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Friday, July 28, 2017

Temptation Comp & Nominations (Spoilers)

The live feeds went off around 11:50am BBT and came back on at 3:52pm BBT from the Temptation Comp being played. And without further ado...

Winner of the Temptation Comp is:
 Paul is congratulating Mark.
Jason came in last place and he will be the 3rd nom this week.

Well, with Cody/Jess being safe this week with the Halting Hex (if need be), and now Mark is safe this week and can't be nominated, it looks like Elena might be some trouble and she knows it..she told Jessica she's probably going home this week. Or is she?!

Paul told Alex this afternoon that he wants to put "Matt in check" because Matt keeps saying he 'just wants to make it to jury' and how he's been "playing soft" in the game. So, who will Paul put on the block? We'll have to wait and see!!

7:18pm BBT:
Feeds are back!!

Nominated for Eviction:

JASON is the 3rd Nom via Temp Comp

 OooO!!! Cody got in Paul's face!! Turn your live feeds  on!!
Now Paul is bad mouthing Cody, saying he doubts he was even in the military for 8 yrs. (*Wow. Low blow to someone who served your country.) 
Josh is yelling that Cody's personality "sucks". Paul is, again, replying his convo with Jess/Cody in the HOH room and how he told Cody to leave his room. He's failing to mention how he called Cody names as he was leaving the room, calling him an "emotional p*ssy".

Josh is now yelling at Mark, who told Josh to calm down. Mark told him to go tell Cody to his face, Josh said he will. (*I'd love to see that happen...outside the house. lol)

Mark: "Josh, you're talking sh*t and he's only 3 rooms's comical, Josh."

Stay tuned...
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Anonymous said...

The halting hex can only be used on one person right?

zankiepankiebb said...

So when jessica uses her halting hex...does paul get to play in the hoh comp since he is being stripped of his power?

dallaswear said...

What time was the cody and Paul fight in the HOH? I went to 7:18bbt, but didn't see it! :p

elizabeth said...

No he won't get to play in HOH either... it basically just makes his HOH useless.. all because he didn't believe her.

rick said...

The fight in the HOH starts at 7:22 on Cams 3 and 4 - and if you want to see Mark lose his cool with Josh go to 7:40 cams 3 and 4.

Unknown said...

It is not used on a person, it will be used on the whole eviction. So if it's used there will not be an eviction at all and that weeks HOH is basically ruined

Unknown said...

The halting hex makes it where no one gets evicted right ?

Unknown said...

No I think all the Hex does is make sure no one leaves, meaning since Paul won hoh this week he won't be able to compete because he has already won it. Same as if he would've put someone on the block and got them evicted

Elpheba said...

It halts an eviction.. which means there will be no eviction... I think

Elpheba said...

Paul is so FOS. The ONLY reason he wants Cody out is because Cody is the only threat to his game. So he sets up these dramas to make people hate Cody. Cody Cody Cody.. that's all Paul talks about.. Don't they see it?
Stupidity is not good game playing. They are letting Paul lead them down the path to their own destruction. Paul will probably keep Josh til the end because he knows no one would vote for him to win. Josh is the instigator with his insults. Paul loves it. He knows real men don't put up with that crap. I'm glad that Mark and Cody push back on Josh. Are they just supposed to take it all from the biggest cry baby in BB history?

The rest of them are lemmings.

Carlos said...

What r the rules of the halting hex? I thought she could on stop 1 person fr leaving. Meaning change the eviction of 1.

Just a girl... said...

The halting hex halts the eviction altogether, making it a non-eviction night.

TonyaB1027 said...

Actually Paul told everyone several times last night that he called Cody an emotional p*ussy.

Clay said...

I understood it could halt the whole eviction. So this weeks hoh could be meaningless

BB Bopper said...

I've been reading everybody's comments and opinions about what the Halting Hex is and I got a totally different impression of what it is then everyone else. I am probably way off but this is what I thought they were saying it was... That whoever got the Halting Hex and if they chose to use it on eviction night it would totally wipe out the entire eviction. In other words anybody on the Block is now safe. Which would mean Jessica, Cody and Jason would be safe and off the block. That it would totally wipe out all the powers that Paul had as the HOH. It would be as if he never won it at all. Then they would do another HOH competition and the new HOH would have the power to put people on the Block. Now I don't know if they would have to do it immediately that same night and then have to nominate people that same night or if it would be held off all the way until the following week or not. I don't know. Did anybody else think it was like this or am I just delusional?

Unknown said...

The Halting Hex stops any eviction for the week. The 2 or 3 people on the block will be safe. No eviction the week that it is used.

Unknown said...

Per AG, Paul will not be eligible to play in HOH if the Hex is used this week.

Razldazlrr said...

ok - i'm really confused - so jessica's hex halts the eviction and keeps her and cody safe?

and why was jason playing in the temptation? he is on paul's side. don't you get to choose if you want to play?

Meagan said...

Cody is a narcissistic $&@. He is destroying Jess game because his game is so horrible. He has zero social skills which is an element of this game. Kevin was right when he said cody must have been locked in a cellar as a child.

This little in house romance will blow up on the outside then Cody will run off saying he can't make her happy just like he has done with his daughter and her mother. Run away and and refuse to examine your personal flaws.

I'm not a Paul fan however he does play the game.

Unknown said...

The halting hex cancel eviction period. Paul is the p*ssy! I would love to see cody whip him and mark get josh. Now that would be worth watching!

Unknown said...
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