Last night after the live show, the HG's played their HOH Comp:
Winner of HOH is:
Josh is now automatically in Final 4, along with Christmas/Paul (as long as Josh doesn't turn on them..which he won't. He's said this multiple times, plus him not making a big move last night proved just that.) This week, either Alex or Kevin will go. Alex is the target, as Kevin is the backup target if Alex wins veto. Alex going this week, is Paul's plan. Josh actually wants Kevin out, but Josh said he will stick with their plan and get Alex out.
If you're wondering if Alex will 'seek revenge' for her ride or die (Jason) leaving last night, the answer is no. In fact, she told Paul that he's the only one she trusts in the house and he's her new ride or die. *smh*
As I reported last night, this Winter will be a Celebrity Big Brother! I'll cover that in a separate post. Tonight, we will have the nomination ceremony but it'll be uneventual and, much like this whole season, totally predictable. Either way, I'll report the official noms later.
Stay tuned...
So if Alex wins veto, who does Josh put up as replacement? Obviously Paul won't want to go up. Will Christmas volunteer?
They'd all jump on a grenade for that guy, do probably yes
What does Paul have to do to get one of them to turn on him - Shank somebody?
I was rooting for Josh last night, to my surprise. Perhaps Josh will get rid of Paul....smallest glimmer of hope ever. I was hoping they'd hold on to Kevin bc he's the easiest to listen to in the diary room.
I sure hope Josh makes a move, did not like him at first now I am hoping.
The celebrity BB will be all CBS nobodies and no big stars, I bet.
If Alex goes to F2 with Paul, don't you think Paul loses? Paul needs to take Josh or Kevin to have a chance at the votes.
Why take out Paul now? I think he likely gets second in most scenarios.. if Alex goes to F2 she wins against any of them. I'd like to see them flip on Paul, but for Josh and Christmas, why would they, because they for sure lose against Alex.
I hope that's what happened ya he played a great game but is a terrible person, bully, doesn't respect people who serve in the military, and incites violence I hope he's either taken out or if he does make it to the end he went second again taxes will take some of that 50000 he'll wind up in Kevin spot
Trump is all those things yet he is still president.
By the way I have theory, I believe Trump has caused bad blood all over the country and it could be part of the reason the worst is coming out of the house guests.
So stupid...
So Brock, you have decided to call a comment "so stupid" without any reason, just your opinion.
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