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Thursday, August 3, 2017

Thursday Night Live Eviction

Good evening, BB addicts! Tonight is the live eviction, where we will see Jessica use the Halting Hex to stop the eviction, Paul's HOH coming to a halt, and then the new week will begin as the houseguests (minus Paul) will play for HOH! I'm super excited!! :D

You can watch tonight's live episode online by using your live feeds All Access pass ($6/m)! Just go to "Live TV" at the top of the page after you login.

Show starts at 9pm ET/8pm, so go grab your snackies & beverage(s) of choice and I'll meet y'all back here then. Here we gooo!! :D

9:00pm ET:
Show begins...

9:37pm ET:
The edit of Paul being a "bully" was rather mild compared to what actually happened. Wow.

9:42pm ET:
Jessica used the Halting Hex!!

9:45pm BBT:
Up next, the HOH Comp!
It's the comp they practiced yesterday. It's called Graveyard Golf.

JOSH is the new HOH

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

Mark doing anything to get close to Elena. Smh

Steve Robbins Art said...

Chr*t Raven is awful.

Unknown said...

They really need to do something about the harassment and bullying in this game. If it continues they ratings could go down. People watch will think its Ok the bully others.

Unknown said...

LOL!! I was like why isn't he wearing a shirt!!! Come on dude!!

Mergatroid#1 said...

Hoping the Bully mob leader leaves next, Bye Paul.

Unknown said...

They all piss me off. Disrespectful trash!

Unknown said...

I did the same thing

Unknown said...

They left alot out of the show. Don't want to show what as a-hole Paul is. Notice how everyone had one time to use their power except Paul. I think they gave it to him and just claimed America voted for him to get it. Hope Cody wins HOH or Jess!!

Unknown said...

I hope Jessica or Cody wins hoh. They should not allow the players to b such jerks to other players especially a vet. I'm not sure I can watch much more. Bullying should NEVER be allowed

Steve Robbins Art said...

Ok, wild card week. Josh is unpredictable, and possibly easily influenced. Cody doesn't have a chance, probably, but Jessica maybe...

Shame on Kevin. He threw it.


Paul's minion won HOH

Unknown said...

UGH...Josh?? Basically Paul is HOH again.

Unknown said...

It's pretty much Paul's hoh this week. Grrrrrr

Mergatroid#1 said...

CBS cowards for not showing Paul and crew questioning Cody's military service. Thanks again to ALL who serve!

Unknown said...


BBWatcher said...

Since Josh got HOH then I guess Paul is still in charge.

Heather said...

I just can't anymore. Don't want anything to do with BB this week. Can't watch Paul and his ultimate dog, Josh. I'm out!

Unknown said...

I'm just disappointed. I hope Jess can win safety while Cody wins veto. Best case scenario. To really shake up the game.

Unknown said...

So basically Paul is HOH again and Cody is toast.

Steph said...

And everyone forgets that Jess and Cody were calling everyone else names that I can't even say on here. If everyone saw that would it be the same way. They think they are so much better than everyone. They make me sick!

Unknown said...

I'm so happy Cody and Jess didn't win HoH.. but not looking forward to Josh being HoH either..

Susan said...

CBS is promoting bullying, unbelievable, so disgusting

Mandaeff said...

oh dear sweet baby Jesus josh hoh *Face Palm to hand* going to be an interesting week. I for one am glad we finally have drama this year!

njs said...

I've been reading this blog for years and until now, never felt compelled to comment. After seeing what you wrote about earlier and now seeing it, Paul and his group of minions should be ashamed of themselves. Are these their true colors and are they the bullies Mark believes they are? I believe they are, and they deserve all that comes to them when they leave the big brother house. They are all dispicable!

Unknown said...

This is exactly why it was smart for Paul to flush out Jessica's Hex. Her safety net is gone and her and Cody are exposed once again.

Steve Burton said...

Paul is making me hate this show!! His bully tactics are a terrible reflection on CBS for NOT stopping him & Josh for acting like fools. I hope the ratings go to HELL!!!

Steve Burton said...

I agree 100%!!

KathyC said...

On another note, has anyone else noticed how often Raven looks up at the cameras when she's talking? She's such a bad actress - hard to watch.

michelle said...

It's BB 😂😂😂😂😂

Unknown said...

I agree. The bullying is awful and pathetic. Paul, Josh, and Raven should be ashamed. Hope the go home soon.

memi said...

Been watching since season 1. Loved the game and look forward to it every year. Paul may have ruined the show for me. He's awful, hard to watch, and looks like he's being controlled by the producers to try to get better ratings. Doesn't seem authentic anymore... Hope that's not the case. After what I watched while they questioned Cody's service, I now have zero respect for Paul and Christmas. They are garbage.

Unknown said...

The house is full of bullies.I can't believe how childish and horrible these people are.They constantly pick on marc,Cody and Jessica...if I was their parent,friend,employer...I would be embarrassed and makes me so angry....

Unknown said...

I agree. The bullying is awful and pathetic. Paul, Josh, and Raven should be ashamed. I hope they go home soon.

Unknown said...

I agree...I am so disgusted.the house is full of bullies.If my daughter was there and acted like that when she got home I'd kick her butt....

Unknown said...

Josh is an idiot...I wanna smack him every time I see him

Unknown said...

These people are going to be embarrassed and ashamed when they go back to the real world and see how much animosity America has against them. This is honestly the worst season of Big Brother I have ever watched. In my opinion the last really good season was when Ian Terry won. Every subsequent season has been horrible and just when I think it can't get worse it does. If CBS wants to continue having vets then have another all stars season. I'm tired of watching vets with newbies. I want a show that's either all vets or all newbies. I would also like to see America have more power like in Big Brother Over the Top. These people would play less dirty if they knew that their fate was in America's hands. I might join Barb in the "underground layer".

Unknown said...

Paul controls everyone...and the other players are too dumb to see it

Unknown said...

I agree....they should be ashamed of themselves..its horrible

Unknown said...

Bullying is wrong. So sad.

Unknown said...

I get so angry when I watch...the house is full of people with no moral character.marc,Cody and Jess...I applaud you cause I would have punched someone by now

rigs said...

I think we all know who is going up on the block this week for a second week in a row. Josh will make this week entertaining. Jessica and Cody were so smug this past week, rightly so but all that changes this week. Jessica had a chance to cut her loses by accepting Cody's offer to go home and let her have a chance at winning. I think that bridge has been burned. It will be interesting to see who goes home. If Josh stands by his word and it is between Jessica and Cody, Cody will be going home. Josh will be sending the "meathead" home, LOL. That should be funny.

Unknown said...

It is shameful.Big Brother should step in and do something..I would respect them and the show if they would intervene...

Unknown said...

Paul's gonna win...and his minions are handing it to him.he's a makes me sick

Chillis said...

Editing was done to not show the extent of the harassment. People that don't watch the feeds or read the blog don't know how it all truly went. Not cool to not condemn the behavior of Paul and his puppets. Not cool CBS. I've watched every season every episode. Not interested in watching anymore.

Unknown said...

Josh irritates me so much.grrr

unknown said...

So ugly! The bullying should not be allowed. I am very disappointed that this is allowed... I have been watching since season 1, but if this continues I will stop watching.

Unknown said...

I like drama but the total lack of morals and bullying is horrible....and you would think Kevin,being older would hold the high ground and say something about how these kids are acting.

Unknown said...

They are despicable....

Anonymous said...

@njs...If you were only watching what was on tonight, you didn't get much of the bullying because CBS chose not to show much. Yes, Cody and Jessica were power hungry week 1 but after that they weren't any different than other HG's in the past. The big difference is the mob mentality this past week by the others.

For sure, it will be Paul's HOH. The question is who they will vote out if it's between Cody and Jessica. Paul wants Jessica out first and Josh wants Cody out first. Plus, there are others who want Cody out first so will they all go with what Paul wants or will they vote their own minds?

That is, IF they are both still on the block. Hopefully, one will get safety and the other will win veto.

Kevin, when are you going to step up and do more than just talk? Just like everyone else, he is concerned with getting to jury.

1313help said...

Yep, lots of them acting crazy tonight. Big Brother needs to stop it.

1313help said...

I agree

1313help said...

Making me sick to my stomach. We are all going to have PTSD. Stop it Big Brother.

TruBEE said...

Josh HOH...yuk.another week of him yelling and bullying, what fun. This has to be the worst crew of players in BB history. Have never seen something so disgusting. When is everyone going to wake up and realize Paul is the threat that should go home. I mean why go into the house if your not going to play and let someone else call all the shots. They might as well all go home and enjoy their summer and just give the cheque to Paul, cause at this rate that's exactly what they are doing.

1313help said...

I'm with you. Paul and Josh are just too mean. Those 2 need to have time out or maybe kicked out.

1313help said...

CBS shame on you. This is not what I want to see in a game show.

1313help said...

Mark is correct and you are too. Watching tonight made me sick.

Unknown said...

I'm sure their families are not happy with them.I wouldn't be.If my daughter was on the show and acted like that she would be in deep trouble when she got home.

ashleyyyrose said...

THANK YOU!! I agree Paul and co took it too far with qestioning cody's service, the constant harrassment, etc.. However, the way Jess and Cody were treating josh, who I honestly believe is not all there, was just as disgusting. They were bullying him too.

Yes bullying a bully enables the cycle to keep going and I don't agree with it, but I think a lot of people are jumping on the "I hate Paul" band wagon. The way Jess and Cody acted was just as disgraceful. Call one person out, fin, but then you have to call both sides out.

Unknown said...

I'm disgusted too..CBS should jump in and do something.they all need a talking to about behaving like decent human beings.I would applaud CBS if they would step in.If you bully someone you should be evicted.

ashleyyyrose said...

I agree. Last week wasn't a waste of an hoh. If Jess hadn't used it, she would have two weeks of safety. Now that she has used her hex, that shield is gone.

Unknown said...

Want him gone.he's the mob boss of big brother

Steve Robbins Art said...

Really, broadcast's cut is beyond the Paul. This Pauls in comparison to what we know to be true.

Unknown said...

This is the worse I have ever seen. Letting Paul run the show is totally rediculous. I am going to boycott the show. This isn't fun to watch anymore.

LuvsBB said...

Yes @Stephanie!! I completely agree with you!!

Unknown said...

Tonight's episode...worst edit I've seen on this show in 12 seasons. No mention of Alex/Xmas/Jason/Paul attacking Cody's military experience. No mention of Paul telling Raven to fake cry. No mention of Paul stating to cameras his goal was to incite violence from Cody so he would get evicted. No mention of how Paul & his dogs had to be told by production not to incite violence. No mention of how Cody & Jess almost walked, and how production had to intervene to get them to stay.

Perhaps the biggest insult of the night for me, a convenient crap shoot comp on the night Paul can't compete. They should have had a pure will power comp, like the old pressure cooker comp (season 6 I believe), where you just stand there and hold a button down as long as you can. That comp lasted something like 12 hours. That would have taken muscles, size, skill and scooters out of the equation and made it purely about desire. And if that would have been the challenge, I'd say even let Paul compete. The whole house on equal footing, and see who wants it the most. But to lob up that coin toss comp? No imagination on the part of production.

It's also frustrating to me that the horrible things Paul orchestrated will most likely never be mentioned by Julie Chen on future live shows. Funny how in Season 15 Julie could...not...wait to rip into Aaryn for being racist. And I was happy Julie did that, she had to call out the elephant in the room. But something tells me Paul and his dogs will get a free pass from Julie when it's their time to go.

Unknown said...

It is completely ridiculous to really call what’s going on in the house bullying. They are being taunted and they brought in upon there selves I’ll be glad wen Cody and Jess r out of the house. And I haven’t liked Cody from the beginning he has some issues for sure. Same stuff they doing is happpend on every big brother season taunting and harassing get over it or don’t watch it. They are not gonna lose no ratings because this is what people like

Unknown said...

There has been plenty of "bullying" from both sides, not just Paul and his minions. It is very short sighted to forget Cody and Jessica's treatment of Megan early in the season. And let's not forget Mark throwing pickle juice and hot sauce at Josh.

Leslie said...

I'm sorry. Bullying is never right and everyone in the house made a fool of themselves that night. But, Cody and Jess have not been very nice themselves. I recall Cody calling a whole group of people "outsiders", not to mention that group of people weren't acceptable in his eyes. When they had the power the bullied Josh. It all needs to stop, but I don't particularly feel sorry for them. Aside from the questioning of his military career. Whether I like him or not I would never even bring that into an argument with someone. Now, that was bad and Paul will be affected by it after the game.

Linznana said...

I was thinking the same thing!

Fred said...

Is it me or does JODY (Jessica & Cody) remind everyone of BRACHEL (Bredon & Rachel)?

Unknown said...

Change the name to Big Bully. Disgusting show this season. Paul is awful and the rest just follow him like dogs. Kevin is a terrible example of father. What a liar and blind follower. Poor Mark. Cant't believe Josh's family could be proud of his idiocy. There has always been strategy but this is just a mob.

Unknown said...

I think I am done with this season. I just can't watch anymore. Seriously, Paul is despicable. Why would they let him stay when he promoted bullying and violence. "Your Boy" my a__. He is a disgusting little man.

Michelle said...

I have sent an email to CBS expressing my anger with them ALLOWING this bullying to continue to happen. Now that Josh is HOH, it going to be even worse. I think that production needs to let them know that if it continues the bullies will be evicted ASAP! We have so much bullying going on in our schools, allow these grown adults to act this way and show it on TV, makes me sick to my stomach.

Me😊 said...

Pay close attention boys and girls... what is happening on BB right now is happening in every school around the world. I'm s HUGH fan of BB but for some reason this season has really disturbed me. I'm not sure if I'm looking at this season thru different eyes, due to the tragic headlines of young people and bullying. Some would say we have an epidemic, and we do. While I'm not sure if bullying is the main cause, it is a fact that these young people experience and are traumatized by bullying. The display by the BB players this year gives us a harsh look into what our young people face everyday at school. Let's take Josh for example: he is the classic case of - I've been bullied, so let me be a bigger bully. Under no circumstance is bulling ok, and when you are the victim of bullying you would think you wouldn't want anyone else to feel that way. Josh not only bullies Jessica and Cody but takes it even further with name calling (meatballs) and taunting them ( banging the pans and singing). But as bad as this is, there is someone worse ( imho). Paul can stand back with his hands in the air and proclaim "I haven't bullied anyone", but in reality he is influencing others (Josh) to do it for him, also influencing group or mass bullying. The whole house ganged up on Jessica and Cody in a group shaming and the leader in all this is Paul. Now as bad as that is there is also others who play a part, and that would be the bystanders, who see what is happening but do nothing. Why do they do nothing? Well my friends because if they do then they are shunned but the group like Matt was. While I understand that this is a GAME and this IS Big Brother, it also comes to mind that if your wondering why your kids come home from school and say they had a bad day, all you have to do is watch an episode of BB this season and see why. Your child could be any of these"characters " and are still effected by bullying. At the end of the day we should try to understand each other,and build each other up, not tear each other down. And YES I GET THIS IS A GAME.... but my soul, integrity, and compassion for others can't be bought for any price (or title of Big Brother winner).

Razldazlrr said...

They really went easy on paul and his crew during the show. notice how they didn't put in the bullhorn either.

yuk and yuk! that was just an awful challenge requiring no skill or determination and letting any idiot win - hence Josh! I have no interest in watching Paul run another week. Most of these people just stand by to get by another week, instead of play.

Lea said...

I am most surprised about what a soft at it they got. I feel like protection is targeting Josh to make him look like the bully because they don't want America to turn on Paul. I think that's a really terrible way to edit considering that it wasn't one or two but multiple houseguest questioning Cody. Cody tried to make a Maverick move in week 1, and people are using that as their excuse to treat him like garbage which I don't think is right.

Unknown said...

So I'm confused on Jessica wearing cat ears. Are those the ones Alex said were stolen from her? Or what? Seemed super petty.

Unknown said...

I do not agree with the bullying and comments about Cody military life. However don't forget how Cody and Jessica was treating everyone and making rude nasty comments as well. Every one keeps over looking that as well.

Unknown said...

True. Too much bulling! How can they allow this.

1313help said...

Just made a complaint on CBS website by email today . Paul,Josh,Raven need to leave or straighten up.

Unknown said...

Yes...he us a disrespectful bully.

Bondstrips said...

I too can't believe CBS is allowing this harassment to happen and not stepping in. I also don't know how mark and Cody have been able to stay in control. It is shameful and has never happened before this season. To me, it's the same as putting your hands on someone. CBS, please show some responsibility!

Unknown said...

Can you believe Josh is crying Cause Jess called him fat.Its ok that he insulted Jess and Cody but when its him he's a big,obnoxious baby.I can't stand him...and the rest of the house thinks what Josh is doing is funny...they all make me sick.Its like a group of kids watching another child get teased and beaten up then clapping and cheering.I hate these people.

Unknown said...

Having Alex as HOH is the same as having Paul there...ugh...Figures that one of the three house guests I detest with all of my being gets HOH.Alex is a horrible person...I wish marc,elaina,Matt,or Kevin would have won...grrr

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Can't believe Cody couldn't lose that comp.Hope he gets drawn to play in the veto comp.Christmas was horrible to Marc...used to like she's being a bully like the rest of them.And when is it a crime to be a decent human being and talk to someone..if you even speak to Cody automatically you are working with him...Seriously..these people are pathetic...

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