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Friday, August 4, 2017

Temptation Comp

Today, the houseguests had the Temptation Comp. The feeds were down for just under 10 hrs (*longest comp ever!) until 8:23pm BBT, and the results are in...

Winner of the Temptation Comp is:
(Cody is now safe for this week.)
Jessica came in last & is the 3rd nom this week. 
Everyone except for Christmas/Josh played in the comp. So Christmas still has her Ring of Replacement to use in the future.

This was Cody and Jessica's plan and it's working: now Jess is able to play in veto to try to win it and keep herself safe. Josh is still planning on backdooring Elena this week anyway and he's fixated on the idea, so at this point, Jessica should be safe just based on that.

I will be back in the morning with the Overnighter. Until then, enjoy watching the live feeds !!

Update @ 9:07pm BBT:
HOH Room

Josh is telling Elena he wants her up as a pawn. She said she knows Paul volunteered (Paul told her this) to be a pawn and he (Josh) said no, so why does she have to go up. Josh lies to Elena and says she's a "good competitor". She calls him out on that being bullsh*t and says she thinks it's because her/Mark voted against him the other week and it's personal. She said his reasoning (of her being a "good competitor" with no basis for that opinion to back it up) is "off" and the math doesn't add up.

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

The pressure cooker comp in season 6 lasted almost 14 hours. This one will likely go down as second longest comp ever. Can't wait to see it on Sunday.

TeriPie said...

Josh!....Play your own game!...Not Paul's!!! Paul is really getting on my nerves and these fools better get him out now! Its pathetic how no one is catching onto how he's running the show. And if they dont come together as a group n get him out he will eat up the individual who tries to do it alone. I just want to shake these people. Have to admit Jody is winning me over. Have to give respect to not playing Paul's game n playing their own. I love how they get under Paul's skin.

Amber said...

So excited!

Unknown said...

Ty for update. I can now watch sunday!!

Unknown said...

I would own up and just say you're a pawn you're just bendable and it doesn't matter if you go or not

Elpheba said...

Josh as HOH is surprisingly independent of king Paul.. but king Paul doesn't know it.. yet. At least not until his secret pal Alex tells him what Josh thinks is only known by her, Jason, and Josh.
At this point I realize it is smart of king Paul to want to go against Alex in the end because I believe the jury will not vote for her. ShecIS a bigger liar than him.. hard to imagine. And they will not appreciate her plotting against them. King Paul will not have the blood on his hands.. very smart... even though I cannot stand his game.
Raven keeps showing the camera her backside in very odd poses. What is she auditioning for?
What is up with the story Alex is telling about Jess sticking her fingers in certain places? Is this true? An exaggeration? I can't imagine someone who is worried about how her 'clients' will react to her role on BB... doing something so weird.
When Alex tells king Paul Josh'scplanvto get Elena out.. he will freak and make up some lie why Josh should not pushvthat. I also do not believe Alex and Jason when they told Josh they would vote Elena out.
Josh obviously has been coached as his demeanor has changed dramatically. I don't trust what production is doing at this point. This may not 'be a 'game' it may be a farce.

Elpheba said...

Josh as HOH is surprisingly independent of king Paul.. but king Paul doesn't know it.. yet. At least not until his secret pal Alex tells him what Josh thinks is only known by her, Jason, and Him.
I realize it is smart of king Paul to want to go against Alex in the end because I believe the jury will not vote for her. She is a bigger liar than him.. hard to imagine. And they will not appreciate her plotting against them. King Paul will not have the blood on his hands.. very smart... even though I cannot stand his game.
Raven keeps showing the camera her backside in very odd poses. What is she auditioning for?
What is up with the story Alex is telling about Jess sticking her fingers in certain places? Is this true? An exaggeration? I can't imagine someone who is worried about how her 'clients' will react to her role on BB doing something so weird.
When Alex tells king Paul Josh's plan to get Elena out.. he will freak and make up some lie why Josh should not push that. I also did not believe Alex and Jason when they told Josh they would vote Elena out.
Josh obviously has been coached as his demeanor has changed dramatically. I don't trust what production is doing at this point. This may not 'be a 'game' it may be a farce.

r's mommy said...

I feel the same way! I was not a fan of Cody's in the beginning. Now I think he should win based on how he's held it together through all the bullying crap that the house is put him through. Plus he's the only REAL vet on the show. Paul is a joke! Get him off the show before he ruines the rest of the season!

Unknown said...

You speak of Paul bullying, but nothing Of how Cody treated and still treats people.. I hope Cody goes home. "Vet" or not, it does not excuse his actions or Jessicas. They treat the other HG's as if they are below them, not worthy. How anyone can excuse this is beyond me!

Did you ever think they were "bullied" because of how they act? Besides, it is a GAME.. *rolls eyes*

Jamie said...

When/who did they bully? Timestamp? Day?

Colain said...

Paul is a loser, he marches around from room to room gathering the dogs "Let's go everybody outside now", " Josh turn it up to 30 ". Dark Zsun do you watch the show??? Cody as incredible control of his emotions, and says things that most people wish they had the balls to say. The only people he's been ignorant to is Josh and Paul, the rest avoid him and Jessica because they are afraid to become a target. They are all floaters, as far as I'm concerned. They make the show incredibly boring at times. You rarely see them in DR. They couldn't win a comp to save their lives.

Colain said...

Paul has orchestrated ALL the nonsense, banging pots, questioning his military background. I wish they could find a way to back door him sooner than later. So he doesn't make jury.

Anonymous said...

Cody and Jessica were on a power trip, as do most people when they are HOH. Cody is an intense person, not showing his emotions. He chooses to keep his thoughts to himself. Yes, his comment to Meagan was unnecessary but it wasn't bullying. He is just brutally honest with people rather than lie or be fake. I am not saying that he should win this game basically because of his inability to really read people. Jess, on the other hand, has had very good insight and should go with her intuition. Her and Cody see people totally different as far as other people's intentions.

I, for one, am not holding people's actions for their first week in the house against them. Everyone was scrambling and trying to get their bearings. Cody was smart in wanting to get Paul out Week 1. Look what happened with all these other people who are not smart enough to figure out that Paul is not loyal to a single one of them and Cody did the right thing in knowing he was a danger.

Paul referred to what he was doing as bullying and wanting someone to hit someone or self evict. This is not acceptable social skills and production should have stopped it immediately when Paul referred to it as such. This is not different than people who bully someone to the point of wanting to harm themselves.

What I find funny is how there have been comments about Cody's eyes. What about Paul's eyes? He's always looking out of the top of his eyes and looks bizarre. Just saying.

Crzy4Max said...

^^I didn't like Jess/Cody in the beginning because I didn't root for "the cool kids" excluding the "outsiders". However, that is how the game works, where you make an alliance and the non alliance members are disposable to you. There is a huge difference though between that and harassing and verbally attacking the outsiders, which is what Paul's group did to Jess and Cody (who are now the outsiders). When Cody told Megan he didn't like her, it was a rude way of saying "we just haven't connected in this house" which is what a lot of people in the past would say. However, he didn't say "your personality sucks. Everything about you sucks. And everyone else in this house agrees." While everyone else joins in on the attacks and then follow her around as she tries to get away from the verbal abuse. Seems like a really big difference to me.

Susie said...

I do not remember Jody being a bully either, hope Paul goes out.....for all of them I hate the yelling in the Diary room, I know CBS tells them to but I hit mute....

Anonymous said...

@Colain..That would be the greatest thing yet, if Paul didn't make it to jury. That would be the ultimate insult to him. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening with Josh as HOH. I do find it funny, though, that Josh has different ideas than Paul, but can he get the votes to evict Elena when the others are afraid to go against who Paul tells them to vote, probably not. Does Josh really want to have F4 with Alex, Jason, and Kevin, and then with Paul being in F6 with him? Wait until Alex tells Paul that. Crap will hit the fan. Paul treats Josh the worst.

TeriPie said...

Lmao about raven comment! She's an attention hog. If u have a papercut she has a gash....If u have a headache she has a migraine. She's always gotta "one up" everybody. And yes I sympathize with her sickness ...BUT COME ON! And her diary sessions kill me. The worst yet and most obvious fake-est is live voting with Julie!!! What's up with the weird hands under her chin deal?! She's not 5 yrs old...Stop already.

Colain said...

Will be interesting to see how this all plays out. I wonder if josh would ever realign himself with Jody?

Unknown said...

Where in that did I say Jody were bullies? I said did anyone think that Jody were bullied for how they act? They act like they are better than others.

Cody may be outspoken, but that isn't the best game play is it? Esp if they act like they are better than other house guests..

My point is that nobody could stand Jody first few weeks. Yes getting Paul out first would have been great for them.. but isn't Cody fake for pretending Paul was in their alliance then try to backdoor him?

What Paul and them did is wrong, but it is a game, a social experiment for $500,000 all is fair in love and war.

r's mommy said...


r's mommy said...

Think about how GREAT it would be if Josh backdoors Paul this week! If he's ready to take out Paul after F6, it is possible for production to sway Josh and the rest of the house this week! If CBS is smart, they should consider this. Paul has lost his "funny", he's now a bully. I see ratings going down if Paul stays on much longer, regardless of how he acts...he's crossed the line for too long now. He's a mean spirited bully, no coming back from that!

TeriPie said...

I would love to see that happen too! And I agree...Paul lost his funny.

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