Watch BB19!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Tuesday: The Overnighter

Happy Tuesday, everybody! Well if you've come to the blog hoping to read something new, I'm sorry to disappoint. This is the Paul Show and it's extremely boring to watch. Even worse than watching Derrick's season (even though Derrick played a great game, it was so boring to watch.) Speaking of Derrick, he posted this on Twitter yesterday:

Too bad it fell on deaf ears. :(

Moving on...
Not much has changed. Mark is still going to jury on Thursday, as Jason is next in line for eviction next week. Paul is rethinking his Final 3 and is open minded to now taking Matt/Raven to the end, instead of Christmas/Josh..but he has to see how things unfold over the next couple of weeks before making a decision.

Speaking of Raven, Paul and Alex talked about Raven's illnesses. They agreed that it's not right to keep her around just because she's sick and mention how Matt hasn't even tried to play the game. (*I see why Paul would want to take them to the end.)

Around 12:45am BBT, Paul planted seeds to Alex that taking Jason to the end wouldn't be that great of an idea. She said she thinks she could 'talk her way' to a win in a F2 scenario with Jason, but Paul disagreed and said that Jason would beat both of them. He also worked on Alex to get Matt/Raven to evict Kevin if they (Matt/Raven) win HOH. This keeps the blood of his hands, while getting his target out.

It's more of the same ol' "everyone has to go...which order are we gonna pick" talks. Round and round. Paul's even now thinking about possibly taking Matt/Raven to the end, instead of Christmas/Josh. He said he'll wait to see how things unfold and then make a decision.

**And that's it for the Overnighter! Wish I had more for y'all. In other news, Evel Dick brought up a good point on Twitter latetly; that Jess/Cody fans need to 'get their sh*t together' and figure out which one to be voted for America's Favorite, because right now the polls would be split. Jessica tweeted that she agreed with him. As do I. So, just for fun, let's do a poll:

Stay tuned...
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elizabeth said...

I'm def voting for Cody!

Carlos said...

Cody was nothing without Jess. Her instincts were dead on and if Cody was not there she would have gone further.
My vote is Jess.

Jerry said...

BB19 is not THAT boring to watch for me, as I tune in each week to see all these dummies play Paul's game. It's entertaining. That said, I don't get all the hate for Paul I see on Twitter and elsewhere. He's playing his game and it's working for him. All the dummies are just falling for it. Can't fault Paul for that.

As far as America's Fave, I'd vote for nobody. These HGs are terrible human beings. From homophobic comments to calling out someone's military service, to yelling at Josh about his "fat f***ing body", name-calling (check Jessica's twitter daily), to what can only be described as bullying. It's hard to watch sometimes.

Jerry said...

BB19 is not THAT boring to watch for me, as I tune in each week to see all these dummies play Paul's game. It's entertaining. That said, I don't get all the hate for Paul I see on Twitter and elsewhere. He's playing his game and it's working for him. All the dummies are just falling for it. Can't fault Paul for that.

As far as America's Fave, I'd vote for nobody. These HGs are terrible human beings. From homophobic comments to calling out someone's military service, to yelling at Josh about his "fat f***ing body", name-calling (check Jessica's twitter daily), to what can only be described as bullying. It's hard to watch sometimes.

SDfan said...

I voted Jessica bc she surprised me and played better than I initially thought. Have you seen any polls elsewhere online to give us another view on it?

DAVINCI said...

I've been watching reruns of Murder She Wrote.... less predictable than BB19. If Angela Lansbury ever showed up at my hotel I would check out because someone is going to die... just sayin

Unknown said...

I don't want to give my vote to a man that said he would fat shame his wife for getting fat and then having no personality. Personally him or Jess didn't play the game at all just wanted to lay in bed and laugh and act like they were on a honeymoon. I hope they know their parents and family are probably very disappointed in them for acting like that. Threw all that money away for lust.

sb said...

I could not agree more Jerry!!
I agree the cast was a bust but take all the emotion out of it and how much you all hate Paul. You cannot tell me that Cody or Jessica actually played a better game than Paul. It's not Paul's fault they are all following him, I don't see him holding a gun to their heads. They are throwing their games away to do what Paul is manipulating them to do just as Jessica and Cody threw away their games to sit in solitude with each other and not socialize and actually play the game until 5 minutes before eviction. I don't agree with vets getting back on the show unless it's an all-star season but again this is not Paul's fault. He jumped at the chance to win $500,00.00 as we all would if given the opportunity.

Angelface said...

When it comes to the boredom of BB, I think every year reaches that point, some more then others. This year feed wise and bbad have been pretty boring.
Voting on Fav, someone else for now. Jess & Cody failed, they are in my view as forgotten as Um evictees 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Kevin is annoying me, put himself in the line of fire going to hard on securing popularity votes, if he makes it to final 2.
Jason would have my vote at this time, I really like his personality and he rocked the Extremeitard like a star, his laugh is infectious, and he takes Alex's bull shit very well. Alex is a tad pushy but she is playing the game, I'll give her a maybe.
Christmas is a maybe as well, I believe she could have been a tuff to beat player had she not been injured, with injury she has handled it. No, for Matt, Raven, Mark , Josh, Elena and Paul
It's not as easy for us this year, Victor was an easy yes last year.

I really don't think Raven, Matt or Alex are ignoring Paul as a target, the only one I'd say is not even thinking of ditching Paul is Josh, the rest, I'm still hoping they are.
Also don't think it's the Paul show, really believe he kept the show going at the beginning.
I think some people are just overly focused on him, they did add fast forward to all tvs these days, skip him if he bothers you that much, it's what I do with anyone of them that annoys me, Raven has been a Fast-forward person for me from the get go, Cody & Jess together never watched, I don't watch BB to see two people making out, I'll never sit and watch anyone make out (Boring) and might be why, I give them no credit what so ever.

Have to say I still have no one I care to see win, but if Jason makes it! Maybe him.

Ansrea Cunningham said...
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maur said...

It's like watching a race and all the runners fell down but one. There is no skill, talent, game play. Just dumb luck. Oh and the script written by production that gives you endless advantages in the game.
And then brag about your skillful game moves. Geez. What a moron.
This season is such a flop.

Allyson Petrone said...

He was GIVEN 3+ weeks of safety. That's not game play. It's unfair. It's not about hating Paul. Many people could've built an alliance with that much time and freedom to do so. He doesn't deserve the pedestal.

It's Easy Mmmkay said...

10 years from now, will remember three things about BB19:

1) Paul's insertion into the game skewed everything.
2) Up to this point, it's easily my least favorite season.
3) Cody - for better or worse - is a unique and memorable BB player.

Cody gets my vote.

The only thing hat could change any of this is if someone wakes up and dumps Paul. However, I'm not holding my breath.

Mergatroid#1 said...

Definitely Cody, it'll tic off Paul and his mob the most.

Stephanie said...

I really wanted to vote for jess.... but this poll is making me think I should vote for Cody! Because regardless I feel like they both deserve it!! Other than Kevin but Kevin already got 25k so in my books he's good.

Unknown said...

Love this post!!

slnc said...

Cthu! that's entertainment! Lol

Joe said...

I like alex and jason best of remaining.

Jody both played an awful game start to finish. Jessica basically self evicted, put herself on the block and made sure the hoh targeted her when he was really after elena. How can you reward or justify that. I'm really asking.

Cody made all the typical and obvious mistakes that are made every season, horrid socially, absolutely awful.

How did josh make the list?

Kevin isnt bad, if he stepped up and won an hoh i would respect him more as a player though.
Which is why i like alex, sure she's very aggressive but i dont have a problem with that in a woman like some.

It will be more interesting when they try to go after alex and jason cause they can win comps unlike jody.

The whole competition to win safety was geared to keep cody in the house and they still couldnt manage with production's help. Afp? Please

Unknown said...


Jamie said...

@Maur...your comment is the BEST comment I've ever read. lol Spot on accurate.

Elpheba said...

I wonder how much of this was determined during casting. If it is true that they asked Cody to be in a showmance and he said 'as long as it is a hot chick'... then it might be true when they approached Pompous Paul about coming in maybe he demanded that he not go home the first 3 weeks... therefore they built that in with the friendship bracelets.
I think Paul suffered a big ego deflation when Cody beat him and got back in. Since then it has been revenge.
I wish they would all move on and stop talking about Cody. For cripes sake... play the game to win and stop complaining about Cody. You got him out... move on.
Kevin told Paul that whoever goes to the end with Alex will win because he knows for a fact there are 5 votes against her in jury. I said that from the very beginning. Paul's eyes lit up & is going back to her ride or die.

Danielle Lum, APR said...

None of these people deserve America's Favorite. I'd vote for Cameron. He never got a chance to play -- therefore he never irked me or showed that he was a Paul following idiot, a mean spirited bigot, or a showmance do nothing.

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