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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Weds: The Overnighter

Hey guys! Well, it's day 65 inside that insane asylum that we call the Big Brother house. Paul is still the only one playing the game, as Raven is still having sex with Matt (and to the camera guy last night that put them banging on all 4 feeds, can you please not?!), Matt is still on his conquest of eating 1,000 bowls of cereal this summer (his only goal besides going to the jury house), Christmas is still..well..being Christmas, Josh seems to be more calm since Cody/Jess have left and even telling Paul "no" more often (to Paul's encouragements of Josh fighting with other people), Kevin is still the coolest cat in the joint, Alex is ruining Jason's game, and Jason will be target #1 come Thursday as soon Mark gets evicted due to Alex shooting down Mark's suggestion that he stays and they get rid of Matt instead because Matt/Raven are gunning for them (Alex/Jason)..which is true.

The poll results are in: I posted a poll yesterday and as it stands, Cody would win AFP if it was held today but it'd be a tight race between Cody/Kevin/Jessica. This is exactly why fans need to "get their sh*t together" (per E.D.) and figure out who to vote for. lol All the polls I've seen online so far, have shown Cody in the lead as America's Fan Player. If Cody wins AFP on finale night, Paul is gonna lose his mind!

Moving on...
Christmas thinks Kevin is a cop like Derrick (former BB winner) and thinks that's why Kevin gets up all the time during the night. If this doesn't make sense to you, then you read that right because it doesn't make sense to anyone else either. At all. Much like this whole season, actually.

The HG's are joining in on the #RavenExposedParty, saying how Raven lies all the time (Paul said she's a pathological liar), how she claims to have everything wrong with her and yet hasn't been sick once in the house, how much food she eats and feels fine, and how she claimed that Cody came on to her (*lollll) and she turned him down. The HG's believe Cody was telling the truth, that it never happened and that he's been after Jess from the start.

4:45pm BBT:
Mark had told Paul earlier that Jason was thinking of getting him (Paul) out. Paul asked Kevin why Mark thinks he has his (Kevin's) and Jason's vote. Kevin denied any involvement. Mark did more campaigning later to Alex but again, it fell on deaf ears.

In other news, Paul told Josh that if they can make it to Final 5, then they're golden. He said he wants to win the HOH at Final 4, not the week before that. Paul also doesn't want to win HOH this week because then he'll have to draw a line in the sand and he doesn't wanna do that. So Josh said he will do it instead.

During another of Mark's pitches to Alex/Jason last night (10:50pm BBT), he says that Paul is a "flip flopper" and Matt/Raven are floaters.

Word got back to Paul via Alex/Jason, that Mark said Paul's a flip flopper. He's not happy about Mark saying that. Alex later on told Paul that Mark also said Matt/Raven are gunning for them (Alex/Jason). (*which is true.) 

**And that's it for The Overnighter! Today is Wednesday, which means we'll get a new BB19 episode tonight at 8pm ET/7pm. Tonight's show will have Zingbot on it, zinging the houseguests one by one. That'll be fun to watch so make sure to tune in!

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

At this point, they all deserve to lose to Paul. As much as I can't stand Paul this season. Alex deserves what's coming to her for being so dense.

michelaine said...

I'm on the fence between Kevin and Cody. I love Kevin. He's truly my favorite, but I think I like the prospect of giving Paul and his minions a big f*k you by having Cody win AFP. I'm so torn!

Susie said...

For AFP I would vote for Cody bc of all the crap they did to him and to upset Paul and how Cody took all the food being poured on him in that one game, go semper-fi

Razldazlrr said...

OOK Jamie - your update on the house has been funnier than the show itself! These people really are idiots - I can't believe it took them this long to catch on to Raven. And Matt eating 1000 bowls of cereal! ha ha

I may vote for Cody just to see the look on Paul's face, esp if Paul doesn't make it to the end. At least he was on to Paul's manipulation really early in the game.

Unknown said...

I think Cody winning AFP won't bother Paul since he will have $500,000! Every blog I read has the only game player is Paul so why anyone would want to vote Cody surely for spite is beyond me.

Clay said...

At this point and time of the game i hope Kevin wins, the others are horrible people. Matt isnt but Raven, Christmas, Josh, Paul, Alex are all horrible people. I cant wait to see there faces when they find out america hates them all.

~K said...

Kevin should win it. Jess made racist comments, and Cody made fun of transgendered people. Jessica told him to stop, and he responded that nobody cared about .01% of the population. I care, and I'm not transgendered. There is enough hate in this country. Give it to Kevin.

Atlanta said...

Jamie, I appreciate you sticking w/us! It's a tough season to watch for most of us. I'm so dedicated to BB but it's so painful this season! I'm enjoying your reviews and your opinion as I'm right there with you. Voting for AFP, it's going to be Kevin or Cody for me! Thanks for what you do!

kg said...

I can't wait for ZINGBOT!!!!!!!!! Kevin gets my vote for AFP

kg said...

I can't wait for Zingbot!!!!! Keving gets my vote for AFP

Anonymous said...

Gosh I am so tired of watching season after season of people voting with "the house" AND IF someone does try to play the game and not go with the house they are target #1!!!!!!!!!

What happened to playing the GAME?!?!?!?!

I may just watch the finale at the rate UGH!!

Anonymous said...

Boy, that's a tough call. I want either Cody or Kevin to get AFP. I like Kevin most for not being mean to others but he also hasn't done anything in the game. At least Cody wasn't afraid to make a big move and as far as his social game, I think he's just a very intense sort of person. In regard to him not socializing, I don't blame him a bit. He had the entire house against two people and anything he said was construed as either conniving or lying, so he chose to ignore them. Good for him!

I agree that it's going to be hard if the votes are split between the two, bringing both their total votes down. It makes me think to vote for Cody if that's where more of the votes would go.

Stephanie said...

Kevin gets my vote! No way I'd vote for Jessica or Cody.

Mergatroid#1 said...

I'm definitely voting Cody for same reason.

UnionGrl said...

Cody was a dope and Jess a mean girl - why do they rate a spite vote? If either had done anything but stare into each others eyes and fight with people I might could see it. I'm voting Kevin all the way. He's played a gentleman's game, maybe a bit too passive, but never mean and hateful.

Nicole Chenault said...

Kevin for me - AFP isn't about who played the game the best (that would be who makes it to the end) or even who played the game at's about who was most enjoyable to watch. I wouldn't give it to Jess as she really is a mean girl - this was apparent before the house went against them, nor Cody as he isn't much better - this was also apparent early on. Kevin has made a few blunders, but overall he's fun.

Unknown said...

I think it's all more reason to give it to him I say! Lol
It really would be between Kevin/Cody but for 2 entirely different reasons. The BB fans have to figure out which they like more.

Cody- He tried playing the game unbenonste to HG (striking too soon) very yummy looking,tough competitor, the kind of guy a lady dreams about, his protectiveness for his girl his loyalty, he did battle back, let's face it his dislike & commentary n looks he'd give we would cheer him on! HE was the boss.
He *hates* the HG as much as America does. So this is a common thread also for AFP..
Also supporting him n showing that he had fans & that someone wanted him in the game & was sad to see him n Jess gone.
Paul/Raven/Josh mainly) & other HG we're very critical of him especially his loyalty, military service. America noticed & was beyond mad that these ass's we're ?ing him. He's done more, traveled, seen then any of them. Not supporting our veterans & military/law enforcement while attacking their character

So yeah I know those for sure.

Kevin- He is funny, light hearted, entertaining sometimes. He gives action to this other wise lazy,dumb nitwits crew he's stuck w.
He also plays the older hg role pretty good w his relationships he's created & being there for anyone in a adult figure.

Really, whichever one you lean most towards I'd say is your ADP.

**Mines Cody!!

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