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Saturday, July 22, 2017

Saturday: HOH-Noms-Veto

Good morning and Happy Saturday to y'all!! Last night at 9pm BBT, the live feeds  came back on and we learned who had won HOH and who was nominated...

The Weeks HOH is:

Nominated for Eviction:

The target seems to be Josh, although Paul and his right hand (wo)man, Christmas, are getting the votes together to get Ramses out instead. Of course, this is all subject to which houseguest wins the Veto today and then they'll take it from there. Obviously, Jessica would pick Cody if she gets houseguest choice and he said he'd keep the noms the same and be "the nail in the coffin" to send Josh home. (*OMG pleasssse make this happen!! lol)

Today, we will have the Veto Players picked, and then the veto comp played. Which HG will win it? Who do you want to see go home this week? I'll update this post once Veto Players are picked and the Veto Comp is played/won!! :D

Veto Players are:

Veto Winner is:

Updated @ 6:33pm BBT: 
Jessica wants Josh out still, as the house wants Ramses out (but Jess doesn't know this.) What we do know is that Jessica will keep the noms the same unless there's something that tips her off about the plans to get Ramses out instead.

You can also get the Live Feeds and watch the drama unfold for yourself! ($6/month..nothing to download, takes less than 5 mins to get up & viewing! You can watch from your cell phone, tablet, and computer/laptops. Includes every BB show being streamed, for those of you who like to watch the shows live online.)

Stay tuned...
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Psalms46:10 said...

Well I'm just wondering if you don't name call and take jabs at people on this blog then why was Christmas described as a (wo)man? I am wondering is that a stab at her because a of her physique?

Razldazlrr said...

I don't get it - why would they nominate Ramses? Aren't there people in the house that are more of a threat? like Paul???

Joe said...

I would like to see ramses go, he is just not entertaining. Not great in comps and not enough social game to be trusted. Tired of floaters.

Kevin said...

Pleeeeeease send Josh home this week ! I cannot stand to listen to him anymore. Everything he complains and cries about he is guilty of. The hypocrisy is unbearable.

Dianne said...

Why Ramses? I don't get this cast. Ramses, Alex & Kevin are the only ones I like.

Unknown said...

Does Matt only have 3 shirts? When the evicted houseguests walk out with a small bag, they have a large suitcase still in the house. Matt must just have the small bag. Also, does anyone think Cody resembles Tom Cruise or is it just me?

Unknown said...

I don't know how I feel about everything. I want to see Josh go but I love to see Cody and Jessica suffer. Lol

Unknown said...

Did Cody and Jess make some kind of deal with Paul? Why isn't he on the block or at least a backdoor option?

Rhonda Howerton said...

Why wouldn't Cody/Jessica be planning to backdoor Paul? Do they not think they'd have enough votes to get it done yet?

newbie said...

Please, please, please let Josh be the one to leave this week!!!!!!

Angelface said...

As much as I do not like to hear Josh, I most definitely would like to see another failing eviction vote for Jess and Codys HOH.

Dee said...

My opinion is...Jamie was using the well known term of "right hand man" but since Christmas is a woman, she was being politically correct.

djone said...

In reference to the (wo)man phrase that was used above, the phrase "right hand man" is the colloquialism most people use. Since Christmas is a woman, it makes more sense to use the () around the "wo" part. I have been reading this blog for years and Jamie is never demeaning or bashes the house guests. People just need to be better readers!

Unknown said...

I think she done that because the term is usually "right hand man" so since Christmas is a woman she worded it that way.

djone said...

The phrase most people use is "right hand man" which is what Christmas has been to Paul in the game. I have read this blog for years and in no way is Jamie taking a jab at her. She was using the common colloquialism/idiom most people have heard before. She altered it with () since Christmas is a woman. People need to read a bit more carefully...

Jamie said...

Correct...the phrase is "Right-hand man", but Christmas is a woman, so I said "right-hand (wo)man". I'm not even sure how they could've been taken any other way, tbh. lol

Unknown said...

Here I was thinking last night how they could take the game back and they put up these noms? Seriously? Maybe they're trying to mend fences? Why would they choose someone from that side of the house (Ramses) if they wanted to get anyone out? I mean I agree, Josh needs to go, but why not put him up against someone they KNOW the other side of the house won't vote out? IE Raven. They can't even backdoor Paul at this point because one of the other noms would go home over him. Should have done Mark/Matt. My guess is they're trying to prove their loyalty to get back in favor.

Unknown said...

Because Paul is still safe this week from the first temptation.

Unknown said...

It makes no sense to nominate Ramses when he never did anything against Cody and Jessica. He was one of the people that tried to keep Jillian! Jessica should have nominated Josh and Kevin because no one would have evicted Kevin. I'm also very disappointed in CBS for allowing Christmas to stay. It's not safe to have her hobbling all around that house and unfair to other people who can play the game like Cameron. CBS should have told her she had to leave but could come back for a later season after she has healed.

SDfan said...

Exactly! Paul or even a couple that stabbed them in the back seems like a better choice. Why Ramses?

Jamie said...

No he isnt. Safety is over.

Unknown said...

When Christmas was telling the house about the fact that her foot will never ever be of full mobility she mentioned this was it and the doctors told her she wouldn't be able to play again ever. This is it for her she said once she's done she's done. Not sure what kind of problems they are talking about as she's not divulged much however if she's losing mobility in that foot she may have decided to stay for the mental comps and being able to at least shoot for jury.

Taz Caz said...

Absolutely. Been reading this blog for years. It is in no way in Jamie's character or nature to judge anyone, no matter how much they are liked or disliked. It had to do with the saying. That's all.

Taz Caz said...

People need conflict and look for it everywhere.

Taz Caz said...

I wasn't "happy" Cody won, but I will be glad if Ramses leaves because without Cody/Josh, etc. confrontations, what's the point watching? Drama is the name of the game. Otherwise, set my alarm. Time for bed.

Taz Caz said...

They probably know the house won't vote Paul out yet.

Taz Caz said...

No! Josh = drama = fun to watch!

Unknown said...

The doctors told her she probably wouldn't be able to compete again as in cross fit not big brother. She would be able to play the game again.

MizzbeeTX said...

Cody reminds me more of that guy from the movie, That Thing You Do. The one who broke up with Liv Tyler (Faye). The characters name was Jimmy I believe.

Unknown said...

I actually thought she said she wouldn't be able to "compete" ever again and was actually referring to the CrossFit stuff she does outside of the house.

Mama B said...

Hahaha people crack me up. If you have read Jamie's blogs for as many years I have have, you would know she would NEVER do what you're implying. Read the blogs. Actually read what she says.

Unknown said...

She put up 2 non threats, what a waste of an HOH

Psalms46:10 said...

Thank you all for your replies and for not attacking me in the process. I was just asking because that was actually my very first time ever reading this blog and I just wanted to know if I really did happen upon something that is positive when it comes to big brother I like the feedback but I too do not like attacking other people based on their appearance or what not. So thank you all again for helping me clarify. I do like this blog and plan to continue reading possibly interacting.

Psalms46:10 said...

It was said before that maybe Jessica and Cody didn't put Paul, or any of the other back stabbers, on the block because they know they don't have the votes.
It's bittersweet because, even though we do want to see more of the threats go, we also don't want to see the floaters get by till the end. And at the same time we do want to be entertained by watching all this play out. So yes, Ramses has to go just based on the fact that he doesn't have game and he is not entertaining as far this game goes. Josh, I would hate to see him win or get much further but I would love to see him get a HoH before he goes . . . He would just bring so much ridiculous drama to the house it would make for good TV. He is the type that we are laughing yet and not laughing with. I do agree that all the things he whines and complains about are things that he's guilty of himself. And it's just the fact that he whines period as to why he's not mature enough and I don't take him serious in this game .
As far as Cody, even though he is not as entertaining (as in an enthusiastic type of way) he is interesting and he is competitive. He is different. I like him based on that. I don't care much for the Jody showmance but in all realness of the game he is the only one actively going head-to-head with Paul. And even though I like Paul for the entertainment and in the game, I do not agree so much as to the way he's playing the game this season.
However he is playing the game.
Mark and Elena seem to be somewhat in the game. Just like Kevin, he's like kind of in it. Jason & Alex, they're really in it. But Matt and Raven?!? what are they doing there?
So that's just my long opinion and did I miss anyone?
Because if I did they're obviously way less eventful than any of the ones I did mention.

Psalms46:10 said...

No I'm a good reader. I just misunderstood and that happen sometimes when you read things. That's why I asked. I'm new to this blog and I like it I just had to be sure that's all .

Psalms46:10 said...

Nope. Wasn't looking for conflict at all.
That's why I asked instead of jumping to conclusions. Thanks for clarifying.

Unknown said...

Yeah looking back you're right my bad. I do wish she would go home and come back next year to give herself proper healing time. I mean if she had won hoh how would she be able to get up those stairs?

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