**I will not be covering this whole fight, this is one of those "ya gotta have the feeds" in order to see it in it's entirety. Pieces of it will be shown on the show, I'm sure, but not all of it. Get you free trial of the live feeds to view it. Use Flashback time: 1:11pm BBT on Cams 3 & 4 (or fast-foward to 1:14pm BBT for the good stuff).
After some words between Josh/Jessica, Cody got a couple shots in on Josh too.
Josh: "Nice."
Cody: "You f*ckin' waddle around here with your fat f*cking body, acting like your f*cking tough, but you KNOW it's only because we can't do f*cking shit in here! You wanna f*cking try this shit on the outside, then go for it, I f*cking dare you."
Josh: "Okay, you guys are making this personal.." (*like you've done before, too?)
Jess: "Don't speak to me, Josh..don't address me..get AWAY from me..you wanna play? I have two days left baby, bring it."
Josh: "You guys are gonna feel soooo stupid when (you watch this season back)."
Cody: "I'll f*ckin' destroy you, Josh. I'll destroy you on the outside. I don't give a f*ck about you. I'm gonna rip you the f*ck apart. I'm gonna make the whole world know what a piece of sh*t you are."
By 2:22pm BBT, Josh is outside with his pans-banging routine.
Cody gets up, Jessica tells him to stop, Cody tells him he's gonna rip the pan from his hand.
Cody: "You wanna bang pans, Josh?" *gets up and walks towards Josh*
Jessica: "GO INSIDE, FAT*SS!!...Cody...Co"
..and then the feeds switched to fishes.
The next time Cody/Jess were seen, was at 2:48pm BBT.
Apparently, Josh isn't allowed to bang pans together anymore, as Jess/Cody got a verbal lashing in the Diary Room afterwards (per Jessica saying they got in trouble and then mentioned Allison Grodner's name.)
Josh also then went in the HOH room with Paul & Co. and cried.
Also, there was a Paul VS Mark in the lounge room at 2:14pm BBT.
Paul asked Mark why he didn't step in (Mark was recording the fight with the Snapchat glasses lol), and Mark said that nobody (Paul & Co) came to his defense when it was Josh vs Mark last week. (*true.) Then they talk about bullying in general. Mark exhausts me and I'm uninterested, so I didn't really stick around for that. It wasn't even really a fight, as it was more Mark sticking up for himself against Paul.
At 2:58pm BBT, Jessica warns Cody to watch out for Paul if things do end up getting physical, because Paul would jump in and sucker punch Cody...so if he's fighting Josh, look for Paul to come in from either side.
Jess: "I'm not saying this to rile you up, I'm saying this because..God forbid..a physical altercation breaks out, and you go and swing at Josh, just keep in the back of your mind that Paul's lurking in his corner praying you swing so that he can sucker-punch you. Just keep that in mind."
What a crazy day of feeds!! Have fun rewatching it all on the Flashback Feeds!!
Stay tuned...
Okay, I'm not justifying the bullying of Paul and Co, but I'm just gonna throw this out there - how is this not bullying towards Josh? Everyone in the house needs to grow up and act like adults.
I watched the fight on the feeds, and I don't usually watch the feeds for ouke longer than 5-10 minutes but I literally watched the feeds all day. I was just watching then all the sudden Jess was yelling at Josh. After the fight I was shaking
If Kevin thinks he can work with Cody, he is deceiving himself. Cody needs to go and go soon. He doesn't deserve to finish the game. Perhaps he is trying to get kicked out of the house so he can be with Jessica. Well, Jessica, I know you think you can handle Cody but he won't change and when he turns on you, it won't be pretty. Like Cody said, there is a reason he is single, has no friends and is distant from his family.
This group of houseguests (as a collective group not individuals) is the meanest and least focused ever. They are foolishly content to serve king Paul. As the season progresses I have chosen a few HGs that I prefer to win but so far none that are even close to "deserving" to win.
I will say this Jess might have got this one going but thus is built up from Josh always running his mouth then crying. I hope Cody takes a few out before the house eats him up because they're all followers.
I have been reading your this blog for years now and never felt the need to interject my thoughts or opinions until now. I feel for Josh. Josh is constantly being bullied by his so called allies such as Paul, Allena, Mark, Alex. They are always bossing him around, correcting his pronounciation of words insinuating he is not intelligent and calling him dumb dumb. Now as for Jessica and Cody i can not understand the raging anger they have for Josh. Jessica and Cody are two disgusting human beings and deserve each other. Last week people were reaching out expressing sympathy for these two making them out to be victims, which obviously they are not. Jessica is worried about how Cody will represent himself on the outside world, news for you Jessica you should be worried about how you are representing yourself. You are on TV and America is watching. I have been watching Big Brother since season one and this is the first time having trouble rooting for a winner. On the account of the way Josh is being bullied, I am team Josh.
Jessica is just as big of a bully as anybody else. Sometimes even bigger. How degrading was it for her to demand that Josh spell the word drought. She wanted to show how stupid he was by not knowing how to spell it... But he did. So she thinks he's so stupid and dumb that he needs to be picked on. So she believes in picking on people that she thinks aren't as smart as her is that it? And then of course Cody has to butt in and start calling him names and physically threatening him and saying he's going to destroy him when he gets outside. I don't agree with anyone picking on anybody in there but what they say to Josh is just not excusable and I think it shows something about their character. Yes Josh is wrong too, but what was the worst thing he did...bang pots and pans, sing that stupid circus song, call people meatballs and tell Cody he wanted to bond with him (as a taunt)? I don't believe his bullying was even close to what Jessica and Cody have done. Theirs was much more personal. Believe me I'm not excusing Josh's behavior but I just don't think it was at the same low level that Jody's has been. Josh gets on my nerves big time but a lot or actually most of his taunting was generated by Paul. And the funny thing is, is that Josh was actually trying to save Jess! Over the years there have been MANY bullying instances, verbal fights and nasty behavior towards one another. Unless it becomes physical they don't evict people for it. I think it's an interesting and sometimes entertaining part of this game/experiment. Nobody will probably agree with me but that's just how I feel.
If they don't get rid of Cody next they r idiots.
All this talk of bullying is ridiculous. Someone has an argument and everyone cries bullying. Next thing u know trash talk in sporting events or in the military will be outlawed bc feelings r getting hurt.
What a mamby pamby wold we r living in.
Ppl it's a game. U r suppose to get in ur opponents head and psych them out.
I don't care if I piss people off... they continued to poke and poke and harass Jessica and Cody for days and days and days etc... do y'all not think this would happen eventually? I mean come on the pity party for josh is a bit much he could of walked away but he just kept on and on and on.
Absoltely agree ��
Agree. It is the expected outcome, and was the plan for some houseguests at the start.
Agreed, Josh just doesn't quit. People did poke at Cody and Jess on and on and followed them out to the yard when they tried to walk away. Jody keeps to themselves and tries to avoid contact. They are at their boiling point after so long of having so much pecking at them. Josh, on the other hand, not only gets on the pots and pans kick, but he also gets on a rolling rant and will not stop. Anytime he rants at someone, he loves the attention and just won't quit. His own alliance should also be ashamed of themselves for the way they treat Josh.
It would have been interesting to see how Jess would have played had she not been involved with Cody. I don't understand why Cody even wanted to be on BB if he wasn't willing to play the game. Having to nom five people the first week didn't help and he alienated himself but then he needed to regroup and try to do damage control. He did not and has not even attempted to so he should just be evicted and he can go and be happy in the jury house where everyone can relax, hopefully, if Cody quits the hate. Then the house can go on and play the game as it should be.
I agree that this is a very hateful house.
"Jody" are not victims. From the very first day they've been obnoxiously rude. Remember Jody with the "panda" comment? Unreal. Or the nomination for eviction when Cody said "l"m nominating you because I just don't like you"? Just a little childish and insensitive!! She is just a spoiled brat with her false eyelashes, fake boobs and hair extensions. People treat others as they are are treated. They deserve everything they are getting. I just hope that in the future BB is more selective when choosing the house guests. How about a little more maturity!?!
Agree, completely. Josh and Paul have been instigating every chance they get!!! And now everyone is saying poor Josh?! Lol NO
I’ve said it before and will say it again – when you sign up to play BB (or any other reality show) you sign up for the good, the bad and the ugly. The word “bullying” has been used a lot here and I personally think it needs to stop. 2 sides/people arguing and exchanging verbal jabs is not bullying. Jess, Cody, Josh, Paul, Raven, Xmas etc have all said things to someone at some point and time. You have to expect that there will be some arguing and nasty things said when you walk into the house and you might just be in the middle of the drama.
@ Elizabeth – I completely agree with you. Since week 1, the entire house has been against Cody/Jess. What do you expect? Do you expect them to sit quietly and not give it back? Josh has been antagonizing them and calling them Meatballs from early on in the game. If you want to be “that guy”, own it and be “that guy”. Don’t run off into a room and cry about how everyone is attacking you when you too have been on the attack.
Truth of the matter is; people will side with their favorites. At this point, I am having a hard time finding my favorite so I don’t like anyone in this game. I think they are all acting like immature idiots that need to grow up.
EXACTLY! Josh is receiving his just due. Turnaround is fair play. He could've choose not to spell the word. That would've been smart. But he's not. He ran right into Jess's plan and turned ugly.
I don't understand how he was allowed to "sing" that clown song. He definitely did not make the tune up.
I totally agree! The entire house has ganged up on Cody and Jess, it's natural that they are lashing out! They're angry because Jess is leaving the game and sad because they're going to be separated from each other. Josh is an idiot and he's getting Jess out so he's getting the brunt of it.
You keep pushing people and they fight back. I guess Jess feels she has nothing to lose. Wasn't right to do it, but can't blame them. I would have knocked out most of them if I was in there.
Kevin does not think he can work with Codi. He is trying to position himself. If Cody gets Paul out, Kevin doesn't have to worry about it in jury, it's a very smart game move! Jess and Cody need each other in this game. They have been ganged up on by the entire house so, it's only natural that it's pushing them closer together. I don't think they'll stay together outside the house either, they are in different leagues. But, that doesn't discount the genuine love and affection they have for each other in the house. Cody is not a bad guy. He's in the house with a of the bunch of immature dummies. Cody has seen a lot more in his life than these egotistical people in the house. So, he's probably frustrated at their ignorance. Every single time Elena is talking to somebody, she's looking at herself in the mirror -
so irritating! And Josh, at first he reminded me of Baby Huey but, he's way too mean and stupid. I want Cody to win this house is ridiculous!
I totally agree,
Please not cast mature houseguests. If people wanted to watch old people sitting around having discussions on righteousness they already have daytime tv
Agree 100%
I also absolutely agree!!!
I keep that "Panda" comment in the back of mind just waiting. I'm hoping it comes out with Julie when Jess finally gets evicted. She's racist and a narcissist! She sure put herself in the victim role when she talks about how Josh mistreated her because he threw trash on her. That was part of an HOH comp. It was to get a rise out of the HG's. I understand her pain of losing her Father, but for her to bring the anniversary of her Father's death into the game. That was ridiculous!
Cody is a joke! The reason he has no friends, no girlfriend and little family because he can't communicate. He's quick to anger and slow to speak! I appreciate that he served his country. He has no game play in him. If he did he would have understood that he can't play the game alone. He chose to go solo from day one. He constantly states that everyone stabbed him in the back and no one was loyal to him. I CANNOT wait for team Jody to be buried!
Definition of bullying
: abuse and mistreatment of someone vulnerable by someone stronger, more powerful, etc. : the actions and behavior of a bully
Definition of bullly
: a blustering, browbeating person; especially : one who is habitually cruel, insulting, or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some way vulnerable
I'm not sure anyone in the house is exhibiting bully or bullying behavior, by definition. Annoying, YES.
I agree hands down. Jessica's attitude sickens me
Agreed 1000%
I agree as well.
No sympathy for Josh. He has. Even dishing it out for a week and now cries when he gets it back. I would have smashed his head between those pans a week ago
I know this is old so you might not see it, but..
There never was a panda comment. Jess said pow pow, because alex is similar to pau pau, a former houseguest. Meghan heard wrong and nobody bothered to correct or explain it. I dont think pau pau is any better as a reference but anyway..
So what is the snapchat handle
I agree on the adult part, however Josh via mostly Paul's instruction, has been a horrible person and the day where Josh, Raven and Paul tried to get Cody to crack was the worst. Cody does no favors for himself, but if ever there was a time to get booted for physical contCt, it's people doubting his service to our nation.
I do not feel sorry for anyone who comes into that house...it's not real life and they forget that ONLY when it suits them. My biggest problem is WHY ARE THEY SUCH LEMMINGS TO PAUL??? He's not that slick or bright. When will someone say, "no Paul, this is my HOH..." I mean the best thing would be having Josh be hog again and backslid Paul or be the deciding vote on his demise....the only real time I got mad was when Alex talked crap in front of Mark then turned it onto him, he needed to call her out right there! Here's how I rank them right now from favorite to least..
Mark...too nice to win
Matt...too spineless
Cody...too isolationist
Kevin...too Switzerland
Jason...too much back row ha ha
Jess...too catty
Elena...too much plastic
Alex...those freaking ears
Christmas....too wicked
Josh...Should run the ring toss at the county fair
Paul...oh, I manipulated this group of simpletons again!!! Look at me! He would get torn up in a real All Star version of the show.
Why doesn't Cody just walk out the front door if he really wants to save Jess!
I said mature, not old. There is quiet a diifference!
Torn up, lol.
Based on what exactly?
Was that him that beat 3 returning players, or someone else?
I hated Paul last season, and he got his hand up Joshes ass and uses him like a puppet. Worst bunch of house guests ever.
BabyHuey perfect name for him. Paul has everyone in his pocket. Worst year by far. Can't stand the way everyone dishes on Cody for acting like a gentleman with Jess, never seen how to treat a woman.
Still think Cody should have walked out with her.
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