Yesterday afternoon was pretty intense, as Josh clearly needed attention and made sure to start fights with anyone and everyone willing to fight back. His "give me attention" act is growing old on houseguests and I can definitely see him being targeted in the next upcoming weeks if he doesn't' tone down the temper tantrums.
**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $5.99/month all access pass!!
4:17pm BBT:
Josh is ranting on & on to Paul about the whole Mark/Josh condiments fight and how everyone thought it was funny that Mark threw pickle juice on him, and so he retaliated.
Josh: "..because I'm not sensitive, bro...if you can't dish it, don't f*cking entertain it!" (*I think he means "If you can't take it, don't dish it out." But okay.)
Josh is blaming Mark for not being able to "take it" from Josh (when Josh threw ketchup and mustard on him).
By 4:25pm BBT, Josh is still ranting about Mark. (* I bang my head off of my desk.)
Josh is yelling at Mark, as Mark is trying to appologize.
Josh: "You f*cked up. You f*cked up. You f*cked up."
He also goes on to attack Jessica during all of this, to which Jessica up and leaves. (4:33pm BBT).
4:38pm BBT:
Ahh geez...this cat is still going on & on. Use flashback if you wanna listen, but I can't stomach him anymore. lol
Moving on...
7:43pm BBT:
Paul is asking Dom why she called him a snake. (*Let it go, man.)
Paul said he's just playing the game.
Dom: "Got it. Thank you."
Dom could care less about Paul and is being dismissive about their conversation. Conversation ends. Paul walks away.
10:35pm BBT:
HOH Room
Alex said that they're building the jury now, so they have to be careful with who they send home next home. Josh is complaining as usual, this time it's about how he thinks Raven is happy that he has slop for 2 more weeks.
12:35am BBT:
HOH Room
Paul said he likes that Josh/Mark are fighting back and forth (puts targets on their backs). Alex agrees and adds how others wants Christmas gone but she's injured and she (A) thinks they should just "leave her alone" (have her stay) because she handicapped. Looks like Ramses/Jessica will be the next targeted as of now.
**And that's it for the Overnighter! As much as Josh *should* be targeted, it looks like his loud mouth will actually keep him around. With Josh being on slop for 2 weeks, we can expect even more meltdowns and verbal outbursts, which will either be annoying or entertaining (depending on which houseguest is in his path at the moment). We shall see.
Oh, and just's a pic of Jessica thrusting Elena from behind, in front of Paul/Kevin last night at 12:37am BBT, Cam 3.
Paul: "What did you sign up for?!"
Kevin: "Don't ask me!"
Elena: "OH YEAH!"
Kevin: "Are they filmin' that sh*t!?" (*lol!! Gotta love Kev.)
I'll be back later with a new post!! Until then, enjoy the $6/month live feeds!!
Stay tuned...
Christmas is gonna end up as runner up since they're afraid to target the injured houseguest.
Yep - they will either get Josh out soon because he is crazy or the time will come when they keep him around as someone easy to beat. A lot of these people do act like little kids but you probably get bored in there.
I think they will keep Christmas for jury and then probably send her out. A lot is going to depend on who gets back in this week.
Anyone want to take bets as to when Josh finally hits someone because they smirked at sonething completely unrelated to whatever he's complaining about?
Why have you not posted about Paul saying he was going to do black face to mock Dom?
Good idea Steve! Jamie - you need to start that pool! haha
Yes I think Josh is going to lose it pretty soon. Someone commented the other day Matt sticking his tongue out, omg I see him doing it all the time. It's weird. Marks pink shorts need to go they do not look good on him. Jess walks with her boobs first, pushing them way out as she walks. Just give Kevin the win, I like him.
What happened with Mark & Elena last night? She said 'this isn't going to work out-us' and wouldn't let him hold her hand or kiss her.....
I am so sick of Josh and his family back home!
Probably because it wasnt his intent. He was talking about using a black mask or paint to look like a snake, not intentionally going black face.
Did he really?!?!?!??!! 😳😳😳😳😳😳
Paul was going to use some of that black face goop to decorate his face to look more like a snake. He put a stripe up his forehead and one on each cheek.
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