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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Afternoon Feeds Update + Feeds Blackout

Hey BB fans! Earlier today, CBS released this tweet...

It was later confirmed that the feeds will go down tomorrow before the live show as usual, but then remain off until Friday night. This means we will miss any aftermath from the Double Eviction. Not a happy gal. :( But CBS said it'll "be worth it", so we shall see!!

A quickie update on the feeds...

The house ganged up on Cody for the millionth time today. This time, it was because he ate a box of cereal and that set Alex off. Alex then questioned if he even has a kid, to which Cody told her to not talk to him. Jason was a total a**hole to Cody during this confrontation, saying he doesn't believe he even has a kid. I have no idea how any of this is game related. Christmas said "we want answers!" to questions they had, but Cody said "none of you are going to believe me anyway" and he said he just wants to eat his cereal.

Cody: "You guys are lunatics! Absolute lunatics."

Jessica was watching it all unfold on the feeds...

As soon Cody was done eating his cereal, he got up, put his bowl in the sink and walked away. Then Josh started in on Elena.
Josh told Elena/Mark that he doesn't trust them in the game at all. After this fight, Elena/Mark compared notes and figured out that Paul gets people to fight each other in the house all the time (*yep). Josh wouldn't let Elena talk and kept talking over her, which kept pissing her off because she couldn't get a sentence in. Then Alex got in on the action and started giving Elena hell.


5:16pm BBT:
Rose Bedroom
Mark and Elena are onto Paul's gimmicks of pitting houseguests against each other and always stirring the pot.

Mark to Elena: "He (Paul) makes comments like that to try to turn people against each other."
Elena to Mark: "Now we are the new Jess and Cody, so (Matt/Raven) are the new us." (*Bingo was his name'o!)
Mark: "It will be fun Thursday. Us against the house."

Alex to Jason: "We need to cut Mark and Elena. After that, pretend we're mad at Josh and get rid of Matt or Raven." 

**I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter! Until then, enjoy the 1 month FREE live feeds!!

Stay tuned...
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Joe said...

Another one sided post that encourages people to take offense..smh

The game is 24/7, everything that happens in there is game.

Alex and Paul are playing a more psychological game for sure and it is dirty but working.

Just because everyone gravitates to hear the arguments does not mean they are ganging up.

Cody was very hostile with alex as well then refused to talk which prompted the next level.

Unknown said...

This house is such scum. Who am I supposed to root for at this point?

Dianne said...

The only one that surprises me is Jason. From now on he should be called just plain Whistle as he has clearly list his N*t(s).

Steve Robbins Art said...

F**k CBS.
No, seriously. This is unacceptable behavior. You would not tolerate this in real life, so how can this be remotely acceptable as a "legitimate game move" that I "should totally relax, because it's just a game"?

What I think would be hilarious is if he DID self-evict. It'd force another week at least of not-jury, as the jury needs a not even number to avoid "deadlock" (har-dee-har-har- like the animal persons wouldn't just hand President Abrahamian the check automatically) for legal, Quiz Show reasons.

Steve Robbins Art said...

I'm sure Jamie won't post this, as it's awfully flame-war-baiting, but it has to be said:


What will it take for you to say, "ok, now it's not a game move?" That moment where you stop saying "well, ___ is also bad, so it's ok to support ___?"

Jamie said...

I'm just going to assume you don't have the feeds lol

Unknown said...

Are we positive this isn't BBOT? Sure seems like it

Steve Robbins Art said...

Nope. I rely on you outstanding blog!

Jamie said...

Bbott is a season of online bb..?

Unknown said...

I am absolutely hating this season!!

Can't think that anything will make me watch after Cody is evicted. Jim

Razldazlrr said...

Thanks for the update - I am sure Cody will be happy to get out of there and go sit in a nice house by the pool. I get it they don't like him but why question his military service and if he has a child? I mean - he's not much of a joker.

The only time this might get interesting is when Paul's little crew has to start taking out each other.

Unknown said...

Worst game play never seen anything like this on Big Brother Cody is public enemy #1 because he realized week 1 that Paul was a huge threat. Rule #1 of the house don't say anything bad about Paul

GMAGS said...

Just my opinion……I think one of the biggest problems with BB is that you have houseguests that are content and satisfied with just making jury. As a result, no one wants to make moves early in the game. They are just trying to survive to make it to jury and are not setting themselves up to win the game. Why would any of them that are just content to get to jury go against Paul early in the game? Paul had the power wanted Dom, Cody and Jess out. If your goal is to make it to jury, follow Paul, get them out and bam, you have made it to jury. You might not win but you weren’t playing to win, you were playing for a jury spot. The only one playing the game is Paul because he is a vet and wants to win the game after finishing 2nd last season. Making it to jury isn’t enough for him like it is for the newbies.

BB needs to do something about that or this show will never be good again.

Zayne said...

@Unknown I don't care how hostile he was, you do NOT people's children into this. F this entire house outside of Marlena and Cody. They're despicable human beings. I've already stopped watching the episodes and just come here to see if there's some miracle that might save Cody and to support Jamie who I've been reading for years.

Cody is going home. They have the votes and there's nothing he can do. Where is the game in messing with him right now? You're just being hateful humans.

Unknown said...

What would the point of Cody lying about his daughter? He know he's leaving and there's nothing to gain. No with those people anyway.

Joe said...

So you are upset with cody and kevin for bringing their kids into the game?

I have a personality very similar to cody so i fully understand his actions and choices of non-action which cause these reactions. We dont give people we dont like or respect our time or attention and it is very frustrating for them and very rude of us. It is done on purpose to create those feelings.

Alex, being an aggressive open person, responded to that. The question was rhetorical and only aimed at getting some kind of response because she had already asked about multiple other things which were ignored.

You can see the difference when mark asked instead of alex. Cody just answered simply and straightforwardly and everyone just said ok thanks for answering.

He didnt do that with alex because of her aggressive style and because he doesnt owe her anything, and believe me he knew full well what would happen and still chose to be difficult on purpose.

I for one believe all people are responsible for their actions but am a forgiving person. When people are fighting and one gets seriously injured they are both responsible.

I posted because one whole side is being held responsible and there is no mention of the other.

I continue to make solid arguments here about game strategy to try to show another point of view to no effect.

The opinion xmas used her temptation poorly for instance, no argument to say why people think that, solid arguments against, yet people just continue as if it is true.

People that come on here just to call people names to what end? Does it make them feel better because they got to tell others that so and so is trash?

I would much rather we discussed game strategy than just posting obscenities, name-calling, and venting how outraged people are over words.


Unknown said...

Big brother over the seems like the same type of characters it.
Paul=Jason (the leader of the pack)
Josh=Justin (the leader's main follower)
Alex=Alex (the competitor female)
But mostly
Cody=Monte(first week playing too hard and not understanding the game)

The house was split into a group of aggressive nasty bully type behavior and the "outsiders" group that were there playing a clean game.

Mergatroid#1 said...

Agree 100%. His game is dead, but the angry mob keeps kicking the body. I'm voting for Cody as America's Favorite Player as a big FU to Paul and his mobsters.

Jamie said...


I, too, have a very similar personality and mindset as Cody. It's why I like him so much. (Game wise, he hasn't been the best but he's likeable to me). What you said..

" his actions and choices of non-action which cause these reactions. We dont give people we dont like or respect our time or attention and it is very frustrating for them and very rude of us. It is done on purpose to create those feelings." 100% spot on.
Thanks for posting.

HOPE IN ALL said...

I agree- I hate watching anymore

Joe said...

The point was, well if cody wont answer anything, alex will assume the worst, so answer.

Ultimately i think the goal was to get cody to say if mark had foreknowledge of paul being put up by cody. Which he could have just answered and eventually did anyway. It all could have been avoided if cody wasnt so cody, but i get it cause i am similar.


Joe said...

Thanks for blogging! I appreciate getting to comment also.

I should add i dont approve of the behavior, i just think it is expected when people come at you hard, you go back hard and it escalates so i understand it and it isnt as outrageous to me because it does take place in this game setting.

This is my 4th? Ish Season watching and reading the blog but first watching feeds (through the blog link of course).

Completely enjoy being able to go back and watch past seasons, i think ive seen them all and the strategy fascinates me.

Oh, you're trying to win you say? Now you're a target and you lost!


Unknown said...

Do you think CBS sees that the ratings are going down and how much everyone is talking about hating this season? I just don't get it, they have to see this stuff! Ugh makes me outraged!

Jamie said...


MamaBear said...

I love Big Brother but after all this time I may have to hang it up. I can watch the news ( or a presidential anything) for violence, sexual assault, lying, cheating or manipulation. I think the experiment has switch to the audience to see how much we can handle...I hope everyone votes for anybody but PAUL for Americas favorite, just for the FU as mentioned above.

Zayne said...

@Unknown Sorry, my first response was very poorly worded. I'm 100% with Cody. I think them attacking the existence of his daughter is way over the line, much like attacking his military service a couple weeks ago. I thought Cody handled it amazingly, but I would not have blamed him one bit for punching Alex in her stupid mouth for daring to bring his daughter into the argument. I feel like in this instance, it's justified to talk about the words because Cody is going home. He knows it, they know it. Ganging up on him and verbally abusing him, regardless of his ability to take it, is not game and it should be called out for what it is, disgusting human behavior.

Cody owes them no information. They're voting him out. I didn't see Cody's response rude at all. She was hostile from the get go and he had no reason to engage with her there. Him ignoring Alex was the right decision on his part regardless of its perceived rudeness.

I would love to talk game, but these HGs, outside of Paul, have zero game. They're all just hate-filled minions running around being awful to people not in their alliance.

I agree with you Jamie. I understand Cody's personality and it's part of why I liked him from the get go. He's not fake. He can be abrasive sometimes but you know where you stand with him. It makes him a pretty bad BB player, but I like him as a person.

I wasn't trying to be rude in my initial response. You are of course entitled to your opinion just like everyone else. I just don't believe that the response his ignoring them received was justified. That was my main point.

Joe said...

I understand your point of view and took no offense.

I'm not saying i would have reacted the way Alex and others did either but i understand it.

The feeds were on different cameras at the start but i read that cody had cursed at alex and thats when the heat began and cameras switched over.

My point is, he isnt completely without blame but i acknowledge they were certainly more to blame than cody.

I don't agree with using words like attack to describe an argument. They are intentionally inflammatory and inaccurate. Maybe thats the italian in me.

CarKay said...

Ok, does anyone have a social media account?! As much as I am appalled & disgusted by the houseguests behavior, this is almost common by many outside of the BB house. I don't have enough fingers & toes to count how many posts I see on how my opinion doesn't count if it's different & if you attempt to explain your thought process you are considered racist and are "comment bullied" by those too ignorant to expand their minds to listen to anyone if they feel you are going against the(ir) grain - which today just means anyone who thinks for themselves these days.. These houseguests are doing the same thing. I used to be taught therewas strength in numbers when I was young. That was for safety when walking to/from school, or to friends, etc. Somehow these folks imply by their behavior that it means "let's all gang up on someone, tell them how wrong they are because that makes us right" Bunch of tools... SMH..

Elpheba said...

Too bad.. if he doesn't want to talk to the lunatics that's his right. Who are they to demand anything of anyone else in the house?
Who are they? Gestapo? They act like it

Anonymous said...

@Zayne..I totally agree with you. Picking a fight with Cody last night could hardly be called game because they have the numbers to send him out. Before people could justify it saying that it is to try to get him rattled so he wouldn't do well. It no longer matters with Cody. I felt so sorry for him as I can't imagine being in a house with so many people verbally abusing you and unable to just leave the house to avoid confrontation.

It will be so difficult to pick AFP. If one person has a large following, that person will win since the others will be distributed amongst the rest as there is no real favorite for most people.

I wish if people (including HG's) were forgiving souls that they could forgive Cody's week of HOH mistakes. He may have been able to bounce back and tried to be more social as he has this past week but he felt defeated too early and didn't play the game from then on.

Elpheba said...

Not Paul, Xmas, alex, Jason, Josh,Kevin, Raven or Matt... that leaves Mark and elena

Elpheba said...

Who will Paul and gang of dopes blame for anything. They don't seem to understand that Cody doesn't want to associate with them because they are scum.

Anonymous said...

Yes, they expect Cody to give them answers, especially Christmas, who always has to interject her snarkiness in any argument. But gosh, don't let Mark or Kevin talk to Cody.

When Alex was berating Cody, she kept smiling and looking to the others for their approval. What a mean person to try to belittle Cody just to get an audience. And Jason, who hasn't been mean to others, other than repeating EVERYTHING anyone says, even got nasty.

@unknown..It really is hard to post comments on game since there really hasn't been much to talk about there. So, I guess it's human nature to be upset at the treatment that people are handing out instead. Sorry if people are upset at reading those comments.

Elpheba said...

Alex is the only one who wants to beat Paul . I hope she does. But She is a nasty witch and I don't want her to get any money for being that way. I don't think I'll watch the finale. It will just annoy the heck out of me.

Joe said...

There is some game. How about kevin's 25k getting revealed? Elena taking the 5k which is what the elena stuff was about. Or how wrong josh is saying elena threw out names for pawns to him. Matt using the veto on jason. Does maven have any inkling they are next? Or whats up with kevin and jason talking so much smack, is jason repeating that to others?

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