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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Tues: The Overnighter

Happy Tuesday, BB fans! Yesterday was a slower day in the house. Like I said yesterday, Jessica knows she's a goner so her/Cody have been more or less just hanging out and enjoying each others company.

I know Paul fans are quick to point out that he (Paul) is "the only playing the game", and I never agreed with that because Kevin has been out-gaming Paul, in my humble opinion. Kevin is good with the whole house, he's has no target on his back, he's very covert in his gaming and his social game is on-point. I've been saying for weeks now (if you follow me on Twitter, then you already know) that Kevin is my favorite this season and has been my pick since Day 1. (A few of y'all thought I was a fan of Cody's. I'm not. His game play is horrible. lol But I do love how great of a competitor he is and his "I don't care" attitude.) I also think Jessica, while currently playing a bad game, could actually turn her game around if Cody wasn't there and she was able to stay...but alas, she's going home Thursday, so we'll never know.

While on the topic of Kevin...
He had a talk with Paul yesterday that is of significant importance at 3:14pm BBT, Cam 2.
Paul asked Kevin if he was talking game to Cody. (He was.) Kevin said no. Paul said that Cody/Mark are "definitely working together", while Kevin said no and how Cody said he'd gun after the showmances: Mark/Elena and Matt/Raven. Paul doesn't believe that. Kevin said that Cody gave him his word. Paul thinks that Cody would put one of the couples up but then backdoor him (P), but again, Kevin deflects his opinion and says no, he's gunning for the showmances and he (K) would be surprised if Cody was lying. Paul still wants to get him out before a Double Eviction. Kevin said that Cody said he just wants to play the game for a few weeks.

Kevin: "I know what I am doing. Cody said he wants a few good weeks and I will see."
Paul: "But they (showmances) were in the pool with him."
Kevin: "Cody is going to let them think they are okay and they don’t have to speak anymore. He gave me his word, I tell you. Even if he goes against his word, you have 6 people (on your side)."

Kevin: "If he's lying, I'll pull him outta bed and say 'you mothahfu*ka'..I know what I'm doing (Paul)'re playing one side, I'm playing the other." 

Paul: "Make sure Jason or Christmas is not being sketched out by you talking to Cody and no one is questioning you."
Kevin: "No, I told him we won’t talk no more, only in the morning. (Cody) just gave his word again a few minutes ago at the pool. Don’t worry, Cody is going after the ones who turned their back on him the first weeks" 

Also, speaking of Kevin..Yesterday was Kevin's birthday! Happy Birthday, Kevin!!
Jessica and Cody joined the houseguests to sing Happy Birthday to Kevin, but didn't attend his dinner they had before the cake. They told Kevin earlier that they'd be there for the cake to celebrate with him, but not for the dinner.

As I reported yesterday, the HG's have been hearing strange noises over the loudspeaker. So far, all the sounds that have been played have been: Baby crying, dog barking, jackhammer/drill noise, drums and a lawnmower. 

And my favorite line of the night:
Paul did a pity-play on Kevin, saying as the only returning vet, he can't win the game. Kevin agreed and said "No, you can't." (*lol!) 

**And that's it for the Overnighter! Jess is still the target, unless Josh is laying low for now and could possibly throw a hail-mary at some point to try to change the votes. We shall see!! Today is Tuesday, which doesn't mean much in the BB house. I'll be back later on tonight with an Afternoon Update. Until then, enjoy the $6 live feeds!!

Also, GREAT NEWS FOR CANADIANS...Big Brother will be available for y'all next Summer to watch the BB-US!! :D The info was just released that they're working on it. And BB: Over the Top will *not* be on this Fall (confirmed) but could be over the Winter. Again, we'll have to wait and see.

Stay tuned...
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Katie Mc said...

where was Christmas last night. I tuned if for awhile but never saw her at all. Was she in the DR for 3 hrs!?

rigs said...

From Paul's perspective, Paul is correct to not trust Cody. Kevin is ignoring Cody's history of being a hat head. Remember what happened to Christmas? In a moment of rage, Cody put up Christmas as a replacement. I wouldn't trust Cody as far as I could throw him even if he is an ex-Marine and a Christian. From Kevin's perspective, he is most likely going to use Cody to get Paul out. I hope Paul goes for the throat of Cody at the earliest convenience and gets him out or Paul's alliance will fall apart. If Cody goes soon, Kevin could very well be the next target. I am sure Paul is wise to Kevin's pleas.

Unknown said...

What is yoir twitter name to follow

Jamie said...

Click the Twitter bird on the page. Bbaddictedjamie

Joe said...

Are you saying that kevin said he wasnt talking game with cody and then told paul cody's plans in the game?
Or was it more of this is kevin's opinion of what cody will do in the game?
Obviously kevin wouldnt be absolutely sure what cody is going to do unless they discussed game, which would mean kevin got caught lying to paul.

Meagan said...

I am not defending all of Paul's antics however, Jody are bullies equal to anything anyone else has done.

From the beginning, Cody stating I'm putting you up Meagan because I don't like you. The two have secluded themselves throughout the game. Jess stating she wants to grab Alex by the hair and drown her. Cody making ugly comments forward transgendered folks. They have played this game with zero strategy and made consistently horrible game decisions.

I know some thing the are good looking and are cute together. I think think they are disgusting. Having sex on national television feeds and PDA to the exclusion of every person in the house is deplorable.

I don't care who wins, I watch for entertainment and enjoy strategic play. Jody has none.

Kb said...

Kevin is my favorite too!!

Dianne said...

There was another fight in the house so now Kevin agrees with Paul, Cody needs to go as soon as they get the chance. As far as Cody goes, I don't care if guests are soldiers, sailors or candlestick makers. Nor do I care what religion they profess. Cody is just not cut out for this game and Jess didn't stand a chance as soon as she hooked up with him. They are poison.

BB Bopper said...

Dianne: Soldiers, sailors or candlestick makers...luv that! 😋And totally agree.

It's Easy Mmmkay said...

How about watching BBCan in the US?

TerBerry5 said...

I can't wait to see the remaining boring do-nothing houseguests start turning on each other. I really can't believe what I witness on the feeds. These people are the worst! Not a brain between 'em!

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