
Raven votes to evict...RAMSES
Christmas votes to evict..RAMSES
Paul votes to evict...RAMSES

Evicted from the BB19 House is:

Cody/Jess weren't shocked, but Matt/Elena were. 

9:41pm ET:
Up next, the HOH comp and the house consequence will be announced! 

9:48pm ET:
Time for the HOH Comp!!

Winner of HOH is:
Up next is the DoT house consequence!
OOoo Jessica just told the whole house that her/Cody are safe for the next "few weeks" (2 evictions, actually)! NICE!!! :D

Cody/Paul go to talk in private about the 'blindside' tonight. Turn on your live feeds !! They're gonna be good as heck tonight!! :D See y'all tomorrow!

9:05pm ET:
Currently on the live feeds ...
Paul is doing damage control, saying that he thinks Ramses had the $25k and it wasn't anything against them.

It's called "Temptation Comp", houseguests can choose to battle it out or not. If they do and win, they are safe for the week. If they come in last, they are automatically that weeks 3rd nom. This will last for 3 weeks.

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

I'm hoping Cody wins to just go after big players

BBWatcher said...

Josh would make for a great week as HOH

SDfan said...

Does Ramses know he's leaving?

Unknown said...

OMG. I have to spend most of the show on mute. Not sure why they think we want to hear every word that comes out of paul's mouth. He is so annoying!!!

Unknown said...

Hope Cody wins HOH. Put up Josh and paul! Would love to send them out together!

Unknown said...

i want cody to win so bad im tired of paul controling the house

Unknown said...

I cannot stand Paul BECUZ he says everything as if it is sent from a diety!

Unknown said...

Paul is almost hateful. He is a mean-spirited little guy. And that voice!! uugh

BBWatcher said...

Congrats to Paul

Steve Robbins Art said...

f*** it. I'm out this week. Maybe. It's commercial break- maybe Paul won't successful.

Unknown said...

Yay Paul!!

Unknown said...

I love pauL!!!!! 😍

Unknown said...

Paul won!! Things are about to get crazy!

bbfansinceday- said...

Am I the only one that thinks production is stepping I to keep up ratings? 1. Cody comes back 2. Jess wins HOH 3. Paul wins HOH. Why you ask? Cuz Jess has the halting hex. Too predictable. Let's go back to season 6 when BB was a game that wasn't meddled with. Just sayin

Unknown said...

Paul won! Please put up Josh and Mark!

Laura O said...

Why do I get the sneaky feeling that BB is helping Paul...this whole tattoo HOH had me feeling like I was watching a modern day version of the movie Quiz Show. Anyone else think BB might have tipped Paul off to the questions and answers? Maybe I'm being paranoid...or maybe, just maybe, I'm onto something ��

Unknown said...

I think u gotta put up mark and Kevin you all can figure out why

maur said...

What an unfortunate outcome. This show should be renamed the Paul show. Not a fan at all.
I really don't see what the attraction is to Paul. Production has a h***-*n for him and can't figure it out.
I have muted most episodes because of his obnoxious voice and have not even tuned in to watch most shows. I will peek at Jamie's blog (Jamie you rock) to see if anyone has come to their senses but that has yet to happen.

KathyC said...

I wonder if it will get back to Paul that Jessica has the Halting Hex power. Can't remember who she's told - if Kevin, maybe he will let on to Paul that she has it. I'm still not entirely sure how it works. Does she cancel out the current eviction and then another one takes its place immediately? Are both people that get "canceled" safe?

Nikki said...

I agree!

Jamie said...

im really anxious to see who paul puts up. pretty safe to say that it wont be cody and jess lol

Jamie said...

Thanks, Maur! :)

Brandon said...

Smartest move Jessica has made the whole game :)

Unknown said...

I HATE Paul. Ready to quit watching. Why can't these people not see they are being used!? Kevin already tipped off Paul about the temptation.

Unknown said...

Totally agree!

Anonymous said...

Would production tell Paul what the real hex is? He sure does seem to get hints from them even if it may be in a round about way.

bbfansinceday- said...

Totally agree. I mean I'm still gonna watch cuz I'm addicted but not overly happy. I want Alex to take it all!

Blueboy said...

I was so upset when he did not .

Blueboy said...

Yes !!! Please wake up Jessica and Cody and next time backdoor him by putting someone the house loves and make them choose .

Amy said...

So what is Jessica's halting hex? Is it really that her and Cody are safe? I thought it was to be used once and on one person? So if they both get nominated she can pull herself and Cody off?

Laura O said...

I was thinking the same thing! It was a smart move on Jessica's part, but I could totally see production clueing Paul into the fact that the halting hex works differently.

I'm not enjoying this season as much as I thought I would. After Cody's HOH, things took a turn for the worst and there hasn't been one houseguest I am truly rooting for. The trio of showmances is annoying...Paul's crew of loyal minions means there's almost no true game play from other players...and between Raven's annoying voice and Josh's annoying voice, I can't decide who I dislike more! At this point, I think I like Kevin, but I don't really see him making it to final 3. It's clearly going to be Paul and whatever 2 suckers he decides to bring along. Can production just give him the half a million and call it a day?!?

Unknown said...

Agree! That's why he hearts Josh so much! They both are a bad infection on the game! Reminds me of Amanda on BB 14 or 15 w Rachel's sister..

Unknown said...

The Hex can only be used 1 time right? Jessica makes it sound like she can keep them safe for a few weeks. Paul should put them both up. Then she has to use it, and it's gone.

Pete said...

Totally agreed!

Pete said...


Pete said...

I love you Vicky.

Pete said...

I'm sorry but that Temptation Comp was triggered to benefit Paul! This season is rigged!

Unknown said...

Josh need to go he making all latinos look bad.

Jeff - Louisville, KY said...

What a great night of TV!

No personality Cody and narcissistic Jess get blindsided along with Mark and Elna....Ha Ha ha! That was so great seeing Elna's mouth fall wide open in shock!!!

Then to top it off, Paul (who studied his butt off the night before) wins the HOH competition.

Cannot understand how people would want Paul out of the game. How incredibly boring would the game be with Cody running the house. The guy is about exciting as watching paint dry. Jess' head would grow to the size of a basketball.

People, keeping Paul in the mix is what makes this show interesting! The same with Josh, yes he is annoying and not very good at the game, but I will give him credit for surviving.

Unknown said...

What is exciting about watching people do exactly what Paul wants. Eventually there will be no one left but the idiots attached to his behind.

Unknown said...

Will someone help me understand why Jessica blurted out she had the temptation power and that it would keep her and Cody safe right after Paul wins the hoh? I don't understand why she wouldn't wait and blow up the game during a live eviction. I'm confused.

Lisa said...

That's what I was thinking Dawn. Make her flush out the hex and then take out Mark or Josh then gun after Cody/Jessica the following week.

Anonymous said...

She did that to give him the false impression that they have safety and maybe he won't put them because he thinks he's not allowed to. She did not divulge the details of the hex, she let out just enough info to make him think that she and Cody are "safe". That way she may prolong their safety by saving her hex as long as possible if people think they're not allowed to put them. Of course people may try it anyway since she did not give the details; they may try to flush out her advantage like they do on Survivor (although Paul and Alex I think are the only ones smart enough to try that but Alex is letting Paul run her game which is driving me crazy). Either way it was smart of her to do that because it put some fear in people's hearts which works to her advantage.

Anonymous said...

She did that to give him the false impression that they are safe so that he might hesitate to put them up on the block. The longer they think she's safe the longer she can postpone having to use the hex, the longer she and Cody can stay in the game. She did not divulge all the details of the hex, she let just out enough information to put a little fear in people's hearts. Especially Paul's. It was a really smart move.

Now if the other houseguests were savvy (which they're not : ) they would try to flush out the advantage like they do on Survivor, put them up anyway and see what happens. Alex is the only one smart enough to do that but she's letting Paul run her game, which is driving me crazy. She keeps referring to the two of them as an alliance, but that's far from the reality.

I really dislike Paul and am rooting for anyone who will put him up on the block and send him home.

Angelface said...

Jeff, I fully agree, without Paul in there it would be so much more boring!

I don't see why people think Cody is so great, he has done nothing great, he put two people up that nobody cared about first off, credit for the entertainment goes to Megan. He made a bad move putting up Alex when he never wanted to lose her, without Paul that first week would not have been so good,
It's totally contradictory to hate Paul in the game if you loved week 1.
Jess is in for the fairytale showmance. And they stink to watch!

I can't whine about the returning players anymore, it's been going on for years, Also can't deny Paul the same chance that Nicole had, she was a vet, she won! Kinda think it was just as fair for him to get a 2nd chance.
However I don't care for him overall, he is and has been the only one keeping me watching, he is very smart, twisted and annoying can't deny that.
Production helps them all, they make the players think about pros and cons, they always do.
Josh is a meathead, I'd like to smack his parents! and Cody looks like the next guy we will see on the most wanted serial killer list.

Razldazlrr said...

I wonder if Jessica really truly won the Hex. Is she the person America would most vote for?

Jessica should have followed her gut and used the veto - she says she has watched the game before.

Kevin - it cracks me up that he never knows who any of the past players of BB are - I really wonder if he has ever watched the show. Do you think he was recruited?

Angelface said...

The Temptations all had the same rules, you could tell others or not.
Something was said last night, that they are not allowed to lie about how the Temptations work, or that once revealed inside the house, DR/Production would not lie about the rules of the temptation. Jessica revealed the temptation, so, I'm guessing if asked in DR they get the truth. Jess told Kevin, Kevin told Paul, last week.

Laura Taylor said...

I want to know what happens if the third nominee (from the temptation comp) wins POV? Does that mean there will only be two nominees? Or will the next-to-last from the comp be a replacement nom?

Oz of Dorothy said...

I agree, this season is the worst for showmances! I hope in future BB exec's stop the sex on TV. I think they want to be famous for what ever reason, no boundaries.Ehy do we have to have a vet return??? Please!!! I hope Coty wins it and Josh needs to stop the mean kid approach when all he can do is cry!

Poppy said...

Paul is smart enough to know that they didn't give them safety beyond a one-time use. He should put up Cody (but not Jess) and then make a big show of Jess going up next week. That way Jess will be forced to choose between saving it for herself or using it on Cody. She will use it on Cody... but watching her anxiety over it would be good TV.And then, like Survivor, they've flushed it and can carry on with their games.

Unknown said...

I know some are sick of Paul. But Cody is boring.

Josh is a terrible player, but is interesting, I guess.

If Paul and Josh were gone, this would be a snooze-fest.

Terrible move by Jessica to say she had the hex. You allow Paul to plan around it. If she kept quiet, she would blindside him.

If I were him, I'd just put up Cody and Jess. Make them use it. No sense pissing off someone else in the house. IF you keep your numbers, you get them out next week.

Unknown said...

What the actual was Julie wearing last night??? Worse than the blue dress!!!

Jeff - Louisville, KY said...

Agree, Jess announcing the power to the group was a smart move. If everyone thinks they are immune from eviction for 2 to 3 weeks then they stay of the block and preserve their hex power. My guess is that Paul and Alex will sniff this out.

Also, I think putting Cody and Jess on the block makes a hell of a lot sense. Paul will not be creating new enemies by putting Cody and Jess up. When Jess uses the hex to take her and Cody down it will allow Paul to basically blindside two people (Elena and Mark?). Versus Paul putting up anyone not named Paul and Jess and having to deal with them being upset all week. I hope Paul follows this logic and outs the hex power!


Down with the stupid showmances!!!

Joe said...

It is used once but it stops the eviction that week, so both nominees are safe.

Joe said...

It is exciting for me to see someone use logic and reasoning to convince people. People want to criticize instead of giving credit where it is due.

Joe said...

She was thinking it would give them more than 1 week of safety, except instead it is going to make them a target again, so yeah, bad move revealing.

Joe said...

Alex is running her own game. Her interests aligned with paul so she worked with him. It amazes me that some can not differentiate between the two.

Joe said...

There will not be renoms. So if jess/cody are on the block after veto and hex is used, nobody will be evicted and they will play another hoh comp with paul sitting out.

Unknown said...

during raven and matts little coffee fight, when matt goes to throw lemonade on her in the shower cameras mess up and you can see her tits. Around 3pm CST

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