Has anything changed as of last night? Let's find out!!
**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $5.99/month all access pass!! Steaming of every live BB19 episode is included!!
10:03pm BBT:
HOH Room
Jessica is talking about the potential of Christmas/Paul going on the block next to each in the future.
Cody: "I still want Paul out."
Jessica: "Yeah (well) get over it, I want Alex out more."
Cody: "That's fine."
Cody wants to get Paul out via backdoor plan (if/when he wins HOH again), even more so after he's blindsided Thursday. Cody then teases Jessica that she just doesn't want Alex in the jury house. (*Bingo! lol)
Jessica: "..I just can't stand her."
10:33pm BBT:
Lounge Room
Kevin says he thinks Jessica won the temptation. Paul said he thinks so, too.
EDIT/ADDED: Jessica told Kevin at 8:29pm BBT last night that she has the Halting Hex, but lied and said whomever puts her on the block will get a punishment. lol)
Paul: "Once 'we' win next week, they ("Jody") are goin' up."
Paul said he's gunning for Cody, not Jessica, though he wants both of them up together.
Paul: "7-3."
Kevin: "Then they're gonna know (who voted)."
Paul: "Doesn't matter.."
Paul said it's the majority, they can't go against the whole house & "they'd submit" to the numbers being against them.
Kevin: "So whatta we goin' do, just be even with each other and no one go out and say we ain't leavin' the house??" (*lol!)
Paul said that the odds are in their favor."
Paul: "And (Cody) ain't gonna beat me twice."
Back upstairs...
10:39pm BBT:
HOH Room
Cody and Jessica are getting ready to go to bed. Cody mentions that he thinks Paul is getting the votes for Josh to stay. (*Yep.)
Jessica: "That's what I was afraid of."
And Jessica even brought that up to Cody as a concern prior to the Veto Ceremony, to the point where she was debating on using the veto to ensure that Josh would go home. Too little, too late.
Cody: "I mean, I don't think he'll convince Kevin..ughhhh..let me win this f*cking HOH."
Jessica said that Paul said he'd support and do what she wanted him to do this week.
Cody: "Alright, we'll see!"
12:08am BBT:
Lounge Room
Josh is cam-talking, saying he's gotta win HOH this week.
Josh: "I think some sh*t is gonna go down on Thursday..I don't trust Jessica at all!...I got my ride or die, baby..and it's f*cking Christmas Tree!...I think me, Christmas, Paul and Kevin and Jason can be a lethal team. I'm the loose canon, but..I didn't do that bad in the last HOH..like my brother would say 'Stop being a little B and make some f*cking moves!'."
He goes on to say that he hates bullies and how "Mark is a bully".
Josh: "..and guess what? I'm gonna f*cking humble you, you f*cking d*ckhead!"
He wants Mark/Elena/Cody out.
**And that's it for the Overnighter! It's almost 1pm BBT and the house has been rather inactive so far. Paul is talking to Kevin and Jason about how he hired someone to take care of his Facebook. Feeds cut. Oooookie dokie then.
And if you need a good laugh, this meme is floating around the net...lol
Enjoy watching the HG's on the live feeds!!
Stay tuned...
Last night Jessica told Keven she won the temptation and told him how it worked and that it expires after 4 weeks. It was around 8:30 BB time,before Kevin and Paul's talk. I think Kevin was trying to hint to Paul about it as to not just straight out tell him.
I wish he would tell him!
So much for Cody making big moves and shaking up the house upon his return via battle back...
Me thinks the feeds cut because he's alluding to knowing he was going to play this season, no matter what. If he had time to hire someone, he knew he was going to enter BB regardless if Kevin (or another houseguest) took the temptation. I noticed a photo on his Instagram that was dated 6/14 (prior to the start of BB) with him holding a houseguest key. The photo is now removed from his ig (post snake veto), but if you Google 'Paul Abrahamian Instagram big brother key' it pops right up.
Definitely adds credence to production assisting his gameplay
They cut the feeds when the convo is going to be on the live broadcast, dont be surprised to see it, it isnt some devious plot.
Of course he knew in june..they all get some notice..
Josh needs to go, he the biggest crybaby mommas boy ever plus hes a bully and a loose cannon
Josh is just a big baby, bless him. Under all that stupid is a sweet guy who just isn't very mature. I'm enjoying his loose-cannon, bouncing off the wall actions a lot. You never know what the big dope is going to do next. If he can make it until Thursday without sinking everybody's game it will be a miracle.
Thanks. Excellent observations.
I also think it was safe to assume someone would take the temptation... $25k? No one will know who took it? Yep someone is taking that!
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