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Monday, August 14, 2017

Veto Ceremony (Spoiler)

This afternoon was the Veto Ceremony...

MATT pulled JASON off the block.
CODY is the replacement nom.

As expected, Alex backdoored Cody. As much as I thought Cody would be dead in the water, he's actually trying still. Major kudos to him for going down swinging. He talked to Alex/Jason tonight about flipping the votes and staying (again). He's trying, guys!

In other news, Paul has lost his mind and has been saying all day that he wants to call Kevin out and "put him in check"...I'm not even sure what happened. We'll have to see what plays out the next couple days. It'll be interesting. 

Stay tuned...
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viewer said...

After Cody leaves, I'm gonna stick around only to hate watch for Raven. I don't care about anyone in this game anymore.

Lea said...

I think Paul is mad because Kevin has been talking to Cody. It seems totally fine and even kind but you know how Paul is 🤐

GMAGS said...

No one is playing the game hard because everyone wanted to make it to Jury. With that mind set, everyone played cautiously and just followed in the beginning because making it to jury is more important than winning the game (not that I agree but that’s what it feels like with this cast). Cody will be out this week and be the first member of jury. Now that he is out and everyone has accomplished their goal of making it to jury, I hope people will truly start playing the game and start making some moves. From what I have seen so far, the only ones that have the guts to do it will be Alex (although she may be too far up Paul’s @ss), Mark, and maybe Elena, Kevin, Christmas and Josh if someone gets in his ear and convinces him to do it. I really hope Mark wins the next HOH…..we will either see him take a shot at Paul or do what Paul wants. Based on what he does, I think we will truly see how powerful the all mighty Paul real is.

kb said...

Paul better stay away from Kevin!

Steve Robbins Art said...

Not sure what happened? Paul passes the psychopath test. Him pretending to care about Josh being fat-shame because of his sister? He didn't care. He just used her as a prop in his raging narcissistic path of distruction. He makes me sick.

And Christmas is just as awful!

Joni said...

If there is any time that production can "step in" its now!! they need to know this is boring and soooooooo predictable.
Have America vote on a coup d'etat!!!! HURRY!!

Jake said...

Do you think that you might be getting burned out on Big Brother?

I wouldn't blame you if you were; the live feeds plus the blog must've given you a near fatal dose of Big Brother radiation by now, haha.

Jamie said...

Lol yea, the last few seasons just wore me down. I own my own business offline so I don't have time anymore which adds fuel to the fire.

Unknown said...

Agree. Christmas is the worst

Elpheba said...

Paul is structuring everything so that the remaining idiots will put on the block by someone else( not Paul) so they will remember that in jury. Paul knows he is safe so he doesn't want HOH or veto... because then he will be responsible. He is picking them off one by one but not getting dirty. The only one who I think wants to win is Alex. She is being wickedly nice to Cody because she knows he hates Paul and she wants his vote. Whoever is in the end with Paul will get Codys vote. I hope the dopes realize that Paul has been the real 'sketchy' one.
If there is any coward in the house it is Paul.

Elpheba said...

Totally agree. Paul makes me ill. I want to go through my TV at him. As much as I dislike the rope a dopes.. I hope no one in the jury votes for Paul. Let him go out l 9/0. I hope Cody gets them to vote the other.

Elpheba said...

It will be another week of Paul throwing comps and ordering his faithful soldiers what to do when they win. How is it possible that they think everyone else is lying but Paul? Are they really that stupid? I think Kevin and Jason are on to him. He senses that and is now out to destroy Kevin. It is so weird the power he has over each one. They all think he is taking them along. Whoever wins HOH/veto and double eviction will be interesting.

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