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Thursday, August 3, 2017

Thursday: The Overnighter

Happy Live Eviction Show, ladies & gents!! Tonight we will finally get to see a houseguest go home!..oh wait, no we won't! Jessica will be using her Halting Hex, which means nobody will be going home (the eviction will stop) and if Paul wants Cody or Jess out, he'll just have to try again next week.

Jess/Cody have pretty good odds (even better with Mark/Elena if they're truly aligned with C/J, but I don't trust Elena with her loyalty, though I do believe Mark is loyal to Cody). Don't forget there's the Temptation Comp which will make a HG safe, in addition to the normal Veto Comp and of course whoever wins HOH. This really could be anyone's week. I'm super excited to see how it all plays out!

At this point, Paul & Co. are gunning for Jessica first, Cody 2nd and Mark 3rd. So depending on how this week plays out, you can expect anyone of "Paul's Dogs" to put up them 3 with that being the pecking order. Well, with most of the 'dogs', anyway. Kevin said last night that it'd be dumb to get Jess out before Cody because of Cody being good in comps. He also said that Matt is better at comps than Mark, so he thinks it's smarter to get Matt/Raven on the block than Mark/Elena.

Kevin: "(Cody) hates so many other people besides me..and you." (re: keeping him around because he's not an immediate threat to Kev's game.)

Also keep in mind, as I pointed out yesterday, that Josh has no issues with Jess at all so I can't see him actually wanting her out before Cody. With that being said, Josh is definitely Paul's pet, so I can see him doing whatever Paul wants him to do if he won HOH. Oooo there's so many options this week! I'm giddy with excitement!! :D

Jessica worked on her social game a bit by joking around with Josh last night. She pretended to go after him with a fork, as he sang the infamous circle song he sings while banging pans together.

And last, but least...
Josh farted going up the stairscase, so then Josh sang (for the millionth time) that damn circus theme song and banged on the table (in a jokingly-retaliating way).

Later on, Josh was teaching Mark "The Carlton" (Fresh Prince of Bel-Air).

**And that's it for The Overnighter! Paul is still semi-denying that Jessica's halting hex is as powerful as it is and even toyed with the notion of trying one more time for her to not use it today. *head-desk* Anyway, I will be here tonight as usual to live-blog tonight's BB19 Live Eviction! If you wanna watch it live on your cell phone/tablet/desktop, just log into the live feeds and go to LIVE TV when BB starts. That's it! Easy peasy.

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

Why do I get a feeling that using the hex will go straight into a fast forward week in the house, where they immediately play HOH, noms, then veto, then eviction.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

They're still a week ahead due to Megan's self-eviction so a non-eviction week will put them back on schedule.

Unknown said...

That would be great and an awesome show for us!!

Unknown said...

Jamie, thank you for all the work you put into this blog. I don't know how you can watch all this without having lost your mind or having bruises from face palming or head desking. I can't even watch the shows lately without having the tv on mute. You watch the shows and feeds. I SALUTE YOU!!!!!

Unknown said...

She is crazy to use the hex on Cody....if she uses it and neither when HOH tonight then one of them is going home next eviction and she won't have the temptation anymore. If the numbers of the house wasn't so overwhelming against her and cody then maybe

Zayne said...

@Emma Boyle I'd agree with you if they hadn't saved the veto meeting and subsequent chaos for tonight's episode. They're planning to not have a vote and interview tonight.

tmlmtbgb said...

I kind of wish they could all be evicted and production would be forced to start from scratch. Expect the unexpected...

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

LOL!! That would be so awesome.

Unknown said...

Omg yes!! One can dream!

Unknown said...

Honestly if I was Paul I would have taken Jessica off the block and put up josh so she had to use the hex to save Cody and josh lololol

Big Brother Fan said...

Whoosh! What an exciting episode tonight! Your thoughts on Josh winning hoh? I'm totally torn between everyone. Not happy with discrediting Cody's military experience. Although they did not show that tonight & the fact Jessica may be pregnant with Cody's baby. Don't agree with Josh's actions, although Paul encouraged him. Floaters, etc. And what's up with Alex accusing Jessica of stealing her cat ears & then Jessica wearing them tonight? Just crazy! In my opinion, I feel that Paul & Alex are going to go all of the way. With Alex being the winner. Just like everyone voted Nicole over Paul in their season. But who knows? Expect the unexpected!!

Unknown said...

This the most disgusting and offensive behavior I have ever seen on Big Bully... I mean Big Brother. Why are they letting this continue???? It's ruining the integrity of the game. Josh needs to go. I'm pretty sure I saw pure evil come out of Raven, and worst of them all, Paul was like the Devil puppet master. They should be ashamed of themselves.

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