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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Wednesday: New BB19 Episode Tonight

Good morning & Happy Wednesday to y'all! Yesterday, I posted about a video making its way around the internet of Paul/Raven/Victor hanging out together just days after last season. The video has since been deleted from Twitter and Instagram, for those of you wondering what happened.

In other news...

The Overnighters are becoming useless to do this week, since literally nothing has changed for days. Even Twitter has been a ghost town the past 2 days. Josh is still cam-talking to us about how he knows Paul's game and he doesn't like it (but still says he'd never turn on him..*face palm*), Josh still tried to get Christmas to see his point of view on Paul's game play again but she lacks the intelligence of a normal person to understand what Josh is saying apparently because it fell on deaf ears. Jason is still the one leaving the house tomorrow night, and Alex is still the next target to follow him out the long as Paul's plan works. Paul wants Raven to win HOH (Paul thinks he can somehow convince Alex to throw him HOH after her ride or die, Jason, gets evicted). Paul then wants Raven to put up Alex up & get her out. He worked on Raven a little bit last night to get ready to take a shot at Alex. She said she's ready.

Kevin still thinks he's going tomorrow night, and so does Jason/Alex. As I reported yesterday, Paul told Josh to tell Jason before the live show that he's the one actually getting evicted, so there goes that blindside possibly.

Tonight's new BB19 episode is the Veto Comp where Paul won it, followed by the Veto Ceremony where Paul took Alex off the block and then Christmas (HOH) put up Kevin.

Since we're heading into the last 2 weeks of the BB19 season, and soon we'll have to vote for America's Favorite Player, I figured I'd do a new poll to see where everyone stands as of now:

Tonight's new BB19 episode is on at 8pm ET/7pm.

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

I just read an article that says the girl in the video is not Raven. She is called Irene Walton (no relation) and is Paul's assistant and friend. She does bear a resemblance to Raven but it's not Raven in the video.

Greg said...

Why is Cody considered "America's Favorite Player". He didn't play a good game, was a hot head and spent most of the time hating the other houseguests. I get that this season is full of unlikeable people, but there were at least other people that were somewhat likeable i.e. Mark and Kevin.

Garv said...

Why? Simply as a middle finger to Paul and the rest of the idiotic, mindless, houseguests.

Steve Robbins Art said...

What Garv said, but also to underline that this season made an unfriendly, robotic and unlikeable guy like Cody, who played poorly and didn't do well socially, become the underdog, the hero, and the focal point for us to recognize early how bad for the show Paul is. His honesty is great, and really, his opinion of this house should be mirroring yours.

In any other season, he would stay the villain. But Paul and his Animal Persons are just that much worse.

And on top of that, while not quite a peach in the game, his relationship to Jessica was more fun to watch than the disgusting displays of Animal Personhood that Ratt had.

BBwatcher said...

If it's an eff you to the houseguests let's vote Jillian or Cameron.

Unknown said...

Right on Gary

DAVINCI said...

What he said

michelaine said...

I'm voting for the homeless doggos they show when the feeds are down.

Unknown said...

I wish something exciting could of happen these pass couple of weeks but my last cheering was when mark was playing comps b fore you left. Not even excited for DE night cuz the shock factor is long gone now, probably won't even watch it cuz every comp is pointless.

Jamie I wish this season was more exciting for you, I feel like your reporting about the middle of the desert, "it is day 79 in the desert Julie, nothing to see here, will report back tomorrow and see what other exciting things will happen in the Desert!!!!"

Unknown said...

I wonder if they will tell Josh about Irma?? Because doesn't his family live in Miami?

Atlanta said...


Unknown said...

I wonder if they will tell Josh about Irma?? Because doesn't his family live in Miami?

Unknown said...

Only season more pointless than this was the all access season that NO ONE WATCHED. Next season, if there is even one returning player.... I'M OUT!

Stevie said...

Exactly. He was the first to be bullied (because he was trying to play the game) and could have actually won this game had the entire cast not have been full of absolute FOLLOWERS aka DOGS.

Stevie said...

Um, no thanks

Joe said...

Mainly because the masses want people who compete hard in competitions amd despite cody giving up alex's first pov and throwing comps, he is still seen in that light.

People continue to ignore that that is not a winning strategy after so many examples like janelle etc but.. there it is.. *shrug*

Greg said...

I see your point Garv, but I think the greatest way to do that is what BBwatcher said and vote for Cameron. But I wonder if BB would allow Cameron to win and just fudge the results to give it to whoever they wanted to because they would know that a win by Cameron would only be a slap in the face to everyone.

Steve Robbins Art said...

Not going to happen. Cameron would need only-watches-broadcast-doesn't-pay-attention-to-spoilers/feed-blogs votes, and they don't even remember his name.

elizabeth said...

It's not americas "best" player it's americas "favorite" player. Game play has nothing to do with it

elizabeth said...

Why would we vote for Cameron? They didn't bully him attack him and say they would be mad if he won they wouldn't care if Cameron won

Steve Burton said...

Agree with Gary 100%!!! Paul has single handily ruined the whole season by constantly creating hatred!

Donna said...

I think what Greg is true. BB can not let CBS be ridiculed.

Jerry said...

I've followed blogs and the consenses is this is the dumbest players ever. They arn't playing to win just hope Paul takes them with him to finals.
I think BB has stacked the deck in Pails favor this season. I'm bummed about the whole thing.
By the way I'm voting for Jason as most popular.

Angelface said...

Hasn't B.B. Put safety in place for many retuning players before?

The game started with temptations, there were many temptations used, and some voted on by viewers. Most required shady actions.
To say Paul's winning the first voted on one, which was safety! Was any worse then or better then the veto replacement, Christmas won, or Hex, Jessica won or a battle back Cody won, is just BULL! In the game it was fair.

Cody & Paul both have crappy ways about them, Paul was just smarter then Cody, none of them acted like Angels, none of them claim to be Angels!

The game is to win, and win however you can, many strategies have been used.
There have been many a boring houseguest, there have been many nasty players, many sneaky players, many trashy players, many cry baby players, many pushy, bossy, arrogant, ignorant, crazy, annoying, mousy and just drive you nuts players in this game.

Voting for Cody, to try and annoy Paul, You don't even know if Paul will care. I liked what another person said, vote for Cameron if you want to make a point, it's the only vote that will make any of them think at all.
Don't forget game play and reality are two different things, many of these people will end up being life long friends, like many have over the last 19 years.
You don't know if Cody & Paul might be back next year as a team, you don't know how they really feel about each other, they all talk smack in the game.
Nobody earned favorite for me this year, I doubt I even vote! I sure am not voting for an idiot, which covers 80% of this group.

I will not vote for Cody, for his own actions.

TeriPie said...

Exactly! Well said.

Unknown said...

Cody would have played a different game if not for Paul. Maybe a worse game, maybe not. But as the first HOH he got the shaft right out of the gate with the number of nominees he had to put up. Unprecedented obstacle.

Unknown said...

Don't like Paul, don't like Cody, don't care for Jessica. If Paul had not been super protected early on, everyone would be hating on Cody and Jessica, as I feel they would have just been as mean and nasty with any power. If everyone was not so butt hurt over the Paul protection the first few weeks, I feel that most peeps would say Paul is the best player. Cody dismissed him before the protection, he should have at least pretended to get along until protection was over. Cody is not a good player.

Terry said...

Ok, I hate Paul too, but I wonder why we liked Will who manipulated his way to the half million. I mean he's a likable guy , and Paul makes me cringe. Maybe it's the bullying.

cyn said...

The Paul/VĂ­ctor/Raven video was probably deleted because it has been proven Raven isn't even the girl in the video. I started out happy to see Paul as the returning vet (if there needed to be one I thought he was a good choice), then realized snarky, arrogant Paul wasn't as endearing on BB19 bc he was no longer the underdog, then wanted him out, and my latest phase is really not understanding all the Paul hate. You can't blame Paul for getting nearly all HGs to trust and want to work with him. Not THAT fun to watch but he's there to win - not entertain us (that was casting/BB's job).

Another unpopular opinion - Raven isn't the worst. Honestly, I hope she realizes how delusional she is and gets help. It seems like she's been brainwashed by her mom to play victim and scam. She really believes the lies she tells and it's pretty sad. At least she isn't being vile like some others in the house.

Callejera said...

Yup. Cody. Because I'm so over all these guys caving in to Paul and not even trying to play their own game. Smh. This season sucks!

Callejera said...

Ugh. As much as I don't want to admit it, this is true.

Critter said...

I think Raven has Munchausen Syndrome and/or her mother has Munchausen by Proxy. Look it up. It totally fits them!
Cody for the AFP. He's the best choice to shock Paul and his Nasty crew!

Stephanie said...

I just want to make sure all the Jody fans know, Jessica was on live a week or so ago and said that she wants everyone to vote for Cody!' So that the Jody fans votes aren't split!!! Anyway so who thinks josh would make a move on Paul?! Biggest wish is that he grows more balls like he has been and does something big before it's over!

Atlanta said...

Critter-I thought the same thing. I saw a video of her when she was younger with her mom where she was being interviewed by a local news station. She was telling them all about her disease. No doubt they were looking for handouts.

Anonymous said...

I don't see that Cody dismissed Paul the first week. He told him he could play with him or against him. Even having said that, he knew that Paul was an obstacle to the end game. Cody had the nerve to try to put him OTB. If the others weren't so blinded by a vet (ANY vet), Paul would not be in the position that he is now.

I don't understand people criticizing Cody to such an extreme for comments he made when all of them have said just as hateful comments. So, looking at apples to oranges, who is any better than any other? I think if you look at meanness as a basis for AFP, Kevin is the only logical one in that category.

I agree there are people who are playing a game & still get along after the show, but don't be fooled by Paul. When someone asked him who he keeps in contact from BB18, he basically said just Victor. What you see on TV of Paul I believe is who he is in real life. JMHO

I subscribed to CBS All Access & watched BBOTT & thought they were disgusting but I don't feel that it was any worse than this season. I wasn't going to watch this season at all until I saw the cast had someone who lived in my area so decided to watch it after all.

I'd like to say I won't watch next year but I may be suckered in yet again. Time will tell.

Dianne said...

Josh will flip out. Don't think they will tell him unless something happens. BB may already be in touch with them to check on their status.

Unknown said...

Did anybody notice thatnwhen Paul was talking to Raven to get her to throw the HOH comp she was in bed with Matt? This convo was supposed to be after Matt's eviction. Poor editing.

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