Winner of the HOH Comp is:
The HOH comp was a running comp. Yep, Christmas won a running comp. How is that possible? Because Paul instructed everyone to throw it to Christmas and these idiots just play the game how they're told to play it by Paul. (I remember a couple weeks ago seeing Evel Dick tweeting how he thinks this is a cast full of ringers for Paul to win the season. I'm starting to think he's onto something. lol) Kevin didn't throw it though. According to Paul, he threatened Kevin to drop out of the race.
2:22am BBT:
Paul: "..and I said (to Kevin) 'Look motherf*cker, you either drop first or I'm gonna win this HOH and send you home. Choose.'"
He told Kevin earlier that he's safe this week but to keep acting paranoid. So they're on speaking terms, and Paul always exaggerates his retells, so I'm guessing he didn't actually say this but we'll have to wait and see on Sunday.
Speaking of Paul, he wants Raven to win next week (they have no idea it's a double eviction this upcoming Thursday) and then go after Kevin/Alex. (Then he wants Josh to win the next HOH, then Paul will win the Final 4 HOH so he advances to Final 3 automatically. This is Paul's game plan.)
So, who's the target this week? Jason. So we can expect Christmas to put up Jason/Alex. If Jason wins veto, Kevin will be the renom and it'll be Alex going to jury instead. Today is the Nomination Ceremony. I would add that there could be some drama with the Temptation Tree, but I highly doubt it. The twist, so far, has been a total flop.
*And that's it for The Overnighter! We're getting down to the nitty gritty of the season and my blogging will end in less than 2 weeks (the last week of BB is always uneventful, no comps, no game talk, just sleeping and worrying about jury votes until finale night), so the winding down of the season has officially begun and after the double eviction, there will only be 5 HG's left.
Some of y'all have asked about BBOTT (Big Brother: Over the Top). There will be no BBOTT this Fall, but it sounds like they might bring it back in the Spring. I will not be covering that, however. Just a heads up on that.
Stay tuned...
- and you have Paul pressuring another contestant to drop out of HOH or he's going to make sure he is evicted - that is wrong on so many levels - all these people should say f.... you paul and you are out this week! I don't know how Kevin has lasted this long in there!
If you take away the bullying he instructed people to do, his game has been brilliant. Sure they are all sheep. But he still had/has to tip toe. It wouldn't work on a better group, but that's not his fault.
This group is so bad, I don't think I've heard any talk of thinking about going after him.
It was cringe worthy listening to Matt talk about Raven. I mean, was he a virgin when he got in there? A lot of guys fall for their first. He said she was playing a great game?!?!? Maybe the most unaware comment in the history of the whole English language.
Oh and btw, Cody gets to jury house and suddenly has a personality?
Also, Jason is dumb as a box of rocks. Should be a fun convo between him and his wife when he gets out.
Why does Matt think Raven has a real chance to win!? What a moron! Him saying she sees things going to happen before they actually do! If she is so smart why doesn't she see Paul is going to screw her in the end!
Question- alex threw the comp. who does she think the target is? Kevin?
I can't with this cast. I wish they would grow a pair and say "I'm not gonna throw it. I came here to play big brother and win 500K. I'm gonna do what I want. Send me home if you want."
I would like BB to adapt a new approach. The first four house guests out of the HOH comp are the only ones eligible for nomination for eviction. I am so tired of them throwing these comps. I want to see competitive plays. The best player of the comp is the only one worthy of the win. This is currently playing out to be very boring tv.
It's beyond disgusting how awful these people are at this game. I can't empathize with how much they can't empathize with each other, and while it's fine to hem and haw from the outside, I'm not sure I'd be any better if I were in there. My only hope is my somewhat libertarian upbringing might have me say "you can't tell me what to do." (Of course, Paul would pickup on that, and I'd be canned before Jury...)
These "Hitler" Paul followers are going to feel like FOOLS when they get out and see how stupid they were not to see they were ALL played!! Paul has ruined this season, thanks a lot CBS!!!
Can I just say that while I was on hold I looked up #bigbrother19 on twitter - the comments were hysterical, especailly about Julie's sleeves last night! (is she wearing dirty swiffers on her arms?)
I was also thinking - I really do not get it - are they stupid, ringers or truly that stupid to not understand they need to get Paul out???
I hate to admit but I've quit watching BBAD totally. I only watch the broadcasts and then only on the weekend when there is noting else to watch. A very disappointing season to say the least.
What surprises me is the complete mind fart these HGs are experiencing. Can no one, especially Paul, remember that EVERYTHING is televised? What they say, how they act, every last thing is on TV. When this is over they will then have to deal with what complete a$$holes they have been, the incredibly hateful things they've said, and just how stupid they acted. Dumb Jason may have scuttled his whole act - who wants a rapist rodeo clown. Christmas depends on her persona to fuel her gyms - now do you think that's doing about now. They have all (with the possible exception of Kevin)shown their darkest, nastiest sides and will now have to live with the fall-out.
Can't say I'm sorry. What goes around...
WOW, just wow... I can't stand how these houseguests have no clue what's going on with their own games, and how they're blowing themselves up in the name of Paul.. Just WOW.
I'm so confused...does everyone want Paul to win...they have no interest in, what a group of idiots...
Big brother gods please let Paul get evicted on double eviction so these people will scramble and play a damn game
You are playing Big Brother, you can't seam to win the first couple HOH or Veto comps, you see two teams or sides to choose from, one is just doing better and has the majority behind them, now you want to win the game and you see one is really good at it, are you going to go with the smaller failing team or go with the bigger smarter team?
Duh! Your going with the smart team, because you know it's your best route to finals.
Now are you all saying you would evict your own best option of getting farther in the game?
Paul has kept him self well positioned in the game, he has kept a strong group around him and been loyal to them from their view, which is why they haven't turned on him.
We all know he is lying to all of them!
Why haven't they turned on him? He has said the right thing to each one, Kevin keeps his truth hidden for his own game, at the same time he is hiding his deal with Paul, Kevin won't reveal it to protect himself.
Alex he has snowed very well playing on her own strategies.
Christmas & Josh trust him for keeping them in the game.
Raven, who knows? but she's trusting him, Jason has no fracking clue who's doing what.
They all know he has been a team mate, he has basically given them no reason to mis trust him.
Paul is playing a Master game of BB chess, there is no way BB could set this up, someone inside would have slipped up and said something by now, in some way they would have said something revealing a shame. I just can't believe that.
I don't like the HOH set ups, or the Veto set ups, it does take the fun out of the game for us. But geez also smart on Paul's part to not look like a comp threat.
Does he deserve to win, why not, he has certainly played a very strategic game, he kept his deals hidden so far.
Personality wise and game wise, I dont like any of them, some years I root for someone or I just stay neutral. Honestly there are only 3 maybe 4 past players I really like, Anyway this year I'm neutral, just never had a favorite this year.
I can respect Paul's game, it takes skills to pull the wool over so many eye.
I am so confused??? Why would Jason and Alex throw it to Christmas they are not in an alliance with her at all why wouldn't the logic kick in for those two that is paul was really with just them then Alex should win this one? And if Kevin actually won POV and Christmas was HOH it would be one of them going home for sure as she is clearly in an alliance with josh and Paul?? Are they really that dumb??
Jason was hoh, didn't play
It is beyond disgusting that every HG threw the comp so Xmas could have another HOH handed to her on a platter. I wouldn't mind seeing Alex go to jury with Kevin wishing her goodbye, though. These people are so stupid.
I would rather see a player tell another player that if he doesn't throw the competition, you are next to go, like Paul told Kevin to do, than have a player promise on live TV that if they drop out, they are safe and then turn around and back stab them like James did on several occasions in past seasons. That is really sleazy. Be a man and up front. What is it with Paul running around with that phallic symbol on his waste? He wore a similar "floaty" last season. I didn't hear Jason say what he would do to Kevin's family but read about it here. That is way beyond normal game playing threats, bullying and bluffs. I didn't like Jason to being with but started to change my mind as he started to play the game and prove his competence but threatening to rape etc is the kind of stuff Evel Dick was doing and not acceptable.
Yes, they are. Plus I'm also starting to think evil dick is right and we are getting punk'd
So comparing Paul a bb houseguest to Hitler a mass murderer is a little much folks
People see Paul as a genius since he has gotten everyone to do his bidding while in actuality, what happened is that without any convincing by Paul, every HG (except Jody) from the onset has "elected" to have someone tell them what to do. No one has done a thing on their own. It wasn't Paul who convinced anyone, they are all simply sheep who needed to have someone/anyone tell them what steps to take.
Jamie, loved your tweet that Paul's game isn't good, that he is playing chess by himself so of course he's going to win. Someone also had posted once that it is easy to win when you are fishing in a 5-gallon bucket. It has been a pretty easy ride with people who won't kick it in gear.
WTH!? THIS IS CRA!I don't watch the show anymore just read your blog...this is so bogus. Who are they playing for ? Themselves or Paul's corny ass ? #Unbelievable! Just sad, i am with evil dick on his assumptions, because if this is not case these people are dumb ass hell! How can we express our disappointment with bb for thhe past 3-4 yrs and especially this one? Is there somewhere we can email? This is ridiculous.
then in jury all of them will say they got played by Paul buT that's the game & award him 500k
it's too late to scramble &salvage another terrible season where nobody makes a big move
Why do we never see the Have-Not competitions anymore? I don't ever know who is a Have-Not unless someone points it out.
Xmas "I've won more than Kevin" are you for real you dumb shit! Yeah let's talk about your 2 hoh wins! They were both thrown to you. You have won nothing on your own! You got no place to talk. Man these ppl are so stupid you can only tolerate so much w/out screaming! Yes they resemble bb15 Josh is our Amanda! Our big bully!!
You know what is bull? Is that despite the awful cast BB has given us, how they have deliberately minipulate the game for Paul to win, the duplicate cast of BB15 that as much as we want to stop watching the show we don't. They know this! We the BB lovers of the game love it & hate what it's become. Yeah we have to put a pause on it at times but then we have to see which dipshit is doing what. Ugh so frustrating! Why is BB doing this to us? Why does Paul have to win?
You are right, Paul should win. However, if any one of them wants a snow balls chance at winning then Paul has to go. The fact that they don't realize this is what makes this all pathetic.
That rain delay was the most interesting, unpredictable, and unexpected part of this whole season.
Paul is telling Kevin to shut up... he talks too much?
Paul is getting nervous his scam is going to be outed.
I think Jason is playing Paul. I think Christmas knows what Paul is doing.
Paul's eyes light up every time someone says no one on the jury would vote for Alex. Now he is going to try and get Alex off the block by convincing Jason to use the veto on Alex( if he wins it)
Come on Paul... Jason is playing you.
Christmas asks Paul if he thinks Jason is playing him.
Paul says.. no way he is clueless.
I hope Jason screws Paul... I absolutely detest Paul. It's all about him. I did this I did that. He had lines of people waiting for hours for his autograph... stfu Paul
I wish a plane with a banner would fly by and say ' Paul is playing all of you'
Well said! Paul is a master player. I hope he wins!
They have been tossing the HOH to trusted team mates, to keep Alex and Paul under the radar for comp wins, they were throwing to Josh or Christmas this week, they will do it again next week and so on, Paul wants final 4 HOH.
Here's the thing, Paul has not done anything to make his play things really mad at him, So, they are trusting him still, Alex, Jason & Paul have a final 3 deal, Alex and Paul have been in a hidden alliance, Kevin he thinks so highly of himself and his people skills that he thinks he's everyone's pick for finals, Christmas & Josh also have a final 3 deal with Paul.
What's funny is paul n his turds told maven last week the plan was to back door Kevin to keep them chill..even tho that wasn't the plan and now they're putting up alex n Jason n telling them the same thing and they actually believe it??????!!!!!! Even tho they were apart of last weeks bs plan. Omg I just can't with the stupid. BB shld put who ever comes last in a comp as a nom so no one wld throw comps. That's so disappointing for us viewers and I'm sure production has to be pissed too..they spend all that time on thinking of comps and then assembling them just to have them shit on by paul and his turds.
Another thing that amazes me is that NO ONE has or is even talking about getting paul out!!!! Biggest face palm. Like omg!!!!!! It's like they're scared to say it out loud in fear someone will hear it and they'll b targeted nxt.
Oh and Jamie my last commented didn't get posted did I say something inappropriate again? lol sometimes I do that. Or did I F it up and it didn't get submitted? Thnx!!!
Your idea is fabulous! 1st 4 out are only ones eligible. Love it!!
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