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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Tuesday: The Overnighter (Fan w/ Bullhorn)

Good morning & Happy Tuesday!! Yesterday the HG's had their Veto Ceremony, where Paul used the veto and took Jason off the block as planned. Cody/Jessica remain up on the block.

For those of you wondering about Jessica's Halting Hex (that she will be using Thursday), it states that she has to say the halting hex spell before the voting process begins. I know there's been a lot of talk about that, so I wanted to clear that up. Here's the full video of Jessica winning the Halting Hex .

Yesterday was a glued-to-the-feeds day. I was watching all afternoon/night, while on Twitter with a lot of you guys as all the madness was going down. It was crazy! And I'm not even sure where to begin the Overnighter. *sips coffee* Okay, so there was a fight between Raven/ which Cody asked Raven why she's so against him in the house and Raven says because she's going with the house so she doesn't become targeted. After this happened, Paul orchestrated a scenario: he had Raven fake cry to use justification to verbally attack Cody/Jessica.  (1:05pm BBT)

By 1:38pm BBT, the house minus Jess/Cody were talking, when Matt became the voice of reason out of nowhere.
Matt doesn't like that Jody is being attacked and says that Jessica is just sticking up for her man, which any of them would do too. Prior to this, Matt told Jody that he has no personal issues with them.

At 1:47pm BBT, Christmas's mask slipped and revealed how ugly she is underneath it all. She suggests they question his military service. (*Unbelievable.)

Christmas: "He'll take that really personally."

Paul's ultimate goal in all this, is to make Cody snap to show "his true colors" to Jessica, so that Jessica doesn't use the hex and they can vote Cody out. He spends the day training various houseguests (mostly Josh/Christmas and at times, Raven too) on how to attack them. (They've gotten the nickname of being "Paul's dogs" because of this.) A few minutes later, Josh starts banging pans together being the one-trick pony that he is. Christmas, surprisingly, tells him to stop because its "not even annoying".

2:19pm BBT:
HOH Room

Paul has declared"emotional warfare" on Cody to get him to crack. Matt doesn't like this plan and made it well known to Christmas (who has a big hand in all this). Raven was in the room as well.

Matt: "We're in a situation where we are literally to get a man..who has killed other human crack. That's what we're doing right now. That is f*cking stupid. Are you (Christmas) gonna feel great about this when Josh gets punched in the face?"

Christmas said Cody won't punch Josh if he's "as disciplined (from the military) as he should be." (*I just can't with this chick.)

Matt: "What's it gonna take (to please you)? Him knockin' somebody out?"
Christmas: "Why are you arguing with me!" (*And there goes the mask. Tone of voice change. Eyes changed.)

Christmas said that if this week is a dud (and it is), that "the 4 of them" have a good possibility of winning HOH on Thursday and mentions their (Paul & Co.) "track record" is crap when it comes to winning comps.

2:34pm BBT:
Meanwhile, Cody/Jessica are downstairs trying to stay strong against a house that's against them.
2:52pm BBT:
Josh is trying to agitate Cody/Jessica.
Jessica decides to make out with Cody in front of Josh to shut him up. She climbs on top of Cody and they start kissing. (*lol)

3:46pm BBT:
Paul tells Josh that Cody has "little man syndrome"...which is ironic coming from Paul who is 5'2" and Cody is taller than him. (And if he's referring to 'down under', well...Cody is more than enough of a man, if you know what I mean ;).. I've seen the pic floating around on Twitter of him in his boxer briefs lol Impressive.)

4:23pm BBT:
Lounge Room
Jessica said she's using the hex and doesn't appreciate them being bullied. (Paul told his crew to "bully" Cody, though Paul denies he has power to stop it from happening..while orchestrating it.)

Paul: "You have the temptation, you have the power. Do what you want with it." (*And this is really what's under Paul's skin;  he's pinned in a corner and has no power to change it. It's why he wants to break Cody.)

During this conversation, Jessica called Paul out on his game: that he gets people to do his work for him, and they follow him because they are people that need to be lead (they're followers, not leaders).  This left Paul shook. He said he's not an emotional manipulator, but Jess corrects him and says yes he is and it's not a "bad thing" per se.

Paul then went back to his crew and told them that Jessica is using the hex, so "one of them" won't be able to make it to jury and he's sorry about that.

4:46pm BBT:
Cody goes into the kitchen, Paul starts in on him.
Paul: "Cody, you still think I'm just a character on a tv show?" (*Told y'all this comment left him shook days ago and can't let it go.)

Cody: "Paul, I have no more words for ya."

Cody walks away, ignoring Paul.

By 4:49pm BBT, Alex & crew confront Cody in the bedroom, asking about the deal to put her (Alex) up in return for safety. (Paul spilled the beans, to get Alex to go attack Cody.)

Cody: "Alex, everyone is just trying to stir things up."

Cody gets up and walks away, not falling for Paul's trap.

5:03pm BBT:
Josh, again, with the banging of pans together. (*So played out.)

5:07pm BBT:
Paul tells Jessica to "come out and play". A fight begins. Cody comes out after a minute and steers her into the backyard to calm down. Paul praises Raven.

Paul: "That's my girl!" (He then high fives her and kisses her forehead).

5:11pm BBT:
As Jess/Cody lay on the hammock, Paul is inside telling his crew to not stop and go outside to "keep the party going" and get Cody to crack.

Paul is commenting to Cody about how it feels to have his "dogs barking" at him, as Raven is going off on Jess/Cody and Josh is on standby with his pans.


5:21pm BBT:
Paul was called into the Diary Room. When he came out, he told his crew to "not incite violence" and not to say anything about trying to make them self-evict.

5:37pm BBT:
Alex and Christmas attack Cody's military service. Josh/Paul are still being loud and provoking.

5:47pm BBT:
Jessica mentions that she's thinking about walking. Cody said that if she goes, he goes. They'll walk out together. Jessica mentioned how she lives 12 mins away from the CBS lot where the house is, and how they could be at her apartment cuddling while watching a movie, instead of dealing with the relentless provoking. Jessica is more afraid of things escalating and something bad happening (physically) to where it could affect her job outside the house.

Jessica: "I need a sign (on whether to stay or walk)".

A little while later, Jessica got "her sign" from a BB Fan with a bullhorn:

BB calls for indoor lockdown.

Jessica said she couldn't hear it. Neither did Cody. (*Production later on at 8:59pm BBT,  told her/Cody what it was, and that was encouraging for them.) A few other HG's heard it, though.

The bullhorn message got under Paul's skin..
Paul: "Apparently I'm bullying America's sweetheart."

Paul & Co. tried to do a lot of backpedaling and tried to convince each other that they're not bullying and/or that it's justified. (9:20pm BBT) For the record, Mark stood up to all this nonesense earlier to Josh, saying it's personal and it's not game related and he doesn't like them attacking Cody/Jess.

Around 1am BBT, Mark told Paul something similar. By 1:15am BBT, Paul admits they pushed buttons too much and is now worried about being "portrayed" as a bully. Christmas suggests they do a passive aggressive route of killing them with kindness. Paul agrees.

At 2:25am BBT, Paul says he'll "beat up" Cody after the show. (*Hope you have burial insurance. lol)

**And that's it for the Overnighter! If you don't yet have the live feeds , then you are really missing out this season!! There's no way that I (nor CBS) can tell/show y'all what happens minute by minute. That has to seen for yourself. You can watch everything I posted this morning by using the Flashback feature on the live feeds . You can also watch the feeds on your cell phone and tablet (which I do often). Definitely recommend you get'em! This season is crazy!!

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Paul and all his dogs are disgusting! There is one thing to attack someone for the sake of the game but when you go personal and attack his service for your country just to get them to crack is beyond low. I am surprised that the producers are not doing anything about this. This is big time bulling. Cody never bullied anyone in the house this way and obviously we can see why he wanted to take Paul out week one. This house will be a lot better if Paul wasn't in the house (Note to BB: NO MOR VETS). The fact that most of these guys and gals are playing to make it to jury makes me sick to my stomach. There are a lot of people who wanted to win like Cameron (who I believe would have never let Paul run him), Dominic (who was on to Paul that’s why he sent her home) etc. So many people would have loved the chance to be in the big brother house to really play the game and WIN! These guys are idiots (SORRY I AM MAD) but once they get rid of JODY who do they think will be next on Paul’s radar. They are all riding hard for him and none of them (except Alex) has a solid alliance to him. Matt (Oh how I loved him in the beginning) and Raven do nothing but play around.

Mark- Really Mark!!! The biggest floater in my opinion. Pick a freaking side and stick with it. Are you team Jody or Paul's dog? I don't respect you at all. This is big brother not the bachelor, who cares if Elena is not speaking to you…. Ugh I can’t with you. I understand the whole big guy but soft on the inside, it is cute after a while. All I see is big guy, not so smart on the inside.

Matt- I had high hopes for you!!! I was proud when you were against the bullying of Jody, but you should have sat you girl Raven down and told her to stop. Stop playing for jury and play to win geeze. Matt wake up!!!!!!

Raven- No words

Christmas - Disgusting behavior

Josh- the biggest meatball. Grow the F up!

Alex- I don't get you girl.... I thought you were strong. Why are you one of Paul's biggest dogs?

Elena- You confuse me girl. You and Mark have potential to make it far in this game. Just imagine You, Mark, Jessica and Cody. OMG!!! You guys can run the house and pick these people off one by one.

Kevin: In my opinion is playing a good game.

Paul: I really liked you last season Paul!! Why are you so threatened by Cody? He tried to get you out week 1 yes, but let’s face it you would have done the same. Your behavior this week has just shown how weak of a man you are, rallying up the troupes to attack Cody and Jessica because you aren’t man enough to do it yourself. Simply because you know deep down that your reign this week is a waste you are acting like a little girl. You tried to get Cody out twice and he keeps staying, I am pretty sure he hunts you in your sleep.

Jason: you are smart and I see you making it far too but sometimes I wonder…

Unknown said...

So I've probably only ever been able to watch the feeds 15-30 minutes a day due to being a busy single mom with a special needs kid. Wellll she was in bed all day not feeling well yesterday and I had the feeds on all day. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I am by no means a Cody and jess fan but at this point I hope they win hoh and POv next week. I'm so disappointed in Alex, Paul, Christmas, raven, Josh, mark and even Matt, Elena and kevin for not putting a stop to it. It was disgusting and was difficult to watch. And the people comparing this to Cody saying "Megan I just don't like you." Or to Cody and jess attacking josh. Nope. Yesterday was literally 8 against 1 and I hope with the fan shouting with the bullhorn yesterday they realize how much of America can't stand them. End rant. Btw I now know why the feeds can be addicting. I couldn't stop watching yesterday and then I finally had to go to sleep. Lol

Unknown said...

I keep hearing they are bullying, what exactly are they doing? I don't watch the feeds, so this is a genuine question.

Walkrock said...

What was the fan with the horn saying? Did the houseguests hear it?

MikMat said...

Awesome summary!!!

Razldazlrr said...

I do not like what they are doing at all - at this point I'm rooting for Jess or Cody to win. At least Matt had some common sense that what they are doing is childish and ridiculous. I notice that Kevin stays out of the mix - I'm sure he knows they are acting like children.

I agree with another poster that Paul comes from a wealthy family and is just here for the show. I wonder if production thinks we enjoy this idiocy. I so hope Jody wins HOH this week and then see who comes crawling back.

Unknown said...

Bubu completely summed up how I feel about everyone. I don't have the feeds so have to rely on blogs (this is by far the best) and this behavior is disgusting!!! I've been watching BB since season one and I don't recall bullying to this level. I hope when these people eventually get evicted (and they will) they will wake up to how they have played this low ball game. I can't wait until these people turn on each other. The fur will FLY!!! Christmas is really showing her true colors. She is bitter and mean over her injury and is ready to snap at everyone. Most of these people are useless in comps. I'm glad Jess and Cody and being the bigger people here. Roll on Thursday. Hope one of them wins HOH. Watch the ass kissing begin.

Razldazlrr said...

I love that someone did that on the bullhorn!

Unknown said...

Hope Paul has burial insurance LoL I love you Jamie

Anonymous said...

@Bubu..You are spot on about Paul. I do have hopes for both Kevin and Jason although I was impressed with Alex the first week when asked by Cody who she would put up as HOH and she told him to his face, the showmances. She had guts and I was impressed. I would like to see what she, and the others, would do without Paul to tell them what to do. And Christmas really did show her true colors. She is mean along with Raven, Josh, and the whip master.

I love that Matt is being so logical about inciting violence. I wish him, Jason, and Kevin the best if they will vote to get Paul out if he is by chance on the block next week. I think Jason and Kevin would as Kevin has already told Jason that Paul needs to go and Jason agreed.

Jamie, you are awesome! I absolutely loved the pics you attached showing the dogs bullying and trying to get Cody to physically attack someone. The pics say it all with all those dogs and two people by themselves. Your updates are the best!

SDfan said...

Thanks for the great overnighter summary Jamie!

Unknown said...

Me too!!! Does anyone remember some early season where they flew a plane with a message over. Was it season one?

r's mommy said...

This year I'm glad I DON'T have the live feeds! The harassment that Paul is leading this house with toward Jessica and Cody is hard to watch. Not to mention Josh who is just incredibly immature. Thank you for putting yourself through the misery for us Jamie! I appreciate your summary. With that said, if Paul doesn't get evicted soon I will know BB is behind him and I won't watch anymore. It's abusive behavior and I'm not interested in that.

Anonymous said...

@Brian..Someone said in an earlier post that it was a mob mentality and that's exactly what it looked like. I agree wholeheartedly with that person.

@ Walkrock & Raz..I loved that someone said America loves Jessica and that Paul is a bully on the bullhorn also. Paul of course hated it.

I was glad to see that someone was able to relay the message to Jessica. Well, I'm not sure how many viewers love Jessica but as I'm hoping to see what these other HG's can do if Paul were gone, I'm also hoping that Jessica and Cody have gotten over their first week of their power trip and will be a little humbled by it.

@ Emma..There was a bullhorn message on BBOT also.

Thanks again, Jamie, for all your time. You obviously are spending an inordinate amount of time with this blog and we all appreciate it. Here's to you and I'm on my way to make a donation to show my appreciation. And, loved, loved, loved your comment amount Paul having insurance. Really loved that Paul would think he could get physical with Cody.

Jamie said...

Thank you so much for your comment and for the donation, Chicklet!!! :D I really appreciate your support!! <3

Unknown said...

What would Big Brother do if Cody/Jessica walked?? No ratings then no one wants to just watch Paul and his lap dogs. I cancelled my feeds this morning I for one will not support bullying and demeaning a persons military service for the sake of a game, and to be honest I can't spend another minute watching Raven and Alex uggggh both are useless.

Meagan said...

When the game first began, Cody wins the first competition and a click is formed with Cody, Mark and Matt. They hook up with the "babes" (Codys words) in an effort to form the first alliance. Cody is an attractive guy and appeared to be a natural leader. This group (Cody, Jess, Mark, Elena, Matt and Raven) with the addition of Paul and Christmas all sat in the HOH room and excluded the remaining guest for the most part.
The game has 3 main components; the ability to compete, the ability to think strategically and a strong social game. Very quickly the ability to think strategically became important and here Cody failed miserably. He managed to destroy the original group and quickly displayed a complete absence of leadership. Suddenly Cody and Jess were on the outside looking in.

I agree that Paul has been a manipulative bully and I don't particularly like him nor care for his game play. I will acknowledge that for his age he is a sharp kid. Alex and Kevin are also smart and play the game. The remaining house guest rely on a social game and float.

I don't like the attempt to bully Cody and Jess and get them to walk. I say play the game and let the best man win. This strategy has been played before so it's not original to this season. I just don't like it. I know there are many fans that love the relationship of Cody and Jess and feel sorry for them. There are others that think Cody is hot. That's fine but let's keep the facts straight. In the beginning of the season it was Cody who named the aggressive fish in the tank after himself, mean and aggressive. It's Cody who is completely devoid of social skills and strategic thinking abilities. It's Cody who took things to a personal level when nominating Meagan and stated "I just don't like you." It's Cody who acts as if socializing with others is creating anxiety in his life (why elect to be on this show). It's Cody who attempts to control Jess ( he states, I don't like this pillow, your supposed to double down on disliking the pillow because that's loyalty, it's what I'm used to). It's Cody who demands other blindly follow him or he ridicules the for being disloyal. It's Cody who proclaims people who don't like something are just "making victim noises." It's Cody who told Jess we need to do the world a favor and breed. I personally believe his behavior is abusive and controlling. I'm not blinded by his looks and I do not like him. I still disagree with the way they are being treated.

I like Jess and feel sorry for her because I think her play in this game was ruined by her relationship with Cody. She made some mistakes. She should have never announced she had the hex. Her and Cody should have played the game, tried to rally the house to her side and used it if necessary. Announcing it like that forced the scenario to flush out the details. I think she really likes Cody and that's great but the house turning on them cultivated a "us against the world" position that cemented their relationship. The house is not real, when they leave unfortunately it will not last. Those two are radically different. He will not be able to handle her job. He is content to live with his things "in a trash bag" and she will never go for that.

So we can agree to dislike Paul and his tactics but let's not paint Cody as an innocent victim.

elizabeth said...

No matter what Cody has or hasn't done, no one deserves to have there military history questioned.
Or harrassed by Paul and his followers no one deserves that. I think Paul is threaten by him because he doesn't follow Paul.

Unknown said...

I don't understand how production continues to let this happen. Paul actively said to the camera that he is doing this so Cody hits someone and gets thrown out. Shouldn't Paul be thrown out for inciting violence? No because CBS needs to protect their little golden boy. And I can also guarantee that none of this makes the show because then Paul will be seen as the little (expletive) that he is, and they need to make him the hero always. Jessica and Cody are being bullied and harassed to a point, and no one is doing anything to stop them. If they quit, I will stop watching this season. It has gotten ridiculous.

BB922 said...

Jamie this was insane! You're right, there is no way it could all be covered on the show, however, your overnighter was fantastic! Thanks for all you do!

chellekay said...

Totally agree with you!

ecl said...

I believe we're all being manipulated by "production." First we hate Cody, root for Paul, Paul gets immunity, plays the game, we're rooting for him, Cody gets eliminated, Jess gets the hex, Cody plays to come back (that was so rigged for him to have experience working the maze), comes back, coincidentally, no immunity left for Paul, Paul wins HOH, doesn't check in to the true nature of the hex (really???), the game turns again, now Paul's the bad guy, the tables are turning, next week, Paul is gone, or maybe production will save him - because that's good tv. Good tv sells advertising. Money talks.

BB Bopper said...

Meagan: Very well put. I could not agree with you more.

r's mommy said...

Good for you! I would cancel if I had it too, for the same reasons!

Unknown said...

I am a Jody fan mainly because I hate seeing anyone getting ganged up on. I despise Paul, and hated the fact that they brought him back. He is a crybaby that can dish it out, but can't take it. If it wasn't for production giving him that ridiculous power to keep him safe for a month, he would have been back doored week one. I liked Jason until he fell under Paul's spell last week; now he's just like the other lemmings.

What really sucks is even if Jody win HOH and POV next week, the minions are FAR TOO STUPID to vote out Paul. So whoever is sitting next to him will get evicted. Sad and pathetic.

Zayne said...

Paul's ego has taken hit after hit this week and his true colors are coming out. He's a spoiled rich kid that's always gotten his way and never been told no and now that things aren't going his way, he's throwing a tantrum on national TV. I'm happy to see that all the support I had been seeing for Paul's (proudction-aided) "gameplay" has effectively disappeared. Thankfully no one is attempting to defend his actions yesterday.

I'll be curious to see how much they show of it and if they try to maintain Paul as America's Favorite Hero.

Re: Cody I always found him entertaining because of the zero Fs he gives about production and making drama. I don't think he's a particularly nice guy and his social game is atrocious but he's been against Paul since Day 1 and has been shutting him down the last couple days.

Brooke Michelle Cornell said...

This is the first really comprehensive summary of what happened yesterday that I have seen and I am surprised and disappointed in Paul's strategy. He's crossing a line, big time. But, I'm completely in agreement with Meagan. Cody invited some of this with his own gameplay. He is by no means an innocent victim, and neither is Jessica. Paul and his crew took it to a level it never should have reached, but Cody helped breed this environment from day 1.

Stephanie said...

I'm not a Jody fan at all but do feel bad for them. I think the word "bully" is thrown around a bit too much though. I mean does anyone remember Evel Dick? He was loved for doing quite a bit of the same type of game as Paul and his minions. When Jessica and Cody were in power they were called bullies too. They made fun of people for the way they looked and could be quiet hateful themselves.
I'm totally over this season. No one is very likable at all, in my opinion.

Razldazlrr said...

Funny - for some reason I didn't watch the Evel Dick season but that makes sense.

And yes, I really did not like the Cody comment at beginning saying he just didn't like her so put her up for veto. Not sure why Cody is even playing this game - he's not at all social, it seems like the idea of it would be enough to scare him away. All these people have an agenda on why they are playing - I wonder how many were recruited, anyone know? Like Kevin who seems to know no past players.

Steve Robbins Art said...

The difference is a large group versus one a-hole. I was bullied like that as a youth, and this is mildly triggering to see this.

MamaBear said...

Paul is really intimidated by Cody and Jessica, why can't anyone see this. Kudos to Matt and Mark for being adults and good people. Kinda disappointed Kevin didn't step up. And Christmas...not nice!! Raven you are a phony bologna anyways! . Karma is a queen bee and that bull horn person, GOD BLESS YOU, put a kink in Pauls thought process.


dappledog said...

Jess needs a sign to stay and what happens next.....bullhorn announces America loves you... really!?!?
*cough production involved"

Unknown said...

To all saying Cody brought this on himself...... Really?? Yes in the beginning Cody blind sided Paul and his team mates but that's a game, It's called BIG BROTHER. Paul did the same thing too so can we say they are both even. What they are doing is bullying to the highest form. Evil Dick attacked Jen (can we say she deserved it because she was annoying??) He did it on his own, he didn't rally up the house and advice them to push buttons in other to get the other person to be violent just so they could get kicked out. Paul is a coward and his behavior shows it. Attack Cody Man to Man, leave the rest of the house out of it. Cody and Jessica are playing the game of BIG BROTHER. Dr Will and Boogie did a lot worse in terms of back stabbing and lying to their "teammates" but we love them. Yes they had better social games but everyone is different. Cody is loyal and would have been to Matt and Mark if they weren't so far up Paul's butt. They turned on him for putting up Paul but went along with the plan to get rid of Dom. In't that the same or rather worse because they were closer to Dom at the point she was nominated than they were to Cody in the beginning. they are all playing the game in different ways but Paul shouldn't be upset that things are not going his way. He should plan to Win the Veto if he is nominated next week. Accept that your HOH was a waste and move one. Cody wanted you out and you revealed that you had safety, did he drag you by the beard until you self evicted? No he told it like a charm.

Unknown said...

Has anyone else wondered how much of what has been going on this week is staged? Drama heightens the ratings and like him or not Paul brings the drama. People talk about how production is helping Paul but I wonder if others are getting help as well. There was a conversation between Jody of how Cody would win the battle back and they would be safe and retake control of the house. Just before the battle back Jessica gets the halting hex!?!
The talk about bullying seems to come up almost every season. Sometimes it makes the shows severely editted. People get upset and quit watching. There are some people who start watching to see if its true or get the live feeds to see it. Either way boost CBS's ratings and/or bottom line.
Without all of this drama we would only be hearing about showmances and how people's games are being ruined even though they aren't playing. As for Paul being a leader and the others being his flock no one is forcing them to drink the koolaid he is offering.
As for this being a wasted HOH week last week was also a waste. If Jessica had pulled Ramses off with the veto and renommed Paul as a backdoor this week would have been different. With Josh and Paul on the block one would have gone and it would have been a win win for Jody. So dumb moves all around committed by all.
One last thing I do not like or condone any of the things that have been done this week. I do approve of and respect that Cody had the good sense to walk away and not give the others the reaction they wanted.

SDfan said...

I'm hoping Kevin or Jason realize how mean and dirty Paul is being and help vote him out next week.

Unknown said...

Or is Kevin a really good actor?

Smokey said...

I agree. Those bullhorns are more damaging to people's game than zingbot.

Angelface said...

Totally agree with you Meagan.

I have to fault production on yesterday's events, to many were pushing to crack J\C, no way they all just decided to be so ignorant, Paul likes to stir crap, yet I can't blame him for it all, when others also pushed. And production should have cooled it down before it started.
The only thing I like about Paul is his strategies/strategic mind, other then that I think he's a J/A....
Cody and Jess, sorry annoying play, this die hard fallow your man thing that Jess is doing, is 100% annoying! Did they come to play the game or get married? This is one of the worst teams I've ever seen. Cody & Jess are not making it easy for anyone else to team up with them, that is on them. It's like they are playing both parts, lay back stay hidden and competitive. They did not have to go nuts like they did after being nominated, but they did.
There is a tit for tat game going on, I blame all 3 of them, and production.
I dunno if anyone remembers Cody & Jess attacking Josh, let's not forget how they did act, and what road that action has lead to.

Alex and Kevin could easily pull in a house changing team.
Matt, Raven, Mark, Josh, Elena, Christmas, Jason and Kevin are still in floater mode. Butt it's only 4th real eviction, most don't try to make moves till jury starts. So, still waiting to see which will show up! Looks like one more week until we see that.

Now the military comments, I am a military wife, daughter, granddaughter, aunt, cousin and niece I love all service members passed and present. I've marched in many vets.
However, everyone is initialed to their own opinions.
Cody brought it into the game, in the game he made it a fair game topic! As far as I can tell they are just messing with his story, not the whole history or the members of the whole U. S. military.
And why is this topic taboo, but nobody else's livelihood is? They have said plenty about others life work, do the dead lives of rodeo clowns not count Or bodybuilders, radio hosts, house husbands or dancers, many people have died that were not military, that still stood up to be counted, for many issues. Just saying they all matter!

Angelface said...

Agree Kelly,

There are many annoying things that go on in there, again BB PRODUCTIONS, fault! Give them other stuff to do, how many years we all complain about the boring time, but then are thrilled with drama! Give them stuff to do besides just the pool table, cards, corn hole, beer and wine, anything can be removed if there is bad behavior. But come on, buzzed mice are a tad more fun to watch.
Production steers them in the DR, they help and mess with all of them, not just Paul.

Would love to see anyone else win a HOH, rather sick of the same few.

Unknown said...

Ohhh I cant wait for Zingbot, hopefully it opens their eyes to what is actually going on in the game. Like call them all out as Paul's followers aka dogs, groupies. That would be awesome!!!

Unknown said...

I've watched every season. I've seen backstabbing, conniving and foul play. Even though I dislike Cody, the levels of cruelty and bullying this season have made me decide to quit watching this season. See you all next year.

Jamie said...


Unknown said...

I can't believe the behavior of these people. I've seen comments (mostly on twitter) saying that this is how the show used to be (all the fighting) and it actually was worse in the past. I think this is true, except in the past (mostly the earlier seasons) when there were fights it was against two groups or it was equal numbers going back and forth. This is just not ok that 8 people are ganging up on two people to tear them down and attempting to start a physical altercation (because apparently that's the only way they can think of getting rid of Cody). I think this made the 8 look really bad. Also questioning his service is never ok and to make it worse if you listening closely while Raven is outside yelling at Jessica and Cody you can hear someone (it sounds like Alex but I am not 100% sure it is her) say he was a disgrace to you the marines. I'm usually just a reader and don't comment on anything but that absolutely disgusted me. You thank the men and women of the military for their service not tell them they are a disgrace. They've done so much for us and this is not ok.

Side note: I heard the disgrace to marines comment last night if you use the flashbacks to go to camera 1 at 5:13 pm it's like 30 seconds after that under all of Raven's yelling about nothing (just in case anyone wanted to go listen for it).

Unknown said...

Alright.....after reading all of this, I am truly appalled. I wish my schedule was different so I could watch the Live Feeds more often!! I am completely shocked in Christmas and Alex. Attacking Cody, or ANYONE's military service is total bull shit and below the belt especially because they only dislike Cody for putting people on the block on a reality television game show. How pathetic does that sound when actually typing it out? I'll admit, Cody's attitude the first week turned me off, but now that we are further in, I can see he was just reacting negatively to the situation he was in and pressure he was under. At this moment, I am all for Team JODY and Team Matt. I have a feeling Ramses wouldn't have involved himself in the bullying so it sucks that he was evicted. A couple of my other front runners on my "favorite list" are Kevin, Jason, Elena and Mark so I would like to ask what their parts were during this bullying escapade?!?

Unknown said...

I can't believe the behavior of these people. I've seen comments (mostly on Twitter) of people saying that this is how the show used to be (all of the fighting) and at times it has actually been worse in the past. I think to an extent this is true, this situation is an exception because in the past when there were fights it was usually against the two sides of the house or against two smaller groups that were pretty equal in size going back and forth. This is just not ok that 8 people are attacking 2 people just to tear them down and start and altercation (because that is apparently the only way they know how to get rid of Cody now). I think this made the 8 look really bad. Also questioning his service is never ok and to make it worse if you listen closely while Raven is yelling at Jessica and Cody in the backyard you can hear someone say he is a disgrace to the military (personally I think the voice sounds like Alex but I am not 100% sure on that since all the cameras are on Raven's meltdown). I'm usually just a reader and don't comment on anything but that absolutely disgusted me. You thank the men and women in the military for their service they have done for you and this country. They have done so much for us and do not deserve to be disrespected like that.

Side note: If you want to hear the comment using the flashbacks use camera 1 or 3 (or any of them for that matter they were all on the backyard at this point I was just viewing camera 1 when this happened and I think camera 3 has clearer audio of it) at 5:13, it is about 30 seconds in to that and you have to listen closely because it is kind of covered by Raven yelling about nothing.

Unknown said...

I also want to say this to those that name Paul a "sharp kid" or quite "intelligent":

Let's pretend Cody let them win and "cracked" and began to snap on the house guests that were verbally tormenting him, does ANYONE truly believe that Jess would really change her mind and not use the hex? Hell to the no! She was sitting there taking the nonsense right next to him. I'm sure she wanted to snap back on their antics too! So if that was Paul's plan just to make Jess see the "real" Cody (I would love to see Paul's reaction to house guests doing that to him) then he's a MORON. Just had to get that off my chest lol.


Razldazlrr said...

Interesting - some comments made me wonder how much of it is staged. I did think it was mighty weird and timely that someone showed up with a bullhorn at that time. And....Jessica winning the hex?? Not sure about that one.
Jamie - you follow tweets more - do people really love Jessica that much?

Savvy55 said...

Love love your take on BB right now Mamabear! Totally agree! Thank goodness for the bullhorn peep!!!!!Paul needs to go .... and wake up House-Guests is right!!!!πŸ™Œ

Savvy55 said...

Great analogy Bubu A!! Love it! Go Jody!!!πŸ™Œ

Unknown said...

Totally agree also

Jamie said...

They like Jody more than Paul, so there's new upcoming support. A change in the tide.

Nancy M said...

Yup! Well said

Unknown said...

Agreed Meagan!

Unknown said...

I agree completely, maybe they should rename it Big Bully - it's disgusting and their behavior is despicable and CBS and Production should do something before they start losing viewers - Paul should be expelled for inciting violence

Unknown said...

I agree completely, maybe they should rename it Big Bully - it's disgusting and their behavior is despicable and CBS and Production should do something before they start losing viewers - Paul should be expelled for inciting violence

crowlett said...

OMG! Awesome overnighter, Jamie. So hoping Thursday night REALLY puts Paul and his pound puppies in their place! Go team Jody

Marie Ann said...

I agree with this implication of "production".. I also wonder (actually, I'm convinced) production also gave jess the last temptation. What the hex does, the timing of it, and Cody coming back into the game pretty much seal the deal for me. I hate that people who were rightfully voted out get to come back in. It's almost as annoying as raven.

Marie Ann said...

New upcoming support, but the better question is, did they love her last week when she "won" the hex? I'm truly wondering this myself..

Jennie said...

Ok. Is it bad that after watching the flashbacks for Monday that I really want Cody and Jessica to pull out a big win Thursday? I really don't like ANY one this year. Paul needs to go. Big time.

Elpheba said...

Paul makes me sick. Does Paul think all his dogs are going to vote him to win after he screws them? He thinks he is the king and is entitled to win. B.B. is not portraying him as a bully. HE IS A NASTY BULLY. I watch BBAD and I could not believe how hateful he is. And his minions fall in line. Why? And Elena stroking his hair and body. Yuck. These people forget they have to go home at some point and being obnoxious and hateful might get them $$$ but not respect.

Elpheba said...

America lives Jess... Paul is a bully.
Jess and Cody did not hear it but were told by producers.

Elpheba said...

Excellent point. I think production got the message too. And he thought he was production when he kept saying.." they better call me to the DR" because he was demanding to know what the hex was. They probably told Paul he was America's favorite. I'm beginning to question what some players are told in the DR.

Elpheba said...

Yeah.. and now the bully who called Cody all kinds of names I can't say here, is being a wuss Etc...... He said last night that he doesn't like being famous and he might shave his beard so no one will recognize him. Talk about hiding.

Unknown said...

I think this year, more than any other, production had to play a big role. I agree the timing of the hex and Cody's return and the banner for Jess is all too coincidental. Jess probably could have done well had she not latched on to Cody and allowed her "love" for him to influence every aspect of her game. I have no respect for the girls who go on this show and think they have found their true love in 2 days- ultimately killing their game. I have zero respect for her and I'd love to see her walk.

MamaBear said...

LOVE,LOVE,LOVE, Paul has succumb to possibly being put on the block.
LOL!!! and is trying to figure out who he should be put up against AND who will keep him. OMG!!! He Thinks so much of himself " I have done all I could to save you"
ROFLMAO Paul might be the one with his tail between his legs.

Unknown said...

I don't like Jessica... That bullhorn comment doesn't speak for all of America. I really dislike Cody and everything he represents. Based on Jamie's descriptions, it sounds like they went too far. It's a game and Paul wasted his HOH.

Unknown said...

Meagan, I am so here for your comment! I wish we could use emojis!!! Cody SUCKS and I do not care for Jessica at all. They shouldn't be bullied but that doesn't mean they should win or are America's Sweethearts.

Anonymous said...

I was a HUGE Paul fan....but this season, he is just putting a bad taste in everyone's mouth! He IS being a bully. Not that I'm a huge fan of Cody, but it's getting hard to watch.

Michelle said...

I was a Paul fan last season, but he has really gone down hill. The bullying is just out of control. But what I really hate the most are his little minions following him around and doing whatever he says. I really hope they all start realizing HE is running the game. Have ANY of them watched the show before? Just because he's a vet doesn't mean they don't know anything about the game. ARGH! I really want Jessica or Cody to win HOH.

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