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Thursday, August 17, 2017

Thurs: The Overnighter

Happy Thursday Live Eviction Day! Tonight we have a Double Eviction, where we will see Cody go first, and then (most likely) either Mark/Elena..unless one of them wins HOH.

Last night was pretty calm, minus some pranks from Alex (replacing sugar with salt) and Elena emptying out ice cube trays to tick off Alex (it's a pet peeve of hers). Also yesterday morning after I completed the Overnighter, Cody pulled a prank of his own: he dumped out his coffee and replaced it with decaf, even taking a little bit out to make it look like he had some. Eye for an eye.

Paul spent yesterday planting more 'Get-Kevin-Out-Soon' seeds with his 'dogs', though he kept saying it's not time right now..but soon. For now, Paul & Co. agreed that Mark is the next target and Paul's strategy is to get his 'dogs' to shake up Mark/Elena before the HOH comp tonight.

The only thing worth even reporting from last night, is a conversation between Cody/Alex at 8:10pm BBT.

When Alex walked in the Rose Bedroom, Mark/Elena/Cody were reading their bibles quietly. Alex walked over to Cody and told him she never lied to him, he was an a**hole to her and told him it's "f*cked up" that he's in the room reading his bible. (*wtf?!) Cody said he's not reading the bible because of all. She started going off again, Cody disarmed the bomb that is Alex and said "I'm sorry" so she would leave, and she did. He then went back to reading his bible.

**And that's it for The Overnighter! As I mentioned a couple days ago, the feeds will go down today before the live show (as usual) but won't be turning back on until tomorrow (Friday) night. So because of this, there will be no Overnighter tomorrow. I will be back tonight to live-blog tonight's Double Eviction, so make sure to come back then with your snackies & enjoy the show!! :D

Stay tuned...
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Steve Robbins Art said...

Alex behaving like an a-hole to someone who is actively not caring? Wotta shock!

Pablos puppy said...

Yes I'm really disappointed in Alex. She's thine from happy laughing so the time to Bering a mean ageist in reference to 😢

Jnine said...

I don't understand.... The dog squad and their trusted leader were all "I don't understand why he's alienating himself, blah, blah, blah and then when he tries to interact and tries to play the game they get all mad "How dare he talk to people or try to play the game he's on a show to play" and then when he goes back to just being by himself to get to Thursday where he knows he's leaving the house they are all "Why is he doing that? He's stupid, blah, blah, blah." Obviously I'm paraphrasing but I've watched these people have these conversations.

Look - I am not a Cody and Jessica fan but what these idiots are doing is just ridiculous.

Jnine said...

I don't understand.... The dog squad and their trusted leader were all "I don't understand why he's alienating himself, blah, blah, blah and then when he tries to interact and tries to play the game they get all mad "How dare he talk to people or try to play the game he's on a show to play" and then when he goes back to just being by himself to get to Thursday where he knows he's leaving the house they are all "Why is he doing that? He's stupid, blah, blah, blah." Obviously I'm paraphrasing but I've watched these people have these conversations.

Look - I am not a Cody and Jessica fan but what these idiots are doing is just ridiculous.

GMAGS said...

Today we watch Cody go to jury and then pray and hope that Mark or Elena win HOH. If not, the rest of the season will be extremely predictable.

Razldazlrr said...

I would love to see Mark or Elena win HOH and shake it up! Cody is probably glad to be getting out of there!

I figured Paul would go after Kevin after Mark and Elena. Kevin should have paired up with Cody and team a long time ago.

Joe said...

Excited that today Cody will get more than he deserves, a jury spot.

Now they can start giving the rest of these floating couples their spots

Joe said...

Does anyone else wonder why they still do slop? It's on one episode for five minutes and then not mentioned, they don't even put the decision of who are have not on episode or tell you who they are even.

Anonymous said...

I would have loved to see Matt use the veto on himself, Jason get voted out, then form an alliance with Cody, Kevin, Mark, Elena and Raven to go after Paul Revere and the Minions. Really looking forward to tonight's DE, but too bad we won't get to witness the aftermath live.

Thank you again, Jamie. You know we couldn't get through a BB season with you - we appreciate the work you do!

rigs said...

Elena has to be the next one to go. She is totally pathetic. She is not as bad as James was in a couple of past seasons but taking the 5k after promising is bad behavior.

Unknown said...

Do they play for veto after noms??

Tresa said...

Tonight will be my last night watching Big Brother. I disliked Paul last year and hate him and Alex this year. Im tired of seeing previous players coming back. Paul had his shot last summer and lost. Production decided to give him 500,000. This year so picked the biggest idiots they could find aside from Jessica and Cody to ensure Paul wins. Sad sad sad. I used to love this show. Now i hate it!!!!!

Meagan said...

Thanks for the blog--I read it each day.

Now I've got to chime in with all the Cody adoration.

I know he is a good looking guy and served in the military, I think that's great.

Big Brother is a game show. It's designed to force people to to employ manipulating social skills, compete for power and strategically make decisions. I'm sorry but Cody was horrible at those things. His military service is irrelevant. His good looks may make some of you swoon but it will not power him through the game. He bagan by winning a competition and choosing a poor strategy. I don't care that he had to put up "x" number of people, he chose poorly. He was the original bully in the house. He named the aggressive fish after himself, he insisted on blind loyalty and those who did not follow were pu$&?@. He told Meagan he nominated her because "I just don't like you". He made disrespectful comments toward transgendered people. He then linked up with Jess and absolutely destroyed her game. She had very good social skills and had some strategic ability. However her feelings for Cody completely clouded her judgement and she made horrible decisions. Announcing out of anger that she had the hex was such and unbelievablely bad move. Maybe the worst in BB history. It forced the house against her and she had to go on then block to flush out the hex because she kept being evasive about it. The two of them then decide to lay around the house isolating themselves and engaging in completely inappropriate sexual behavior (plenty of the that among the others as well). All the bullying from BOTH sides was wrong but Cody and Jess was an active participants, not victims.

Now that his days are numbered we are supposed to feel bad for poor Cody. No, he put himself in this place. Actually a disturbing trend I've noticed this year. When people are nominated, instead of rallying support and trying to sway the vote (play the game), they go pout in their rooms. They act like entitled spoiled children and are not playing the game. You may dislike Paul, and I'll agree he was thrown a bone in the beginning, but he is playing the game the way it's designed to be played.

DUNCAN said...

I wanna see "lips' go home, I loathe her.

sissy92101 said...

That aggravates me when they do that to Cody they just don't like him because he tried to get Paul out,and then they get pissed because Kevin talking to Cody for Christ sakes he's leaving. I personally can't stand Matt Raven and Elena and Paul.

Anonymous said...

Go Mark & Elena! So many people are rooting for you to win HOH. If you do, please, please, please don't make it another wasted HOH.

I so want to see Cody or Jessica win AFP, simply because they have not made it a game of "let's go stick our faces in the faces of the other HG's and see how much we can agitate them". Plus, it would be so hilarious to see the reactions of the other HG's, especially if Julie were to say the other of the two came in 2nd. I had high hopes for Kevin or Jason but they turned out not so nice either.

People should go on Jamie's link and get the free live feeds that is good thru tomorrow, if you haven't already done so. Even if you don't want to watch the live feeds, that is the only way you would be able to vote.

Anonymous said...

I believe the live feeds are free for one month if signed up by tomorrow, but only for a week if signed up after.

Unknown said...

Is there another channel to watch it on football keeps taking over my CBS 😰

Joe said...

Jody as anericas favorite player is a joke. They both played a horrible game both socially and in comps. Can't point to one move they made in the game and say, yeah that was good, not one.

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see the day these people turn on each other. Final 6??? How can that be a goal. It's gonna get even more ugly.

Unknown said...

Worst season if BB ever! I have been a huge fan since season 1 and never missed an episode but they picked the worst contestants for this year. Paul and Josh are the most annoying assholes and this season is full of sheep. Paul and Josh alone are enough to turn anyone away from the show. I know that I won't watch it ever again. So sad for us,the true fans that have supported this show from the beginning.

Anonymous said...

AFP is not about who plays the best game. When Jody and Jessica were each in the house by themselves, they were good people and more fun to watch. AFP is based on who is our favorite and those two are my favorite.

Joe said...

The P stands for player.

They weren't good people, they said many offensive things.

Fun to watch? I guess if you like to watch people lay around silently. I could leave the camera on them for a minute, so boring. The others at least have conversations.

Anonymous said...

We all have our favorites and we tend to enjoy watching different people. Paul and his hate is so obvious when talking to the other HG's. He is horribly upset that he can't control J/C. I love watching them ignoring the others since there is nothing they could say that wasn't construed as lies. When they are in jury and have Will or someone explain to them what they should be looking for, they will all believe that Paul played the best. Cody himself has said that Paul has played the game and he would at that point vote for him. It would have been interesting to see how the game would have played out had Paul not gotten the friendship bracelets, three weeks of safety, and comps that have been suited mostly to Christmas' handicap, rather than physical where Cody might have gotten HOH again. Just my opinion as well as many of the tweets from some past HG's.

Anonymous said...

They brought Derek on to try to make the remaining houseguests look a little bit better then the mean people that they look like. This is by far the worse season of big brother ever.

Retired said...

I agree that HGs are not playing their own game and it is unfortunate that they think they are and viewers are pissed at Paul who is the only one actually playing the game (and playing the HGs is part of the game) since day one and still viewers are not happy someone is earning their keep in the house. Quit blaming production and boo the players not the player.

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