As usual, nothing much happened last night. This season seems to fall into line with previous seasons where the HG's only play for a few days, and then take a few days off until the live eviction. So Sun-Weds, we get notta. But Thurs-Sat are usually solid for good feeds. lol I'm hoping that will all change this Friday though and I think it will! Why? Well, because (1) Paul isn't safe anymore after Dom gets evicted tomorrow (2) another HG could be returning via Battle Back Comp (3) that Battle Back returning HG could end up being Cody, which means feeds gold. Someone needs to pump life back into this season and I think Cody entering and/or Paul exiting would do just that.
There's also another possibility: CrazyTrain Josh ends up winning HOH and just starts tearing sh*t up. lol He has said a few times last night on the feeds that if he wins HOH, he's hunting for the big players in the game, not someone like Ramses. I would looooove to see that!!
In other news...
Instead of taking normal pics on HOH Blog/Pics day, they get Snapchat Glasses. (*I had no idea these things even existed, I had to Google it.)
They look kinda neat, they give a first-person POV. Not sure they're worth $100 though. lol Anyway, you can follow BB19 on Snapchat for pictures this season:
We're on @snapchat! Follow us at cbsbigbrother 👻You don't want to miss our snaps tonight! #snapchat— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) July 23, 2015
Anyway, let me gather up the couple of things to pull for The Overnighter.
**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $5.99/month all access pass!! Steaming of every live BB19 episode is included!!
9:48pm BBT:
Paul is saying that when his safety is up so he's gonna try to win HOH. He wonders if someone will make a "hero move" (to get him out). He says it's bound to happen and hopes that him "playing an honest game" will prove to people how he plays and you're either with him or against him.
11:09pm BBT:
HOH Room
Jason said that he wins HOH, he'd gun after Christmas.
Jason: "I'm gonna put up...Christmas and somebody."
He goes on to say that he hates watching her hop around because he feels directly responsible for it.
Jason: "I f*cking hate it. I f*cking hate! I know it was an accident.."
Jason said that he feels like he has to help her (get something to drink, open up a door, etc) because he's the reason she's hurt. Jason thinks he's gonna backlash for putting her up with the other houseguests. Alex said to tell her she's a pawn. Alex then says she wants Jessica out. Jason warns her to not tell Paul, or anyone for that matter, who she wants out.
Alex: "Nobody is asking me (who I want out) because I can't win (HOH)."
11:36pm BBT:
Lounge Room
Josh and Mark hashed it out over the whole condiments thing. Josh said that he "blacked the f*ck out" from Mark's prank. Josh explained his point of view.
Josh: "This whole blowup started over the stupdest sh*t."
Mark: " just escalated pretty quickly."
Just to backtrack here...Josh/Mark played a game of pool. The bet was for the loser to drink pickle juice and hot sauce. Josh scratched and lost. Josh denied this to be factual and complained about it. Mark thought it'd be funny to throw the pickle juice with hot sauce on Josh. Josh got furious and grabbed ketchup & mustard and threw it all over Mark. Things got heated. Mark later tried to apologize, as Josh didn't except it and instead kept yelling at him and playing victim in front of all the HG's, including snapping on Jessica at one point.
Mark said that this is the 2nd bet that Josh went back on and didn't do. (There was one with Paul, too.)
They exchange apologies and all is well.
Josh: "I feel better after this."
**And that's it for The Overnighter!! The live feeds are currently on the puppy cam, so my guess is that the Den of Temptation is going on.
Don't forget about tonight's BB episode at 8pm ET/7pm!!
Stay tuned...
I think your statement of "(3) that Battle Back returning HG could end up being Cody, which means feeds gold. Someone needs to pump life back into this season and I think Cody entering and/or Paul exiting would do just that." is more hope and dream than reality. Cody didnt do much after the first few days in the house. He was pretty much isolated with Jessica all day every day. I dont have any desire to watch a repeat of Corey and Nichole laying around all summer...
Thanks for all you do for us. Love the blog!
I'm just curious as to why you don't mention anything about the temptation? Dom can be the one tempted this week and flip the house around...
Did production tell all the ladies to skimp on clothing last night? On BBAD, it was a total "boob-fest!" It sometimes amazes me at how these "ladies" are willing to run around, bend over and play in their bikinis or less while in mixed company. I don't get it. Or maybe I'm just old? :)
Did yall say who the have nots are this week? First 4 off the wall? Josh, mark..?..?
I think Alex is bad siding with Paul she looks week because she is allowing Paul to run her HOH and she should of sent Paul or Christmas home
I thought so too. Alex is always wearing that active bra weekend boobs hanging out.
Why is Alex listening to Stupid Paul at least Dom would get Paul out. Why are they drinking Paul's Kool-aid? The ones that should be leaving first is Paul and Christmas these Stupid HG will loose their own game to Paul and Christmas what a stupid waste
Why won't the HG wake up Paul is a snake Dom is so right about that and he has said he's going to win so these HG better wake up!! Don't they want to win or are they just groupies like Cody said it's truly pathetic. And Matt and Raven are floaters and so are Mark and Elana and Ramsey and Josh
I wish Jason knew that Alex and Paul made a deal
I'm not so sure Cody coming back in is best, he said he wants to work with Paul. If Cody and Paul work together, they're going to annihilate the rest of the house and not in a good, fun way. Codi has issues, things could get dangerous for the other houseguests and CBS with liability! This hardly seems like good TV for children to watch! On the other hand, Dom is super smart and she is ANGRY with Paul! She is the only one who can see through Paul's vail of illusion. I don't think CBS is giving her enough air time. Maybe it's because she's been laying low but, she's not any longer! We shall see...
It is so annoying that Cody said things before he left and everybody believes him . That is why Dom is on the block . Early this morning Jessica told Josh that Cody told her that Josh was peeking at the girls while they were in the shower . I doubt that that is true , but it broke Josh's heart and brought a tear to my eye as well as a mom .
They are in fact their bodies. They can do whatever they please.....
I like boobfests
Raven was saying on BBAD that Josh peeked at her in shower. Mark was making fun and was saying Josh was going to bathroom and he did like a wide turn to take a 👀 look.
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