Yesterday was the Veto Ceremony and Jason did not use it (as planned) and left Matt/Raven up on the block. When the feeds came back on, all hell broke loose. (11:59am BBT) Raven/Matt were yelling at Jason. Raven is upset because Jason told Raven/Matt that he would take one of them off the block. Oops. This lead to Matt/Raven yelling at Jason, calling him names (a "b*tch") and it was just awkward to watch, really. Paul told Raven to play the victim card, so Raven started crying. (*Dance, puppet, dance!)
Matt decided that even though he's a Have Not this week, he's going to do whatever he wants anyway: eat anything he wants, drink anything he wants, sleep whereever he wants and in return, he'll take a Penalty Nom from BB.
"I'm going to eat and take my penalty vote."— Philip Alan (@PhilipAlanPhoto) August 28, 2017
Matt, you are the biggest loser to ever play this game. #bb19
Raven then blamed Kevin for getting Matt evicted this week on Kevin. (*You read that right, and no, it doesn't make sense. Paul told them all to blame everything on Kevin.)
Then (at 2:20pm BBT) Christmas and Josh started in on Kevin. (*For the record, Kevin did nothing..not a deserve this treatment.) Josh crossed the line with Kevin and brought in his kids. Big no-no. Kevin nearly threw a glass at Josh and the feeds cut.
Kevin came at Josh so fast 👀👀— gιяℓ_ѕмєg (@girlsmeg) August 28, 2017
For those of you keeping score at home, this is the 4th time Josh has incited violence. First with Mark, then with Jessica, then with Cody, and now with Kevin.
Kevin and Christmas ended up patching things up, and then Josh/Kevin did too. But then later on, Josh continued to bash Kevin.
At 3:40pm BBT, Alex decides to throw away the slop that only Kevin will be eating (now that Matt is eating anything he wants). Kevin doesn't know how to make slop, and Alex told Josh to not help him make it if he asks. (*Unbelievable.)
Paul & Raven laughed as they watched Kevin try to find slop to eat. Kevin later found the empty bag in the trash. Alex then told Kevin to "stop complaining". (*Wow.) Jason ended up helping Kevin make slop, which ticked off Alex. He tells Alex that they should be nice to Kevin, but Josh doesn't really agree and Alex really does not agree and in fact, she wants him to know how much she "hates him".
At 8:09pm BBT, Paul gaslights Kevin by saying that it may appear that they're all ganging up on him (*..maybe because they actually are) but it's not true.
Paul: "It may seem that people are ganging up on you, but don't make it out to be that. Because the more you feed into that, the more it becomes that."
For the record, Paul/Alex are planning on attacking Kevin for a 2nd round. Also, Paul now wants to take Kevin to Final 4 instead of Raven and Jason/Alex are next weeks targets to go up, with Jason being the target to get evicted.
And finally, we have Jason saying that he would r*pe Kevin's wife, tie up his daughters and make him watch if Kevin puts him on the block. Jason's family appologized on his behalf and then made his twitter private soon afterwards.
I don't even know what to say to that. Although, E.D. summed it up perfectly..
Paul has poisoned this cast. Yes they are gross by themselves, but with Paul's encouragement, he has brought out the worst in everyone #BB19— EvelDick (@EvelDick) August 28, 2017
**And that's it for The Overnighter. Josh almost had a lightbulb moment last night while cam talking to us feedsters, saying that he thinks Paul could be getting the couples to take shots as each other (*yep) but then wasn't really sure if that's what is happening. This cast is full of idiots.
Stay tuned...
It was pretty terrible to watch. If CBS could end it now, I think it would be better for the BB brand. As it stands, Paul is going to "win" by being everything this game has been building up to for the last several seasons. CBS seriously needs to start from scratch on the casting department. No one from this season who made it past the third week is likeable (exception of Kevin). I have to agree with Evel, he's right on the money here.
I have a pretty high tolerance for the antics that go on in the BB house in the name of game play, but this is ridiculous. Just reading this, I didn't even watch, was enough to make me cringe and feel complete disgust. Horrible, horrible people.
This was just uncomfortable to read. I have always thought big brother was a game for mean people to do mean things, but always found it enjoyable. This is just cringeworthy and I feel just bothered most of the time. This cast is garbage, with the exception of Kevin. I was a Jason fan but that comment? Cringe. I'm sure his pregnant wife is just mortified.
For the first time ever I don't want to watch anymore. Its not even fun, and I am appalled at all of the personal attacks. This season could be used as a good PSA for bulling and emotional abuse. Disgusted at CBS for allowing this behavior to continue...
I cant watch anymore. Its not fun and the level of bullying and emotional abuse it too hard to watch. To bad CBS wont grow a pair and kick Josh and Paul and Alex out of the house...
i'm embarrassed that i have been a super fan for so long...this is season is abominable!
can you imagine living in a volatile house like that? i would be sick to my stomach every day
i was proud of big brother and the GAME that would be played, but this is not game play...i punched out of the show when Cody was voted off because i could see the rabbit hole this show was headed down...and have been reading Jamie's blog ever since (thank you Jamie for enduring what I can't)
CBS needs to DO SOMETHING...i will say that my daughter graduated high school this year and what was said in the commencement speech rings true here "what happens around you is your standard" CBS is making this environment their standard. They should do something about it and refuse this due to ratings? Last I heard they had plummeted somewhat? Not sure how material it is for CBS to pay attention?
I used to hate Raven the most but now I'm not so sure. At least she's not harming anyone there with her ridiculous stories.
Now it's just starting to get nasty it's ridiculous Paul is making it personal and it's just a game it's almost like he enjoys seeing all this chaos he's actually worse person and I thought he was
Alex, Jason, and Paul make my stomach turn. Their true colors come out quite often and they are truly scary.
Agree 100%!!!!
CBS IS A DISGRACE!!! "Little Hitler" Paul should be pulled from the show!! He's ruined the game!!
Wow. I can't believe what Jason said. He will take that to his grave.
I am starting to do a 180 on this. Had Paul kept things civil, I'd be all for him winning. And even though I've not seen anything, everyone on the blog and twitter can't be lying. CBS is spinning this so differently on the episodes.
At this point, I'm not sure I care who wins. Really. Can we have a do-over?
CBS, get your (stuff) together. They may HAVE to go all stars next year.
And also, WTF! why are they not stepping in??
Jason made it that much easier to vote for Cody for americas fav,. Kevin already has 25k so I'm def voting Cody
So is the generally consensus to vote for Cody as AFP? Unbelievable that we don't have much of a choice...
Looks like Dominique had Paul figured out correctly...he is a snake. And just like this being the season of temptation, he is acting like the the snake in the garden, tempting all the other players. It's like in "Needful Things" where he gets everyone to turn on each other. ugh ugh ugh. Not watching anymore...checking in here and seeing what is happening is enough to turn my stomach.
If Paul wasn't there I'd be pulling for Christmas and Josh. But with Paul controlling their minds & games, I have no respect for their game play! I can't believe the house hasn't seen through Paul's manipulation of them ALL!!!!!
wow - just WOW! What is wrong with these people? Who says and does those kinds of things? It's a game but this is definitely part of their true personalities - it shows after you have been in there this long.
I am so sick of Paul and all his minions. I guess at this point I'll be rooting for Kevin.
Jamie - I'm sorry you have to watch these awful people! (but glad you do!)
Other than being a Paul minion, why is Alex hell-bent on making Kevin miserable? Did I miss something? I read yesterday that 12/25 also jumped on the hate-Kevin bandwagon all because he asked if she wanted to go to the pool. She said he should have known better than to ask that because she has a broken foot, DUH! (He meant sit by the pool - good grief!) I can't help but think that production has a hand in this somewhat. And it stinks.
How can you threaten someone's family and still be in the House? Boycott the show!
What these people are doing is deplorable & outrageous! What doesn't CBS step in? These a**holes words are so much worse than hitting each other! It's a game people. Why must you bully & bash each other? What Jason said just makes me sick to my stomach. There is no coming back from that. I loved this show but now it's just become disgusting.
Another group of houseguests that will be greeted by their lawyers instead of family members.
Evil Dick's got it right "Paul has poisoned BB 19"!!! His manipulation & bullying sickens me.
What these people are doing is deplorable & outrageous! What doesn't CBS step in? These a**holes words are so much worse than hitting each other! It's a game people. Why must you bully & bash each other? What Jason said just makes me sick to my stomach. There is no coming back from that. I loved this show but now it's just become disgusting.
I have been disgusted by most of the players in the house this season of BB for awhile. I have also never commented on this blog yet been a fan for years. However, after reading the new post this morning, I was pushed to my limit. Kevin is the only honorable person left in this house. Alex is a DISGUSTING, sad excuse for woman. She is petty and despicable, I cannot believe CBS would ever allow her to be on this show and continue for as long as she has. Raven and Christmas are not much better. Paul is the ultimate bully, mean girl (or boy, in this situation). Again, I cannot believe CBS would allow a person like that to be broadcast to the country with the very serious bully issues our country and children deal with every day. Not only do they allow him on the show, the CONTINUE to give him a "good edit". This is unacceptable, on so many levels. I hope that CBS is taking note of all of these comments and realizing how they are enabling awful humans to be even worse people, on national television. Let's all be honest, everyone else is literally handing Paul this season on a silver platter, if CBS actually pays out his winnings, I will never support this channel ever again.
Rape threats.
"C'mon guys! It's a legitimate game move!"
More career suicide.
Thank you...that's what I say...all should boycott this show...enough is enough...end the game right now with no winner...
Do you have a time when Jason said this? Not that I don't believe you I just need to see it for myself
There is no winner this year due to the personal attacks, torment of others and harassment/bullying that is as blatant as can be, and worst of all tolerated by CBS.. With the high rate of suicide, as a result of bullying, and all of the anti-bullying campaigns that are all over the media, in schools and workplaces, why is this found to be acceptable by the network? Why also are the editing crew of this show watering down the degree/severity of the bullying for home viewers? Viewers are clearly and painfully aware of exactly what type of behaviour is being coached and allowed to be inflicted on houseguests. This just makes me sick. I also agree with Even Dick that Paul has ruined the show. I also believe that Pal is so far out of hand now that the production crew can not reign him in. I think it is the egos of the staff to discipline him with automatic eviction (deservedly),because they don't want to admit bringing him back was a bad idea, and it backfired. I think the CBS staff find it easier to ignore the outrage of the viewing fans, that to deal with a very serious number of issues that Paul is encouraging his understudies to carry out. The half million dollar prize should be donated to the victims of Hurricane Harvey and the city of Houston----that is where the money is deserved to go!!!!!
The video is posted click the blue text.
I vote for CBS to end this show now. This is disgusting. First Cody ( who people claim brought the hate on himself), Jessica, Mark now Kevin. Kevin is the nicest dude, what in the whole did he do to deserve this. I am excited to hear what Paul fans will say to justify these behavior. Ugh Christmas and Alex...... I have no words! I DO NOT IN ANYWAY PROMOTE VIOLENCE!! With that being said, I wish someone will catch Christmas, Josh and Alex outside alone see just how tough they are. I am done with this show and CBS should do us all a favor and end the show now!!!!
Why would Jason say such a thing, he out of everyone should know that wife and kids are off limits. Ugh!!!!!!!!!!
Let me stop here :)
Thanks Jamie for putting up with this trash.
Welcome. Not easy.
Don't these players know that jury votes? Alex, why go full after Kevin and throw away his food? If you are at final two why risk That type of revenge vote when it isn't needed?
This is just a reflection of the current atmosphere in America nowadays that it is okay to single out one person lie about them cause people to believe it, harass that person, accosted and attack and hate while blaming them for everything bad and feel justified in doing it...this cast is of that sad ..but it is evident casting saw that this hate works for media attention .. This is not entertainment
This is by far the worst season ever when it comes to bullying, and generally offensive behaviour. They can tell everyone it's just "game" until they are blue in the face but there is no excuse for saying what Jason said. If I was Kevin, I would tell CBS to shove it and leave and go home. He's never going to win any money. It's just not worth it. I don't know if CBS incites and condones this behaviour but they don't stop it so I'm guessing they find it acceptable. Anything that gets the public talking!!! I've seen a few movies about social experiments that have gone wrong and here we are, watching one play out in real life.
I want to add to my comment, that americas favorite player isn't the best player it's the one that you guys like. Out of the choices I'm Picking Cody.
I'm glad I stopped watching. This is disgusting behavior- game or no game! Shame!
This cast of people all seem like the type of individuals that have been bullied before, I mean REALLY. They have chosen to now become the bullies. I say that from now on everyone evicted from the house (except Kevin) should be greeted with BOOOOs or SILENCE from the audience to show them and others inside that no one watching condone their behavior. Is that possible? Lol
I thought Josh told Paul that he would not do personal attacks on Kevin? Alex is being a total turd and just hateFul. Jason. Just why!???? Please Kevin stop being with Paul and get HOH!!!
Unfortunately, no one in this cast (except Paul) cares about winning. They are star-struck and think they will be famous when they get out. They're stars on a TV show! Woo hoo!! Just look how often Raven looks up at the cameras and how often the guys talk to the cameras. They're attention wh*res. And I have no doubt that production is behind a lot of this for "good" television, which really is probably only "good" for ratings. Look how many people are talking about this. Die-hard fans are dropping off, but I'll bet they've picked up viewers who will tune in to see what the fuss is all about. Sad television.
Well said!!
Echo the thought Jamie. This is the first time in three years I had to stop watching BBAD. Couldn't stand another second with this cast.
Note Paul isn't saying any of this. He learned that much from last season. If you're Kevin and you have to choose between Paul and Alex, where do you vote?
I agree, it's the ONLY way CBS can SAVE FACE!!! No one on the show deserves the $500, some public service announcements denouncing Paul & Co's actions and donate the money to Harvey victims!!
Alex said her cousin was raped and murdered when she was a kid, and the main reason she hates Jessica is because of some comment Jessica made on that topic (I don't recall the exact details of what Jessica said). But there she is laughing hysterically when it's being said about someone else. What you see here is clear mob mentality. The mob fixates on someone and makes that person the evil villain while they are all innocent victims. They have done it to Cody, Jessica, Mark, Elena, and now Kevin. After the next HOH is selected, a new target will be picked for the rest of the house to viciously attack. They are like a pack of hyenas, who are constantly picking off the weakest member. The only problem is that once the current weakest member is eliminated, a new one will be selected. And rather than trying to survive, these idiots just sit there and wait for Paul to decide when their turn is up.
Yes Jamie, , thanks for exposing these horrible people!! If producers at ABC can stop "PARADISE", CBS could improve its reputation by doing the same!! Shameful of CBS to allow such disgusting actions, game or no game!!!
So it's safe to say that after next week, Josh and Christmas should be worried about being targeted,huh? To make it no more pairs in the house
12/25. Hahahaha
Cody 100%
12/25, hilarious!!!
Love watching and reading you posts--love watching BB...or at least i did. It may be a game and the need to lie and plot against others may be part of the game, but being completely disrespectful and degrading others for no reason is crossing the line. The way they gang up on one person is so sad to see. I can honestly say that i will no longer be a fan of BB.
Soooo with the lack of game play and sense this season. I started watching seasons before. Currently watching Evil Dick's season, one of my favorite. Remember when they brought in the 3 rivals from others in the house
And America's Player that did everything that we told him to. Those were some good times. Where guest made their own decisions and weren't afraid to make a big game move and go against the house.
Oh CBS please think long and hard for next seasons contestants. We don't need a repeat of the shitty season
That shouldn't be tolerated. The whole show should just be canceled.
Megan who self evicted had it right. The emotional and mental abuse is off the charts this season. Love BB but I'm done.
Sweet puffin, I agree. This cast is pretty much a reflection of America at large. Bullying has become the norm, verbal abuse of people is the norm and just plain nastiness is the norm. I still don't think it is worse than Evel Dick's season in 2007. BB drew some lines after that season. The nation is polarized and that is reflected in the cast AND the audience. To those who thought this year was boring, not anymore. Be careful what you wish for, it may happen in ways you didn't intend.
I can't believe Jason said that. Like i just can't believe him. He wasn't the best but he wasn't terrible.... Until today. That's horrifying. I'm out.
I never comment here either, I tend to just stay to myself. I could not agree more with your whole statement. Especially the part about the good editing! Watching the show is completely different from knowing what is going on on the feeds! Noone knew on the season with Aryan until CBS was backed into a corner, it was so completely in your face, on other news affiliates that they were forced to address it. I, personally haven't seen news pick up on this season, after Jason's statement I hope someone pressures CBS into addressing the issue with the cast. It's just nasty and disgusting. Anywhere else it's terroristic threatening and cause for a restraining order and possible jail time. On BB it's a gloss over"just a game," statement. Not everything can be excused by "it's just a game." Hate, violence, and abuse can't be excused. Threatening rape (even if they are "just joking") can't be excused! I've watched this show since the first one and have loved the villains mostly. These houseguests aren't villains anymore. There is no game play, only getting to jury. Over and over we are fed recycled garbage. CBS needs to start from scratch. New cast, no veto, no luxury prizes, no jury buy back, none of the tricks they use to keep people they think we will like in the house. Strip it all back and MAKE them work for it!!
What is sad and yet we are watching how a cult is formed and followed...yet each person must be responsible for their own actions. Sad state when manipulation and bullying are not only accepted but used as viewing content. I'm glad I don't have the feeds this year. I cringe just reading the excerpts written on here. These people will go home and have to face the public for their actions. Come on BIG Brother regroup and fix this mess
Wow, Jamie, I don't know how you do it. You are amazing to keep going with this horrible season. I'm done with this. This whole season has been a train wreck.
I'm tired of reading about what a great game player Paul is. Dude was the only returning player, and basically the whole house was "star struck" by seeing him enter, and then they were all forced to kiss his butt for friendship bracelets or risk being nominated. Everyone complied, except Cody, who saw right through this and realized Paul had to go immediately and nominated him. However, the producers knew this could happen, so they arranged for Paul to have 3 weeks of immunity (technically immunity from the first 4 evictions). So when Paul was shown to have immunity, the whole house turned on Cody for trying to put their beloved Paul on the block. It all went downhill from there. He was given so many advantages it has made him seem like a good player. If the game was a 26 mile marathon, Paul basically got a 10 mile head start.
I'm voting for Kevin. He is the only one (that I know of!) that hasn't made nasty comments. Who cares that he already has $25k? He's the only deserving one!
I'm not a Paul fan, but people are giving Paul far too much credit. Controlling their minds? Geez. Paul isn't that smart.
Please Kevin- win HOH! This is the worst cast of BB I've seen! Jason is disgusting and I'm sure his wife and family are beyond embarrassed!
As for lazy Matt, he gets his sex, food, laying around for a couple of months and paid for it, he has it made bc they are paid good.
Thank Jamie for all you do, I am not watching TV but checking your blog, thank you......
You can only blame Paul so far. I'm not defending him by any stretch but if the idiots are willing to do whatever he says, then it's on them. If they can't play their own game or realise that what they're doing is poisoning any jury votes for them at the end while Paul keeps the blood off his own hands...then they're doublely idiots.
Totally agree. This is sickening.
This is a great idea. None of these people deserve to win. Out of the people left they are all guilty of being terrible humans. The thought of Jason perpetuating his thoughts, beliefs, and actions by adding to the population of our country makes me sick.
It has been terrible to watch one person, Paul, be able to manipulate and bring the worst out in every person left in that house. Unbelievable. Do the right thing CBS!
I posted on my Facebook page a synopsis of the worst parts of this season.
And the first response was:
"You know that for us who don't watch this show, you're describing Trump's America. Way to normalize it, CBS."
Cody told him about his daughter in private asked him not to tell anyone and he told everyone resulting in another attack against Cody. So yeah he has done dirty
Yup, you got it. I was thinking the same thing.
This is the new normal where ignorance in all its forms are acceptable. If not encouraged in all its glory. Setting evolution in a downward spiral.
Did Jason really say that???? How terrible for anyone to say that but to be playing on a game show that is televised WOW CBS should be proud of all these idiots they picked for this season bunch of bullies!!��
I vote on personality, based on who I enjoyed the most. Kevin is getting my vote.
Paul is smart, but more to the point, overall the cast is stupid.
All these comments need to go to CBS. How to go about that?
Paul is feeding this. He runs around the house, miniature Borat/Rasputin that he is, constantly stirring the pot, but it baffles me no end that Christmas is such a follower. She is a successful business woman on the outside. Gobsmacked by her and also by Jason, both of whom seemed like they had a shred of decency. I bet Paul's family is as mortified as Jason's; the Armenian community in So Cal is very tight knit.
Please don't tell me you think this behavior just popped up in the last 6 months. The behavior has been "normalized" for a long time. About as long as social media.
No, they really don't.
CBS doesnt cindone any if it, in fact, they have a disclaimer in there for this exact reason.
They aren't supporting it by NOT putting it in episodes, which is the right choice. That would be promoting it and using it for ratings etc.
Right now, we have the option to see behind the scenes. Obviously many don't like what they are seeing, so stop watching, commenting, don't vote, all valid ways to handle it. Voting for someone who doesnt deserve anything out of spite is petty.
I wouldnt be surprised if they cut the feeds instead.
Could always switch over to survivor. I recommend season 19.
Samoa i think
Just reporting a comment. I also don't think my friend commenting was implying shitty behavior was only normalized after the current president was elected. More like a text sound bite- indicting corporations for not taking the easiest of moral high grounds has been an American pastime for centuries.
He will be banished from every Zankou from Glendale.
(Some of you will understand every word I just said)
No, he didnt.
Right?!? I didn't watch either and I got the chills reading that. Talk about crossing the line.
You put into words what I've thought all season. Thanks
I just went on vacation to the Bahamas and happened to be hanging out with some fellow BB watchers when I was at pool. They don't read the blogs or watch the live feeds. In talking about the show, they had such a different take on things. They actually like Paul, they thought Josh was funny with this circus song and pan-banging routine, and Raven was cute with her southern accent and claims of being terminally ill. Speaking to these clueless fans got me thinking about all the BB watchers that are like that around the country. I'll admit that I don't have the feeds, but because you do such an amazing job Jamie, I feel like I know what's really happening. This show is getting so nasty and it's crazy how only a small percentage of the viewing audience knows what's actually going on in that damn house.
And I can't get over the amazing edit Paul is getting. He gets to whisper in everyone's ear and incite chaos without any of the repercussions?!? Not only is this cast stupid, but they've let a vet control their whole game. Didn't there used to be a time when vets were targeted right away?!? Oh yeah, I forgot, CBS knew that would be a problem and gave him 3 weeks of safety!
Jason's rape threat to Kevin's family is seriously disgusting, but I would bet my life on CBS not airing a single moment of that come Wednesday. I hope that CBS reads your blog and sees what REAL fans think of what's happening. I've been a fan since season 1 and I have enjoyed most seasons (even some of the more recent boring ones!), but this is deplorable. It makes me sick to my stomach that Paul might actually walk out with the $500,000. Not only does he not deserve it, but he's been beyond annoying to watch. Didn't like him the first time he was on the show and I definitely don't like him now!
End the Big Bore now CBS! Glad I stopped watching and find it hard to come back to it again. Talk about not having standards and reigning in this nonsense. SMH.....can only imagine what they can do next.
I too cringed while reading this! What Jason said shocked me! I liked him alittle bit but he is nice to Kevin's face then he gets with the others and talks about him! Alex acts like such a snot! I cannot tolerate her! She is really nasty to whomever is on the outs from the group! Throwing away Kevin's food!? Unbelievable, and she thinks she will be AFP! She's a legend in her own mind!
What Jason said was said while he was on a role and after Alex, Josh, & Paul laughed at him, he said he was just trying to say the meanest thing he could say. Well, he succeeded. He at least stuck to his guns and didn't put Kevin up like Paul wanted him to do but he was way out of line.
The problem is that they all seem to seek everyone's approval for attacking the latest victim. Christmas was the one who intended to pick on Kevin and Josh being Josh jumped right in there and had to add his two cents. While it's true that they all have their own minds and don't have to do what Paul says, they are all getting high off the reactions of their allies, especially Paul.
Paul has done the most thinking but Josh is making more comments about him. He said to Christmas that if Josh & Christmas has his back, why does he need to align with the other people.
I don't see Jason/Christmas being the next targets since they will be the only pair after Jason is broken up. They are the pair that Paul feels he can beat so he will keep them for F3, and now Kevin for F4 because he has put Kevin in a bad light, saying that he hasn't done anything and can't win.
I am done watching the feeds as hard to put up with their "entertainment" and grandstanding to the cameras. The only time I plan to watch the feeds now is if the HOH goes past show time.
Crazy, I have also started rewatching BB8, LOL! I refuse to watch this season anymore. Thanks Jamie for all you do!
If I was Julie, I would refuse to present the show. Isn't her husband head of CBS or something? She needs to take a stand. I really hope these prime @-holes get what's coming to them from the jury.
I'm ready for Survivor . so done with these "characters" truly I know you are disappointed with this season J..... thank you for all you do!
I am voting Kevin for AFP. Does no one recall Cody and Jessica fat shaming Josh and calling him dumb? I don't have feeds but as far as I know, Kevin hasn't bullied anyone. I agree that CBS needs a new casting team. For the most part, everyone has been ugly to someone except for poor Cameron.
I agree Stephanie and Dianne. The houseguests should have been using their own minds all throughout the game.
100% I support you
Lol! So true
Yes, thank you Jamie. You always do a great job and try your best to stay neutral even though this crap. I agree, if ABC can stop production CBS could too. I wonder if they will have to pay for the finale audience.
My friend and I watched last night's rerun of Kimmel. I was shocked at how dumb so many Americans are. I don't think any person they asked on the street could show where N. Korea is on the map. I learned that in third grade. We have done lost the hand basket. I'm shocked at Alex and Jason's behavior. Uncalled for!!!!
We should all vote to end this show since no one deserve the prize, but people of Houston deserve our help. That 500K can make a difference on those people than been offered to bullies, rapist and munderous. If CBS offer this price to any houseguest is like awarding the bad behavior. How will I tell my son don't bully your classmates if our leading nation tv encourages
Of course it is 100% possible let's do it Americas, let's show them how horrible they are and no one cares about them
They did it to Megan too!
Lol. For real, for real
I'm behind this idea all the way. I couldn't stomach watching any of this undeserving and dishonorable people being handed that much more for showing how ugly they really are as humans.
This season had potential and it took a nosedive. I LOVED Paul last time and was excited to see him back... that was very short lived. ED is exactly right. Sadly I'm over it. Kevin is the only one I want to win. These bullies nauseated me. Thanks for keeping us updated, looks like the only way I'll ill be following from now on!
Just remember the promos CBS runs during a lot of their other shows " CBS Cares" (referring to being kind & helping others) which is way as another post stated about them editing the "aired shows".
In regards to Jason statement to Kevin has his wife commented any more on that.
If America could still vote, there would be at least some need for the HGs to keep the audience happy. It's not perfect, but Americas vote could serve to check the bullying by forging the HGs to be aware of their presence.
I'm sad and disgusted.
The only thing cbs will care about is if america stops voting.
Why doesn't BB step in and stop the bullying? It's a horrible display for America given how much bullying is an issue and CBS is supporting it and saying it's ok to allow it to continue at this level. I stopped watching and only read the blog a few times a week bc i'm so disgusted. Thanks for hanging in there and blogging about this ridiculous crap.
I have to agree with many people above.... as a fan from the first (have watched every single season live as it airs, and rewatched some of the classics multiple times!) I may be about to be done with BB. I don't even want to watch the episode tonight to be honest.... I was apathetic before, just couldn't bring myself to care, but between the fat shaming, making people feel stupid all the time, the bullying, and now the rape jokes... I am so disgusted. I have always thought I could hold on to the dream of being on BB one day, but I would have probably been Megan this season! Getting out while the going was still kind of good :/
I doubt CBS has any plans to address or do anything about this, they let Aaryn (whatever her name was) go on for weeks before they ave her a semi-edit showing that she's "offhandedly" made a "few" comments, but still painting her as sweet and misguided. They don't care, as long as people are watching and subscribing.
I stopped watching my feeds after Jessica left. This whole season has been terrible. These people that are left are the worst scum walking. They decide who their target is and instead of focusing on just enjoying this experience for what it is they all start these ruthless attacks. Throwing away what others need to eat is ridiculous. Then constantly bringing up personal lives outside the house and now with the oh so great cowboy talking about rape and children in the same sentence come on! I just can't watch anymore. I've even stopped reading the blogs very much (sorry Jamie ur awesome though). Thinking about these peoples family and friends seeing this just kills me. Ugh
I almost vomit when I watch anymore. I have been a solid fan for years but this season has really punched me in the gut. I am absolutely disgusted. How can we tell them? Please can we boo the poor excuses for humanity when they leave. I live in Iowa. I can't be there. I hate not being able to slap the stupid from a few of them (Raven, Alex, Josh, Matt, Paul). The BULLYING IS TOTALLY SICKENING!!!
I've watched all 19 seasons this has got to be the most disgusting show yet young ladies using the F bomb in every sentences Raven your mentally incapable of telling the truth about anything wow one Young lady shouldn't even be on the show she's stepped out the door at least 4 times you think that doesn't give her a mental advantage Sure. Next you have another young lady who is so disrespectful to her elders if that's how she was raised or raised herself I fill sorry for her because if she has an older employer he or she is probably can't believe what there seeing Alex was so threatened by Jessica that she laid low now Jessica is gone Alex came to life Cowboy what kind of family Morals are you teaching you children when you can't even stand up and be a man come on grow up instead if cowboy your should be called chicken Mat why you think your better than anybody else production should take every penny away play the damn game Paul the liarer and cheat you don't want anyone to degrade Josh but you sure do a hell of a good job Kevin I can only imagine how your feeling but in a way this is the way this younger generation treats there elders I see it every day I'm alot older then you it's awful the way those kids are acting especially Alex she is a disgrace she really stepped up since Jessica left can't wait till Paul sends her packing anyway I'm with Cody what a bunch of BIG IDIOTS CBS picked Josh you of all are the biggest full letting Paul walk all over you but about the first time you banged those pots together one would have been over your head the hell with the money well that's it CBS you did a hell of a job finding these idiots better luck next year but don't think I'll be watching
Jody, that is a good idea. I am a survivor of Katrina and tomorrow ABC is doing a telethon. I personally like giving to the Salvation Army and animal shelters
Worst. Houseguests/People. Ever. CBS should be ashamed. These people are disgusting. I will NOT watch these pathetic mean people anymore. Done. (I might read up to see who wins this disaster. I hope it's not Paul. Or Josh. Or unbelievably disgusting Raven (her Mom must be so proud...NOT). Or idiot Jason. Or weird Kevin. Or smug Christmas. That leaves Alex....and she egged Josh on so many times during his childish tirades laughing that, well, I can't stand her either.
So who cares? Not watching anymore!
So, peace out ladies and gents, boys and girls.
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