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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Overnighter +The Saga (Ep 7)

Hey guys & gals, hope your Wednesday is going well. I'm taking some time away from the blog today (at least this morning, I might be back tonight with an update if the HG's actually do anything of importance) to get away from the negativity and since the HG's do nothing but bash each other and continue to make horrible remarks, blogging about it and feeding into the negativity is just too much for me today, especially after yesterday.

A quick "Overnighter"' brief: Paul is still in control of the house, Matt is still leaving tomorrow and is still breaking every Have Not rule in the book, production is still calling Matt out and yet he still doesn't comply. Derrick (BB16 Winner) had this to say about Matt..

It seems like Alex/Jason will be the next targets. Kevin told Paul last night that he wants to win HOH (to get Alex out) but Paul told him not to win HOH and let him have HOH instead, he'll put Alex up on the block. Kevin is okay with that. Josh told Christmas something similar; that if he wins HOH, he's putting Alex up on the block.

Jason is continuing get his rape comment circulating online. Yesterday, it was TMZ. Today, it's posted on Daily MailNY Daily NewsTV Guide, and FOX News

In other news, delusional Alex hopes herself/Jason/Paul or Josh wins AFP and said if Kevin wins AFP, she's going to kick him in his balls and say "F*ck you, old man!". How sweet.

And now, time for laughs! Here's Wil's delayed Episode 7 of the BB19 Saga (due to a suitcase falling on his leg and slicing it up):

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

Still shocked that Alex has never been the one to initiate the break up in her relationships.

Melinda said...

At this point, my vote for AFP is going to Mark. I just can't with any of the rest of them.

Smokey said...

Nevermind the media attention about your comments Jason. I have a feeling that Kevin's family is a group of people you don't want to piss off.

Unknown said...

This saga is the best so far. Loved it!!

Amy said...

This whole season has made me sick to my stomach. These people are deplorable. I used to love BB...but I just can't watch anymore. I don't want to support this behavior by watching. I wish CBS and/or Julie Chen would address all the reprehensible behavior of this seasons houseguests. I don't want them to sugar-coat it by giving good edits for the show. I would like them to say "this is not ok". Young people watching need to see someone take a stand against this level of bullying. No one in this house deserves to win. The money would be better served helping the victims of hurricane Harvey.

Razldazlrr said...

It's interesting that the way the show is edited, unless you watch feeds or read your wonderful blog - they don't even know how evil most of these houseguests are!

I love reading your update - but yep - take a break from these crazies - although Wil was so funny, yet again!

Anonymous said...

I usually do not find Wil funny. But this one made me literally lol.

Did anyone else think Elana thought everyone was going to love her when she left the house? The way she waved to the audience? She didn't get a huge response.

This season has sucked. However, I will be looking forward to one thing, the reactions from the audience at the finale. I hope CBS doesn't fill it with the few fans who love this cast.

Man I was rooting for Paul. If he was playing this way in "Prison Big Brother", it would be great. But when evil dick thinks you are shady, you need to take a long look at your life.

Seriously, casting was able to find ONE good player out of this whole cast. (Jess) However, she was thinking with her (libido)and never got traction.

Has anyone seen the ratings?

Unknown said...

Wil ... Lol

Dawn said...

Between this season and a couple years ago when the racist/sexist comments got made, I'm thinking it's time for CBS to find a new summer hit(s)... sad to say.

Unknown said...

Its sad when you see cast ratings and the ones still in the house are at the bottom and the ones out of the house at the top. Hope cbs looks better into their casting guide and mix things up next year. They got all followers not enough leaders

Steve Burton said...

Agree 100% with Amy!!!

Steve Burton said...

I'm hoping CBS allows Julie Chun to have the balls to call this horrible cast out publicly. They are dispicable!!!

Kingboo985 said...

How does a suitcase slice your leg up? Like does it have knives on the side? Just my odd little question

dappledog said...

I think Alex should get into trouble for tossing out the slop. By not doing anything about it, CBS is condoning their behavior. Shame on you!! Matt is just pathetic! Loser!!

Unknown said...

For real! This is the most ridiculous season EVER! I honestly just need it to be over, claim Paul the winner and move on to like a fresh season or all-stars that don't include these lemmings. I was super excited when they brought on people that could actually speak about big brother's past in their interviews... but bringing one vet into the mix totally screwed the whole season! Big FAIL CBS! hope you are reading Jamie's blog and see her insightful REAL views of the house guests and will either throw in a LIFE JACKET or say goodbye to your watchers. Kudos Jamie for sticking through this trainwreck of a show!

Anonymous said...

Looking at Jokers, I find it funny that Paul is telling Christmas, Josh, Alex, and Jason that he was actually AFP last year but "he couldn't win that honor and the $25,000 because he was in the F2. Had he not been F2, he would have won AFP instead of Victor. I found that hilarious as people liked Victor as a person. I can't believe any of the above people think America would vote them AFP and that they are entertaining.

It is scary to think that this whole cast is so disgusting and that CBS couldn't find a single person for America to really like.

Mr, Sinister said...

Our current cast would give the 2017 UK crew a lesson in complete and udder disrespect to others. At least in the UK version the audience gets to vote on the nominatied house guest.
I think it's high time that Americas big brother take lessons from other versions of bb

Stephanie said...

I agree with this. Frankie from a couple of seasons ago made a rape joke, then the racist comments and now this. I think it's time BB bows out.

Unknown said...

I am so disappointed in CBS Big Brother. Shame on you for allowing such horrible behavior. Don't you think there is enough violence in America that you would allow such bullying and threats to be acceptable? I have looked forward to each season, but this year is an embarrassment. Obviously this show has scraped the bottom of the barrel this year and Paul is the sludge you find from a barrel of fermented chicken parts left in the sun for several days.

Shoba said...

Hey Jamie have you seen any posts online from ravens family? Or from last years cast who played with Paul? These people disgust me!!

Corin said...

Thanks for your work on this blog. I only watch it live and have a totally different perception of the cast because of the editing. I had no idea how bad things are until I read this blog. Makes me a little sad and I've come to realization how much power the producers have in their editing.

Unknown said...

Something tells me any guy who spend 5 minutes with her would run for the hills before she had the chance.

Taz Caz said...

This cast is disgusting, and hard to believe that, even though it's mostly his influence, Paul is the "decent" one. Kevin is a good man and shouldn't be subject to these immature brats.

Alex seemed so strong at the beginning, standing up to Cody, but she is such a selfish CHILD. Respect your elders.

I don't dislike Josh because he was picked on and I thought he at least stood up to his bullies. But, dude, enough is enough.

I adored Jason, but his family having to publicly apologize for his violent rape comments... he's disgusting.

Matt and Raven... y'all are mean. Bye.

Christmas has been a mean girl all season. I truly feel sorry about her injury because she has been an inspiration to many. I guess Big Brother just knows how to bring out the ugly.

Kevin (hopefully) or Paul for the win. Maybe Josh. This cast is nasty and Jason just sealed his coffin in real life.

Unknown said...

I have a soft spot for Mark too. He tried to play the right way. He's got my vote!

Unknown said...

Agreed! So glad Jason finally went against the grain tonight!

Unknown said...

Thanks soooooo much, Jamie, for putting up with all the crap this summer snd reporting it. I stopped watching weeks ago since I couldn't stand the cruel, petty and reprehensible behaviour of these selfish insecure "house guests". FYI, I wouldn't invite any of these cretins to be my outhouse guests (since any of them would give "outhouse" a bad name!)

GMAGS said...

@Razldazlrr – I agree 100%. I said the same thing when Cody and Jess were still in the house and those crazy fights/attacks on them took place. I don’t get the live feeds or watch BBAD. I watch the show and read Jamie’s blog. What I saw CBS air did not show what really happened based on what I read. CBS has done a piss poor job of showing what has really happened in the house. It will be interesting to see if they air what Jason said. Based on what they have done so far this season, I highly doubt it.

I say we give Cameron AFP – I think that would send a clear message to them and CBS that we fans HATED this season so much that we would rather have someone that spent hours in the house win AFP over those idiots that played most of the season.

Elpheba said...

Jason will win against Paul now that he made nice with Kevin.
I think Cody, Elena, Mark, Kevin + Josh will vote for Jason to win... Josh seems to know Paul is playing everyone. Josh is not as stupid as he acts. But if it is Alex and Paul.. Paul wins.
Maven loves Xmas? Boy.. she has themtrickex. She may be even smarter than Paul. But Paul doesn't even know it. She is doing what Paul is doing but it is less obvious.

BKReed said...

Just 3 more weeks until this dreaded season is over... It can't come soon enough! LOVED the Wil video - he is so spot on with these people.

Unknown said...

Great idea but I'm afraid CBS will just give AFP to whoever they want.

jjdante said...

So tired of the Big Paul show. CBS...just give Paul the money already, and put on reruns of Gilligan's Island. It would be more entertaining!!

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