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Sunday, August 6, 2017

Sunday: The Overnighter

Happy Summer Sunday, guys & gals!! Yesterday, I told y'all how it looked like Elena might be leaving this week, but the tide has turned and now it looks like Jessica will be a goner on Thursday afterall.

Before I get into the Overnighter, I want to thank every single person that has signed up for the Live Feeds this season through the blog and/or supporting the blog with a Donation. It is *only* because of you supporters, that I'm able to be here. I couldn't be here (and wouldn't be able to be here) without it!!!

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Let's dive into the Overnighter!!

**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $5.99/month all access pass!! Streaming of every live BB19 episode is included!!

Christmas used her Ring of Replacement yesterday (against Josh's wishes, but obeying Paul's by using it) so that Cody couldn't play. The comp was OTEV, by the way. Paul thinks it was a good idea for the RoR to be used to separate Cody/Jess, because they're 2 votes that would "vote the same way". For Paul, it makes sense for him to use someone else's hex to further his games agenda, but it was dumb on Christmas's part because now she won't be able to use it for herself in the future if need be.

Speaking of Christmas, it seems that she is not Team Josh afterall, she is very much loyal to Paul. So she changed her tune to Josh from wanting to get out Elena, to now telling him that she agrees with Paul and that Jessica should go this week instead.

At 2:13pm BBT, Cody was crying into Jess. He's frustrated that he can't play for Veto to save her this week (*he would've dominated OTEV for sure).
Jess: "It's not over. It's always gonna be us against this house. If they can't get you, they're gonna come for me. We were prepared for that. It's not over yet."

A minute later..
BB: "Cody, please come to the Diary Room." (*Wants footage of Cody crying, no doubt.)
Cody (mumbles): "F*ck you."

2:54pm BBT:
Jessica tells Cody that Kevin wants to talk with him.
Jessica: "He wants to make a deal with you..after I leave the game..he wants you to join his side of the house for 4-5 weeks and then it's (a free for all after that)."
Cody: "I'm guessing his side is Jason/Alex.."
Jessica: "Paul."
Cody: "No. Not gonna happen. F*ck that. I appreciate (Kevin's) one olive branch.."
Jessica: "You do whatever you wanna do."

Cody says that he has 1 chance to win HOH this week and get someone out, and then next week they'll try to backdoor him. (*Accurate.) He knows he only has a week or two of game left. He said as long as he can take out either Matt/Raven/Paul/Josh/Alex/Christmas, he'll be happy.
Cody says that Christmas always try to give him a "manly stare-down". Jessica agrees and said she saw it.

Cody: "So dumb. Yeah, you're real f*cking tough, Christmas. I get (that) you have overcompensate because you think you're a dude."

At 3:40pm BBT, Josh tells us live feedsters that he wants the noms to stay the same, so that Elena goes home.
Ten minutes later, Josh is telling Christmas in the lounge room how Paul always has to be in control and he's not good with that.
Josh said he's sick of Paul using him to rile up other houseguests and how if he wants that to happen, then he should do it himself.

Despite Josh and Paul's efforts to prevent Mark from using the veto on himself tomorrow (Monday's Veto Ceremony), Mark said he's definitely using the veto to pull himself off the block. Matt/Raven are both okay with being the replacement nom if need be.

At 9:38pm BBT, Kevin talks to Paul by himself. He said to let Cody play the game, give him a chance.

Paul said they'll wait to see what happens with the next HOH comp: if Cody wins it, they'll sell him "bullsh*t". and that if he's NOT in power, then he needs "to come to us" (Paul & Co.).

A few minutes later, Josh enters his HOH room and Paul starts barking orders at him.
Kevin: "There's the HOH!"
Paul: "Josh, go get us a snack."
Josh: "A snack?"
Paul: "Bring something."
Josh: "(There's) f*ckin' trail mix!" *points to trail mix on table*

Josh: .."what the f*ck you mean, a snack."

**And that's it for The Overnighter! So Jessica's days seem to be numbered as of right now, and her/Cody know it. Today is my "day off", but don't forget to watch tonight's new BB19 episode and enjoy the $6/month live feeds !!

Stay tuned...
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Razldazlrr said...

too bad - I was really hoping for Jessica and Cody to get another week - I guess Josh is a little smarter than he acts understanding that Paul is pushing him around. I'm sure that Kevin doesn't like it but right now is just going along with everyone.

Steve Robbins Art said...

Paul's bullshirt about have the HOH FETCH HIM A SNACK. Such disrespect!

Unknown said...

yeah, Jess should have cut the cord with Cody last week. It's not like they will have a relationship outside the house. I appreciate his service, but he has no friends and not close to his family for a reason.

Someone tell me who I should root for.
Cody-unlikeable. horrible game player
Paul-seems to be a bully
Josh-hard to believe a 12 year old got on BB
Xmas-maybe, but she seemed to be in on the bullying
Mark-isn't a good game player
Elana-Isn't playing
Kevin-maybe, can't tell if he's smart or a floater or what
Matt-has been a team player, but needs to make a move
Raven-I forgot about her.
Jess-if she stays, and loses Cody, she could go far.

Not a lot of future BB all-stars coming out of this group.

viewer said...

this year I wouldn't mind production rigging the show for Jessica to stay

viewer said...

I wouldn't mind production rigging the show for Jessica to stay

Dancingqueen said...

100% agree! They could do a temptation and the consequence could be that the 3rd nominee can't be voted out. Jess would be safe and Elena or Matt/Raven would go home.

I don't understand why Matt/Raven, Mark/Elena, Christmas/Josh go along with Paul. Paul is going to cut them all first chance he gets to take Alex, Jason, and Kevin to final 4. They would go further going with Cody.

Kevin and Josh have been saying a juror gets to come back. Is that a for sure thing or are they just guessing?

TeriPie said...

I knew it was too good to be true n they Wud all give into paul. If josh was smart( n he is kinda cuz he's seeing what Paul is doing...Just doesn't have guts to go against king Paul) he Wud go to Cody. maybe not to play together as buddies but come together to get Paul out n try to bring in mark n Alena. Matt Christmas raven can't win crap so odds Wud be in their favor. Somebody do something!!!

Kelly Yount said...

Couldn't agree more. I really don't like anyone and have no one to root for. This season is as bad as season 15.

Kelly Yount said...

Is anyone else ticked off by how the last show edited the bulling to look not that bad. Why did they show Christmas suggesting that they question Cody's military records? And they made it seem like it only lasted an hour not days.

Stevie said...

Lol agree 100%

Stevie said...

They don't want to make their beloved Paul look bad

Anonymous said...

@Brian..agree, slim pickin' for who to root for once Jess is gone. I keep having high hopes that Kevin will kick it in gear and has alluded to that to Jason in the past. Other than Kevin, I hope that Jason & Alex get their heads out of their butts and do something. Matt has been going along doing nothing for so long but at least he's likable. Paul is good at strategizing so would have to say he is deserving, but if he wasn't so mean and didn't have so many minions to dictate to and have them do all the dirty work, I could get on board with his game play. He's just so mean spirited, as is Christmas, and takes everything too personal to the point that it's ridiculous.

BTW, shouldn't there be a penalty for Jess taking the temptation? Did I miss that? When Paul took it, he chose someone (Ramses) who had to put himself on the block within the next three nominations and when Christmas took it, she chose three people to wear frog costumes.

TeriPie said...

I agree....Let everyone see who Paul and christmas really are. How paul really treats people in this game.

HurlyBurly said...

C'mon man, there was never a tide to be turned. Didn't matter what Josh wanted, this was Paul's HOH, period. As long as Jess was up there, no way Josh was going to be able to rally votes over what the almighty Paul was directing them on how to vote. Be real. I never for a moment fell for that potentially happening. The only way one of Jody wasn't going home this week was to win. Even if Josh won he wanted to keep the noms the same and rally votes - what a joke!

Love Austin said...

Chicklet the penalty for Jess taking temptation is the Temptation Comps

Laura O said...

The consequence is the temptation comps. Don't see how this consequence compares to Ramses having to go on the block or the frog costumes, but that's what BB decided. Just like with all the other game decisions they make, I don't see the logic. I swear they these "penalties" seem to be rigged to favor who they want it to be. If you remember, Christmas got to pick who she gave her punishment to, while Paul picked a random number. No rhyme or reason to what production does!

Unknown said...

Josh was a puppet with the pots and pans funny sometimes just young but trying to be his own hoh is nice to see. Would be interesting if Elana goes home Christmas should have used her temptation for herself and not to stop Cody but will be great if Cody hooks up with josh lol

Susie said...

What is OTEV????

Anonymous said...

Paul is getting unnecessary blood on his hand and inserting himself when it doesn't benefit his game. Mere days ago, Paul was ranting about how he doesn't trust Paul or Elena. Now he goes against the wishes of the HOH in order to save her, a player who he doesn't trust and cannot rely on? His inability to quietly observe will be the death of him in this game.

Unknown said...

Susie... It's Veto competition (VETO spelled backwards). Players have to search for answers to clues given. Last one back each round is eliminated from the competition.

Unknown said...

OTEV is a VETO competition (veto spelled backwards). Players have to search for answers from clues given. Last on to return is eliminated from competition.

Clay said...

Christmas is one horrible person. When she gets out of the house she will realize how much she is hated and Raven even more.

Carlos said...

So ok to rig so Jess can stay? Would u feel the same if ok to rig so Paul can stay? Ridiculous. Jess got got by her own game. She was smug on Thursday when she invokef that halting hex to save Cody. Now the very punishment she unleashed, may be her own demise. Gotta love the irony! !!

Kb said...

Just going to say ditto. I do like Kevin!

DAVINCI said...

Didn't like Cody much at the beginning and now I want him to win. Liked Paul last year but now I know the real Paul. He will be bullied by many when this show is over... he's earned it. Xmas.... your name should start with an "X".

Production... We know the game is rigged
. Save Jess

r's mommy said...

I'm pretty sure it's rigged every year. But, I agree they should keep Jessica and get rid of Paul!

r's mommy said...


Steve Burton said...

Paul is a disgusting human being!!!

Unknown said...

Paul is a bully!!! PRODUCTION please save Jess.

Dianne said...

It was already rigged for Paul to stay! He got 3 weeks of safety and took himself off the block which messed up Cody's big move. I don't know anyone who thinks Paul wasn't chosen by production win that temptation.

TeriPie said...

Jess has nothing to lose...So go out blazing...Stir the pot...Tell everyone how Paul is being handed the win cuz they follow him n act like he's king. Tell them how stupid they r for not getting rid of him asap! I hope she does something to get them thinking. So far josh is the only one.I think Kevin wud vote Paul out.

rigs said...

I don’t think Christmas really expects to win BB19 so using her temptation now is fine. As long as she makes it to jury, that looks to be all she is concerned about. What’s with all the hate on Christmas? She is a fine woman. She is certainly a better person than either Cody or Jessica. Jessica sealed he fate tethering herself to Cody.
Josh finally came to his senses and sees that getting Jessica out this week is better than taking out Elena.
If the game is rigged in favor of Paul, then it was also rigged in favor of Jessica. Both got similar “prizes”. It is far too easy to see “rigged” plays in the game.
Most of the house guests are smart to align with Paul. He does protect them and everyone knows at some point Paul will be the target once more threatening people are out, like Cody and Jessica.
I didn’t care much for Paul last season but I have to admit that he is playing a good game this year. Kevin plays a good social game, he could go far but if he doesn’t win comps, his chances are slim.

Unknown said...

Wouldn't be great if Josh puts Paul on the block when Mark takes himself off?

HurlyBurly said...

Clay, the sad thing about Christmas is that she KNOWS she is a horrible human being. SMH

Psalms46:10 said...

I don't think Paul getting the first temptation was rigged. I think it was set up to be in his favor simply because the first tempation of someone accepting the 25k and therefore letting him back into the house was a no brainer that someone out of 16 would go for it. Second, allowing America to vote so early in the game (for sucha temptatin as 3 weeks safety) of course production took that chance knowing the odds would be in Paul's favor because people would not only vote for Paul because he was the only one America really knew from the previous season but even more so because those who wanted him to win the prior season probably wanted him to have the advantage over everyone else this current season. I mean, who else (on day 2) would America really vote for anyway?? we didn't even know the other house guests at the time of this first Temptation so either people voted for Paul or they probably just didn't vote at all. Therefore. Production didn't rig it exactly but they did set it up to be in his favor

Carlos said...

U can make those same arguments for Cody in the battle back comp, and for Jess with the hex. So again, why rig again for Jess to stay? Just bc u don't like Paul?

Jeff - Louisville, KY said...

Very very happy to hear Jess is on her way out. This is a great lesson for her as she expected everyone to bow down to her due to her looks. It's very refreshing to see the conceited couple being the unpopular people on this dhow for once!

Can you imagine how narcissistic Cody and Jess would have been if Paul had not been in the game and created an opposing force I. The house?

Unknown said...

I feel as if its "rigged" They use Americas vote....its really what BB wants. Thats a "gimme"

Unknown said...

Production will rig it for Paul to win. I hope with a season as horrible as this one...BB will be the real looser! So obvious...ruins it!

Unknown said...

Yes we do....

Unknown said...

100% AGREE

Unknown said...

You know I stopped watching the episodes because it's just boring this season. The shepherd and his sheep. How are Cody/Jessica a threat? And I mean, if Jessica had made the right move, Josh wouldn't have been there to win HOH. Like I said, didn't watch the episode yet but who came in second place? Would have been their week.

At least Josh tried. I agree that Jessica needs to call Paul's game out, but sadly Dom tried that before she left and people didn't listen. I'm rooting for Kevin.

Lea said...

Yes, I was mad, too

Unknown said...

Why save Jess? Her only loyalty is to Cody. She can't stand the rest of the house. Not sure why you people are so all over the "save Jess" train. She is a dumb little girl who gave her game away for former Marine who is NOT a likeable person. She was nasty and rude to people when no-one would vote how she, why save this little twerp?

Anonymous said...

@Teri..I don't know that Kevin would vote Paul out. He seems to want to work with Cody, along with Jason, Alex, and Paul. Do you think he's just talking about wanting to work with Paul or maybe he wants to until later in the game? He has commented different times that they need to get Paul out.

Christmas has also told a couple people that Paul isn't always right and not to listen to him. Is she also getting wise to him?

I don't know but it seems to me that Paul is the most loyal to Alex and Jason. Wondering if that's what others are seeing also, even though Paul tells the others that he has their backs.

Joe said...

Seeing as it favors those who do well in competitions, for me it is a welcome addition.

Joe said...

Veto spelled backwards. Also a competition where they need to find the correct houseguest to answer the riddle. Last to find it each round is eliminated.

Joe said...

It might. It is also very useful for other people to have targets in the game that arent you, and have them return the favor and target those that targetted them.

Joe said...

I think she's great.

r's mommy said...

Seriously! Paul is on the show, AGAIN, for ratings because last year he was funny. This year he's an entitled bully. Production is in Paul's ear constantly! When CBS realizes they're losing viewers after Jody is out, they will finally understand what a stupid move it was to put Paul in and start to backpedal. will be too late.

r's mommy said...

1000 %

GMAGS said...

This season may be predictable so far but it will change soon. If Cody wins HOH, he will target Paul and the house will have to get Paul out or someone in that alliance. True alliances will be revealed. If Cody doesn’t win HOH or Veto, he will go home and true alliances will be revealed the week after. Sooner or later, assuming Paul survives next week, he will have to break up his minions and lines will have to be drawn. Also, I think Josh made a HUGE mistake by wanting to get Elena out and not getting the entire house on board with his plan. Cody did that week 1 and look what that did to his and Jessica’s game. 2 things will happen: He will no longer be Paul’s “boy” and Josh (an extremely emotional person) will be upset that the house didn’t do what he wanted during his HOH. That should create some drama and tension and may divide the house.

Unknown said...

If you are keeping score at home the score on "production saves" is 3 to 2 in favor of Jody over Paul.

Paul got friendship bracelets and the 1st temptation.

Cody got the bring back comp where he had every advantage to beat his competition alla Victor last season.

Jessica got the halting hex. which saved both her and Cody last week.

And finally, even though it was supposed to be a consequence, Cody is now being kept safe this by this temptation competition. And if Jessica could have won Veto she would have benefitted from it as well.

Cody also stands to benefit from it his extra competitor game for the next two weeks as well. Even if he does not win HOH as long as he wins the Temptation comp or Veto he can save himself.

Go ahead and root for Cody if you want. But to anyone who thinks Paul is the only one benefitting from "production" benefits you are sadly mistaken!

Anonymous said...

I agree that Cody's social game is weak; however he is formidable at competitions. He may not win them all but he's a strong competitor. Before throwing him under the bus for not being close to his friends and family, I'll just say that is not uncommon for military men and women suffering from PTSD. It doesn't have to be a severe case of PTSD to be disassociative with those you were once close to.

I like Kevin as well. He's not bullying or exceedingly hurtful in his game. If he were smart, he would be trying to take Cody to the end because no one else will want him to win.

Anonymous said...

Cody getting battle back was not a production saves for him. That is something that has been done before and not something that was done to benefit Cody. The temptation comp was also not a production save as that is something everyone could choose to do or not. Those two were not advantages from production.

Paul, on the other hand, was given four full weeks of safety. Normally the earlier advantages that the viewers vote on are not as good as the later ones. Knowing Paul was the only one people really knew that early in the game, it was pretty obvious that he was going to get the most votes. Even if people did vote for some of the newbies, not knowing them so early, all the votes for anyone not voting for Paul would most likely be divided amongst all HG's other than Paul's.

Yes, Jess got an advantage also but that was one save, not four weeks. The other things Cody earned with the battle back and temptation comps.

I am not rooting for Cody to win as I agree his social game sucks, even now he won't take the initiative to try to align himself with anyone. But, there is no comparison with what production has done for Paul in regard to Cody. Cody has had to fight hard to stay in the game this far, even though he made the mistake and alienated himself the first week.

Joe said...

I agree paul is not the only one to benefit. Production (imo) is doing a great job, i like the players and all the twists so far. Production set the rules but the players make the decisions. Houseguests are being influenced the most by paul because he is playing a great game and took the most advantage of the cards dealt. He used cody's inexperience to basically take that alliance of 8 and built trust with everyone in the house by setting a plan and following through. The bullying gameplay is about testing the limits to see who pushes back and therefore who paul can trust the least. Same with the water hoh thing with josh. It reveals that josh wasnt 100% on board with paul's plans and as gameplay you have to respect he is able to do something like that to find out for sure. They probably dont even know it is about testing trust and allegiance. You want to stay confused about why they follow, okay, i can answer simply it is great gameplay. At some point as a fan put aside what you want to happen and enjoy the strategies you are seeing play out.

Joe said...

Agree. Think of this though. If production put in one vet with no initial advantage he would leave week one, what would be the point? It was the only way to give him a shot without other returning players. Would we have wanted paul out week one? From my recollection everyone was liking him so if he was gone we would all just be bashing production, saying how unfair that was and complaining as usual. I think this season has been fantastic and we will see more gameplay as it goes

Anonymous said...

@Melita..I think you are absolutely correct that if Cody were to make it to F2, the other HG's would not vote for him, unless he ended up taking one of the floaters to the end. I'm sure Paul would be able to win in the end against Cody because the other HG's would know how he fooled all of them and will think he is the better player. But, would Paul risk taking him and letting Cody get him out? Kevin is smart to try to align with Cody and Paul as they would both win comps, be his ally, and would definitely want to take each other out in the end so that Paul could stay in.

BB Bopper said...

Unknown: I agree. I might not always agree with the tactics but I like the fact that at least he's playing the game. No one has to follow Paul's plans...they choose to. And I don't understand some of you wishing production would interfere when it's for someone or something you want but complaining when/if they do when it's not. You can't have it both ways.

TeriPie said...

I think Kevin knows Paul has to go but he's smart n getting a group together before making a stab otherwise Paul Wud take him out.Christmas is onto him too but she's not as smart as kevin n I think Paul will catch onto her. If Alex gets wind of either of them she will run to Paul immediately! N I think Paul isn't loyal to anyone he's just taking out whoever he feels is after him. Idk if uve seen Paul barking orders but its ridiculous... he's on a power trip like no other. Wait till reality hits him on the outside.

Anonymous said...

I'm missing something.. Why didnt Paul&Co put Cody up once Mark used Veto?

Anonymous said...

Never mind, I remember now 😀

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