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Monday, July 17, 2017

Veto Ceremony Spoiler + Mark and Josh Fight

Today the HG's had their Veto Ceremony. As of last night, Jason (Veto holder) wasn't sure if he was going to use it or not. Well, here's the verdict...

Jason did NOT use the veto.
Jessica/Dom remain on the block.

Of course, Dom is still the target and I don't see that changing between now and Thursday. Post-veto ceremony, things were a little tense. Paul, mocking Dom's name calling him a "snake" the other night, dressed like a snake for the ceremony.

3:32pm BBT:
Mark/Josh had just played a game of pool. Josh scratched and so he lost (according to HG's), but Josh kept saying he won. Then Mark threw (as a joke suggested by Elena) to throw pickle juice and hot juice at Josh. He did.

Josh went inside, grabbed some condiments, came out being pissy and started squirting everything all over him. When Mark tried to stand his ground, Josh kept running around complaining about hot sauce in his eye. Then the feeds cut (as production kept playing "Stop that'! over the loudspeaker).

Definitely a worth on the live feeds (I used Cam 1 for these shots). I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter as usual! See y'all then!!

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

Josh looks terrified/ like he's about to cry. Mark would crush him lol

rick said...

This whole thing between Mark and Josh is ridiculous. Mark says that he's joking, but I think he truly dislikes Josh. Josh isn't mature enough to handle what Mark is doing to him. It's uncomfortable to watch. Sadly, this was all started by Paul. I really liked him last year, but being a "vet" has completely blown up his ego. Being in this game has ruined the house. Cody needs to come back to shake things up and put Paul in his place.

Blue eyes said...

Oh my gosh please I can't take all these Stupid pranks the children are doing. Well it looks like BB is still afraid to send Christmas home. Also can't Matt wash some clothes all he wanted is a orange shirt or the green one he has and Raven acts like a young child and it makes Matt look like a pervert. BB can't you tell Alex to ware some regular clothes we get it she thinks she's the first Asian with boob implants. She is a discrace to the Catholic religion and to the Asian and the Philippino people. If you ask me Elaina,Raven,Christmas,Dom and Alex are not good looking girls and by far sexy or worth looking at. I am not sure if Dom is a man or a girl and Raven is always trying to look like she is a dancer and loves to look at the cameras to see if they are getting her stupid but and Matt's stupid floating butt to. Well it looks like Josh has overloaded his foul mouth some more. Paul looks and acts like the snake he is. Rasmey is playing his childish games with Raven and floating like Matt and Raven. Mark is a waste in the game he's not smart and he can't physically do any compatition to save his life and all he's doing is hanging on Elaina coat tails which she to can't do anything other than look at her self in all the mirrors to see if the camera is following her. Elaina has a constant rest bitch face. She has a permanent frown. She has no personality at all. BB there needs to be a big change up in this house. Why BB wouldn't of sent home Christmas when she got hurt is so rediculace to ones watching the show. The only normal household BB guests where Cody, Jessica, Kevin and Jason. Everyone else can go home!!!!!!

Kingboo985 said...

Josh is a damn pussy.

Steve Robbins Art said...

Josh needs meds. He's clearly unbalanced.

Dianne said...

I'm happy with all the Dom, Mark, Josh stuff going on that Ramses is no longer on Paul's radar. At least for now.

Nicole Chenault said...

Anyone with the "street smarts" Josh claims to have knows that when you scratch in a pool game, you automatically lose. haha

Kingboo985 said...

Ramses is still though

MizzbeeTX said...

I purchased the live feeds on CBS. I can view them but I can't go back to watch the fight Josh and Mark had. Can someone tell me how to do it? Is it even possible?

Unknown said...

Who are you to judge Alex on religion and how she looks? By who's standers is she a disgrace Or for that matter anyone in the house. If you dont like the cast dont watch! Your comments are mean and uncalled for. It's one thing to not like a person but you have taken it to far by your rude comments!

Joe said...

Cannot on the app, but if you sign in on computer it works on the website

Unknown said...

WOW!!! How hateful of you to judge their appearances!

TerBerry5 said...

Anybody else sick of arrogant loud-mouthed Paul? I can't stand to see or listen to him any more...and heck NO! NO, he's NOT MY "...Your boy, America." (LOL I wish he'd stop saying that!!!! ) Let's make him go away, far far far away. Cody? Dom? I hope one of you get back in the game!

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