Jessica is definitely going home tonight, and then next week the Jury will begin. So if Cody goes next week, he's going to jury..which is a shame because Jessica lives "a 12 min uber ride" from the CBS lot and I'm sure he'd much rather be with Jess at her apartment rather than a jury house with people he can't stand.
This week, we can expect Cody to be the target for the 7th week in a row and he will most likely leave unless he wins HOH/Temp Comp/Veto..or can sway the votes somehow. In interesting news, Paul said he doesn't mind "going up as a pawn" if need be, but not just yet..he thinks it might still be too soon.
Speaking of Paul, he will most likely be throwing tonight's HOH comp and giving it to one of his minions instead because he suspects a Double Eviction coming up (*there's been no word on this, but I believe it'll probably happen next week. Just a guess.)
And last but not least, there were random talks about Matt and Raven last night.
Matt is becoming a target (he didn't really do anything, I just think HG's are just seeing that he isn't really playing the game), and Raven is being annoying with all her sob stories, fake accent (that comes and goes), how she tries to one-up HG's stories, etc. So if Cody wins HOH/Temp/Veto, then I wouldn't be surprised to see Maven go up on the block, although right now Mark/Elena is what's agreed upon as next targets if Cody is safe this week (per Paul & dogs talks last night around 10pm BBT.)
And last but not least, Cody told Mark (9:18pm BBT) that Paul & Co are targeting him (Mark) and about Kevin making a deal with him (*Kevin told Jason the deal is dead now because of the Jody vs Josh fight). Speaking of Kevin, Josh/Christmas wanna go to the end with Paul/Kevin (F4).
**And that's it for The Overnighter!! I will be back to live-blog tonight's Live Eviction episode as usual. See you then!! In the meantime, let me know Who do you want to win HOH tonight?
Stay tuned...
I don't know about the jury starting next week. It always starts on the first double eviction night and I don't think we can have a double eviction while the temptation comp is still at play. We may have one more week before jury
It takes 7 people (unless they changed it to 9) for jury right unless I'm missing someone there will 11 people left in the house after tonight's eviction. So they have 2 more attempts to get Cody.
It has been either a jury of 7 or 9 yes, but there are also the final two they are voting on. So jury either starts with 11 left or 9 left.
Matt has done plenty. He and raven were 2nd and 3rd at prevous hoh comp. He was 3rd at first trapeze comp, then dialed it way back. Showing he is playing the game, or you dont consider that a strategy?
He pushed back against the group for jody and he is in what would be the only traditional showmance soon.
This has been paul's MO for a while. Split the couples.. but first you have to make them appear shady to the house.
Raven and matt should be ultra concerned that mark is the next target.
They had a 9 person jury last year.
hey people, will there be a jury buyback this year? What do you think?
The temptation comp only keeps 1 person safe though and this is the last week for it and ever since bb15 they've had a 9 person jury so expect Julie to say next week is a double and jury starts
It wouldn't surprise me if Pauls in there
I live in Florida and the jaguars play the patriots on cbs tonight at 7 and my TV guide says big brother is on at 2 in the morning do you think I'll get to see the eviction and everything or will I miss it more then likely??
Is anyone out there as tired of Paul as I am? Once Cody and Jessica are voted off that is the end of big brother for me this year. I hate to look at the rest of them. Cody and Jessica are the omly ones playing the game. If Big Brother brings back old players next year I will be done with the show period.
You can watch online live if u have the feeds
How do you watch tonight's show online if you have the feeds?
Go to shows.. Live TV..
*raises my hand! I'm completely over king Paul...Unfortunately I'm addicted to big brother...Therefore I'll continue watching even though everyone but Kevin n Jason make me want to vomit!
If Paul takes Alex to the end.. she wins. He would be smart to keep Cody.. then Paul would win.
I don't mind returning players but this year was real suspect with just one from the season right before. Paul has mastered these chumps and it's made for a boring season.
Totally agree.... most normal people hate people like Paul. The rest of the HGs are stupid. Who will put Paul up? No one?
Why would you stop when jody is out? The game has been on pause because of them. Once they're out it will begin again and you will see the subtle seeds planted grow into targets.
Some people will always hate on people who do something really well i suppose, jealousy, envy, it isnt a good look.
I totally agree. This has been the worst season of BB because of Paul. I'm rooting for Cody somehow to take him out. It's just so boring. It's like every week it's Paul's HOH because no one has the guts to go against him.
Boring? There have been huge fights, dramatic comps, blindsiding temptation reveals that are crushing people emotionally. Jason and kevin are super interesting people with great stories and paul is playing an epic game.
Did you also think Ian's season with dan playing hard was boring?
I don't understand why people keep saying Jess and Cody are the only ones playing. SMH A big part of BBis manipulating people and that is exactly what Paul has done. Give the boy some credit. Love him or hate him he is playing a solid game. If the others are weak enough to fall for it then that is on them not Paul. Of course that's only my opinion
What would happen if Cody doesn't vote in the jury, just tells them to f off.
Paul has the puppets right where he wants them. Cody should have walked out with Jess, and told CBS to shove it
Sick of this show, worst year ever. Never heard so much crap out of everyone, They are all idiots and Paul calls all the shots.
He wouldnt be paid, breach of contract.
Hopefully not. hopefully Paul won't win against Cody if final 2. If Paul and Cody will start really playing the game maybe with each other or at least not so against each other and start taking the little weak minions out they should take each other to the final two and hopefully Cody will win maybe everyone else will see what a puppet they've been for Paul and how they didn't play their own game maybe they will give Cody props for at least playing his own game and surviving to the final two with everyone against him maybe that is what will get Cody are the votes in the end. I know that ending seems almost far-fetched but that's why it would be sooooo good because that would mean that at least 2 or more are is REALLY playing the game and it would be that much more interesting to watch until they get to the final two . Right now I could kind of care less who gets there because just watching them get there is boring and so controversial
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