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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Weds: The Overnighter

Happy Wednesday, everybody! Yesterday was a way more calm day than Monday was. So this Overnighter won't be a mile long like yesterday's. It seems that Paul has finally gotten through his 5 stages of grief and accepted his fate (step 5) that Jessica will use the Halting Hex tomorrow night and there is nothing he can do about it.

After all this, you'd think that Paul wants Cody out as soon as possible, however he went around at various points in the day yesterday and told his crew that he wants Jessica out instead, then Cody. (6:14pm BBT)

Paul to Josh: "If we get rid of the stronger one (first), he won't know what to do. She'll bounce back without him. If we take (Cody) out, we're doing (Jess) a favor."

Reason being that Cody would be lost without Jess while Jessica proven herself to be better without Cody in the game. Here's the problem with that: Josh really wants Cody out first. So if Josh were to win HOH, of course he'd want Jess/Cody up on the block, but Paul would try to control Josh's HOH and make him gun for Jessica first. As we've heard multiple times on the feeds from Josh, he's always telling her that he has no issues with her, just Cody. So that'd be an interesting situation to watch unfold.

Moving on..

Mark told Cody that he is "1,000%" with him, but then told Paul he's on his side just a little while later. So Mark/Elena are still the ultimate floaters, though I do believe that Mark is more on Cody's side if push came to shove.

At 10:51pm BBT, Jess/Cody talk about the game. Jess thinks Paul is "controlling" all the floaters and that makes his game good. Jess said that if she was playing Paul's game, he'd love it. Cody disagrees.

Cody says as a fan of the game, he'd blame the "idiots" (Paul's crew) for being followers of his. He (C) likes to see houseguests "just go for it" and play their own games..everyone be in competition with each other. Not followers following around a leader.

**And that's it for the Overnighter! Today is Wednesday, which doesn't mean much except that us BB fans will get a new BB19 episode tonight yayy!! :D Also, I will be posting Wil's newest "BB19: The Saga" video later on today, so check back for that. Enjoy the $6/m live feeds!!

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

I wasn't able to watch much feeds yesterday so thanks for the update Jamie.

Olivia said...

So much this...

"Cody says as a fan of the game, he'd blame the "idiots" (Paul's crew) for being followers of his. He (C) likes to see houseguests "just go for it" and play their own games..everyone be in competition with each other. Not followers following around a leader."

Unknown said...

Jody sucks. That is all.......

Unknown said...

I agree with Cody, I prefer houseguests actually playing the game and not being followers. Or worried about getting blood on their hands. I miss the good old days when BB was really good; the key wheel for eviction, Pandora's box, Golden POV, surprise nominations/evictions and HOH room reveals and letters from home. We also don't have not comps and they volunteer now....BORING! I especially hate bringing back VETS! Booooooooo!!!! Just my opinion. Go Kevin <3

Unknown said...

I can't stand Paul, I can't believe they didn't eject him after he tried to get Cody to get physical. He is nothing but a bully. You can play the game, but he is just dirty...

Steve Robbins Art said...

You can not like Jody, and agree that Pauk is a bully who is ruining the game.

Jamie said...

Absolutely!! People think I'm team Cody but I'm not. Him & Jess are playing a horrible game lol they could be made a few huge moves and notta.

Unknown said...

I can't comment on what I've not seen, but it sounds like I would be disappointed in Paul. I could defend his game play until now.

I think Cody is a terrible BB player. The person who thought he would be good should be fired.

How did that interview go?

BB:How would you describe your personality?

Cody: ok (then silence and a creepy stare.)

BB: Congrats! welcome to BIIIIIIGGGGG Brother!

IMO, if you want to play as a floater, It's up to you. It's your chance at 500k, not mine. I find it funny how people are so harsh on game play or falling in a showmance. You are in a weird situation, with attractive people and nowhere to go. Love/lust messes with people in the real world, so it can happen in there.

I am starting to root for Matt, he has been a team player, but stood up to bullying, so to speak. Now he needs to make a move, or win something.

There is noone to root for.

EwaRey said...

I miss seeing the "Who wants to see my HOH room"!! What happened to that!!

Nicole said...


Carlos said...

Sadly disappointed in Paul bullying and trying to get that jerk Cody to get physical. I'm reminded of Evil Dick a little.

Unknown said...

Why does Jess hate Alex so much.

missnita said...

Paul goes through 5 stages of mourning cause he can't get Cody out. Gee.... since he doesn't know exactly how the Hex works maybe he should of saved Jessica from the block and put Josh up to see if she still uses the Hex it's this week or next to use it. If she wouldn't of used it they could of voted out Cody . And Paul would not be in mourning....other people have come up with this same idea.....

BBWatcher said...

Paul will be fine. If Cody or Jessica win HOH next and put him on the block, he'll figure out a way to stay.

Mergatroid#1 said...

100% Agree!

Unknown said...

I agree

Unknown said...

I didn"t watch Sunday, and I didn't watch tonight. I got more than enough information from the internet. I will watch tomorrow night, but if there's not some sort of major move, I'm done with this season. These people are awful. Big Brother is my favorite show, so I can't believe that I actually feel this way.

r's mommy said...


r's mommy said...

He sure will, it's called "BB production"! :(

Big Brother Fan said...

What Cody doesn't seem to get, is that this is a GAME! If he's such a BB fan, then he should know that you NEED alliances! Not one for all, all for one. Not one person has won this game NOT being in an alliance..

Big Brother Fan said...

Because in the beginning, Cody went to bat for Alex. Jealousy..

Big Brother Fan said...
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Big Brother Fan said...

I agree EwaRey.I miss that too.

Big Brother Fan said...

I'm sure he will ;)

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly!

Big Brother Fan said...

I agree Lisa T. I miss all of those things as well. Although I do not agree with Cody. No one has ever won this game without being in an alliance. I don't think any floaters have won either. That being said, there are always villains. Good for ratings. (I like Kevin too!)

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