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Saturday, August 12, 2017

Veto Comp Winner

The veto comp was played earlier and the results are in...

Winner of the Veto is:

Matt is the 3rd nom this week but he won't be using it on himself..that goes against Paul's plan to backdoor Cody. So instead, Matt will use it on Jason to pull him down and then put Cody up & out.

There are, however, talks in the house about Elena possibly going (you can thank Josh for that, as he's still fixed on that) and the fact that Elena took $5k from Alex in today's Veto Comp and Alex ended up with a punishment. Not a smart thing to do. 

The Veto Comp was a prize/punishment comp:
  • Elena took $5k
  • Mark won a trip to Colorado
  • Paul/Christmas have to shackled together
  • Jason has to wear a unitard for the week
  • Alex has to cook hot dogs for everyone (details to come)

Also in interesting news, Mark/Elena are talking about "going rogue" and going against Paul & Co. However, Elena wants that to be with Raven/Matt (the 4 of them) and she already messed up by talking to Raven (earlier today) and everything Raven hears, she tells Paul. So don't be too shocked if plans switch to getting Elena out, but also don't hold your breath on that actually happening either. I still see Cody going to jury on Thursday at this point.

Tomorrow is Sunday and I'm taking it off completely. There will be no Overnighter tomorrow.  It's halfway through the season and I'm exhausted. So y'all go have a great Summer Sunday and I'll resume the Overnighters on Monday morning!

Until then, enjoy the live feeds (they're free for 1 full month, if interested).

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

Here's a great poll questions for the blog: Is this the worst season of Big Brother ever?

Unknown said...

Has anyone else gone to get the feeds? When you get to the payment screen it says only one week will be free....

Unknown said...

Mark reminds me and looks so much like wreck it Ralph. 🤣

Jamie said...

BB19sale promo code

Stacia said...

OMG @Crystal! I thought I was the only one who thought that! Lol!

Lyles Movie Files said...

Season 15 will always be the champ on that one. This is gunning for close second.

Joe said...

Don't all of you say that every year?

This year has been fantastic.

I think if you dont like it, really just stop, thanks.

Joe said...

One of the best for sure

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hydrog said...

Cody made a huge mistake by not letting the rest of his alliance know he was going to backdoor Paul. That's not how you build trust with your allies, especially week 1. Even if Paul didn't have safety I still think he would of stayed because Cody blindsided everyone and put the doubt in everyone's mind that he's a loose cannon. A lot of people are forgetting this angle and just point out how Paul would have for sure gone home and Cody was screwed over. In my opinion Cody should have run it by his alliance first instead of shocking everyone. He didn't even tell Jessica his plan. Terrible game move.

Anonymous said...

Just curious...when people were chained together in the past, was it only for 48 hours? I was thinking it was for the week but maybe I'm not remembering correctly. I was so hoping that Paul being chained to one person the whole week, it would be pretty limiting on his scheming. He wouldn't want any one person to kow that he is promising everyone deals.

Jamie said...

48 hrs only

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jamie, wishful thinking.

r's mommy said...

I just saw a pole that states 76% of people stopped watching because of Paul and Josh's bullying.
It's interesting that people are pretty divided on: the house bullying vs Jody bullying. Personally, I think Jody stood up for themselves! They may have started it, I don't remember to be honest but, the way things escalated and got out of control put Jody on the defense. Interesting how people can't see that.
This season has a wash, I'm out!

northalabama said...

@r's mommy -

before last week, bb19 held 3 of the top 5 network shows among viewers ages 18-49, and 3 of the top 7 network shows among total viewers.

if you're right, we'll know once the past weeks ratings are released (soon).

DAVINCI said...

I've watched every season and love this site... Thanks Jamie. There were times in those 19 seasons I wanted to switch off but didnt... house guests can be cruel and downright dastardly but I never switched off... this year is different for me. I've switched off. Maybe because I'm older or less tolerant but I will not support the behavior this year from these entitled miscreants. SERVING FORWARD IN THE DEFENSE OF OUR FREE NATION DESERVES MORE. Maybe Cody did do some bad moves in the beginning but who ever had to make 6 nominations before on one HOH? is he a bad social player? Yeah... anyone will have social distortion when in a forward position.

These fools deserve each other and I will gladly give Cody a job that will earn him what he would earn on this show. We've all earned the right to speak freely because of selfless men like Cody... well before we were born and well after.

At least he made the game real... and had the integrity to stand in that fox hole regardless of his known demise with no chance to win.

Unknown said...

I honestly thinking it will be interesting if they get both cody and paul out. Then we will hopefully see more game play. It is just a game. But i remember high school being just as bad for me.

Tresa said...

This is the WORST season and cast I have ever seen. The players are all a bunch of sheep HELPING Paul lead them to the slaughter. I disliked Paul last season and he turns my stomach this season. Cody and Jessica were the only players that had the potential to keep me watching. Once Cody is gone I'm out. Not just for this season but for good.

Tresa said...

I could never have found such perfect wording. Cody was handicapped in this game from the beginning. Thanks for sticking up for him. He may not have the perfect social game but when America is in need, i'm personally comfoted to know that there is a Cody to make split second decisions behind that sniper's rifle!!!!

Unknown said...

Worst ever. I quit watching but read the blog hoping something will change but so far no luck. Still the Paul show.

Anonymous said...

Worst season ever. It's the Paul show. I am only still watching because I was hoping Cody would somehow win and put Paul up and there is nothing else on right now

Mergatroid#1 said...

Davinci, well said.

Unknown said...

I stopped watching 2 weeks ago. I don't have much time to watch tv and since this is SO terrible....I barely even read the blog anymore. Not sure how you do it Jamie, isn't your brain on fire? Thanks for updating us for this crap season.

Unknown said...

So...why is Raven a fraud?
I haven't been able to catch up with the story.
I personally can't stand her and the way she slurrs every she on something?

Unknown said...

@Tiedo, so I looked into this and there's a twitter link on Jamie's blog from earlier this week (or I guess last week). Basically the hype is that she's exaggerating on her medical stuff and such. That the entire thing is a scam. That they "need" money yet she has a brand new Ikea, she owns two dancing studios, they go on vacations, etc etc, yet several times over the years she's done some "Gofundme". I can't remember the hashtag for it.

Jamie said...


Jamie said...

And her crazy mom is going around threatening sue people for slander, which is why I won't talk about it lol

Unknown said...

Cody really seems to be trying to step up his social game and I have to confess I have a little crush on him. I know...I know. Also, I can't wait for zingbot to make an appearance. Hope he is as on point as ever!!!

Unknown said...

I understand wanting Paul out. But I don't get the Paul hate. Almost any other past player not named Will Kirby would jump at the chance to get in the house again.

He saw that everyone was willing to follow him, so he took advantage of it. Had they not been sheep, he may have played differently.

I do feel a bit badly for Cody. But he brought it on himself. I keep saying, he doesn't realize it's a game. News flash-People lie in BB.

Unknown said...

I have quit watching. Come here every few days to get the gist.
Too bad the cast stinks so bad

Unknown said...

You are so right! Your latest post sums up the season. I hope BB production does better next year. This year is a total bust!

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