Speaking of Josh, per Paul's orders, Josh is acting defeated and not talking much. This caused him to act crazy yesterday in the lounge room by himself. He played with BB apple decor and Orwell the Owl. (7:59pm BBT Cam 1)
In other news, Kevin is really catching on to Raven ("allegedly") being a fraud (she's been exposed on Twitter for weeks now. Type in hashtag #RavenExposedParty to see for yourself. I can't post anything here because Raven's mom is going around trying to sue people for slander..no thanks. lol). Raven is constantly stating that she's sick and terminally ill, but then says a lot of contradicting things such as not being able to lift 65 lbs, but then she can go do handstands and cartwheels. **shrugs**
Kevin also hinted to Paul yesterday morning in the backyard that he thinks Jessica has the Den of Temptation. She does. And she even told Kevin, though she lied about how 1 thing; she told him that whoever puts her on the block, gets a consequence for it. Jessica has 3 more evictions to use her Halting Hex to prevent an eviction.
**And that's it for The Overnighter! The houseguests have been mostly hanging out, saying who they want out next, etc but (1) I have little to no faith that anyone except Paul/Cody/Josh would actually take a swing at anyone major (2) if any of Paul's minions wins, it's going to be Paul's HOH and he'll gun for Cody/Jessica, and she has the halting hex. So that's that.
I'll be back later for a quickie afternoon update. Until then, enjoy the feeds!
Stay tuned...
I, for one, am sick and tired of hearing about Raven's illness. She's obviously healthy enough to play the game (although not sure she's actually playing BB - she seems to like to play tag with Matt), so get on with it. I hope she's not playing it up for sympathy votes - that's sure to backfire eventually. I wish these HGs would stop playing to the camera and just play the game. I hope Cody goes ballistic when he hears the vote tally on Thursday - if Josh stays. Things just might get interesting again - although, last I heard, Jessica is starting to suspect Paul has the votes for Josh to stay.
Well, isn't that interesting about Raven. Looked at some of the tweets. I have listened to her stories and thought - no damn way! and you have to be healthy to play the game - I'm glad Kevin is finally catching on!
Oh boy, that cleared up some questions I had. I'm with Kathy and Razldazlrr, wondering how someone so sick could be chosen to play the game. When you think about it that's a really nasty trick to play on the other house guests. Not cool Miss Raven. She does have an interesting scar and what looks like a pacemaker, but even the most dedicated liar isn't going to have surgery to sell an idea - are they?
The show was a little blah tonite - I don't think Jessica will be that shocked when she sees Josh staying. Raven acted like an idiot when she asked her whether Josh was still going.
Why was there a creepy camera in the bathroom? It's nice to watch Josh sniffy time crybaby action, but geez
I think it would be exciting if Cody snd Paul teamed up - they really could take the whole game if they secretly work together. However Cody would never really take Paul to the final two because he would fugure that he would lose to not only a Vet but also because of his poor game play in the beginning.
Paul however I don't know why he wouldn't want to play with Cody I know right now it's like an alpha male type of thing he has against Cody but if he really were up against Cody in the final two he would probably have a better chance just because Cody is not well liked of the remaining house guests which most are soon to be the jury.
I think it's too bad that they don't trust each other it sure would make for not just good game but intense to watch.
But even though I've said all that, I want Jason to win. I think out of everyone left he's a good competitor, he does not have enemies (except for Christmas which I think she just says she doesn't like him because of the accident but that wasn't his fault completely. She willingly made the decision to get on his back and play giddy up ), he has a great personality and he probably be the most deserving .
Oh and if I have to hear Josh refer to someone else as a meatball one more time . . . ?!($?@!
Raven has a disease, that's not debatable. If she's using it to get attention, that's going to backfire; I don't get the feeds so I haven't seen it. Moving on, is anyone else tired of seeing Paul wear the vest with the fur collar in the dead of summer? Puh-lease! I'm not enthralled with the cast, but I could never break up with Big Brother ��.
It is a real shame Kevin turned rat and squealed to Jessica that the plan is to send Ramses home. I was really looking forward to the blindside. Paul needs to spill that Kevin has $25, 027.
How do these idiot houseguests not realize that Paul is playing them like puppets
This is the worst cast ever! I don't care too much for Paul but at least he's playing the game and them, so he deserves to win. Please BB don't bring back any of them for future shows!
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