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Friday, August 11, 2017

Fri: The Overnighter (Brief Recap)

Good morning & Happy Friday to y'all!! Yayy the weekend is here!! :D As we saw last night, Jessica got evicted and Alex won HOH (..which means Paul won HOH, let's not kid ourselves here). This weeks target is Cody for the umpteenth time. So exhausting watching the same thing every week. Ugh.

This week is a very simple week: either Cody will go, or Mark/Elena will go, though I expect it to be Mark over Elena.

While talks of Maven going up were had the past couple of days, Paul "suggested" (and I use that term loosely) to Alex to put up Mark/Elena together this week (instead of Matt/Elena, one from 2 different showmances, which is what Alex wanted to do). He said there's no sense in making 4 people from two showmances upset, so just target one of them.

Today the HG's will have their last Temptation Comp of the summer! Who will win it and secure safety for the week? Who will lose and be the automatic 3rd nom this week? Paul told his minions last night that he wants to "beat Cody in the temptation comp", so he said if they all throw it to him, he's good with that. I'm not sure if that's actually be considered as "beating" him in a comp, but okay.

Since today is the Temp Comp and then Noms, I'm not gonna do an official Overnighter, plus blogger's picture server is down and I can't post pics right now. Hopefully they fix that today at some point.

However, I figured for those non-Twitter people I would showcase what some BB alumni think of the houseguests/this season for fun.

(referring to Josh VS Jody fight a few days ago)

Nice to know that us BB fans aren't alone. Evel Dick has been rather funny to follow on Twitter this season (unless you're #TeamPaul, then you might wanna steer clear of his tweets this year. They're not pretty.)

I will be back later on today with the winner of the Temptation Comp! Last week, the feeds were down all day and I expect them to be down a lot again today as well. So go enjoy your Friday, I'll have the spoilers ready for ya later.

Stay tuned...
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Joe said...

You also might want to steer clear of eveldick if you are team human decency. That waste of life is so desperate for attention he will do and say the worst things he can comprehend.

Taz Caz said...

When is this special Friday episode supposed to happen?

Critter said...

It's sad, people aren't even commenting anymore:-( What a boring season! CBS should not have brought Paul back!

Mergatroid#1 said...

August 18 8pm eastern

dappledog said...

Cody should realize that they want to backdoor him, so he should lose the temptation comp that way he can compete in the power of veto.

Dianne said...
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Unknown said...

Hope Cody wins safety and one of Paul's minions becomes 3rd nominee. That way that side of the house has 3 on the block.

Unknown said...

He knows that's what they'll do because that's the only way to get him out. His plan will probably depend on if he thinks he can win the temptation comp. if he thinks he can't he'd throw it and try for veto. His only issue is going to be mark, where Cody has comp strength so does mark.

maur said...

I really hope Cody wins the temp competition giving him safety. Then gets picked for veto. No ring in play. And takes someone off the block. Showing the low hanging fruit on the other side. Who is at the bottom of the pack. Who do they see as dispensable. That could be an eye opener for some and maybe they will start playing their own game. One can only hope.

Stevie said...

Agree completely.

Laura O said...

That that doesn't really make sense. If he wins the temptation comp he can't be nominated at all. Cody is such a great competitor, so if he competes he's got a good shot at winning. Why throw the comp if you have a chance to win it? If Cody weren't so strong, I could see it being a viable option, but he's a threat so I say he plays hard and just goes for it.

Stephanie said...

I just watched a video on his confrontations in his BB time. He doesn't have much room to talk.

maur said...
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dappledog said...

Because everyone agreed to throw the win to Paul and the odds are against him. He could totally win it, but why take the chance. Jmo.

Unknown said...

I like Paul! He's in it to win it! Good for him!

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