This is a great convo to watch on the live feeds , so if you get the time to do it, definitely do. The bottom line in this convo: Paul is trying to mist Jessica, Jessica's not allowing Paul to run her game, which is getting under Paul's skin that there's someone (other than Cody) that isn't playing the way he wants them to. Paul uses the 'it'll make the house happy' angle, as Jessica counters him with saying how she doesn't owe the house anything. Atta girl.
Paul wants Cody e-v-i-c-t-e-d. And now. He tells Jessica that nobody is gunning for her (although in reality, Paul is gunning for her if they get Cody out first), so Jessica (plays Paul?) by saying she wants Alex up & out next week and with 2 weeks of safety (this way she ends up in jury). He promises her safety for 2 weeks but isn't sure on Alex going out. (For the record, Paul would never evict Alex and I'm pretty sure Jessica knows that.) He would appease her by putting Alex on the block, but then it'd be bye bye Jessica for eviction night.
Jessica then went and talked to Cody, they agrued about her questioning his loyalty when that's all he has. They end up cuddling and kissing later on, so I'm not gonna dwell on this. Cody explained that it's hard for him to love, so when he does, it takes a long time to get over. He also kept saying about how he's loyal and hates being questioned on his loyalty when that's all he has. He also holds people to high standards of loyalty. he wonders if he's meant to be alone. Jess said that no matter if they work or not, she will always care for him and will never accept him thinking he's meant to be alone. (3:30pm BBT) By 5pm, Jess told Cody about Paul's plan.
Speaking of Cody, he's onto Kevin's way of gathering intel; talk, then ask for info. Talk some more, ask for more info. He figured this out when Kev talked to him (yesterday), so he didn't give him any info. (6:27pm BBT)
Kevin was told by Paul that he thinks he can convince Jess not to use the hex if she "feels threatened", so that's his angle with her.
In other news, Cody warned Mark that Elena putting distance between them (Mark/Elena) was probably Paul's doing. (*Bingo!) This was at 11:19pm BBT.
All you need to know for this Overnighter is this one line:
Jessica: "America gave me this hex, so I will use it."
Jessica: "America gave me this hex, so I will use it."
**And that's it for The Overnighter! Today is the Veto Ceremony, where I expect veto winner, Paul, to take his boy Jason (3rd nom due to the Temp Comp) off the block, leaving Cody/Jess up there, but we'll see!! :D
Stay tuned...
Jamie, Isn't the "halting hex" the power to halt the EVICTION? That means while both of them are on the block she cannot save both correct? its either one or the other. If she halts the eviction does the other person on the block automatically go home? or is production "playing by ear" lol
Correct. She can stop the eviction up until the moment she's about to walk out the door.
Wait.. I'm pretty sure I remember Julie (or the temptation caed) saying it had to be used before they started to actually vote...
Her card said anytime before the eviction
It was clearly explained the halting hex can be used up until the first vote is cast.....and it stops the eviction and no one is evicted it's like a reset EXCEPT Paul as outgoing head of household will not be able to compete in the HOH a reset Jess would be excluded as last weeks outgoing's like they said a dud week no one goes home and all temptations except christmas's are used on and Paul won't be HOH next week
I'm sure she got clarification from production and Julie was clear it was before the first vote was cast on eviction night
I just re-watched Jess reading the card.. Before first vote. Correct. Doesn't matter at what point I guess it's getting used regardless of up to what point its allowed.
I would love to see Jess wait until the first voter's hand was on the doorknob and THEN stop the eviction. I think that would be TV gold!!
Its insanity to use that hex on it for yourself.
It just makes it a non eviction night. So I'm guessing she'll say it in her speech or as Julie is saying "the 2 nominees can't vote and the Hoh will only vote in the event of a tie." The feeds were pretty interesting yesterday for a Sunday. As much as I liked Paul last season I can't stand him this season and it makes me happy that he can't seem to get Cody out during his HOHs. The fact that he thinks he's still be able to compete for HOH even if there's no eviction makes me smile.
As far as I can tell halting the eviction clearly means no one goes home this week; which is why this would be a waste of an HOH for Paul (other than forcing Jessica to use it earlier than expected.)
It was a good move to put them up anyway. You have to call their bluff. At the end of the day, the only advantage it gives them is one more week and Paul not competing in next HOH. No one else gets voted out, so they haven't advanced in the game. They basically had the power to revoke one HOH.
Also, from a players point of view, you can't let someone tell you they have some power, and then just believe them. If you are playing poker and your opponent tells you he has a full house, you need to call their bluff.
I also found something Cody said interesting. He said once he thinks someone is not loyal, he is done with them. Probably not going to want to play Big Brother then. But, wasn't HE the one who turned on Paul and Xmas week one?
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means, what you think it means"
I can't believe those two haven't tried to make nice with everyone.
I honestly don't see this as a wasted HOH... If Jess uses the hex to save them this week, it's done and gone. They both are the major targets (aside from Paul) going forward. Jess having to use it right away is far removed from the "3 weeks of safety" she was boasting about. Paul is getting on my nerves just as much as everyone else's... But I would not call this a wasted HOH.
Cody has been the only one smart enough to "turn" on Paul. That has been the smartest move in this game. It was unfortunate that Paul was granted four weeks of immunity so that all the minions have bowed to him.
Paul is overbearing and so full of himself. He had a huge advantage and I wish there were more people smart enough to stand up to Paul, besides Jessica and Cody.
I am so disappointed to see all the orders by Paul to go bully Cody and then hear that Cody is the bully. What a hypocrite! Paul calls Cody names and it appears to me that the description fits Paul to a tee himself. I actually think Paul, the little man himself, is afraid of Cody. He is hiding behind everyone else doing his dirty work. I remember his other season that while in the HOH room, he announced he was going to go down and confront someone. He did and was pretty proud of himself grandstanding for their entertainment. He doesn't seem to want to confront Cody himself. Hmmm
I think it is a waste of Paul's HOH because he is forcing Jessica's hand and making her use the hex. Jessica can only use the hex this week or next week. So, if Paul had gone after someone else this week and the Jessica or Cody won HOH, there would be no need for Jessica to use the hex.
Yes, Paul is burning up the hex, but no one goes home on his week and Jessica may not have used the hex if she didn't need to.
I'm getting sick of listening to Paul. He called Cody a bully but really Paul is a bully. To try and purposely antagonize someone to the point of cracking us just low and could be dangerous. These people are acting like Cody is the worst person ever and did all these horrible things to them. This game is getting crazy and not in a good way.
Not a waste. It's keeping 2 targets bigger than him in the house an extra week. That's one more for him. Even if Jody puts him up they can't get the votes. Presumably if the hex is not used there would be one more by back into the house or I guess maybe one less double evict. Both good for Paul imo.
I for one have not forgotten how Cody and Jessica were very high and mighty and how they treated people they thought to be beneath them. I'm rooting for one of them to go soon!
I myself don't understand why so many people are rooting for Cody. He has demonstrated very conspicuously an attitude that anyone that doesn't look as good as he does or isn't apart of what he considers the "in" crowd is inferior and doesn't have a right to be in the house. He is un-empathetic and chauvanistic.
I believe today Paul called for his group to bully Cody until he mentally cracks. Paul even stated at one point he hopes Cody attacks someone so he self-evicts. I don't know where production is in all this, as they should be reigning in this sort of speech because it's bordering on criminal. This is starting to remind me of that awful group of four in BB11, I believe it was Natalie, Chima, Lydia and Jessie. I remember how they worked every angle to bend the rules, even requesting copies of the rule book from production, simply so they could find ways to torment others in the house. In BB19 it's even worse b/c it's a group of roughly 6 or 7 working together with the stated goal of mentally ruining another human being. It's sick! I truly am all for gamesmanship and head games in BB; however, when you say out loud your goal is to mentally break someone down to the point where violence will be their only way out, that's criminal.
@Chicklet. you have some good points. However, Cody and Jess stand up to Paul because they have no choice. Jess didn't want to back door him week one. Cody did.
So the guy talking loyalty was really drew first blood. (turning on Paul/Xmas)
Which btw, may not have been a bad move. However, it is the way you make a move that can change it. Like telling your alliance. He blindsided Mark, Matt, Raven and Elana.
That was a red flag. How can you trust this guy?
So if he talks it out with them, or at least gives them a heads up, then he is better off.
The safety made it bad, but it would have not put him on an island. Although, I'm not sure going big week one is a good idea. You put everyone on high alert, and are a target the WHOLE season. instead of waiting to make your move, and becoming a target fewer weeks.
Some of the reports about Paul are disappointing. I hope he doesn't win. But I'd rather he stay in the house for a while.
We really need another season with Doc Will.
What happened to playing a game? Paul has become a dictator. I hope the public will see what he's like and want nothing to do with him. I know I will never purchase his line of clothing or never want to meet him!!! He is a horrible person. What goes around, does come around.
Has anyone been watching the feeds this afternoon? They are not acting like normal people with their wickedness. It's almost like they are rioting and getting out of control. This is not what Big Brother should be and no longer seems like a game.
I would love to see Paul go to stop this nonsense, then Josh, Cody, and then see who is actually a decent person in that maze of confused people
"I myself don't understand why so many people are rooting for Paul......."
There, fixed it for you.
Now this comment makes sense.
I agree, Brian, that Cody's social skills in handling the backdoor idea the first week was not good. He really was at a disadvantage to have to nom so many people during his HOH reign. I am not rooting for Cody to win, or even stay in the house. What I am rooting for is to get Paul out first so that the other people will be forced to play on their own and see what they could do without being told. I'm sure Cody will still be their #1 target and then lets see who aligns with whom.
Paul is narcissistic and his "gang" are just sheep plain and simple. He needs to go so the rest of the house can actually play their own game of Big Brother. I would love to see if they can actually play it if they just fall apart.
If the Halting Hex is activated then the eviction is simply skipped that week. It does not protect one specific player. She can not cherry pick who is safe and who goes. It simply prevents any voting outcome at all. If there are three HGs on the Block that week then no one goes home. Doesn’t matter who is up or who many are up. There is no eviction
Just got to throw this out there, Elana must go through a ton of ligloss and lipstick, holy s*it, she wears a lot of that stuff!
I did not like Cody or Jessica and still kind of don't but I hate the group bully mentality and I hate when one person goes around telling everyone else what to do because they are to chicken to do it themselves. Paul needs to go. Stop putting veterans in and just do an allstar season if you want vets. By the Jamie love your blog!!
Agree 100%
I am new to group but never have I been to the point of not wanting to watch Big Brother till this season .And I think it it escalates to the point of Physical harm that CBS should be accountable for not controlling dictator Paul and his minions .
They've turned into an angry mob today. Paul really has the other houseguests worked into a frenzy. Christmases eyes are filled with rage. Raven saying she's scared to be in a house with Cody... The crew she's hanging with are the aggressors! Production better have another talk with Paul.
You are so right! I keep saying this. He chose his alliance at the beginning based on how hot he thought the people were.
Hey Paul Fans- defend this behavior. He's scum, and you know it.
The halting hex stops eviction night from happening. She has to say she wants to use it just before the live votes. If she uses it there will be no vote. No one leaves.
This is ridiculous. These people knew what they were signing up for when they walked into the house! They are playing for $500,000! This isn't a sorority or fraternity house where everyone are working together. It's a cut throat game and Paul is a genius at it. Gotta respect his game play.
I agree and Paul is some spoiled ass that should not be antagonizing a Marine who served our country so that you're dumb as can be free and Rich and selfish. Granted Cody played a pretty poor game but it's a game they're personally trying to attack this man.
Amen. This bullying is out of hand. And last night was it for me and my wife. Our daughter is in the Air Firce serving our country and these people are allowed and encouraged by producers to bully jess and Cody and then stomp on our flag. Shame on them all. We are through with cbs. We don't want that crap in our home. And Paul clearly is anti American and anti God. I hope they all get what they deserve, all of them.
I agree; Kb + Richard Goldsmith...I haven't forgotten either.
Chicklet: I understand what you're saying about you wanting Paul out so that the rest of the people will finally start playing the game, but... I think it's pretty pitiful that after being in the house for weeks now that they have to get Paul out in order for them to finally start playing the game!! So what if Paul tells them what to do
..they are all adults they don"t have to do what he says...they choose to! I think that's pretty pitiful. Just saying 😀
Accept this Temptation and the Halting Hex will allow you to halt any one of the next four evictions. If you or any ally is in danger of going home you have the power to stop the live eviction by unleashing the Halting Hex before the voting process begins. You may use the Halting Hex at any one of the next four evictions, but it may only be used once then it is gone forever
So before the voting starts.
Agreed, BB Bopper, it is pitiful that they've allowed Paul to tell them what to do. I am with you on that because it has been a long time of doing nothing on their own.
On the other hand, in past seasons people have played with the house and then kicked up their game when the time was right. It's sad to see so many HG's doing it though. Others have laid low and turned on the game play and come out being great players in the end. Here's hoping something turns around and we don't have just the two people being bullies.
I am not rooting for Cody but would like to see him be the one to get Paul out. That would be the ultimate insult to Paul and he would be livid. I don't think he will ever get over Nicole winning but this would be worse.
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