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Monday, August 7, 2017

Afternoon Update + Mystery Episode

Earlier this afternoon, the houseguests had their Veto Ceremony. And without further ado..

MARK used the Veto to take himself off the block.
RAVEN is the replacement nom.

Jessica is still the target this week and she's pretty much given up and is just spending the day with Cody, trying to get as much time together as they can.

In other news, it seems we have a Special Episode of Big Brother scheduled for Friday August 18th at 8pm ET/7pm. While it's possible it could be a juror battle back comp, it is not likely as there wouldn't be more than 2 (or 3, if next Thurs is the Double Eviction). It can also be a best-of clips show like they did last year (which is what I'd lean more towards it being).

Earlier in the afternoon, BB played some sound clips: a baby crying, a dog barking, a jackhammer/drill type noise. My guess is that it'll be for an upcoming comp, possibly Thursday's HOH comp. They started around 1:40pm BBT.

From this morning:
Cody told Kevin/Jason that if Jess goes on Thursday, he'll be loyal to them. Kevin promised him that "his side" won't nom him, and Cody said the same from him if he wins HOH.

Kevin/Jason then walked in the backyard and talked about working with Cody.

Jason is hesitant because that doesn't include Paul/Alex (they'd never work with Cody, and vice versa). Kevin says to give him a few chances and see what happens. They both admit that they like Cody.

**And that's it for the Afternoon Update! Oh, and as a sidenote: Raven lied on the feeds today, claiming that she turned Cody down the first week of BB19. She told this to Matt/Christmas in the kitchen. She also added that he (C) told her (R) that it'd never work out because he wants kids and she can't have them (because of her 100's of "fatal" illnesses she claims to have). The truth is, she came onto Cody for the first week of BB and he turned her down. Him/Jess were just laughing about that yesterday I believe it was.

Enjoy the live feeds !!

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Thank you for telling everyone on the side note! That's why I left it for you to read in case you missed it. I got so mad when I head it. She is trash

TeriPie said...

Pretty sure raven offered to go up as a pawn only for more on air time. She really plays up to the cameras. I gotta cover my eyes when she's on cuz I just can't watch her....N now with the lies about Cody! I love the comment "100 of her fatal illnesses".

Joe said...

Bb fans: "play the game, this is boring.


lol, what a joke

Unknown said...

Can't stand Raven. She always sounds drunk when she talks. Is she on meds?

TeriPie said...

I get it...But they're not playing the game....They're all just playing for jury spots.

keri said...

My hubs asked the same exact question! Lol!

Anonymous said...

I imagine Paul told Raven to lie about Cody, same as he told her to cry and then blamed Cody for making her cry. There are more and more lies being told in order to target someone.

Joe said...

It's almost like jury is some kind of milestone you have to hit before you win.

Unknown said...

I was going to say that Raven is a liar. From the moment Cody walked into that house, his eyes were always on Jessica. He even said that his game is blown because he can only think on Jessica. I was very happy to find out that they had hooked up after he won HOH the first week. Raven needs to cut it out. She is looking more pathetic every day.

Anonymous said...

I've re-read Jamie's blog and can't find what Raven said. What did she say?

Razldazlrr said...

so what happened to getting Elana out???

that Raven is a nut case - I'm glad people are finally catching on to her

Jamie said...

Brian: I posted a joke saying she has "100 fatal illnesses" because she is NOT dying like she claims. she's a fraud, that has been exposed for a month now on Twitter. her/her mom (allegedly) scams people with GoFundMe scams. Its extremely well known by now by most BB fans.

in addition, even the houseguests hate her and are on to her lying, drama, pity plays, sob stories, ridiculous claims of illness/things wrong with her, and how odd it is that her sometimes she'll speak with an accent, and other times she won't. she's a wackado, in my opinion.

Unknown said...

Huge fight in kitchen just happened. Josh and Cody

Unknown said...

And of course Josh goes and cries.

Anonymous said...

@Jamie Thanx. I actually knew a bit about that. Last I had read that was not confirmed. I thought the thing was her mom had told her all this and she was just brainwashed as a child.

They do not show any of that on BB. Between the girl who self evicted, Cody and RAven, who is vetting these players? OH and Josh too! About a quarter of the house is crazy.

Joe said...

Yes, isn't it fantastic!

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