Watch BB19!

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Sunday Night BB19 Episode + Alliance Chart

Good afternoon, BB addicts! At 8pm ET/7pm, we will get a brand new Big Brother 19 episode. Tonight's episode will show the Nominations Ceremony, where HOH Alex puts up Dom and Jessica as noms.
In other news, the always fabulous @89razorskate20 on Twitter has the Week 3 Alliance Chart up:

Also, I have a couple new polls on the right-side of the blog. Let me know what you guys & gals are thinking! :D As always, enjoy watching the live feeds!! (They're free for a week and then only $6/bucks a month for 24/7 feeds & includes streaming BB shows online. Sooooo worth it!!)

Stay tuned...
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Blue eyes said...

I can't stand to see Paul let alone him in his 2 day dirty under ware and his small package. And Josh can't use any other word the the F word he shows just how stupid he is not very intelligent anyone can say that! Marks a floater with his girl and Matt and Raven are floaters and Christmas and Ramsey are floaters the only ones that might have game is Jason, Jessica, Cody. Dom needs to go and Alex is a snake with Paul and Kevin is the house clown along with Josh

Joe said...

Floating is the correct and only game move when you arent in power...

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