Well, there's seems to be a war being set up between Christmas/Paul. Yesterday, she had said that they're "in the Big Brother house, not Paul's house" and she also said she only used her hex because Paul knew about it and wanted to use it up so it couldn't affect her game play in the future. Hm. Yesterday she warned Alex that Paul isn't "always right", which is only further proof of Christmas starting to rally against Paul. This was also touched on during last night's new episode a bit.
In other news...
While Christmas is seemingly trying to get Jess to stay, Jessica (unknowingly) messed with her own game by telling Elena that Christmas is not her friend. During this conversation, Elena warns Jessica that if she (Elena) wins HOH, she has to put her/Cody up on the block otherwise it'd look suspicious to Paul & Co.
Paul told us live feedsters that he see's Matt and his lack of playing the game. He wants to make him a target soon. He added that Kev is playing the best game in the house. (*Agreed.) Speaking of Kevin, he told Josh to get Jessica out this week and try to work with Cody instead of always making him the target. He told Paul the other day something similar, saying to let Cody stay and play the game, to give him a break.
By 8pm BBT last night, Josh/Christmas flipped back to wanting Jessica out, despite being scared of Cody coming after him (J) for sending her home. But then he told us live feedsters (8:14pm BBT) that he "doesn't play safe" and he's "tired of people playing safe". Hmm.
Josh: "I wanna stir some sh*t up but..just gotta see what happens."
At 12:22am BBT, Christmas told Kevin how Josh was going to get Elena out but then switched to Jess.
In bizarre news..
Elena told Mark to use the veto on her. Mark told Elena that he could use the veto on her if she convinced him. She said that if he doesn't, then their Dallas weekend together is off...then she said she's just kidding.
**And that's it for The Overnighter! Raven is going up as a pawn, and she knows it. She knows she's safe, because everyone keeps telling her she's safe. So as of now, Jessica is the target. Will that change? Most likely. Josh is back and forth on this, and I truly don't know what he's going to do. I'm not even sure if he knows what he's going to do yet. lol
Stay tuned...
Unfortunately, Kevin spoke to Paul about them working with Cody. Paul already thinks Kevin is the best player (besides himself, of course). Will Paul think he better get Kevin out soon or will he wait until he can use his common sense for awhile? I'm sure he won't like that Kevin wants to work with Cody and he will be threatened by Kevin if he thinks he is the best player. I would love to see Kevin win this game and for sure AFP. He is so levelheaded. Go Team Kevin.
Is Alex also seeing Elena as a threat, since she was also cozying up to both her biggest allies, Jason and Paul?
1) I think saying there is a "war" brewing between Christmas and Paul is a stretch.
2) If Mark uses the Veto on Elena then he needs to hand over his man card. Elena has treated him like a dog and basically told him to get lost. Now she is in jeopardy and needs him to bail her out? Ha! She is worthless in this game.
3) Agree Kevin is playing a great social game. Not sure how he'll ever win a HOH or Veto, but stranger things have happened.
4) We are about 2 weeks from the house beginning tear apart, so all the people complaining how boring this season is, you'll get your red meat her very soon. Paul will begin to align his side (Josh, Alex, Jason, Kevin, Christmas) against Matt and Raven or Mark. Elena will be floating on her life raft.
It would be great if they get Elena out. Josh just doesn't have the power to though...Paul will convince him otherwise..
@ Jeff, I totally agree with #4. It has been a bit boring and predictable but that’s because you have an entire house focusing on getting out 2 people. Once those 2 are gone, things will get interesting. And even if Cody finds a way to stay safe for a few weeks (HOH, Veto, or Temptation Comp) the rest of the house will have to decide who goes home from their side.
@ Jeff, I totally agree with #4. It has been a bit boring and predictable but that’s because you have an entire house focusing on getting out 2 people. Once those 2 are gone, things will get interesting. And even if Cody finds a way to stay safe for a few weeks (HOH, Veto, or Temptation Comp) the rest of the house will have to decide who goes home from their side.
I totally think that they should freak everyone out and get Elena out! Then Jody can be in jury together. If all the players would be smart, they would be catching on to Paul's mind game. He is the puppet master and they have fallen hostage to be their puppets.
I think they should get Paul out now, but of course no one will realize that.
I don't understand why people aren't trying to maybe make a deal with Cody and Jessica because they have NO ONE and need allies. Then, if the other side won HOH, they would still take Jody out because they're huge threats. Alliances used to get formed all the time between different sides of the house but the last few seasons have seemed to just have 1 big alliance that eats the outsiders and then starts eating their own members without anyone really shaking things up.
If paul is REALLY smart he would talk to Cody within that 2 week period before all hell breaks lose. But Cody, playing with his emotions and not his head won't ever take the Olive branch as he already said to Jess, he wont even take one from Kevin. Play the game..... its a Game Cody.. come on! He's gonna look back and say what the hell was I thinking. I'm trying really hard but its hard to root for him. He doesnt talk to anyone!!!ugh..
I just heard on the live feeds that Raven is saying Cody tried to get with her first tried to kiss her first but she turned him down and then he said something disrespectful to her about having children which is all a lie
I agree CrzyMax.
I also think Christmas has sunk her own ship! Why is she still there anyway? She cannot participate in all comps ...WTF? So she just floats along ...it's not fair. I think there should be a clause in their contract, that if an injury is to occur on their own time outside of competing and it is an injury not allowing to participate an all comps then you are immediately out of the house.
Josh... too bad he cannot convince the house to evict Raven!! What has she done so far? Oh yah talk crap behind everyone's backs and make cookies! Hello.....? And a number 1 groupie of Paul!
Paul .... well it is very sad that a bunch of people cannot see the wolf in sheeps clothing! Shame on the house for being so against two people for four straight weeks. Come on man!!!!
Alex you are just plain mean .... I feel awful with the info you shared with Josh but then please be a bigger person and see Jessica for who she is outside the game too!!!
Kevin .... you may win ...... you might just do it. Just has to align himself with the other side...oh yah...that won't happen because Paul is watching him like a hawk!
Rodeo boy.... you might just do it too! Flying under the radar making it look like you suck in completions!!! Koodos to you Jason I see Kevin and you taking it to the end if you can get rid of Paul!!! Come on man .... make a big move next week if you win HOH! Shake this house up!!!
Crzy4Max agree!!! Question for all you feed watchers. What caused Kevin to start rallying support for Cody? Is he thinking he wants to try and get to F2 w/Cody? Did he give any reason on the feeds? TIA
Just doesnt make any sense. Kudos to jason for 'floating' great gameplay. Raven is a floater get her out..
The only person xmas' injury is not fair to is herself, she can still be put on the block and voted out like the rest of them, except she wont stand a great chance at veto.
I cant believe that actually needs explaining
Unknown: 👍👍
Well unknown.... no need to explain. You didn't get my point. My take on it is that maybe the other players don't see her as much as a threat and keep her in so she can become a valuable vote depending how the house is swaying. She is quite savvy and stayed in the game ...I'm betting, for that one main reason.
Can't believe I actually needed to point that out!
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