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Thursday, July 20, 2017

Thursday: The Overnighter (+Den of Temptation)

Happy Live Eviction Show Day!! :D Tonight, we will see Dom get the boot and then battle it out with Cody/Jillian/Cameron in the Battle Back Comp (tomorrow night, Friday, is a special BB episode for the Battle Back Comp).

**The feeds are messed up, thus there are no screenshots for today's Overnighter. So if you try to find these conversations on the feeds, good luck. lol The times are screwed up on the flashback feeds vs when they actually happened.**

Yesterday, the houseguests received the Den of Temptation (1:25pm BBT). So, which HG received it? It appears that Jessica *might* have won it, as she was looking very happy afterwards. She never told anyone she won it, but she was asking questions about a Double Eviction and how they work, so that's suspicious. (She was also expected to be the winner via BB fans online, so my guess is that she won it but not 100% sure, of course.)

By 5:20pm BBT, Paul is paranoid that Jessica won the DoT and wants to fake-out Jessica (by making her believe she could be voted out this week) so that it forces her to use it. He even sent his right-hand (wo)man, Christmas, to try to pull it out of her, but Jessica never faltered. She ran back (err..hobbled back on her crutches) to Paul to tell him she couldn't extract any good info from her. Womp, womp.

Around 9:30pm BBT, Josh told Jason that if it's down to them two (Josh/Jason) to throw him the HOH comp. He said he'll put Mark/Matt up next to each other. Speaking of Matt, he told Raven earlier that they should just throw this HOH to Paul. Raven agreed.

In other news, Dom warned Jess (2:30am BBT) that Paul is running the house, without it appearing that way. Jessica said she sees what Dom sees and is aware, too.

And that's it for The Overnighter! Remember, tonight is the Live Eviction, tomorrow is the Battle Back Comp and the feeds will be down this afternoon until tomorrow night (aka "Feeds Blackout" that I posted about the other day).

If you won't be by a TV to watch the live show, you can get the live feeds and watch tonight (and all other) live BB19 episodes this season, all for $6/month. I'll be back tonight to live-blog the eviction show as usual! See y'all then!!! :D

Stay tuned...
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SDfan said...

If Jessica did get the Hex temptation, do you think she should use it this week to keep Dom? Cody gets back and Dom still there gives Jessica the numbers to take out Paul. What do you guys think?

Unknown said...

I doubt she is that in tune with what she should do and she is love sick, so she will want to keep it to save cody if he makes it back in.

Joe said...

Cody burned bridges with mark and dom before leaving, jessica has said she didnt want to be in that position again choosing between cody and everyone

Unknown said...

We don't know if the halting hex can't be used till next week right? Since Julie said whomever is evicted next will also play in battle back. Also, throwing rhe HOh to Paul? 🙄 These idiots I swear.

Razldazlrr said...

Very interesting - a lot is going to depend on who makes it back in to the house.

Last nights episode:
- why do so many women with fake boobs feel like we always need to see them? Alex almost always has them out there, even at really inappropriate times. bugging me ----"Alex has had plastic surgery five times, but only once by choice on her breasts, without her parents having any knowledge of the procedures. "

- Dom - people that use God and the bible like she did last night drive me crazy - time for her to go!

-- Mark - he certainly does cry a lot in diary room - get a grip!

Anonymous said...

Watching last nights episode, I am really disappointed in Alex's game. Perhaps its the film editing (I don't have the live feeds) but her diary room sessions really makes me question her logical reasoning. Here's a few of the logical jumps that make no sense to me.

1. Dominique before Nominations hints who she thinks is the snake (Paul). During the conversation Dominique emphasizes "Friendship," Paul's stupid catchphrase several times. Alex: "It's really clear she's hinting at Elena." How was any of that hinting at Elena?

2. Paul throws his former ally, Dominique, under the bus. Dominique comes up and hints that Paul is a snake. Alex: Dominique turning on her alliance is a HUGE red flag. This is more hypocritical then a logical fault, because Alex truly believes she's Paul's ally so she's not going to hold that against Paul.

3. This one bothered me most. Megan tells Alex that Jess made a racial slur about Alex (Panda - which she misheard). Alex confronts Jess, Jess denies it. Alex: "Being called a racist is a serious charge. So when Jess denied it I knew she was telling the truth. Why would you lie about that?" This makes no sense to me. If anyone was accused of being a racist - whether true or not - they are ALWAYS going to vehemently deny it because of the ramifications.

There are other things that bother me (e.g. believing Paul's plan to make Alex believe it was her idea put up Mark, Dismissing Jason's well reasoned argument that Jessica as a pawn is too risky), but the three issues above really make me question whether Alex is as strong as I thought she would be.

Someone who watches the feeds, is this just a result of the misdirection, or is Alex's thought process as flawed as I think it is?

amethyst427 said...

yes Adam, Alex thought process is flawed, I am amazed to see how gullible she is with her thinking. On the feeds she has statement: I believe Paul because of his "Friendship" brand so he wont lie, (smacks head on desk)lol - he knows people are watching. She also believes Raven didn't lie because she swore on her pacemaker.

Unknown said...

I can't even stand to watch bb any more. They are so fake...their acting, so terrible and ingenious. Ugh I keep reading the posts...hoping that annoying Paul is gone.

Danielle Lum, APR said...

Okay so let's say Jessica got the temptation. She chooses to halt tonight's eviction to save her ass.

Every temptation comes with a side effect. What if the side effect is that the person who wins the battle back DOESN'T get to come back into the house? They have the whole event, winner is thrilled, then Julie announces that the temptation's side effect is that the battle back is null and void.

If that's the case I hope Jessica got it. And uses it to save herself tonight. And Cody wins the battle back.

There's some drama right there.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was hilarious how easy it was for Paul to make them believe putting Mark up on the block was Alex's idea. They didn't even question it! Oh how much faith they have in Paul! I just want Alex to put some clothes on. :)

Unknown said...

Deep random comment ahead: I think women who get breast enlargement were self conscious about that body party prior to the enhancement. I mean, in America breast are used to sell everything but milk. Following the procedure, I think their new found confidence causes them to become "free".

Gr8teful1957 said...

If there are big brother gods then Josh will win HOH tonight so that we can get to watch all he'll break out.....

Unknown said...

I'm right there with you on those observations. I really thought in the beginning she was going to be a bad ass. The "friendship" one especially was so glaringly obvious.

Karlys said...

Is CBS down, or is it just my local stations? Other networks are up, so I know my cable isn't down, but the CBS channels are just black!

Clay said...

These idiots dont realize if they dont get the Vet out hes gonna win. Look at last get the vets out fast.

Victoria Stairz said...

Let's be fair here!

1.) The men are almost always *shirtless*, so their boobs are even more out, and even more often. And,

2.) If there was a reasonably inexpensive, relatively easy penis enlargement surgery readily available to the general public, the Big Brother house would be like walking through a kielbasa factory.

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