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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Veto Comp (Spoiler)

Yesterday, the HG's had their veto comp. The feeds were down for nearly 5 hours and came back on at 6:41pm BBT.

Winner of this season the Veto is:


The Veto Comp was the BB Comics, which Paul played in last season and he placed 2nd in. (Nicole won the veto last year in this comp.) Alex will go this week and he enlisted Christmas to help him come up with a plan to "disperse the blood" on his hands, since now he has to show his cards to Alex. (He has a fake Final 2 with Alex). He can't pull her off the block (since she's the target) and she's going to wonder why he didn't save her if he's her new "ride or die" in the house. Paul wants all 3 of them (Christmas/Josh/himself) to all carry the burden of his win for him so that he doesn't lose a jury vote. One way of doing this, is to have Paul vote for Kevin as Christmas votes for Alex and that'd leave HOH Josh to do a tiebreaker and get bathed in blood for Paul.

The fact that Alex will leave before Kevin, and while seated next to Kevin, will be glorious. The only thing I wonder is if Alex will continue to be her self-proclaimed "petty" self and hold it against Paul at the end when he's sitting in Final 2...which he will definitely be there unless Josh or Kevin take a shot at him and are successful at it.

Speaking of Paul, Josh told us live feedsters again last night that he wants to take a shot at Paul, he knows he's gotta get him out. The question is, will Josh get that opportunity? Or will Paul turn on Josh before then? We shall see.

Stay tuned...
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Razldazlrr said...

Lordy - oh well, I guess if Alex had won it would have been Kevin going home - ugh. Why doesn't Kevin try to talk some sense into Josh to make a big move? These people have been a stupid mystery to me

Razldazlrr said...

Just thinking it would be hysterical if Paul makes it to the end and doesn't win!

Jamie said...

Of I was a betting woman, I'd bet he takes 2nd again. He's messing up jury votes like crazy.

Jamie said...

I seriously wonder if alex/xmas/matt/raven were ringers for Paul to win.

Unknown said...

Jason is poisoning Paul's chances with the Jury. Alex will join him in that cause. I would follow you on that bet, Jaime. Josh would solidify a win by showing Paul the door. But Paul will be F2z. Because... reasons

Unknown said...

I would now like to see Josh win. Yes he had his chance to turn but why would he that wouldn't be smart. Even though as a fan that's what I want to see. Josh has been the bad guy all along while Paul sits back and watches.

Clay said...

Just write the check to Paul already and get this horrific season over and get on to BB celebrity edition

Anonymous said...

Paul keeps telling Alex that they are voting her out and that he has to do it because she would win. Absolutely, no doubt, he says. Then, he continues to contradict himself and tells her that the others want her out and he can't help it but he will talk to them and see if he can convince them to keep her??? Now, why would he try to get them to keep her when he says he can't win against her. Can't Alex see that he is full of crap?

Anonymous said...

Then, Josh goes and tells Alex he feels bad that she has to go, same as Paul did. Christmas & Paul jump down Josh throat for going and talking to her. She doesn't want to talk to anyone? What a hypocrite!

Paul was crying for having to vote out Alex? Wow, I think Josh should go and slap him in the face like Paul did and tell him to quit crying.

When Paul & Christmas talk to Josh together, they treat him like he is a naughty child. Christmas tells him not to interrupt her and let me talk but she does it to Josh all the time. She is horribly mean to him.

Feeds definitely interesting since 1:00 this afternoon.

Unknown said...

The way I see it is no one really big is gonna take 3 months off to go into the house. Which sucks.

Unknown said...

I totally...agree.....I have never never seen a much of dummies in my life. Paul is going to take it

Unknown said...

This is the worst season ever.these people are dumb....Josh....ugh...he knows about Paul....yet he didn't make a move.

Unknown said...

This is the worst show....I'm disgusted

TeriPie said...

I've never seen soooo many people throw comps!!! And on the same note...I've never seen so many people go on n on like they actually won it...No idiot u didn't "WIN" it cuz it was thrown to u!!! Idiots...Thats all I can say!

TeriPie said...

And here's a little message to CBS ...Do not play the stupid pre recorded cheers n clapping when these fools get kicked out!!! Let them get boo'd!

BBwatcher said...

Idk if I trust any of these houseguests to turn in Paul in jury. They didn't in all this time, why do it now? The only vote he wouldn't get is bitter Cody.

Jerry said...

Wow these people have serious potty mouth. I can't believe Kevin uses the F bomb in same sentence with his daughters names. Josh is the worst. Do you think his family talks like this around the house. I can just see the Sunday dinner table chatter.
Josh's eyes almost popped out when Paul went from fake crying to smiling and talking game. Josh said he saw the devil. That sums up Paul's game play for me.
I agree with a majority of the comments. This is the dumbest players in BB history and I still think BB stacked the deck in favor of Paul. He would have been gone the first week if BB hadn't given him 3 weeks of immunity up front. And don't forget that Paul was hand picked and encouraged to play last season by a producer of BB and is picked to come back this season..
There I feel better venting my thoughts. Nice to have a soap box to get it out.

jimandreb said...

Jason and Alex will take care of the rest because Josh outed him. Jason was red face,Paul took 500000 from him and the rest know too. Raven hates Paul too now, they listened too him say trust me trust me and they played themselves as Josh would say. I hate to admit it Paul definitely played the best game as far as getting everybody to follow him but he poisoned the game and he can say oh people don't understand they're going to hate me yeah because of your personal bullshit you interjected into the game and then saying it's not personal. Bullies Never Win!

Razldazlrr said...

I agree with others - the game was rigged at the beginning when Paul got 3 weeks immunity - he would have been voted out

Steve Burton said...

Why did Alex not put up Christmas when she had just voted out her "Ride or Die" Jason?!?! When she won HOH she was screaming "This is for you Jason" yet she did NOTHING to get revenge!!! I don't get these puppets of Paul. Pitiful season CBS!!!

Unknown said...

I think Paul is playing a great game. Ozzy did the same thing on Survivor and I wonder if we had 24 hour live feeds on survivor if people would be Hating on him like they do on Paul

Jared said...

At this point weather you agree with Paul's gameplay or not, he hands down deserves to win this season. Nobody else is playing the game at all. He has completely munipilated every move in the house and makes others look responsible. These people have had two double evictions to get him out and his name doesn't even come up. People like Kevin and Raven have been made to look like bigger threats in the game then a returning player that was in the final two last season. Cody was right to try to take him out in week one, but sense nobody wanted to play for themselves other then Cody and Jessica early on, Paul deserves to win and should in my opinion. This season has be absent of good players who actually want to play instead of being content with getting to jury so they can get noticed on tv. Hope the celebrity season is better then this and that next summer the casting is much better. Stop looking in bars and on beaches for these young good looking people who don't even care about he game. Cast real fans of the show who want to play like seasons past. Ok rant over. Thank you Jaime for induring this long season.

Anonymous said...

Josh says he doesn't want to expose HIS game. which is hilarious because 1) he doesn't really have a game and 2) we are down to 5, WHEN is he going to be ready to draw a line in the sand?

At this point he can't even go after Paul, without someone in his corner. Let's say he put Paul up, which of the other HG vote Paul out right now? Doubt he can flip Alex, and not likely Kevin and no way Xmas. So the time to get Paul out has passed. If he put him up, HE'd become the target next week.

Just because these people are dumb sheep, doesn't mean Paul isn't playing a great game (aside from the alleged bullying. I almost think he is over-playing it a bit. Like power went to his head and he is just trying to see what else he can do. "I wonder if someone will throw a HOH comp at final 5?"

The only concern he has is a bitter jury.

rigs said...

Paul is playing the best game of all HGs this season. Cody didn't know how to play the game and Jessica was almost as inept as Cody. Jason was coming along but started pulling ahead a little too soon by winning too many comps. Like Cody, his prowess at winning comps got the best of him and blew his game. The only one who deserves to win is Paul. Josh, Christmas and Alex know their best chance of getting to the end was being with Paul.

Taz Caz said...

Probably Courteney Stodden, Stallone's brother, Chaz Bono, Omarosa, etc.

Unknown said...

I agree. Although some fans don't like Paul, he has been a master at the game. It's not his fault that that the other HGS were not smart enough to catch on. He really deserves to win. Just my opinion.

Sammie said...

But I don't think Alex's best chance of going to the end was going with Paul. If her and Jason stuck together and actually tried to win comps instead of throwing them, they could easily have turned at the point of the game that Christmas won HOH and got Jason out. Paul is the only one of all 5 of the others (Paul, Josh, Xmas, Kevin, and Raven) that can actually win a comp that isn't thrown to them. Besides votes, it's 2 on 1. Their best chance was to stick together and fight to get Paul out. Doing that would be a guaranteed victory. They laid down and died, and I bet they both regret it now.

I don't blame Xmas, Josh, and Kevin as much. They never could've made it to the end bc they can't win comps

Unknown said...

When Xmas tells him to shut up and listen I want him to tell her to off but he just sits like her "puppy ".

Lelki said...

I absolutely hate this Season of Big "Paul"! How these people believe in 1 guy and how he's game is not exposed is beyond ridiculous. I've never seen such a thing on this show and I've been a fan since the 1st season. Give Paul the money even though I'd hate to see him win and be done with this already. No one else deserves 2nd place of 50k. Why award such stupidity?! Paul should take 1st and 2nd place. Can't wait for this to be over and get on to Celebrity Big Brother!

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