Before I get to that though, we had Raven (yes, she's still in there) throwing a fit because she lost her bracelet. Paul eventually found it behind the coffee maker, but Raven is convinced that somebody (not Paul) hid it. This is how #Braceletgate started. So raven decided to take one step further and blame it on Kevin. I'm not making this up, guys. I promise y'all. (3:00pm BBT) So now this will be used a reason for Raven/Matt to put up Kevin in the future...if they actually win an HOH, that is. They'd put up Kevin/Alex, with Alex as the pawn and then backdoor Jason.
3:35pm BBT:
There was *almost* gameplay today, but Alex killed it. Jason had just asked Kevin if he'd be on board with getting rid of Matt this week, as long as they could get Alex/Paul on board. Then Jason went to Alex but she shot the idea down, even though Jason told her that if Matt/Raven win HOH, they're gunning for them (Alex/Jason)..which is accurate. Alex was more concerned with Jason outing their Final 3 (Alex/Jason/Paul) to Kevin than anything and wasn't interested in his potential flip. Jason said that they'd only have to worry about one person (Mark) instead of two (Matt/Raven). Makes sense to me. To Alex though, nope.
Alex told Jason that if they can get to Final 5 with Paul/Josh/Christmas, then they can get Josh and Christmas to take shots at each other.
**And that's it for the Afternoon Report! I'm pretty sure this is the most I've blogged about Raven. She's so useless in the game, that I never have to mention her. The other day, Raven was complaining because production hasn't called her into the Diary Room in days. I guess she's useless to even them.
Stay tuned...
Alex isn't as smart as she thinks she is.
This season is ridiculous
Alex drives me crazy! Her arrogance is laughable.
Paul has met his match. Christmas. They had a convo in HOH room where it seemed like suddenly she realized he was lying to her. She kept saying.. who is 'we'. And he kept stumbling, bumbling the answer. Her face was saying... huh?
They were talking about Final 5 & it was clear she realized her picks weren't his even though he told her before they were.
My mother told me" liars always get caught".
Haha.. Paul.. Christmas is a better BB player than you!
OMG .. Raven is driving me crazy. Her screeching... her fake Southern belle accent, he butt revealing outfits and butt poses. Matt tries to kiss her.. and she pulls away. She is no more interested in him than I am.
Matt and Raven seem to be very conscious of cameras and behave/ act accordingly. The others don't seem to care.
Jason is being a clown which is good. But the hysterical fake laughing by Matt and Raven screeching is making it awful.
Paul has a tattoo inside his mouth. How gross.
Raven is taller than Paul. She has black lipstick on now and is prancing around.
I'm sending a telepathic message to the HGs... please Please get her out asap.
My apologies to those in the jury.
They need to let the HGs out. Paul said something like they can't go out for 5 days. They are all acting crazy from being stuck in there.
I don't think this is healthy for any of them.... mentally.
I'm done. Survivors ready?
I seriously think this season has ruined BB for me all together. I can't believe they are all walking Paul to the 500k.
Too bad that Alex is so blind with her head up someone's butt. If there is a light coming on in Christmas' head and she believes that Paul is controlling her and is lying, then maybe she could have broken the tie (IF Jason, Kevin, & Alex?) were to vote Matt out?). But, it is probably still better for Christmas to stick with Paul/Josh & Maven for now. At least she is in a better position there. Just so much wishful thinking as would be so nice to see someone not do what Paul says. Now, that would be a small move at least. The big move would be getting Paul out.
So nice to see Jason finally speaking up for what he wants but I don't see him convincing Alex. His plan of sticking with Kevin and Mark is his only hope and he needs to win HOH tomorrow. Hopefully if he does, he will put up two of the other five and not let anyone convince him to put up Kevin. Stick to your guns, Jason, and if he's HOH, maybe some of Paul's plans will come to light while people are begging to stay alive.
My wish for the day..Production has each HG in the DR and asks each one, "do you think if you were the one to put Paul OTB and he was voted out that the other HG's would think you deserved to win this season for making the only big move?"
ME J...Love it! And yes I am!:)
OK - Jamie - that was funny - Raven isn't called to Diary room! good lord - they probably don't want to listen to her either. Doesn't 2nd place person get $50K or something? I would hate to see her win a penny from this, it's bad enough that she is still there!
Christmas is no dummy - I"m surprised she didn't catch on to Paul a long time ago. By the time they figure it out, it will probably be too late.
Ok. BBOTT with two distinct sides of the house was awesome. This is just boring in comparison. Has anyone heard if there will be a second season of BBOTT?
These kids are annoying AF!!!! Alex's voice when she gets riled up is like nails on a chalkboard, Jason is all over the place, Kevin (not really a 'kid') walks around like Eeyore on downers, Christmas is a mean conniving so and so with her stupid "big move" BS. Don't get me started on Matt and Raven. My 2 dogs could play a better, more strategic game than these 2 knuckleheads. That leaves Mark, Josh and Paul, who, to me, are just about tolerable.
Disappointed in Alex. I thought she could potentially be the smart player I could rally behind but why would she rather get Mark, a player who really isn't gunning for her, over taking down a showmance that has been throwing her name around. Makes no since. I believe Mark would even be open to a secret alliance with Alex.
No she isn't
Yes Alex had disapointed me in this game
Wait does Alex still think her alliance with Paul is a secret?? I thought everyone knows that by now.
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