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Sunday, August 20, 2017

Sunday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Sunday to y'all! The Overnighters from here on out are most likely going to be shorter than usual for 2 reasons: (1) it's past half-way into the season, which means there's a lot less to report and (2) Paul & Co. are all on the same team, so there's no real gaming going on at the moment and probably won't for the next week or two at this rate.

So as I reported yesterday, Jason won Veto and will be taking himself off the block and then up goes Mark. This isn't really a backdoor, per se, as Mark was indeed picked to play in veto and couldn't pull out the win. The veto comp was the slippery lanes comp that we usually watch on the feeds for an HOH comp, from what it sounded like. Christmas praised Mark for never giving up in the comp, even though he was getting smoked in it.

Also, it seems that Zingbot was there and made a crack at Matt/Raven not doing anything in the house besides each other (*lol) and made fun of Josh's weight. (*I may not like the kid, but fat shaming? C'mon.) Matt told Josh to not worry about what Zingbot said and that he's actually lost weight since being in the house.

Last night was the end of the punishments for both Jason and Alex. First, it was Jason with his X-tremetard (11:39pm BBT)...

..and then Alex. Jason helped move all her camping stuff into the storage room for production to take back.
And last but not least...
Raven has a new ailment: she now has arthritis. Even POP was trolling Raven last night:

**And that's it for The Overnighter! Today is Sunday, a lazy day in the BB house and even more so with this current cast of HG's left. This week is already done, put a fork in it. Next up, Matt/Jason/Kevin are in danger of going to jury next, depending on who wins HOH and Veto. Today is my day off, so y'all have a great Sunday and I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter as usual.

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

I don't get the issues with Josh and his weight. He is very tall and looks just fine to me. I don't see an ounce of fat on him. Annoying as hell but not overweight.

Unknown said...

I get more women at 200 pounds (I'm 5'8) than when I was 155.

Unknown said...

Personality bro

Jamie said...

And confidence. Confidence is the most attractive thing in a person.

Susie said...

About Raven.......I am not a nurse but I am 81 yrs old, I thought arthritis could be in the knee but not where she had the brace......
She must have brought in a load of those braces. She is a major hypercond???????? do not know how to spell it.

Walkrock said...

Watching Sunday episode. Christmas wants to make a big getting rid of Mark?

Unknown said...

I feel like every season people say this season is awful. I do agree Paul is running this house and I hope they turn on him via backdoor blind sided.

TeriPie said...

I just thought the same thing! The only big move would be Paul. So Christmas stop saying that because you're only making yourself look stupid.

Dianne said...

Paul has 2 final 3's, the only way they will turn on him is if one side tells the other, which is not likely to happen.Christmas, Josh are his real alliance. Alex and Jason are his fake alliance. He turned on Alex. But she has no idea.

Unknown said...

Once Mark is gone Paul's final three with each set of two will be exposed. With Kevin the odd man out. It may get interesting . . ..

Unknown said...

You can say whatever you want about Paul, on a personal level, but his game play is genius. He has all three power couples believing he is their ride or die third and only wants to help them get to final two. He is a brilliant game master

Elpheba said...

She is a phony. She has no Southern drawl but she puts it on to be cutesy. Can't take it.
She is such a loud mouth. The remaining girls irritate me.
Matt with his tongue mustache Licking is so gross.
They are still ripping Cody. GET OVER IT BOZOS!
They are all congratulating themselves because there have been no fights since Cody left.
It's because they are all kissing Paul's ass and have submitted to him... nothing to be proud of dopes!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more! It's unbelievable how clueless this group is. I am not rooting for anyone to win. I can't even say Paul has played a great game because this group just follows his every command so there is really no game play involved.

Lyles Movie Files said...

In the Friday preview of the HOH, I rolled my eyes so hard at the prospect of Christmas' potential big move knowing it was just what Paul's house wants. There was no chance she was going to rock the house and make an actual move. She's full of talk and no action like the others.

Lyles Movie Files said...

He's been fine, but the other HGs are frustrating since they don't even seem to entertain the thought of winning the half million and are just vying for second place.

Anonymous said...

@Robin..Probably not. Paul wants Kevin out. Paul wants to win HOH next so unless Kevin saves himself, Kevin will go next. Paul will most likely put Kevin up with Jason as a "pawn". If Kevin pulls himself off, would Paul put Alex up so his minions vote off whichever he wants or would he put up Matt along with Jason so the others would vote and then Paul could remain innocent still?

If Kevin goes next, then, there will be: Paul + Maven OR Paul + Jalex. Whoever wins HOH next of the pairs will target the other pair. Paul will want to let them make the move to get the other pair broken up so he looks innocent. By then, Paul is the odd man out of the pairs and he will be a number for whoever is in HOH power.

Anonymous said...

Raven commented that Paul has never been OTB. Could a miracle happen and maybe the pairs could actually talk to each other and decide that they would have a better chance of duking it out against each other in the end than trying to get Paul out after it's too late? Probably not, because they are all too afraid to speak up and risk being the next target.

I admire Josh for not wanting to harass Kevin and love it that he told Paul to do it himself. We shall see if he stays true to himself.

Mr, Sinister said...

Q? To live feeders, are you able to see anything from the sequester house like you can the sequester place on survivor? It would interesting to see a little of the interaction of the house mates, other then the "clean" edited version we see from the show

Razldazlrr said...

I am really in a 4th category of voting - I always read your blog and watch a show here and there - usually dvr'd - so just watch parts that interest me with this crew

I didn't get the whole Josh is fat thing either - that was really "mean girl" coming out of Jessica

Walkrock said...

4 week immunity and 8 friendship picks allowed him time to work. I will say he is playing a good game. However, he is playing with people who are not playing at all. Imagine if at least half the house was there to play he wouldn't be there. No right minded players would allow a vet like Paul to play as long as he has. He is not a master game player, he is playing with weak minded, meek people.

Unknown said...

@chicklet. Good points. Well said.

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