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Monday, July 24, 2017

Veto Ceremony Results

Around 11am BBT, the feeds went off for the Veto Ceremony to take place. And here's the results...

Jessica did not use the Veto
Ramses/Josh remain on the block

As soon as the feeds came back on, Kevin told Josh to take a shot at Jessica/Cody (aka "Jody") whenever he can. So, now Josh plans to continue to act defeated all week until Thursday and then blindside Cody/Jessica.

Then he started dancing and the feeds cut. (*Thank gawd.)

So, that's it for this week. Also, just a correction from the Overnighter, Elena did not lie (she just doesn't know) that Josh is staying this week. She's such a non-factor, I have no clue what that girl actually does in the house except for rub up on Mark and Paul. lol :P

Enjoy the live feeds !!

Stay tuned...
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Gr8teful1957 said...

I wll be glad to see Ramses voted out. He is boring and brings nothing to the game. Josh on the other had is such a wild card. Never know what he will do. He needs to win HOH so that we get to watch him in all his craziness.

Unknown said...

Josh needs mental help. He can run his mouth, but when someone says something to him, he cries like a baby. Pathetic!!

Jared said...

What a waste of an HOH! It's funny that "Jody"wants to pretend like they are powerful and then do this move. Josh offers nothing to this game other then some amusement for sure. I can't wait to see their faces when Ramses walks out the door this week and they realize they completely wastes an opportunity to at least get rid a good player. Just have to make sure Cody doesn't win HOH now.

Ashlae said...

I kind of feel like the house is trying to bully "Jody" through Josh. I mean, I know Jessica and Cody did some unnecessary things at the beginning, but some of the things they are doing to Jess and Cody are borderline bullying. My opinion.

Unknown said...

"He can dish it out, but can't definitely can't take it"

sissy92101 said...

I totally agree with you I don't like him at all, plus I'm beginning to not like Paul I didn't really care for him that much in first place.

Jake said...

Yeah especially if he gets a bad case of HOH-itis, which he surely will

Unknown said...

The house will put up Jess and/or Paul next week and she'll use the halt hex and baffle them all

BBWatcher said...

Josh is a wildcard. If he does stay and win HOH that would be great to watch. "Jody" better watch out if that happens.

Unknown said...

I cannot stand Paul! I actually can't stand anyone in the house rift now. They are all a bunch of followers/floaters. This is a super boring season so far. I cannot believe Jessica didn't use the veto. Something exciting needs to happen and everyone needs to stop being so predictable.

Unknown said...

I agree with my brother (who I didn't even KNOW read your blog too, haha!) that this is a wasted week. I was so excited when I found out she won HOH figuring that Cody would be in her ear to stir something up. Given I don't have the feeds (no time to worry about a VPN) but I'm just tired of no one playing the game. I think Paul's gameplay is so sloppy because he doesn't even have to try with these people. He got out the people who saw through him (Dom, Cody) and it won't be long until Cody is out again. I'm even disappointed in Alex! I had high hopes for her.

daryl42 said...
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Jamie said...

this whole cast isn't playing smart. lol

Unknown said...

Elana and Raven are the side dish to 2 big fat whopping meatballs !!!! They provide no good live feeds and elana aka McKenna is so weak !! Don't enter that act into the county fair girl cuz your meatball sauce at best !!!' Josh is such a fun live action charector he just has no filter and he makes me laugh so hard !!! Love u Miami !!!!!!

Jeff - Louisville, KY said...

Josh has been playing an extremely impressive mental/social game. His ability to get under Cody's skin is about as impressive of an act as I have seen. Cody is laser focused and has the USMC background to tune out distractions and noise. Somehow Josh has found a crack in Cody that allows him to get under his skin. Making Cody play the game a bit more emotional is a huge victory for Josh and the house.

Josh in the end will be played the fool, but he'll get much further than he would have if he had floated.

daryl42 said...

I've heard that Jessica told Kevin she has the halting hex. Seems like horrible gameplay because more than likely in a matter of time everybody's going to know that she has it. LOL

Unknown said...

agreed. Hess the ultimate bully and follower. Paul and Kevin now telling him when to and when bit to go off on people?

Unknown said...

TOTALLY AGREE! I don't understand why they didn't put Paul/Josh in the block? Literally they are handing the W to Paul

Unknown said...

Agreed! Sadly, I think Elena is there for eye candy and she plays it up. Can she puhleeeze put on a bra? From one large breasted woman to another

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