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Thursday, August 10, 2017

Thursday Night Live Eviction

Good evening, ladies & gents! The time has come for tonight's live eviction episode. Tonight we will watch Jessica say goodbye to Cody, as they part ways for the next month until post-BB19. Jessica already said her goodbyes to the HG's, so expect her to only say goodbye to Cody and kiss/hug him on the way out.

This week, Cody's BB life is on the line. Will he win HOH, Temptation Comp or Veto Comp to save himself? Or will Paul & his dogs keep reign on the house and try to take him out? We'll find out in a new week of Big Brother to play.

9:00pm ET:
Here we gooo!!

9:28pm BBT:
Jessica's speech targeted Paul and told them all to get Paul out. She also mentioned how it took all of them half the season to get just 1 of them (Cody/Jess) out and that she's not impressed. (*lol!)

9:29pm ET:
Alex votes to evict...JESSICA
Christmas votes to evict...JESSICA
Cody votes to evict...RAVEN
Kevin votes to evict...JESSICA
Paul votes to evict...JESSICA
Mark votes to evict...JESSICA (he warned Jess earlier he had to, she understood)
Matt votes to evict..JESSICA
Jason votes to evict...JESSICA

Evicted from the BB House is:
 Cody's message said he knows she threw her game away for him and he's gonna try to pay her back. Julie asked Jess if her feelings are real and she said yes and Julie said she can tell Cody truly loves her. Awww.

Up next is the HOH Comp!

Paul..err..Alex won HOH!

We can expect Cody to play in the Temp Comp, if he fails, he'll be the 3rd nom against 2 of Alex's noms and will be the target if he doesn't win veto.

Julie asked Cody how he's feeling, he said he doesn't know how he's gonna do it (being in the house without Jessica).

Next week is DOUBLE EVICTION, which is actually great news for Cody not winning this one (you never wanna win the HOH before a D.E.), so this could be a blessing in disguise for his game. We'll see.
Julie also mentioned that there will be *no juror buyback* this season and that jury has no officially started with the next evicted HG.

End of episode.

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

If our local CBS station is only showing football where can we watch the show live?

michelle said...

It's not on my live feeds

Unknown said...

I really dislike Jessica and Cody, they are just nasty people.

Dnev said...

Apparently the fact that Cody was evicted 3rd has slipped everyone's mind. Just because he got back in doesn't change the fact that he was evicted.

slnc said...

I'm rooting for Cody! The rest of the house sucks..none of them are playing the game they're all running behind Paul.theyre so far up his ass If he farts hell blow them away. This is boring and annoying to watch. Ravens given hand jobs and scamming, she should have gone home ! Josh is so child like, Paul's just annoying !

Steve Robbins Art said...

GOD-D***IT! I dispise Alex. ANOTHER week of whatever Paul wants, because she's the MOST kool-aide of all of his goons.

Unknown said...

And everyone else is so nice? Not defending them, but you push hard enough most people push back. Just saying.

Heather said...

Lauren...And the rest in the house aren't nasty people?? Lol! I'd say the entire house is full of them, and Jess and Cody are reacting to the bullying. Can't say I wouldn't do the same!

Lea said...

Cody's interview made me laugh.

Joe said...

Same. They were saying mean things before cody turned the house against them also.

Joe said...

Do yall think Alex will nom mark/elena?

Unknown said...

Look later in the schedule. That happen to me last night and BB came on at 1:37 in the morning.

Razldazlrr said...

ugh - I just didn't like many of the people on the show tonite. I really hoped that Cody would win HOH just to keep the rest of them on their toes.

Wait until Matt hears what slugs Raven and her family are when he gets out - eek.

I thought Alex's speech to Jessica was small and sounded like high school.

And those women just look like damn fools on that veto bench - Raven the scammer with the long extensions, Elena with that top tied around her boobs and the bright red huge lips and then Jessica like shes headed to a club.

I guess I'm behind Kevin or Jason at the moment.

Anonymous said...

This has been the most childish HG's ever. Josh makes a total butt of himself carrying on and thrives on attention. I don't understand why production allows him to sing/hum the circus song when everyone else is told to stop singing, and even said that humming is the same as singing so shut it down. And, he calls himself mature? In what world?

Razldazlrr said...

oh, and it seemed so obvious to me that kevin and paul and probably jason threw the HOH - that question was pretty easy. I hate it when people do that!

Joe said...

Thats what i am thinking too, their extra weeks were due to temptations not any actual skill on their part, be proud i guess..

Savvy55 said...

I am deeply disappointed with this season of BB19. Bringing Paul back was just plain wrong...and I think it would have a been a much different season if he wasn't there. A game full of bullies, hatred, and the Paul show..... NOT game. .... pathetic. A very disappointed fan. Bye ..... back to Netflex!

Joe said...

Alex's speech was on point, jessica did target her for high school reasons, jealous that cody admired her.

Joe said...

Which is exactly what she wants him to think at this point in the game.

It bothers me that people think you can just put who you want up and they will go out. Look what it did for cody. You need majority support before you make that move unless its double eviction.

Joe said...

Paul kind of had to, next weeks double eviction will be dangerous for him. Kevin and jason knew they wouldnt be targetted by anyone so no need to make themselves a target.

I like seeing the strategy used right.

Gr8teful1957 said...

I agreee Paula is annoying, but I disagree no one is playing the game. I think Kevin is playing and will take out Paul given the opportunity.

MikMat said...


Taz Caz said...

This season has been the most entertaining in a LONG time. Just hoping Cody doesn't self evict. How boring would this house become fast?

Jeff said...

And Paul would have.been evicted week 1 if not for his temptation. Whole game would have changed

Unknown said...

I'm so glad Jessica is gone- she's a horrible mean girl. I hope Cody is gone next week because he makes it really hard for me to watch the show, he is an absolute psycho that (obviously) deals with people in real life with physical fighting. I'm not saying the rest of the houseguests are that great but calling people fat, stupid and getting very close to hitting someone is the worst kind of person in my opinion.

Carla said...

Good riddance Jessica! You're the biggest snot ever!

Amazed that these guests call themselves super fans said...

How long until the house guests realize that they will be targeted after cody is gone

Elpheba said...

I'm with you. Raven doesn't miss a chance to make sure we all see her butt. And her phoney southern bell accent makes me gag..
And a faux showmancec with Matt? Do they pay her to kiss him every now and then. Grosses me out.
Kevin disappoints me. They are all little guppies. If Paul or any of the other losers win.. I'll never watch again. They stacked the deck. What do they expect. Boring. Jess was right. They are all losers to Mr Friendship.
And Josh.. cry me a river. After what he did to Jess... no sympathy from me. He was just a puppet. And little does he know what puppet master really thinks of him. All they all going to continue this crap?
Raven threw the HOH to Alex.. another hateful guppy. Raven, Matt , Paul & Kevin throwing comps every week until what? Alex is permanent HOH so they can never be blamed for anything.
This 'game' has turned into a big fat mess.

Elpheba said...

They are all throwing comps. So it will be Alex, Josh, Alex , Josh.... then Paul will win. Really disgusting.
BB is OVER... if the goal is jury and a vet shows up and bullies them to do what he wants.

Elpheba said...

They are ALL CLOWNS.. BB clowns. Jason, Kevin, Matt, Paul are all pansies and ass kissers.

Marko said...

After they send out Cody they will have to start picking off they're own, can't wait for some inner circle fighting!

Unknown said...

I totally understand Cody and Jessica being the way they've been the last week or two, but they were closed off and standoff-ish from day 2. And I like the flashes of humanity we see in Cody here and there, but I generally find his attitude abrasive and difficult to cheer for.

But above all else, every year there's some couple that forgets that they're playing a game for a prize. They get more concerned with being in love than playing BB. That was Jody this year and it's the worst. All the greatest BB winners were people that managed to keep life and the game in perspective.

Unknown said...

So this season reminds me of another BB15 (Andy's win) . Remember Amanda, Jermey,AAryn,Spencer?? etc they were awful in there behavior! They bullied non stop, the hg behavior was horrible. They would harass & pick on ppl. Oh geeze! Josh is Amanda in the flesh! Raven n Paul W the way they bullied Cody n military service & then Mark you got Jermey n AAryn! Crazy stuff. I hope Cody can get safety again this week, they need him in there.

Music said...

You just said it. Cody and Jessica pushed people from day one! This is karma at its best!

GMAGS said...

You never want to throw a comp and based on Cody’s reaction when he answered the question incorrectly, I do not think he threw it. But with that said, Cody not winning this week’s HOH may have been a blessing in disguise for him. He now can win the Temptation Comp (and I think this is the last week of the Temptation Comp), be safe this week and still get to play in next week’s HOH comp when it’ll be double eviction week. He has a shot at surviving a few more weeks. And if he does, the chances of him playing in the Veto comp will increase as there will be less house-guest to choose from – back-dooring him will get harder and harder as each house guest gets evicted before him. He is a comp beast and if he can keep his head in the game without Jessica in the house, he can make it pretty far.

MamaBear said...


Jeff - Louisville, KY said...

Can someone please explain what "Playing the Game" means. I keep seeing people on here and on twitter complaining that no one is "Playing the Game".

To me there are a few ways that one can "Play the Game":

1) Competitions: Such as HOH, Veto, and BB Curse. I think half or more of the house is trying to win the HOH on a weekly basis, some may be throwing it (which is a strategy) but the best person generally wins. The Veto has for the most part been won through stiff competition. I have not seen many instances of someone being given the Veto.

2) Social/Game Play: One can play a very active game play (Paul/Josh/Alex/Jess), one can play a more social play (Kevin/Jason/Elena). Sure there are some players (Matt/Raven) who laying low and playing the middle, but how is that not considered "Playing the Game"? It's only natural that leaders will arise in any social setting.

I fully expect to see the dynamics of the house change now that Conceited Jess is gone and Mr. Personality Cody walks out the door. So just chill out, it's going to get good here soon and we can now enjoy w/o having to see Cody and Jess making out all day by themselves.

Razldazlrr said...

Funny and so true - I saw this post from Evel Dick -

@EvelDick 7h7 hours ago

This is a very unlikable cast
You root for people you normally wouldn't, because the others are such garbage.

FEMily! said...

Cody was the first HoH and could have had everyone eating out of his hand. Instead, he put up his own allies the first chance he got. When the vote didn't go his way, he isolated himself like a child. Jessica decided to align herself with him and be a mean girl to everyone else in the house. Jessica and Cody think they're God's gift, and if anyone isn't worshipping them, they're being bullied, even if they call people names first. They're both terrible players and terrible people. It's shocking that anyone would support them.

And I know this won't get posted; none of my comments have, probably because I don't worship Jessica and Cody. I'm automatically a bully!

Anonymous said...

Not a big fan of cody, but would have liked jessica to stay. She is definetly a fighter. They put her through alot because of cody and we're all bullys.

Unknown said...

And Josh and Paul aren't

Unknown said...

Cody should have had his bag packed and walked out with her. And told CBS that this game is disgusting. I want nothing to do with the game.

Summer said...

YES! It was driving me nuts that no one called Jessica out on that!! I was really hoping Julie would've mentioned it.

r's mommy said...

It's a music licensing issue. The circus melody has been around for a long time, so it's a non issue for production.
Josh is an issue though! He needs to go back to daycare. I can't imagine him owning a business, that's scary!

r's mommy said...

As soon as Cody's gone, I'm out too. Last year BB was so boring, I thought for sure they'd get it right this year. But, this year it's just a bunch of mean followers. Jody was the best part of the show. Who is casting the show????

Anonymous said...

This is a really bad cast. I am a fan of Paul, but he may have ruined it.

Someone tell Cody he is playing a game. He is not built for this game. It's like playing poker and after a bluff, your opponent is mad you lied. Dude gets lied to then just shuts off. Had he come back in the house, contrite, and looking to form alliances, he'd have a shot to get on top. But he came in and everyone was dead to him. welcome to big brother, you are a waste of cast spot.

Josh doesn't belong in there either. He is emotionally 8 years old.

I wish Jess had stayed. She has some game.

And while Paul has hijacked the season, if it ended today, he wins, hands down. I knowmany here are upset, but he went in a tough spot. the temptation helped him, but he has made 99% of the moves. It's not his fault there are so many sheep. would you not take advantage of it?

Anonymous said...

Mark, Elana, Raven Jason are completely worthless. I like Matt, but he is too.

Kevin is sorta playing. In other years he'd be called a floater. This year, he is a "player".

Xmas is sorta playing, but can't really compete.

Josh won a comp, but is a disaster.

Cody is play but has all the charm of Jeffrey Dahlmer. Has not gameplay or social skills at all. Could not win BB if they let him play 20 straight seasons.

Alex is playing and has won 2 HOH. But still Paul's puppet.

Paul has won comps and manipulated and has a social game. The only thing that will stop him from winning is the jury could be bitter or just not want to give it to him since he is vet.

Carlos said...


jimandreb said...

Ya I'm rooting for Kevin only there is no one else I even like this season they all suck and Paul is the worst of all of them what ass.

jimandreb said...

I just saw something online where she lives off money that people send her for a surgery she already had and is permanent. Takes vacations and buys cars fur coats and shot. What a co artist.

jimandreb said...

Ya that's the only thing keeping me watching.

Anonymous said...

Bullying, lying, making people miserable, etc., is all part of Big Brother. Remember the Rachel/Regan fights? Those were epic! However, Cody saying what he would like to do to Josh "outside of the house" took it a little far for me. It's too bad Cody and Jess estranged themselves from the rest of the house - they could have tried to form an alliance with the other showmances - Cody, Mark and Jessica are all good competitors - and actually played the game instead of laying in bed playing kissy face.

Unknown said...

This season is terrible. Everyone got so upset just because Cody tried to evict Paul early. They are (star struck) idiots. Paul should have BEEN evicted. Cody was the only one smart enough to realize early on if you don't get him out he'll win. He and Jessica are the only ones that Paul can't manipulate. I'm totally sick of watching Paul play puppet master. Why is is that when Josh runs out and harasses them last week on the hammock (at Paul's direction) it's cool but then when Jess calls him a "fat ass" she's a mean girl.... whatever. I'm with them someone with a brain needs to take Paul out before he wins the season.

Unknown said...

Season is dumb... give Paul the money and make Matt the new Bachelor and we can watch him there. Send jess and Cody to amazing race. They are better fitted for that. Everyone else is a waste of space. Except Kevin. I'm just convinced he's a mobster hahahaha

Unknown said...

Cody was smart to target Paul. But he lost everyone's trust the way he went about it. How people for get that detail, is beyond me. When you have an alliance and decide to get one of the people IN the alliance out, you should give a heads up to the rest of the group. They all felt he wasn't trustworthy after that.

BTW, it seemed way too early to start firing scuds. Week one, let's make a major move. But if you do it, you have to do it right. Week one, you target someone no one likes, or isn't a comp threat. If you target a strong comp player, and you miss, you've got a target on your back all season. When you do not even know where things are going.

Put up that girl (Jillian?) and Ramsey for ex. No one is mad at you. There is plenty of time to make moves. Plus you leave a big target in the house, who isn't mad at you.

If you want to live life on your own terms, you've got to be willing to crash a burn.

Anyway, the group Cody betrayed had to decide, go with Paul or Cody.

Then, Cody- who forgets he is playing a game, cries about others loyalty? If he were so loyal, then why did he try to back door an alliance member? And if you say it was a good move, then fine, why not tell your team??

Unknown said...

The producers became to involved with the outcome of this game. They taylored this year's BB to Paul. They are desperate for Paul huge social media base.
It is very unfair to give a 3 weeks pass to Paul.
They set games targeting the winner. This is no longer a fun tv show. This was my last BB show viewing. I watched since season one.
Most of my friends decided not to watch it anymore.
This is a total manipulation of the participantes and the viewers... Good-bye Big Brother. They promised Paul to give him the win.
Paul is a rat who already had his chance. Let the new participates have a fair chance.

Unknown said...

Blame the producers...they promised Paul the win. They are too involved on this year's outcome. They are kissing Paul's rear. Paul and Josh are digusting humans.

Taz Caz said...

Have you read Cody's bio on He thinks of himself as charming and sweet. I died laughing. So I loved your comparison to Jeffrey Dahmer.

Unknown said...

I don't know why my comment didn't get posted, maybe because I am not a fan of Cody and Jessica but I never said anything horrible. I simply think people are forgetting that they started bullying people as soon as they got in the house. I don't agree with anybody bullying anybody and I'm not okay when Paul does it to Cody. I just think they started all of this drama when they didn't need to.

Mergatroid#1 said...

Totally agree!

Unknown said...

I agree. The producers are way too involved.

Unknown said...

I agree. The producers are way too involved.

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